internal void OutputData(
            string fullCorrelationVector,
            OutputDataCategory outputDataCategory,
            string data)
            var cVToOutput = fullCorrelationVector;

            if (this.FeatureFlags.ChopLastDigitOfCv)
                // We exclude the last part, since that's used for the increment and to know what the NEXT child will be - we find it more natural to only show the user N-1 parts
                var cvLastPeriod = cVToOutput.LastIndexOf('.');
                var cvMinusLast  = cVToOutput.Substring(0, cvLastPeriod);

                cVToOutput = cvMinusLast;

            if (!this.FeatureFlags.OutputTraceId)
                var cvFirstPeriod = cVToOutput.IndexOf('.');
                if (cvFirstPeriod == -1)
                    cVToOutput = string.Empty;
                    cVToOutput = cVToOutput.Substring(cvFirstPeriod);

            if (this.FeatureFlags.PrefixCvForOutput != null)
                cVToOutput = this.FeatureFlags.PrefixCvForOutput + cVToOutput;


            this.writer.WriteLine($"{cVToOutput.PadRight(this.longestCvStringLengthSeenSoFar)} | {outputDataCategory.ToString().PadRight(MaxLengthOfOutputDataCategory)} | {data}");
        private void OutputData(OutputDataCategory outputType, string data)
            var cv = this.GetBaggageItem(Constants.CorrelationVectorKeyInBaggageItems);

            this.tracer.OutputData(cv, outputType, data);