Exemple #1
        public void saveProductPurchased(purchaseproduct purchasedPorduct)

            #region commented handling sellertotal receivable table
            SellerTotalPayable totalPayables = dbContext.SellerTotalPayables.Where(p => p.sellerid == purchasedPorduct.sellerid).FirstOrDefault();
            if (totalPayables != null)
                        totalPayables.totalreceivable -= (int)purchasedPorduct.payableprice;
                        totalPayables.totalpayable = 0;
                        purchasedPorduct.totalpayable = 0;
                        purchasedPorduct.totalreceivable = (int) totalPayables.totalreceivable;
                        purchasedPorduct.totalpayable =purchasedPorduct.payableprice- totalPayables.totalreceivable;
                        purchasedPorduct.totalreceivable = 0;
                        totalPayables.totalreceivable = 0;
                        totalPayables.totalpayable = purchasedPorduct.totalpayable;

                purchasedPorduct.totalpayable = totalPayables.totalpayable + purchasedPorduct.payableprice;
                totalPayables.totalpayable = purchasedPorduct.totalpayable;
                var entry = dbContext.Entry<SellerTotalPayable>(totalPayables);
                if (entry.State.Equals(EntityState.Detached))
                entry.State = EntityState.Modified;


                totalPayables = new SellerTotalPayable();
                purchasedPorduct.totalpayable = purchasedPorduct.payableprice;
                totalPayables.seller_cde = purchasedPorduct.seller_cde;
                totalPayables.sellerid = purchasedPorduct.sellerid;
                totalPayables.totalpayable = purchasedPorduct.totalpayable;




            //saving in PurchaseProduct table                  
            #region Khata
            var result = from n in dbContext.Khatas where n.bpid == purchasedPorduct.purchaserid select n;
            //now putting entries in KHATA table for purchaser(e.g ans) khata
            Khata kh = new Khata()
                entrycode = "p",//indicates purchaser record
                purchaseproductid =  purchasedPorduct.seqid,
                saleproductid = 0,
                activitycode = ActivityType.Purchase.GetStringValue(),
                date = System.DateTime.Now,
                productid = purchasedPorduct.productid,                
                bpid = purchasedPorduct.purchaserid,
                sellertypecode = purchasedPorduct.seller_cde,
                payable_naam = purchasedPorduct.price,
                receivable_jama = 0,
                purchasertypecode = purchasedPorduct.purchaser_cde,
                totalpayable_naam = (result != null && result.Count() > 0) ? result.Sum(p => p.payable_naam) + purchasedPorduct.price : purchasedPorduct.price,
                totalreceivable_jama = (result != null && result.Count() > 0) ? result.Sum(p => p.receivable_jama) : 0
            //now putting entries in KHATA table for seller(e.g Kissaan) khata
            result = from n in dbContext.Khatas where n.bpid == purchasedPorduct.sellerid select n;            

            kh = new Khata()
                entrycode = "s",//indicates seller record
                purchaseproductid = purchasedPorduct.seqid,
                saleproductid = 0,
                activitycode = ActivityType.Purchase.GetStringValue(),
                date = System.DateTime.Now,
                productid = purchasedPorduct.productid,               
                bpid = purchasedPorduct.sellerid,
                sellertypecode = purchasedPorduct.seller_cde,
                payable_naam = 0,
                receivable_jama = purchasedPorduct.payableprice,
                purchasertypecode = purchasedPorduct.purchaser_cde,
                totalpayable_naam = (result != null && result.Count() > 0) ? result.Sum(p => p.payable_naam) : 0,
                totalreceivable_jama = (result != null && result.Count() > 0) ? result.Sum(p => p.receivable_jama) + purchasedPorduct.payableprice : purchasedPorduct.payableprice

        #region Other Khata
            //Now adding in otherKhata table for labor commission etc.

