Exemple #1
        public override int GrowHeightBigSix(OrganonConfiguration configuration, OrganonStand stand, Trees trees, float[] crownCompetitionByHeight)
            float P1;
            float P2;
            float P3;
            float P4;
            float P5;
            float P6;
            float P7;
            float P8;

            switch (trees.Species)
            // Ritchie and Hann(1990) FRL Research Paper 54
            case FiaCode.AbiesGrandis:
                P1 = 1.0F;
                P2 = -0.0328142F;
                P3 = -0.0127851F;
                P4 = 1.0F;
                P5 = 6.19784F;
                P6 = 2.0F;
                P7 = 0.0F;
                P8 = 1.01F;

            case FiaCode.PseudotsugaMenziesii:
                P1 = 0.655258886F;
                P2 = -0.006322913F;
                P3 = -0.039409636F;
                P4 = 0.5F;
                P5 = 0.597617316F;
                P6 = 2.0F;
                P7 = 0.631643636F;
                P8 = 1.010018427F;

            case FiaCode.TsugaHeterophylla:
                P1 = 1.0F;
                P2 = -0.0384415F;
                P3 = -0.0144139F;
                P4 = 0.5F;
                P5 = 1.04409F;
                P6 = 2.0F;
                P7 = 0.0F;
                P8 = 1.03F;

                throw Trees.CreateUnhandledSpeciesException(trees.Species);

            int oldTreeRecordCount = 0;

            for (int treeIndex = 0; treeIndex < trees.Count; ++treeIndex)
                if (trees.LiveExpansionFactor[treeIndex] <= 0.0F)
                    trees.HeightGrowth[treeIndex] = 0.0F;

                float growthEffectiveAge        = configuration.Variant.GetGrowthEffectiveAge(configuration, stand, trees, treeIndex, out float potentialHeightGrowth);
                float crownCompetitionIncrement = OrganonVariant.GetCrownCompetitionFactorByHeight(trees.Height[treeIndex], crownCompetitionByHeight);

                float crownRatio = trees.CrownRatio[treeIndex];
                float FCR        = -P5 *MathV.Pow(1.0F - crownRatio, P6) * MathV.Exp(P7 * MathF.Sqrt(crownCompetitionIncrement));

                float B0           = P1 * MathV.Exp(P2 * crownCompetitionIncrement);
                float B1           = MathV.Exp(P3 * MathV.Pow(crownCompetitionIncrement, P4));
                float MODIFER      = P8 * (B0 + (B1 - B0) * MathF.Exp(FCR)); // changed from MathV due to FCR of -91 being observed
                float CRADJ        = OrganonGrowth.GetCrownRatioAdjustment(crownRatio);
                float heightGrowth = potentialHeightGrowth * MODIFER * CRADJ;
                Debug.Assert(heightGrowth > 0.0F);
                trees.HeightGrowth[treeIndex] = heightGrowth;

                if (growthEffectiveAge > configuration.Variant.OldTreeAgeThreshold)
Exemple #2
        public override void GrowDiameter(Trees trees, float growthMultiplier, float siteIndexFromDbh, OrganonStandDensity densityBeforeGrowth)
            float B0;
            float B1;
            float B2;
            float B3;
            float B4;
            float B5;
            float B6;
            float K1;
            float K2;
            float K3;
            float K4;
            float speciesMultiplier = 0.8F;

            switch (trees.Species)
            // Hann, Marshall, and Hanus(2006) FRL Research Contribution 49
            case FiaCode.PseudotsugaMenziesii:
                B0 = -5.34253119F;
                B1 = 1.098406840F;
                B2 = -0.05218621F;
                B3 = 1.01380810F;
                B4 = 0.91202025F;
                B5 = -0.01756220F;
                B6 = -0.05168923F;
                K1 = 6.0F;
                K2 = 1.0F;
                K3 = 1.0F;
                K4 = 2.7F;
                speciesMultiplier = 1.0F;

            // Zumrawi and Hann(1993) FRL Research Contribution 4
            case FiaCode.AbiesGrandis:
                B0 = -2.34619F;
                B1 = 0.594640F;
                B2 = -0.000976092F;
                B3 = 1.12712F;
                B4 = 0.555333F;
                B5 = -0.0000290672F;
                B6 = -0.0470848F;
                K1 = 1.0F;
                K2 = 2.0F;
                K3 = 2.0F;
                K4 = 5.0F;
                speciesMultiplier = 0.8722F;

