Exemple #1
        /// <summary>
        /// Builds the UV values for thw mesh represented by the vertices
        /// </summary>
        /// <param name="vertices"></param>
        /// <returns></returns>
        protected Vector2[] BuildUVs(Vector3[] vertices)
            List <Vector2>  ret        = new List <Vector2>();
            List <Vector3d> vertices3d = vertices.ToList <Vector3>().ConvertAll(item => (Vector3d)item);

            // create a UV mapping plane
            // to make image planes work  - we assume that the origin of UV plane is the last vertex
            OrthogonalPlaneFit3 orth  = new OrthogonalPlaneFit3(vertices3d);
            Frame3f             frame = new Frame3f(vertices[vertices.Length - 1], -1 * orth.Normal);

            // check the orientation of the plane in UV space.
            // for image planes  - we assume that the x direction from the first point to the second point should always be positive
            // if not - reverse the frame
            if (Math.Sign(
                    frame.ToPlaneUV((Vector3f)vertices3d[0], 2).x -
                    frame.ToPlaneUV((Vector3f)vertices3d[1], 2).x
                    ) > -1)
                frame = new Frame3f(vertices[vertices.Length - 1], orth.Normal);

            // map all of the points to UV space
            foreach (Vector3d v in vertices3d)
                ret.Add(frame.ToPlaneUV((Vector3f)v, 2));

            // normalize UVs to [0..1, 0..1]
            float maxX = float.NegativeInfinity;
            float maxY = float.NegativeInfinity;
            float minX = float.PositiveInfinity;
            float minY = float.PositiveInfinity;

            for (int i = 0; i < ret.Count; i++)
                Vector2 v = ret[i];
                maxX = maxX > v.x ? maxX : v.x;
                minX = minX < v.x ? minX : v.x;
                maxY = maxY > v.y ? maxY : v.y;
                minY = minY < v.y ? minY : v.y;

            scaleX = maxX - minX;
            scaleY = maxY - minY;

            for (int i = 0; i < ret.Count; i++)
                ret[i] = new Vector2((ret[i].x - minX) / scaleX, (ret[i].y - minY) / scaleY);
/// <summary>
/// this method sets the ground point attribute of the given internal data list to the right value
/// </summary>
/// <param name="listOfDataLists">List of internal data</param>
    public static void SetGroundLabels(List <InternalDataFormat> listOfDataLists)
        int   segmentCount = 3;
        float initialSeedDistanceThreshold = 0.3f;
        float seedDistanceThreshold        = 0.2f;
        float covarIterations                = 1;
        InternalDataFormat        seed       = new InternalDataFormat(0, Vector3.zero, 0, 2);
        List <InternalDataFormat> seedPoints = new List <InternalDataFormat>();

        //List<List<InternalDataFormat>> cloudSegments = GetSimpleCloudSegments(listOfDataLists);
        //List<List<InternalDataFormat>> cloudSegments = GetCloudSegmentsSegmentedByYAxis(listOfDataLists, segmentCount);
        List <List <InternalDataFormat> > cloudSegments = GetCloudSegmentsSegmentedByYAndXAxis(listOfDataLists, segmentCount);

        for (int i = 0; i < cloudSegments.Count; i++)
            List <InternalDataFormat> segmentData = cloudSegments.ElementAt(i);
            seedPoints = GetInitialSeedPoints(segmentData, initialSeedDistanceThreshold);

            for (int j = 0; j < covarIterations; j++)
                List <Vector3d> points = new List <Vector3d>();
                for (int m = 0; m < seedPoints.Count; m++)
                    var pos = seedPoints[m]._position;
                    points.Add(new Vector3d(pos.x, pos.y, pos.z));

                OrthogonalPlaneFit3 estimatedGroundPlane = new OrthogonalPlaneFit3(points);

                Vector3 planeOriginPoint          = new Vector3((float)estimatedGroundPlane.Origin.x, (float)estimatedGroundPlane.Origin.y, (float)estimatedGroundPlane.Origin.z);
                Vector3 planeNormal               = new Vector3((float)estimatedGroundPlane.Normal.x, (float)estimatedGroundPlane.Normal.y, (float)estimatedGroundPlane.Normal.z);
                Plane   estimatedGroundPlaneUnity = new Plane(planeNormal, planeOriginPoint);

                if (j == covarIterations - 1)
                    Util.DrawPlane(planeOriginPoint, planeNormal, planeNormal.magnitude * 2, i);

                for (int k = 0; k < segmentData.Count; k++)
                    seed = cloudSegments.ElementAt(i).ElementAt(k);

                    float distancePointToPlane = estimatedGroundPlaneUnity.GetDistanceToPoint(seed._position);

                    if (distancePointToPlane <= seedDistanceThreshold)
                        seed._groundPointLabel = 1;
                        seed._groundPointLabel = 0;
        public static OrthogonalPlaneFit3 FitPlane(double[] x, double[] y, double[] z)
            List <Vector3d> pos = new List <Vector3d>();

            for (int i = 0; i < x.Length; i++)
                pos.Add(new Vector3d(x[i], y[i], z[i]));

            var fit = new OrthogonalPlaneFit3(pos);