           //here collecting information about labour khata so as to calculate previous values of naam and jama
            string khatatypecode = KhataType.Labour.GetStringValue(); 
            var resultOtherKhata = from n in dbContext.OtherKhatas where n.khatatypecde == khatatypecode select n;//activity code indicates it is khata agains purchase
            if (purchasedPorduct.selectedProduct.producttype != ProductType.Cash.GetStringValue()&& purchasedPorduct.selectedProduct.producttype != ProductType.cheque.GetStringValue())//there will be no other khata in case of cash.
                OtherKhata ok = new OtherKhata()
                    purchaseproductid = purchasedPorduct.seqid,
                    saleproductid = 0,
                    khatatypecde = KhataType.Labour.GetStringValue(),
                    date = System.DateTime.Now,
                    receivable_jama = purchasedPorduct.labour,
                    payable_naam = 0,
                    productname = purchasedPorduct.productname,
                    weight = purchasedPorduct.totalweight,
                    activitycode = ActivityType.Purchase.GetStringValue(),
                    purchaserid = purchasedPorduct.purchaserid,
                    sellerid = purchasedPorduct.sellerid,
                    sellertypecode = purchasedPorduct.seller_cde,
                    purchasertypecode =  purchasedPorduct.purchaser_cde,
                    totalpayable_naam = (resultOtherKhata!= null && resultOtherKhata.Count() > 0) ? resultOtherKhata.Sum(p => p.payable_naam) + purchasedPorduct.price : purchasedPorduct.price,
                    totalreceivable_jama = (resultOtherKhata != null && resultOtherKhata.Count() > 0) ? resultOtherKhata.Sum(p => p.receivable_jama) : 0

                if (purchasedPorduct.seller_cde != "00002")//if purchasing from commission shop then no commission to be entered 
                    //here collecting information about commission khata so as to calculate previous values of naam and jama
                    khatatypecode = KhataType.Commission.GetStringValue();
                    resultOtherKhata = from n in dbContext.OtherKhatas where n.khatatypecde == khatatypecode select n;//activity code indicates it is khata agains purchase
                    ok = new OtherKhata()
                        purchaseproductid = purchasedPorduct.seqid,
                        saleproductid = 0,
                        khatatypecde = KhataType.Commission.GetStringValue(),
                        date = System.DateTime.Now,
                        receivable_jama = purchasedPorduct.commissionamt,
                        payable_naam = 0,
                        productname = purchasedPorduct.productname,
                        weight = purchasedPorduct.totalweight,
                        activitycode = ActivityType.Purchase.GetStringValue(),
                        purchaserid = purchasedPorduct.purchaserid,
                        sellerid = purchasedPorduct.sellerid,
                        sellertypecode = purchasedPorduct.seller_cde,
                        purchasertypecode = purchasedPorduct.purchaser_cde,
                        totalpayable_naam = (resultOtherKhata != null && resultOtherKhata.Count() > 0) ? resultOtherKhata.Sum(p => p.payable_naam) : 0,
                        totalreceivable_jama = (resultOtherKhata != null && resultOtherKhata.Count() > 0) ? resultOtherKhata.Sum(p => p.receivable_jama) + purchasedPorduct.payableprice : purchasedPorduct.payableprice



Exemple #2
        public void saveProductSold(saleproduct productSold)

            #region commented code save to feedmilltotla receivaable
            FeedMillTotalRecievable totalRecievable = dbContext.FeedMillTotalRecievables.Where(p => p.feedmillid == productSold.feedmillid).FirstOrDefault();
            if (totalRecievable != null)
                        totalRecievable.totalPayable -= productSold.recievableprice;
                        productSold.totalpayable = totalRecievable.totalPayable;
                        totalRecievable.totalPriceRecievable = 0;
                        productSold.totalpricerecieveable = 0;


                        productSold.totalpricerecieveable = productSold.recievableprice - totalRecievable.totalPayable;
                        totalRecievable.totalPriceRecievable = productSold.totalpricerecieveable;

                        productSold.totalpayable = 0;
                        totalRecievable.totalPayable = 0;

                productSold.totalpricerecieveable = totalRecievable.totalPriceRecievable + productSold.recievableprice;
                totalRecievable.totalPriceRecievable = productSold.totalpricerecieveable;
                var entry = dbContext.Entry<FeedMillTotalRecievable>(totalRecievable);
                if (entry.State.Equals(EntityState.Detached))
                entry.State = EntityState.Modified;


                totalRecievable = new FeedMillTotalRecievable();
                productSold.totalpricerecieveable = productSold.recievableprice;
                totalRecievable.feedmillid = productSold.feedmillid;
                totalRecievable.totalPriceRecievable = productSold.totalpricerecieveable;