            // Unpublished Equation on File at OSU Dept.Forest Resources
            case FiaCode.TsugaHeterophylla:
                B0 = -4.87447412F;
                B1 = 0.4150723209F;
                B2 = -0.023744997F;
                B3 = 0.907837299F;
                B4 = 1.1346766989F;
                B5 = -0.015333503F;
                B6 = -0.03309787F;
                K1 = 5.0F;
                K2 = 1.0F;
                K3 = 1.0F;
                K4 = 2.7F;
                speciesMultiplier = 1.0F;

            // Hann and Hanus(2002) OSU Department of Forest Management Internal Report #2
            case FiaCode.ThujaPlicata:
                B0 = -11.45456097F;
                B1 = 0.784133664F;
                B2 = -0.0261377888F;
                B3 = 0.70174783F;
                B4 = 2.057236260F;
                B5 = -0.00415440257F;
                B6 = 0.0F;
                K1 = 5.0F;
                K2 = 1.0F;
                K3 = 1.0F;
                K4 = 2.7F;

            // Hann and Hanus(2002) FRL Research Contribution 39
            case FiaCode.TaxusBrevifolia:
                B0 = -9.15835863F;
                B1 = 1.0F;
                B2 = -0.00000035F;
                B3 = 1.16688474F;
                B4 = 0.0F;
                B5 = 0.0F;
                B6 = -0.02F;
                K1 = 4000.0F;
                K2 = 4.0F;
                K3 = 1.0F;
                K4 = 2.7F;

            // Hann and Hanus(2002) FRL Research Contribution 39
            case FiaCode.ArbutusMenziesii:
                B0 = -8.84531757F;
                B1 = 1.5F;
                B2 = -0.0006F;
                B3 = 0.51225596F;
                B4 = 0.418129153F;
                B5 = -0.00355254593F;
                B6 = -0.0321315389F;
                K1 = 110.0F;
                K2 = 2.0F;
                K3 = 1.0F;
                K4 = 2.7F;
                speciesMultiplier = 0.7928F;

            // Hann and Hanus(2002) FRL Research Contribution 39
            case FiaCode.AcerMacrophyllum:
                B0 = -3.41449922F;
                B1 = 1.0F;
                B2 = -0.05F;
                B3 = 0.0F;
                B4 = 0.324349277F;
                B5 = 0.0F;
                B6 = -0.0989519477F;
                K1 = 10.0F;
                K2 = 1.0F;
                K3 = 1.0F;
                K4 = 2.7F;

            // Gould, Marshall, and Harrington(2008) West.J.Appl.For. 23: 26-33
            case FiaCode.QuercusGarryana:
                B0 = -7.81267986F;
                B1 = 1.405616529F;
                B2 = -0.0603105850F;
                B3 = 0.64286007F;
                B4 = 1.037687142F;
                B5 = 0.0F;
                B6 = -0.0787012218F;
                K1 = 5.0F;
                K2 = 1.0F;
                K3 = 1.0F;
                K4 = 2.7F;
                speciesMultiplier = 1.0F;

            // Hann and Hanus(2002) OSU Department of Forest Management Internal Report #1
            case FiaCode.AlnusRubra:
                B0 = -4.39082007F;
                B1 = 1.0F;
                B2 = -0.0945057147F;
                B3 = 1.06867026F;
                B4 = 0.685908029F;
                B5 = -0.00586331028F;
                B6 = 0.0F;
                K1 = 5.0F;
                K2 = 1.0F;
                K3 = 1.0F;
                K4 = 2.7F;

            // Hann and Hanus(2002) FRL Research Contribution 39
            case FiaCode.CornusNuttallii:
            case FiaCode.Salix:
                B0 = -8.08352683F;
                B1 = 1.0F;
                B2 = -0.00000035F;
                B3 = 0.31176647F;
                B4 = 0.0F;
                B5 = 0.0F;
                B6 = -0.0730788052F;
                K1 = 4000.0F;
                K2 = 4.0F;
                K3 = 1.0F;
                K4 = 2.7F;

                throw Trees.CreateUnhandledSpeciesException(trees.Species);

            speciesMultiplier *= growthMultiplier;
            for (int treeIndex = 0; treeIndex < trees.Count; ++treeIndex)
                if (trees.LiveExpansionFactor[treeIndex] <= 0.0F)
                    trees.DbhGrowth[treeIndex] = 0.0F;

