// ############################################################### // Unity Functions // ############################################################### void Start() { // OtterGenerator has a dictionary of scared zones to otters thisOtter = OtterGenerator.scaredZoneToOtterController[gameObject]; // Connect to the SpriteRenderer so we can set the alpha = 0 on higher diffs scaredZone = gameObject.GetComponent <SpriteRenderer>(); setAlphaToDiff(); }
// ############################################################### // Unity Functions // ############################################################### void Start() { // set how fast the camera darkens deltaAlpha = Time.deltaTime / 2f; // Set amount the camera icon alpha will increase for each frame // Connect to UI elements to destroy leftEdge = transform.Find("Left Edge").gameObject; rightEdge = transform.Find("Right Edge").gameObject; cameraIcon = transform.Find("Camera Icon").gameObject; cameraIconRenderer = cameraIcon.GetComponent <SpriteRenderer>(); picRegion = gameObject.GetComponent <SpriteRenderer>(); // Connect to canvas for "Flash" canvasImage = GameObject.Find("Canvas").GetComponent <Image>(); // If Tutorial or Easy make pic region green if (GameController.missionDiff == "Tutorial" || GameController.missionDiff == "Easy") { picRegion.color = new Vector4(1f, 1f, 1f, 75f / 255f); } // connect to our otter thisOtter = OtterGenerator.picRegionToOtterController[gameObject]; }