Exemple #1
        public static void WriteChannelCommit(Org.Jboss.Netty.Channel.Channel channel, XDR
                                              @out, int xid)
            if (RpcProgramNfs3.Log.IsDebugEnabled())
                RpcProgramNfs3.Log.Debug("Commit done:" + xid);
            ChannelBuffer outBuf = XDR.WriteMessageTcp(@out, true);

        /// <exception cref="System.Exception"/>
        private void Commit(string fileName, int len)
            HdfsFileStatus status  = nn.GetRpcServer().GetFileInfo(fileName);
            long           dirId   = status.GetFileId();
            FileHandle     handle  = new FileHandle(dirId);
            XDR            xdr_req = new XDR();
            COMMIT3Request req     = new COMMIT3Request(handle, 0, len);

            Org.Jboss.Netty.Channel.Channel ch = Org.Mockito.Mockito.Mock <Org.Jboss.Netty.Channel.Channel
            COMMIT3Response response2 = nfsd.Commit(xdr_req.AsReadOnlyWrap(), ch, 1, securityHandler
                                                    , new IPEndPoint("localhost", 1234));

            NUnit.Framework.Assert.AreEqual("Incorrect COMMIT3Response:", null, response2);
Exemple #3
        /// <summary>Send a write response to the netty network socket channel</summary>
        public static void WriteChannel(Org.Jboss.Netty.Channel.Channel channel, XDR @out
                                        , int xid)
            if (channel == null)
                RpcProgramNfs3.Log.Info("Null channel should only happen in tests. Do nothing.");
            if (RpcProgramNfs3.Log.IsDebugEnabled())
                RpcProgramNfs3.Log.Debug(WriteRpcEnd + xid);
            ChannelBuffer outBuf = XDR.WriteMessageTcp(@out, true);

Exemple #4
 internal WriteCtx(FileHandle handle, long offset, int count, int originalCount, Nfs3Constant.WriteStableHow
                   stableHow, ByteBuffer data, Org.Jboss.Netty.Channel.Channel channel, int xid, bool
                   replied, WriteCtx.DataState dataState)
     this.handle        = handle;
     this.offset        = offset;
     this.count         = count;
     this.originalCount = originalCount;
     this.stableHow     = stableHow;
     this.data          = data;
     this.channel       = channel;
     this.xid           = xid;
     this.replied       = replied;
     this.dataState     = dataState;
     raf            = null;
     this.startTime = Runtime.NanoTime();
        /// <exception cref="System.Exception"/>
        public virtual void TestCommit()
            HdfsFileStatus status  = nn.GetRpcServer().GetFileInfo("/tmp/bar");
            long           dirId   = status.GetFileId();
            FileHandle     handle  = new FileHandle(dirId);
            XDR            xdr_req = new XDR();
            COMMIT3Request req     = new COMMIT3Request(handle, 0, 5);

            Org.Jboss.Netty.Channel.Channel ch = Org.Mockito.Mockito.Mock <Org.Jboss.Netty.Channel.Channel
            // Attempt by an unpriviledged user should fail.
            COMMIT3Response response1 = nfsd.Commit(xdr_req.AsReadOnlyWrap(), ch, 1, securityHandlerUnpriviledged
                                                    , new IPEndPoint("localhost", 1234));

            NUnit.Framework.Assert.AreEqual("Incorrect return code:", Nfs3Status.Nfs3errAcces
                                            , response1.GetStatus());
            // Attempt by a priviledged user should pass.
            COMMIT3Response response2 = nfsd.Commit(xdr_req.AsReadOnlyWrap(), ch, 1, securityHandler
                                                    , new IPEndPoint("localhost", 1234));

            NUnit.Framework.Assert.AreEqual("Incorrect COMMIT3Response:", null, response2);
Exemple #6
        internal virtual void HandleCommit(DFSClient dfsClient, FileHandle fileHandle, long
                                           commitOffset, Org.Jboss.Netty.Channel.Channel channel, int xid, Nfs3FileAttributes
            long        startTime = Runtime.NanoTime();
            int         status;
            OpenFileCtx openFileCtx = fileContextCache.Get(fileHandle);

            if (openFileCtx == null)
                Log.Info("No opened stream for fileId: " + fileHandle.GetFileId() + " commitOffset="
                         + commitOffset + ". Return success in this case.");
                status = Nfs3Status.Nfs3Ok;
                OpenFileCtx.COMMIT_STATUS ret = openFileCtx.CheckCommit(dfsClient, commitOffset,
                                                                        channel, xid, preOpAttr, false);
                switch (ret)
                case OpenFileCtx.COMMIT_STATUS.CommitFinished:
                case OpenFileCtx.COMMIT_STATUS.CommitInactiveCtx:
                    status = Nfs3Status.Nfs3Ok;

                case OpenFileCtx.COMMIT_STATUS.CommitInactiveWithPendingWrite:
                case OpenFileCtx.COMMIT_STATUS.CommitError:
                    status = Nfs3Status.Nfs3errIo;

                case OpenFileCtx.COMMIT_STATUS.CommitWait:
                    // Do nothing. Commit is async now.