                float dbhInInches          = trees.Dbh[treeIndex];
                float basalAreaLarger      = densityBeforeGrowth.GetBasalAreaLarger(dbhInInches);
                float crownRatio           = trees.CrownRatio[treeIndex];
                float LNDG                 = B0 + B1 * MathV.Ln(dbhInInches + K1) + B2 * MathV.Pow(dbhInInches, K2) + B3 * MathV.Ln((crownRatio + 0.2F) / 1.2F) + B4 * MathV.Ln(siteIndexFromDbh) + B5 * (MathV.Pow(basalAreaLarger, K3) / MathV.Ln(dbhInInches + K4)) + B6 * MathF.Sqrt(basalAreaLarger);
                float crownRatioAdjustment = OrganonGrowth.GetCrownRatioAdjustment(crownRatio);
                trees.DbhGrowth[treeIndex] = speciesMultiplier * MathV.Exp(LNDG) * crownRatioAdjustment;
                Debug.Assert(trees.DbhGrowth[treeIndex] > 0.0F);
                Debug.Assert(trees.DbhGrowth[treeIndex] < Constant.Maximum.DiameterIncrementInInches);
Exemple #3
        public override int GrowHeightBigSix(OrganonConfiguration configuration, OrganonStand stand, Trees trees, float[] crownCompetitionByHeight)
            float P1;
            float P2;
            float P3;
            float P4;
            float P5;
            float P6;
            float P7;
            float P8;

            switch (trees.Species)
            // Hann, Bluhm, and Hibbs Red Alder Plantation Analysis
            case FiaCode.AlnusRubra:
                P1 = 0.809837005F;
                P2 = -0.0134163653F;
                P3 = -0.0609398629F;
                P4 = 0.5F;
                P5 = 1.0F;
                P6 = 2.0F;
                P7 = 0.1469442410F;
                P8 = 1.0476380753F;

            // Hann, Marshall, and Hanus(2006) FRL Research Contribution ??
            case FiaCode.PseudotsugaMenziesii:
                P1 = 0.655258886F;
                P2 = -0.006322913F;
                P3 = -0.039409636F;
                P4 = 0.5F;
                P5 = 0.597617316F;
                P6 = 2.0F;
                P7 = 0.631643636F;
                P8 = 1.010018427F;

            // Johnson(2002) Willamette Industries Report
            case FiaCode.TsugaHeterophylla:
                P1 = 1.0F;
                P2 = -0.0384415F;
                P3 = -0.0144139F;
                P4 = 0.5F;
                P5 = 1.04409F;
                P6 = 2.0F;
                P7 = 0.0F;
                P8 = 1.03F;

                throw Trees.CreateUnhandledSpeciesException(trees.Species);

            int oldTreeRecordCount = 0;

            for (int treeIndex = 0; treeIndex < trees.Count; ++treeIndex)
                if (trees.LiveExpansionFactor[treeIndex] <= 0.0F)
                    trees.HeightGrowth[treeIndex] = 0.0F;

                float growthEffectiveAge        = configuration.Variant.GetGrowthEffectiveAge(configuration, stand, trees, treeIndex, out float potentialHeightGrowth);
                float crownCompetitionIncrement = OrganonVariant.GetCrownCompetitionFactorByHeight(trees.Height[treeIndex], crownCompetitionByHeight);

                float crownRatio = trees.CrownRatio[treeIndex];
                float FCR        = -P5 *MathV.Pow(1.0F - crownRatio, P6) * MathV.Exp(P7 * MathF.Sqrt(crownCompetitionIncrement));

                float B0           = P1 * MathV.Exp(P2 * crownCompetitionIncrement);
                float B1           = MathV.Exp(P3 * MathV.Pow(crownCompetitionIncrement, P4));
                float MODIFER      = P8 * (B0 + (B1 - B0) * MathV.Exp(FCR));
                float CRADJ        = OrganonGrowth.GetCrownRatioAdjustment(crownRatio);
                float heightGrowth = potentialHeightGrowth * MODIFER * CRADJ;
                Debug.Assert(heightGrowth > 0.0F);
                trees.HeightGrowth[treeIndex] = heightGrowth;

                if (growthEffectiveAge > configuration.Variant.OldTreeAgeThreshold)
Exemple #4
        public override void ReduceExpansionFactors(OrganonStand stand, OrganonStandDensity densityBeforeGrowth, Trees trees, float fertilizationExponent)
            // RAP MORTALITY
            float B0;
            float B1;
            float B2;
            float B3;
            float B4;
            float B5;
            float POW = 0.2F;

            switch (trees.Species)
            // RA Coefficients from Hann, Bluhm, and Hibbs New Red Alder Equation
            case FiaCode.AlnusRubra:
                B0  = -4.333150734F;
                B1  = -0.9856713799F;
                B2  = 0.0F;
                B3  = -2.583317081F;
                B4  = 0.0369852164F;
                B5  = 0.0394546978F;
                POW = 1.0F;