Exemple #4
        public static GeneralPolygon2d ToPolygon(this List <Dataline> list, ref Frame3f frame)
            List <VertexLookup> VertexTable = list[0].VertexTable;

            Vector3d[] vertices = new Vector3d[VertexTable.Count];
            for (int j = 0; j < VertexTable.Count; j++)
                vertices[j] = VertexTable.Find(item => item.Vertex == j).Com.transform.position;
            OrthogonalPlaneFit3 orth = new OrthogonalPlaneFit3(vertices);

            frame = new Frame3f(orth.Origin, orth.Normal);
            GeneralPolygon2d poly = new GeneralPolygon2d(new Polygon2d());

            for (int i = 0; i < list.Count; i++)
                VertexTable = list[i].VertexTable;
                vertices    = new Vector3d[VertexTable.Count];
                for (int j = 0; j < VertexTable.Count; j++)
                    vertices[j] = VertexTable.Find(item => item.Vertex == j).Com.transform.position;
                List <Vector2d> vertices2d = new List <Vector2d>();
                foreach (Vector3d v in vertices)
                    Vector2f vertex = frame.ToPlaneUV((Vector3f)v, 3);
                    if (i != 0 && !poly.Outer.Contains(vertex))
                Polygon2d p2d = new Polygon2d(vertices2d);
                if (i == 0)
                    p2d = new Polygon2d(vertices2d);
                    poly.Outer = p2d;
                    try {
                        poly.AddHole(p2d, true, true);
                    } catch {
                        poly.AddHole(p2d, true, true);
Exemple #5
        public static PlaneParams FitPlane(List <PosXYZ> pos)
            var plane = new OrthogonalPlaneFit3(pos.Select(p => new Vector3d(p.X, p.Y, p.Z)));
            var ret   = new PlaneParams()
                Normal = plane.Normal, Origin = plane.Origin

            if (ret.Normal.z < 0)
                ret.Normal = -ret.Normal;
Exemple #6
        public static GeneralPolygon2d ToPolygon(this List <DCurve3> list, ref Frame3f frame)
            OrthogonalPlaneFit3 orth = new OrthogonalPlaneFit3(list[0].Vertices);

            frame = new Frame3f(orth.Origin, orth.Normal);
            GeneralPolygon2d poly = new GeneralPolygon2d(new Polygon2d());

            for (int i = 0; i < list.Count; i++)
                List <Vector3d> vertices   = list[i].Vertices.ToList();
                List <Vector2d> vertices2d = new List <Vector2d>();
                foreach (Vector3d v in vertices)
                    Vector2f vertex = frame.ToPlaneUV((Vector3f)v, 3);
                    if (i != 0 && !poly.Outer.Contains(vertex))
                Polygon2d p2d = new Polygon2d(vertices2d);
                if (i == 0)
                    p2d = new Polygon2d(vertices2d);
                    poly.Outer = p2d;
                    try {
                        poly.AddHole(p2d, true, true);
                    } catch {
                        poly.AddHole(p2d, true, true);
Exemple #7
        public static void CalculateUVs(this DMesh3 dMesh)
            OrthogonalPlaneFit3 orth          = new OrthogonalPlaneFit3(dMesh.Vertices());
            Frame3f             frame         = new Frame3f(orth.Origin, orth.Normal);
            AxisAlignedBox3d    bounds        = dMesh.CachedBounds;
            AxisAlignedBox2d    boundsInFrame = new AxisAlignedBox2d();

            for (int i = 0; i < 8; i++)
                boundsInFrame.Contain(frame.ToPlaneUV((Vector3f)bounds.Corner(i), 3));
            Vector2f min    = (Vector2f)boundsInFrame.Min;
            float    width  = (float)boundsInFrame.Width;
            float    height = (float)boundsInFrame.Height;

            for (int i = 0; i < dMesh.VertexCount; i++)
                Vector2f UV = frame.ToPlaneUV((Vector3f)dMesh.GetVertex(i), 3);
                UV.x = (UV.x - min.x) / width;
                UV.y = (UV.y - min.y) / height;
                dMesh.SetVertexUV(i, UV);
 public static double CalcZ(OrthogonalPlaneFit3 plane, double x, double y)
     return(-(((x - plane.Origin.x) * plane.Normal.x) + ((y - plane.Origin.y) * plane.Normal.y)) / plane.Normal.z + plane.Origin.z);
        public static double Point2Plane(OrthogonalPlaneFit3 plane, double[] pos)
            var v1 = new Vector3d(pos[0], pos[1], pos[2]);

            return((v1 - plane.Origin).Dot(plane.Normal));
 public ProfileOfSurfaceCalc(OrthogonalPlaneFit3 datumPlane)
     GDTType = GDTType.ProfileOfSurface;
     Datum   = datumPlane;
Exemple #11
 public ParallelismCalc(OrthogonalPlaneFit3 datum)
     Datum   = datum;
     GDTType = GDTType.Parallelism;