                case OpenFileCtx.COMMIT_STATUS.CommitSpecialWait:
                    status = Nfs3Status.Nfs3errJukebox;

                case OpenFileCtx.COMMIT_STATUS.CommitSpecialSuccess:
                    status = Nfs3Status.Nfs3Ok;

                    Log.Error("Should not get commit return code: " + ret.ToString());
                    throw new RuntimeException("Should not get commit return code: " + ret.ToString()
            // Send out the response
            Nfs3FileAttributes postOpAttr = null;

                postOpAttr = GetFileAttr(dfsClient, new FileHandle(preOpAttr.GetFileId()), iug);
            catch (IOException e1)
                Log.Info("Can't get postOpAttr for fileId: " + preOpAttr.GetFileId(), e1);
            WccData         fileWcc  = new WccData(Nfs3Utils.GetWccAttr(preOpAttr), postOpAttr);
            COMMIT3Response response = new COMMIT3Response(status, fileWcc, Nfs3Constant.WriteCommitVerf

            Nfs3Utils.WriteChannelCommit(channel, response.Serialize(new XDR(), xid, new VerifierNone
                                                                         ()), xid);
Exemple #7
        /// <exception cref="System.IO.IOException"/>
        internal virtual void HandleWrite(DFSClient dfsClient, WRITE3Request request, Org.Jboss.Netty.Channel.Channel
                                          channel, int xid, Nfs3FileAttributes preOpAttr)
            int count = request.GetCount();

            byte[] data = ((byte[])request.GetData().Array());
            if (data.Length < count)
                WRITE3Response response = new WRITE3Response(Nfs3Status.Nfs3errInval);
                Nfs3Utils.WriteChannel(channel, response.Serialize(new XDR(), xid, new VerifierNone
                                                                       ()), xid);
            FileHandle handle = request.GetHandle();

            if (Log.IsDebugEnabled())
                Log.Debug("handleWrite " + request);
            // Check if there is a stream to write
            FileHandle  fileHandle  = request.GetHandle();
            OpenFileCtx openFileCtx = fileContextCache.Get(fileHandle);

            if (openFileCtx == null)
                Log.Info("No opened stream for fileId: " + fileHandle.GetFileId());
                string fileIdPath               = Nfs3Utils.GetFileIdPath(fileHandle.GetFileId());
                HdfsDataOutputStream fos        = null;
                Nfs3FileAttributes   latestAttr = null;
                    int bufferSize = config.GetInt(CommonConfigurationKeysPublic.IoFileBufferSizeKey,
                    fos = dfsClient.Append(fileIdPath, bufferSize, EnumSet.Of(CreateFlag.Append), null
                                           , null);
                    latestAttr = Nfs3Utils.GetFileAttr(dfsClient, fileIdPath, iug);
                catch (RemoteException e)
                    IOException io = e.UnwrapRemoteException();
                    if (io is AlreadyBeingCreatedException)
                        Log.Warn("Can't append file: " + fileIdPath + ". Possibly the file is being closed. Drop the request: "
                                 + request + ", wait for the client to retry...");
                catch (IOException e)
                    Log.Error("Can't append to file: " + fileIdPath, e);
                    if (fos != null)
                    WccData        fileWcc  = new WccData(Nfs3Utils.GetWccAttr(preOpAttr), preOpAttr);
                    WRITE3Response response = new WRITE3Response(Nfs3Status.Nfs3errIo, fileWcc, count
                                                                 , request.GetStableHow(), Nfs3Constant.WriteCommitVerf);
                    Nfs3Utils.WriteChannel(channel, response.Serialize(new XDR(), xid, new VerifierNone
                                                                           ()), xid);
                // Add open stream
                string writeDumpDir = config.Get(NfsConfigKeys.DfsNfsFileDumpDirKey, NfsConfigKeys
                openFileCtx = new OpenFileCtx(fos, latestAttr, writeDumpDir + "/" + fileHandle.GetFileId
                                                  (), dfsClient, iug, aixCompatMode, config);
                if (!AddOpenFileStream(fileHandle, openFileCtx))
                    Log.Info("Can't add new stream. Close it. Tell client to retry.");
                    catch (IOException e)
                        Log.Error("Can't close stream for fileId: " + handle.GetFileId(), e);
                    // Notify client to retry
                    WccData        fileWcc  = new WccData(latestAttr.GetWccAttr(), latestAttr);
                    WRITE3Response response = new WRITE3Response(Nfs3Status.Nfs3errJukebox, fileWcc,
                                                                 0, request.GetStableHow(), Nfs3Constant.WriteCommitVerf);
                    Nfs3Utils.WriteChannel(channel, response.Serialize(new XDR(), xid, new VerifierNone
                                                                           ()), xid);
                if (Log.IsDebugEnabled())
                    Log.Debug("Opened stream for appending file: " + fileHandle.GetFileId());
            // Add write into the async job queue
            openFileCtx.ReceivedNewWrite(dfsClient, request, channel, xid, asyncDataService,
Exemple #8
        public virtual void TestCheckCommit()
            // Validate all the commit check return codes OpenFileCtx.COMMIT_STATUS, which
            DFSClient            dfsClient = Org.Mockito.Mockito.Mock <DFSClient>();
            Nfs3FileAttributes   attr      = new Nfs3FileAttributes();
            HdfsDataOutputStream fos       = Org.Mockito.Mockito.Mock <HdfsDataOutputStream>();