            // Hann, Marshall, and Hanus(2006) FRL Research Contribution 49
            case FiaCode.PseudotsugaMenziesii:
                B0 = -3.12161659F;
                B1 = -0.44724396F;
                B2 = 0.0F;
                B3 = -2.48387172F;
                B4 = 0.01843137F;
                B5 = 0.01353918F;

            // Hann, Marshall, Hanus(2003) FRL Research Contribution 40
            case FiaCode.TsugaHeterophylla:
                B0 = -0.761609F;
                B1 = -0.529366F;
                B2 = 0.0F;
                B3 = -4.74019F;
                B4 = 0.0119587F;
                B5 = 0.00756365F;

            // WH of Hann, Marshall, Hanus(2003) FRL Research Contribution 40
            case FiaCode.ThujaPlicata:
                B0 = -0.761609F;
                B1 = -0.529366F;
                B2 = 0.0F;
                B3 = -4.74019F;
                B4 = 0.0119587F;
                B5 = 0.00756365F;

            // Hann and Hanus(2001) FRL Research Contribution 34
            case FiaCode.AcerMacrophyllum:
                B0 = -2.976822456F;
                B1 = 0.0F;
                B2 = 0.0F;
                B3 = -6.223250962F;
                B4 = 0.0F;
                B5 = 0.0F;

            // Hann and Hanus(2001) FRL Research Contribution 34
            case FiaCode.CornusNuttallii:
                B0 = -3.020345211F;
                B1 = 0.0F;
                B2 = 0.0F;
                B3 = -8.467882343F;
                B4 = 0.013966388F;
                B5 = 0.009461545F;

            // best guess
            case FiaCode.Salix:
                B0 = -1.386294361F;
                B1 = 0.0F;
                B2 = 0.0F;
                B3 = 0.0F;
                B4 = 0.0F;
                B5 = 0.0F;

                throw Trees.CreateUnhandledSpeciesException(trees.Species);

            // BUGBUG: Fortran code didn't use red alder site index for red alder and used hemlock site index for all conifers, not just hemlock and redcedar
            float siteIndex = stand.HemlockSiteIndex; // interpreted as Douglas-fir site index

            if (trees.Species == FiaCode.AlnusRubra)
                siteIndex = stand.SiteIndex;
            else if ((trees.Species == FiaCode.TsugaHeterophylla) || (trees.Species == FiaCode.ThujaPlicata))
                siteIndex = OrganonVariantNwo.ToHemlockSiteIndexStatic(siteIndex); // convert from Douglas-fir site index to actual hemlock site inde

            for (int treeIndex = 0; treeIndex < trees.Count; ++treeIndex)
                if (trees.LiveExpansionFactor[treeIndex] <= 0.0F)
                float dbhInInches     = trees.Dbh[treeIndex];
                float basalAreaLarger = densityBeforeGrowth.GetBasalAreaLarger(dbhInInches);
                float crownRatio      = trees.CrownRatio[treeIndex];
                float PMK             = B0 + B1 * dbhInInches + B2 * dbhInInches * dbhInInches + B3 * crownRatio + B4 * siteIndex + B5 * basalAreaLarger + fertilizationExponent;

                float XPM = 1.0F / (1.0F + MathV.Exp(-PMK));
                float survivalProbability = POW == 1.0 ? 1.0F - XPM : MathV.Pow(1.0F - XPM, POW); // RAP is the only variant using unfertlized POW != 1
                survivalProbability *= OrganonGrowth.GetCrownRatioAdjustment(crownRatio);
                Debug.Assert(survivalProbability >= 0.0F);
                Debug.Assert(survivalProbability <= 1.0F);

                float newLiveExpansionFactor = survivalProbability * trees.LiveExpansionFactor[treeIndex];
                if (newLiveExpansionFactor < 0.00001F)
                    newLiveExpansionFactor = 0.0F;
                float mortalityExpansionFactor = trees.LiveExpansionFactor[treeIndex] - newLiveExpansionFactor;

                trees.DeadExpansionFactor[treeIndex] = mortalityExpansionFactor;
                trees.LiveExpansionFactor[treeIndex] = newLiveExpansionFactor;
Exemple #5
        public override void GrowDiameter(Trees trees, float growthMultiplier, float siteIndexFromDbh, OrganonStandDensity densityBeforeGrowth)
            // These species were annualized by adding ln(0.2) to the intercept terms: DF, WH, RC, ACMA3, Cornus, Salix
            float B0;
            float B1;
            float B2;
            float B3;
            float B4;
            float B5;
            float B6;
            float K1;
            float K2;
            float K3;
            float K4;
            float speciesMultiplier = 0.8F;

            switch (trees.Species)
            // Hann, Bluhm, and Hibbs Red Alder Plantation Analysis
            case FiaCode.AlnusRubra:
                B0 = -4.622849554F;
                B1 = 0.5112200516F;
                B2 = -0.1040194568F;
                B3 = 0.9536538143F;
                B4 = 1.0659344724F;
                B5 = -0.0193047405F;
                B6 = -0.0773539455F;
                K1 = 1.0F;
                K2 = 1.0F;
                K3 = 1.0F;
                K4 = 1.0F;
                speciesMultiplier = 1.0F;

