Exemple #1
    static public bool IsDirectionsParallel(OrthogonalDirection dir1, OrthogonalDirection dir2)
         * Return true if dir2 is parallel to dir1
        bool parallel = false;

        if (dir1.Equals(dir2) || dir1.Equals(OppositeDirection(dir2)))
            parallel = true;

Exemple #2
    static public bool IsDirectionsPerpendicular(OrthogonalDirection dir1, OrthogonalDirection dir2)
         * Return true if dir2 is perpendicular to dir1
        bool perpendicular = false;

        if (dir1.Equals(NextDirection(dir2)) || dir1.Equals(PreviousDirection(dir2)))
            perpendicular = true;

Exemple #3
    static public bool IsDirectionNegative(OrthogonalDirection direction)
         * Return whether the given direction goes along the negative axis.
         * ie, up is along the positive Y axis, but down is along the negative Y axis.
        bool negativeDirection = false;

        if (direction.Equals(OrthogonalDirection.Down) ||
            negativeDirection = true;

Exemple #4
    static public bool IsDirectionsOpposites(OrthogonalDirection dir1, OrthogonalDirection dir2)
         * Return true if the two given directions are opposites
        bool oppositeDirections = false;

        if (dir1.Equals(OppositeDirection(dir2)))
            oppositeDirections = true;

Exemple #5
    public void MovePlayerRequest(OrthogonalDirection primary, OrthogonalDirection secondairy, ref float distance)
         * Move the player along their line. How they are moved is determined by the player's
         * state, the inputs they are using and their current line.
        OrthogonalDirection direction = OrthogonalDirection.NULL;

         * Keep moving the player along the given direction until they run out of distance or are blocked
        bool blocked   = false;
        int  loopCount = 0;

        while (distance > 0 && !blocked)
            /* Get the direction the player will move in relative to their state */
            direction = UpdatePlayerInputDirection(state, primary, secondairy);

            if (direction != OrthogonalDirection.NULL)
                 * Travel in the given direction for up to the given distance or until
                 * the player reaches a corner with no linked line in the given direction.
                if (state == PlayerStates.Travelling)
                    /* The given direction is parallel to the current line */
                    if (currentLine.IsDirectionParallel(direction))
                        /* Scan ahead from the player's position to see how far the player is allowed to travel */
                        float travelDistance = 0;
                        currentLine.PredeterminePlayerMovement(this, gamePosition, direction, ref travelDistance, distance, true, ref blocked);
                        //Debug.Log("moving towards " + direction + " " + travelDistance);

                        /* Move the player by the amount of distance to travel and update the remaining distance */
                        MovePlayer(direction, travelDistance);
                        distance -= travelDistance;

                        /* We reached a corner if we still have distance to travel and are not blocked */
                        if (distance > 0 && !blocked)
                            /* Check if either given directions will let the player pass the corner */
                            if (GetCorner().AttachedLineAt(primary) != null || GetCorner().AttachedLineAt(secondairy) != null)
                                //We can move onto the next line, ie repeat the loop
                                //The corner ends here - the player cannot leave the line
                                blocked = true;
                                Debug.Log("CANT LEAVE LINE");

                    /* The given direction does not follow the line - stop the player from moving */
                        blocked = true;
                        Debug.Log("Cannot go further");

                 * In the pre-drawing state, the direction controls where the player travels.
                 * If direction is equal to what their primary input is, ie it was unchanged,
                 * travel normally along the direction until a corner.
                 * If direction is NOT equal to the primary input because it was changed from UpdatePlayerInputDirection(),
                 * then the player is trying to find the "drawing point" to start drawing from.
                 * A drawing point is the edge of the gameArea's grid or any corner.
                 * If direction does not match primary, that means we are trying to enter the drawing
                 * state but we are not on the grid.
                else if (state == PlayerStates.PreDrawing)
                    float shortestDistance = 0;

                    /* If we are trying to find the nearest grid mark, update shortestDistance to reflect said distance */
                    if (direction != primary)
                        float forwardGrid  = currentLine.DistanceToClosestGrid(gamePosition, direction, gameController.gridSize, true);
                        float backwardGrid = currentLine.DistanceToClosestGrid(gamePosition, Corner.OppositeDirection(direction), gameController.gridSize, true);