            //entry in product sold
            #region Khata
            var result = from n in dbContext.Khatas where n.bpid == productSold.purchaserid select n;
            //entry in khata table for purchaser
            Khata kh = new Khata()
                entrycode = "p",//indicates purchaser record
                purchaseproductid =0,
                saleproductid = productSold.seqid,
                activitycode = ActivityType.Sale.GetStringValue(),
                date = System.DateTime.Now,
                productid = productSold.productid,
                bpid = productSold.purchaserid,
                //sellerid = productSold.sellerid,
                sellertypecode = productSold.sellertypecde,
                payable_naam = productSold.price,
                receivable_jama = 0,
                purchasertypecode = productSold.purchasertypecde,
                totalpayable_naam = (result != null && result.Count() > 0) ? result.Sum(p => p.payable_naam) + productSold.price : productSold.price,
                totalreceivable_jama = (result != null && result.Count() > 0) ? result.Sum(p => p.receivable_jama) : 0

            //now putting entries in KHATA table for seller(e.g Kissaan) khata
            result = from n in dbContext.Khatas where n.bpid == productSold.sellerid select n;
            kh = new Khata()
                entrycode = "s",//indicates purchaser record
                purchaseproductid = 0,
                saleproductid = productSold.seqid,
                activitycode = ActivityType.Sale.GetStringValue(),
                date = System.DateTime.Now,
                productid = productSold.productid,
                //purchaserid = productSold.purchaserid,
                bpid = productSold.sellerid,
                sellertypecode = productSold.sellertypecde,
                payable_naam = 0,
                receivable_jama = productSold.recievableprice,
                totalpayable_naam = (result != null && result.Count() > 0) ? result.Sum(p => p.payable_naam) : 0,
                totalreceivable_jama = (result != null && result.Count() > 0) ? result.Sum(p => p.receivable_jama) + productSold.recievableprice : productSold.recievableprice,
                purchasertypecode = productSold.purchasertypecde

            //Now adding in otherKhata table for labor commission etc.
            #region Other Khata

            //here collecting information about labour khata so as to calculate previous values of naam and jama
            string khatatypecode = KhataType.Labour.GetStringValue();
            var resultOtherKhata = from n in dbContext.OtherKhatas where n.khatatypecde == khatatypecode select n;//activity code indicates it is khata agains purchase

            OtherKhata ok = new OtherKhata()
                    activitycode = ActivityType.Sale.GetStringValue(),
                    khatatypecde = KhataType.Labour.GetStringValue(),
                    date = System.DateTime.Now,
                    receivable_jama = productSold.labour,
                    payable_naam = 0,
                    productname = productSold.productname,
                    weight = productSold.weight,
                    purchaserid = productSold.purchaserid,
                    sellerid = productSold.sellerid,
                    sellertypecode = productSold.sellertypecde,
                    purchasertypecode = productSold.purchasertypecde,
                    totalpayable_naam = (resultOtherKhata != null && resultOtherKhata.Count() > 0) ? resultOtherKhata.Sum(p => p.payable_naam) + productSold.price : productSold.price,
                    totalreceivable_jama = (resultOtherKhata != null && resultOtherKhata.Count() > 0) ? resultOtherKhata.Sum(p => p.receivable_jama) : 0