            // Hann, Marshall, and Hanus(2006) FRL Research Contribution ??
            case FiaCode.PseudotsugaMenziesii:
                B0 = -6.95196910F;
                B1 = 1.098406840F;
                B2 = -0.05218621F;
                B3 = 1.01380810F;
                B4 = 0.91202025F;
                B5 = -0.01756220F;
                B6 = -0.05168923F;
                K1 = 6.0F;
                K2 = 1.0F;
                K3 = 1.0F;
                K4 = 2.7F;
                speciesMultiplier = 1.0F;

            // Unpublished equation on file at OSU Deptartment of Forest Resources
            case FiaCode.TsugaHeterophylla:
                B0 = -6.48391203F;
                B1 = 0.4150723209F;
                B2 = -0.023744997F;
                B3 = 0.907837299F;
                B4 = 1.1346766989F;
                B5 = -0.015333503F;
                B6 = -0.03309787F;
                K1 = 5.0F;
                K2 = 1.0F;
                K3 = 1.0F;
                K4 = 2.7F;
                speciesMultiplier = 1.0F;

            // Hann and Hanus(2002) OSU Department of Forest Management Internal Report #2
            case FiaCode.ThujaPlicata:
                B0 = -13.06399888F;
                B1 = 0.784133664F;
                B2 = -0.0261377888F;
                B3 = 0.70174783F;
                B4 = 2.057236260F;
                B5 = -0.00415440257F;
                B6 = 0.0F;
                K1 = 5.0F;
                K2 = 1.0F;
                K3 = 1.0F;
                K4 = 2.7F;

            // Hann and Hanus(2002) FRL Research Contribution 39
            case FiaCode.AcerMacrophyllum:
                B0 = -5.02393713F;
                B1 = 1.0F;
                B2 = -0.05F;
                B3 = 0.0F;
                B4 = 0.324349277F;
                B5 = 0.0F;
                B6 = -0.0989519477F;
                K1 = 10.0F;
                K2 = 1.0F;
                K3 = 1.0F;
                K4 = 2.7F;

            // Hann and Hanus(2002) FRL Research Contribution 39
            case FiaCode.CornusNuttallii:
            case FiaCode.Salix:
                B0 = -9.69296474F;
                B1 = 1.0F;
                B2 = -0.00000035F;
                B3 = 0.31176647F;
                B4 = 0.0F;
                B5 = 0.0F;
                B6 = -0.0730788052F;
                K1 = 4000.0F;
                K2 = 4.0F;
                K3 = 1.0F;
                K4 = 2.7F;

                throw Trees.CreateUnhandledSpeciesException(trees.Species);

            speciesMultiplier *= growthMultiplier;
            for (int treeIndex = 0; treeIndex < trees.Count; ++treeIndex)
                if (trees.LiveExpansionFactor[treeIndex] <= 0.0F)
                    trees.DbhGrowth[treeIndex] = 0.0F;

                float dbhInInches          = trees.Dbh[treeIndex];
                float basalAreaLarger      = densityBeforeGrowth.GetBasalAreaLarger(dbhInInches);
                float crownRatio           = trees.CrownRatio[treeIndex];
                float LNDG                 = B0 + B1 * MathV.Ln(dbhInInches + K1) + B2 * MathV.Pow(dbhInInches, K2) + B3 * MathV.Ln((crownRatio + 0.2F) / 1.2F) + B4 * MathV.Ln(siteIndexFromDbh) + B5 * (MathV.Pow(basalAreaLarger, K3) / MathV.Ln(dbhInInches + K4)) + B6 * MathF.Sqrt(basalAreaLarger);
                float crownRatioAdjustment = OrganonGrowth.GetCrownRatioAdjustment(crownRatio);
                trees.DbhGrowth[treeIndex] = speciesMultiplier * MathV.Exp(LNDG) * crownRatioAdjustment;
                Debug.Assert(trees.DbhGrowth[treeIndex] > 0.0F);
                Debug.Assert(trees.DbhGrowth[treeIndex] < Constant.Maximum.DiameterIncrementInInches);