            NfsConfiguration conf = new NfsConfiguration();

            conf.SetBoolean(NfsConfigKeys.LargeFileUpload, false);
            OpenFileCtx ctx = new OpenFileCtx(fos, attr, "/dumpFilePath", dfsClient, new ShellBasedIdMapping
                                                  (conf), false, conf);

            OpenFileCtx.COMMIT_STATUS ret;
            // Test inactive open file context
            Org.Jboss.Netty.Channel.Channel ch = Org.Mockito.Mockito.Mock <Org.Jboss.Netty.Channel.Channel
            ret = ctx.CheckCommit(dfsClient, 0, ch, 1, attr, false);
            NUnit.Framework.Assert.IsTrue(ret == OpenFileCtx.COMMIT_STATUS.CommitInactiveCtx);
            ctx.GetPendingWritesForTest()[new OffsetRange(5, 10)] = new WriteCtx(null, 0, 0,
                                                                                 0, null, null, null, 0, false, null);
            ret = ctx.CheckCommit(dfsClient, 0, ch, 1, attr, false);
            NUnit.Framework.Assert.IsTrue(ret == OpenFileCtx.COMMIT_STATUS.CommitInactiveWithPendingWrite
            // Test request with non zero commit offset
            OpenFileCtx.COMMIT_STATUS status = ctx.CheckCommitInternal(5, null, 1, attr, false
            NUnit.Framework.Assert.IsTrue(status == OpenFileCtx.COMMIT_STATUS.CommitDoSync);
            // Do_SYNC state will be updated to FINISHED after data sync
            ret = ctx.CheckCommit(dfsClient, 5, ch, 1, attr, false);
            NUnit.Framework.Assert.IsTrue(ret == OpenFileCtx.COMMIT_STATUS.CommitFinished);
            status = ctx.CheckCommitInternal(10, ch, 1, attr, false);
            NUnit.Framework.Assert.IsTrue(status == OpenFileCtx.COMMIT_STATUS.CommitDoSync);
            ret = ctx.CheckCommit(dfsClient, 10, ch, 1, attr, false);
            NUnit.Framework.Assert.IsTrue(ret == OpenFileCtx.COMMIT_STATUS.CommitFinished);
            ConcurrentNavigableMap <long, OpenFileCtx.CommitCtx> commits = ctx.GetPendingCommitsForTest

            NUnit.Framework.Assert.IsTrue(commits.Count == 0);
            ret = ctx.CheckCommit(dfsClient, 11, ch, 1, attr, false);
            NUnit.Framework.Assert.IsTrue(ret == OpenFileCtx.COMMIT_STATUS.CommitWait);
            NUnit.Framework.Assert.IsTrue(commits.Count == 1);
            long key = commits.FirstKey();