                //here collecting information about labour khata so as to calculate previous values of naam and jama
                khatatypecode = KhataType.Commission.GetStringValue();
                resultOtherKhata = from n in dbContext.OtherKhatas where n.khatatypecde == khatatypecode select n;//activity code indicates it is khata agains purchase
                ok = new OtherKhata()
                    activitycode = ActivityType.Sale.GetStringValue(),
                    khatatypecde = KhataType.Commission.GetStringValue(),
                    date = System.DateTime.Now,
                    receivable_jama = productSold.commissionamount,
                    payable_naam = 0,
                    productname = productSold.productname,
                    weight = productSold.weight,
                    purchaserid = productSold.purchaserid,
                    sellerid = productSold.sellerid,
                    sellertypecode = productSold.sellertypecde,
                    purchasertypecode = productSold.purchasertypecde,
                    totalpayable_naam = (resultOtherKhata != null && resultOtherKhata.Count() > 0) ? resultOtherKhata.Sum(p => p.payable_naam) + productSold.price : productSold.price,
                    totalreceivable_jama = (resultOtherKhata != null && resultOtherKhata.Count() > 0) ? resultOtherKhata.Sum(p => p.receivable_jama) : 0
                //here collecting information about labour khata so as to calculate previous values of naam and jama
                khatatypecode = KhataType.Bardana.GetStringValue();
                resultOtherKhata = from n in dbContext.OtherKhatas where n.khatatypecde == khatatypecode select n;//activity code indicates it is khata agains purchase

                ok = new OtherKhata()
                    activitycode = ActivityType.Sale.GetStringValue(),
                    khatatypecde = KhataType.Bardana.GetStringValue(),
                    date = System.DateTime.Now,
                    receivable_jama = productSold.bardana,
                    payable_naam = 0,
                    productname = productSold.productname,
                    weight = productSold.weight,
                    purchaserid = productSold.purchaserid,
                    sellerid = productSold.sellerid,
                    sellertypecode = productSold.sellertypecde,
                    purchasertypecode = productSold.purchasertypecde,
                    totalpayable_naam = (resultOtherKhata != null && resultOtherKhata.Count() > 0) ? resultOtherKhata.Sum(p => p.payable_naam) + productSold.price : productSold.price,
                    totalreceivable_jama = (resultOtherKhata != null && resultOtherKhata.Count() > 0) ? resultOtherKhata.Sum(p => p.receivable_jama) : 0
                //here collecting information about labour khata so as to calculate previous values of naam and jama
                khatatypecode = KhataType.Fee.GetStringValue();
                resultOtherKhata = from n in dbContext.OtherKhatas where n.khatatypecde == khatatypecode select n;//activity code indicates it is khata agains purchase

                ok = new OtherKhata()
                    activitycode = ActivityType.Sale.GetStringValue(),
                    khatatypecde = KhataType.Fee.GetStringValue(),
                    date = System.DateTime.Now,
                    receivable_jama = productSold.fee,
                    payable_naam = 0,
                    productname = productSold.productname,
                    weight = productSold.weight,
                    purchaserid = productSold.purchaserid,
                    sellerid = productSold.sellerid,
                    sellertypecode = productSold.sellertypecde,
                    purchasertypecode = productSold.purchasertypecde,
                    totalpayable_naam = (resultOtherKhata != null && resultOtherKhata.Count() > 0) ? resultOtherKhata.Sum(p => p.payable_naam) + productSold.price : productSold.price,
                    totalreceivable_jama = (resultOtherKhata != null && resultOtherKhata.Count() > 0) ? resultOtherKhata.Sum(p => p.receivable_jama) : 0
                //here collecting information about labour khata so as to calculate previous values of naam and jama
                khatatypecode = KhataType.Munshiyana.GetStringValue();
                resultOtherKhata = from n in dbContext.OtherKhatas where n.khatatypecde == khatatypecode select n;//activity code indicates it is khata agains purchase

                ok = new OtherKhata()
                    activitycode = ActivityType.Sale.GetStringValue(),
                    khatatypecde = KhataType.Munshiyana.GetStringValue(),
                    date = System.DateTime.Now,
                    receivable_jama = productSold.accountcharges,
                    payable_naam = 0,
                    productname = productSold.productname,
                    weight = productSold.weight,
                    purchaserid = productSold.purchaserid,
                    sellerid = productSold.sellerid,
                    sellertypecode = productSold.sellertypecde,
                    purchasertypecode = productSold.purchasertypecde,
                    totalpayable_naam = (resultOtherKhata != null && resultOtherKhata.Count() > 0) ? resultOtherKhata.Sum(p => p.payable_naam) + productSold.price : productSold.price,
                    totalreceivable_jama = (resultOtherKhata != null && resultOtherKhata.Count() > 0) ? resultOtherKhata.Sum(p => p.receivable_jama) : 0
                //here collecting information about labour khata so as to calculate previous values of naam and jama
                khatatypecode = KhataType.Sootli.GetStringValue();
                resultOtherKhata = from n in dbContext.OtherKhatas where n.khatatypecde == khatatypecode select n;//activity code indicates it is khata agains purchase