                        /* If the backwards grid is closer, flip the direction and use the grid behind */
                        if (backwardGrid < forwardGrid)
                            shortestDistance = backwardGrid;
                            direction        = Corner.OppositeDirection(direction);

                        /* Use the forward grid as it's closer */
                            shortestDistance = forwardGrid;

                    /* If we are travelling along the line, update shortestDistance to reflect the upcomming corner */
                    else if (GetCorner() == null || GetCorner().AttachedLineAt(direction) != null)
                        shortestDistance = currentLine.DistanceToCorner(gamePosition, direction);

                    /* Prevent the player from travelling further than the remaining distance allows */
                    shortestDistance = Mathf.Min(shortestDistance, distance);

                    /* If we have reached a corner that doesn't have a line in the given direction
                     * OR we have reached a grid marker (indicated by shortestDistance = 0),
                     * then we start drawing a line from the player's given position */
                    if (shortestDistance == 0 || (GetCorner() != null && GetCorner().AttachedLineAt(primary) == null))
                        if (PreEnterDrawingCheck(primary))

                            /* Catch if the player enters the drawing state without any distance left to travel.
                             * This is so that we don't create a point line without travelling across it */
                            if (distance <= 0)
                                throw new Exception("!!ERROR!!: Changed into the drawing state without any distance left to move. This should not happen");
                            blocked = true;

                    /* We can continue travelling along the lines */
                        float travelDistance = 0;
                        currentLine.PredeterminePlayerMovement(this, gamePosition, direction, ref travelDistance, shortestDistance, true, ref blocked);
                        MovePlayer(direction, travelDistance);
                        distance -= travelDistance;

                 * In the drawing state, simply move the player along their drawing line's direction
                 * and update their drawing line's position to reflect the change.
                else if (state == PlayerStates.Drawing)
                    float travelDistance = 0;
                    OrthogonalDirection lineDirection = currentLine.StartToEndDirection();

                    /* Let the player move forward normally */
                    if (direction.Equals(lineDirection))
                        travelDistance = distance;

                    /* Turning the line requires the player to be on a grid mark */
                    else if (Corner.IsDirectionsPerpendicular(direction, lineDirection))
                        float distanceToGrid = NearestGrid(lineDirection);

                        /* If the player is on the grid mark, create a new line to change their direction */
                        if (distanceToGrid == 0)
                            /* Create a corner at the player's position and make a new drawing line off it */
                            NewDrawingLine(direction, true);

                        /* Change the travel distance to reach the grid mark */
                            travelDistance = Mathf.Min(distance, distanceToGrid);
                            direction      = lineDirection;

                    /* Don't let the player move backwards along the line */
                        blocked = true;

                    /////////////////////TODO: Improve
                    /* Move the player. If the player moves into a line, they will connect their drawing line */
                    if (travelDistance > 0)
                        Line playersMovementPath = Line.NewLine(gamePosition, gamePosition + travelDistance * Corner.DirectionToVector(direction));

                        /* Get a list of lines that the player's direction collides with */
                        List <Line> collidedLines = gameController.DoesLineCollide(playersMovementPath, GetTouchingLines());
                        Line        closestLine   = null;

                        if (collidedLines.Count > 0)
                            /* Get the closest line and collision point along the line */
                            float ClosestCollisionDistance = ClosestCollisionAlongLine(playersMovementPath, collidedLines, ref closestLine);

                            travelDistance = ClosestCollisionDistance;
                            blocked        = true;
                            Debug.Log("HIT LINE");

                        MovePlayer(direction, travelDistance);
                        distance -= travelDistance;
                        /* Update the player's line to reflect the player's position change */
                        currentLine.end = gamePosition;

                        /* If there was a collision, move the player onto the collided line and change their state */
                        if (collidedLines.Count > 0)
                            Debug.Log(closestLine + " ---- ");

                /* The given direction is NULL - stop the player in their current position */
                blocked = true;

            /* Prevent the loop from getting stuck */
            if (loopCount > 100)
                blocked = true;
                Debug.Log("--- LOOP WAS STUCK ---");