            NUnit.Framework.Assert.IsTrue(key == 11);
            // Test request with zero commit offset
            Sharpen.Collections.Remove(commits, System.Convert.ToInt64(11));
            // There is one pending write [5,10]
            ret = ctx.CheckCommit(dfsClient, 0, ch, 1, attr, false);
            NUnit.Framework.Assert.IsTrue(ret == OpenFileCtx.COMMIT_STATUS.CommitWait);
            NUnit.Framework.Assert.IsTrue(commits.Count == 1);
            key = commits.FirstKey();
            NUnit.Framework.Assert.IsTrue(key == 9);
            // Empty pending writes
            Sharpen.Collections.Remove(ctx.GetPendingWritesForTest(), new OffsetRange(5, 10));
            ret = ctx.CheckCommit(dfsClient, 0, ch, 1, attr, false);
            NUnit.Framework.Assert.IsTrue(ret == OpenFileCtx.COMMIT_STATUS.CommitFinished);
Exemple #9
        public virtual void TestCheckCommitFromReadLargeFileUpload()
            // Validate all the commit check return codes OpenFileCtx.COMMIT_STATUS with large file upload option
            DFSClient            dfsClient = Org.Mockito.Mockito.Mock <DFSClient>();
            Nfs3FileAttributes   attr      = new Nfs3FileAttributes();
            HdfsDataOutputStream fos       = Org.Mockito.Mockito.Mock <HdfsDataOutputStream>();

            NfsConfiguration config = new NfsConfiguration();

            config.SetBoolean(NfsConfigKeys.LargeFileUpload, true);
            OpenFileCtx ctx = new OpenFileCtx(fos, attr, "/dumpFilePath", dfsClient, new ShellBasedIdMapping
                                                  (config), false, config);
            FileHandle h = new FileHandle(1);

            // fake handle for "/dumpFilePath"
            OpenFileCtx.COMMIT_STATUS ret;
            WriteManager wm = new WriteManager(new ShellBasedIdMapping(config), config, false

            NUnit.Framework.Assert.IsTrue(wm.AddOpenFileStream(h, ctx));
            // Test inactive open file context
            Org.Jboss.Netty.Channel.Channel ch = Org.Mockito.Mockito.Mock <Org.Jboss.Netty.Channel.Channel
            ret = ctx.CheckCommit(dfsClient, 0, ch, 1, attr, true);
            NUnit.Framework.Assert.AreEqual(OpenFileCtx.COMMIT_STATUS.CommitInactiveCtx, ret);
            NUnit.Framework.Assert.AreEqual(Nfs3Status.Nfs3Ok, wm.CommitBeforeRead(dfsClient,
                                                                                   h, 0));
            ctx.GetPendingWritesForTest()[new OffsetRange(10, 15)] = new WriteCtx(null, 0, 0,
                                                                                  0, null, null, null, 0, false, null);
            ret = ctx.CheckCommit(dfsClient, 0, ch, 1, attr, true);
                                            , ret);
            NUnit.Framework.Assert.AreEqual(Nfs3Status.Nfs3errIo, wm.CommitBeforeRead(dfsClient
                                                                                      , h, 0));
            // Test request with non zero commit offset
            OpenFileCtx.COMMIT_STATUS status = ctx.CheckCommitInternal(5, ch, 1, attr, false);
            NUnit.Framework.Assert.AreEqual(OpenFileCtx.COMMIT_STATUS.CommitDoSync, status);
            // Do_SYNC state will be updated to FINISHED after data sync
            ret = ctx.CheckCommit(dfsClient, 5, ch, 1, attr, true);
            NUnit.Framework.Assert.AreEqual(OpenFileCtx.COMMIT_STATUS.CommitFinished, ret);
            NUnit.Framework.Assert.AreEqual(Nfs3Status.Nfs3Ok, wm.CommitBeforeRead(dfsClient,
                                                                                   h, 5));
            // Test request with sequential writes
            status = ctx.CheckCommitInternal(9, ch, 1, attr, true);
            NUnit.Framework.Assert.IsTrue(status == OpenFileCtx.COMMIT_STATUS.CommitSpecialWait
            ret = ctx.CheckCommit(dfsClient, 9, ch, 1, attr, true);
            NUnit.Framework.Assert.AreEqual(OpenFileCtx.COMMIT_STATUS.CommitSpecialWait, ret);
            NUnit.Framework.Assert.AreEqual(Nfs3Status.Nfs3errJukebox, wm.CommitBeforeRead(dfsClient
                                                                                           , h, 9));
            // Test request with non-sequential writes
            ConcurrentNavigableMap <long, OpenFileCtx.CommitCtx> commits = ctx.GetPendingCommitsForTest