                ok = new OtherKhata()
                    activitycode = ActivityType.Sale.GetStringValue(),
                    khatatypecde = KhataType.Sootli.GetStringValue(),
                    date = System.DateTime.Now,
                    receivable_jama = productSold.thread,
                    payable_naam = 0,
                    productname = productSold.productname,
                    weight = productSold.weight,
                    purchaserid = productSold.purchaserid,
                    sellerid = productSold.sellerid,
                    sellertypecode = productSold.sellertypecde,
                    purchasertypecode = productSold.purchasertypecde,
                    totalpayable_naam = (resultOtherKhata != null && resultOtherKhata.Count() > 0) ? resultOtherKhata.Sum(p => p.payable_naam) + productSold.price : productSold.price,
                    totalreceivable_jama = (resultOtherKhata != null && resultOtherKhata.Count() > 0) ? resultOtherKhata.Sum(p => p.receivable_jama) : 0


            catch (DbEntityValidationException ex)
        private void btnSearch_Click(object sender, RoutedEventArgs e)
            HISTORY = new ObservableCollection<OtherKhata>();
            string khatatypecode;
                if (cmbKhataType_e.SelectedItem != null)
                    KhataTypeCode khatatype = (KhataTypeCode) cmbKhataType_e.SelectedItem;

                    khatatypecode = khatatype.khatatypecde;
                    //filling the collection as per search criteria
                    using (var db = new HCSMLEntities1())
                        var qry = from k in db.OtherKhatas where k.khatatypecde == khatatypecode select k;
                        foreach (var item in (qry))
                            OtherKhata kh = new OtherKhata();
                            kh.date = item.date;
                            kh.activitycode = item.activitycode;
                            kh.id = item.id;
                            kh.payable_naam = item.payable_naam;
                            kh.productname = item.productname;
                            kh.purchaserid = item.purchaserid;
                            kh.purchasertypecode = item.purchasertypecode;
                            kh.receivable_jama = item.receivable_jama;
                            kh.sellerid = item.sellerid;
                            kh.sellertypecode = item.sellertypecode;
                            kh.sellername = getName(kh.sellertypecode, kh.sellerid);
                            kh.purchasername = getName(kh.purchasertypecode, kh.purchaserid);
                            kh.totalpayable_naam = item.totalpayable_naam;
                            kh.totalreceivable_jama = item.totalreceivable_jama;
                if (cmbKhataType_u.SelectedItem != null)
                    KhataTypeCode khatatype = (KhataTypeCode) cmbKhataType_u.SelectedItem;

                    khatatypecode = khatatype.khatatypecde;
                    //filling the collection as per search criteria
                    using (var db = new HCSMLEntities1())
                        var qry = from k in db.OtherKhatas where k.khatatypecde == khatatypecode select k;
                        foreach (var item in (qry))
                            OtherKhata kh = new OtherKhata();
                            kh.date = item.date;
                            kh.activitycode = item.activitycode;
                            kh.id = item.id;
                            kh.payable_naam = item.payable_naam;
                            kh.productname = item.productname;
                            kh.purchaserid = item.purchaserid;
                            kh.purchasertypecode = item.purchasertypecode;
                            kh.receivable_jama = item.receivable_jama;
                            kh.sellerid = item.sellerid;
                            kh.sellertypecode = item.sellertypecode;
                            kh.sellername = getName(kh.sellertypecode, kh.sellerid);
                            kh.purchasername = getName(kh.purchasertypecode, kh.purchaserid);
                            kh.totalpayable_naam = item.totalpayable_naam;
                            kh.totalreceivable_jama = item.totalreceivable_jama;