            NUnit.Framework.Assert.IsTrue(commits.Count == 0);
            ret = ctx.CheckCommit(dfsClient, 16, ch, 1, attr, true);
            NUnit.Framework.Assert.AreEqual(OpenFileCtx.COMMIT_STATUS.CommitSpecialSuccess, ret
            NUnit.Framework.Assert.AreEqual(0, commits.Count);
            // commit triggered by read doesn't wait
            NUnit.Framework.Assert.AreEqual(Nfs3Status.Nfs3Ok, wm.CommitBeforeRead(dfsClient,
                                                                                   h, 16));
            // Test request with zero commit offset
            // There is one pending write [10,15]
            ret = ctx.CheckCommit(dfsClient, 0, ch, 1, attr, true);
            NUnit.Framework.Assert.AreEqual(OpenFileCtx.COMMIT_STATUS.CommitSpecialWait, ret);
            NUnit.Framework.Assert.AreEqual(0, commits.Count);
            NUnit.Framework.Assert.AreEqual(Nfs3Status.Nfs3errJukebox, wm.CommitBeforeRead(dfsClient
                                                                                           , h, 0));
            // Empty pending writes
            Sharpen.Collections.Remove(ctx.GetPendingWritesForTest(), new OffsetRange(10, 15)
            ret = ctx.CheckCommit(dfsClient, 0, ch, 1, attr, true);
            NUnit.Framework.Assert.AreEqual(OpenFileCtx.COMMIT_STATUS.CommitSpecialWait, ret);
            NUnit.Framework.Assert.AreEqual(Nfs3Status.Nfs3errJukebox, wm.CommitBeforeRead(dfsClient
                                                                                           , h, 0));
Exemple #10
        public virtual void TestCheckCommitLargeFileUpload()
            // Validate all the commit check return codes OpenFileCtx.COMMIT_STATUS with
            // large file upload option.
            DFSClient            dfsClient = Org.Mockito.Mockito.Mock <DFSClient>();
            Nfs3FileAttributes   attr      = new Nfs3FileAttributes();
            HdfsDataOutputStream fos       = Org.Mockito.Mockito.Mock <HdfsDataOutputStream>();

            NfsConfiguration conf = new NfsConfiguration();

            conf.SetBoolean(NfsConfigKeys.LargeFileUpload, true);
            OpenFileCtx ctx = new OpenFileCtx(fos, attr, "/dumpFilePath", dfsClient, new ShellBasedIdMapping
                                                  (conf), false, conf);

            OpenFileCtx.COMMIT_STATUS ret;
            // Test inactive open file context
            Org.Jboss.Netty.Channel.Channel ch = Org.Mockito.Mockito.Mock <Org.Jboss.Netty.Channel.Channel
            ret = ctx.CheckCommit(dfsClient, 0, ch, 1, attr, false);
            NUnit.Framework.Assert.IsTrue(ret == OpenFileCtx.COMMIT_STATUS.CommitInactiveCtx);
            ctx.GetPendingWritesForTest()[new OffsetRange(10, 15)] = new WriteCtx(null, 0, 0,
                                                                                  0, null, null, null, 0, false, null);
            ret = ctx.CheckCommit(dfsClient, 0, ch, 1, attr, false);
            NUnit.Framework.Assert.IsTrue(ret == OpenFileCtx.COMMIT_STATUS.CommitInactiveWithPendingWrite
            // Test request with non zero commit offset
            OpenFileCtx.COMMIT_STATUS status = ctx.CheckCommitInternal(5, null, 1, attr, false
            NUnit.Framework.Assert.IsTrue(status == OpenFileCtx.COMMIT_STATUS.CommitDoSync);
            // Do_SYNC state will be updated to FINISHED after data sync
            ret = ctx.CheckCommit(dfsClient, 5, ch, 1, attr, false);
            NUnit.Framework.Assert.IsTrue(ret == OpenFileCtx.COMMIT_STATUS.CommitFinished);
            // Test commit sequential writes
            status = ctx.CheckCommitInternal(10, ch, 1, attr, false);
            NUnit.Framework.Assert.IsTrue(status == OpenFileCtx.COMMIT_STATUS.CommitSpecialWait
            ret = ctx.CheckCommit(dfsClient, 10, ch, 1, attr, false);
            NUnit.Framework.Assert.IsTrue(ret == OpenFileCtx.COMMIT_STATUS.CommitSpecialWait);
            // Test commit non-sequential writes
            ConcurrentNavigableMap <long, OpenFileCtx.CommitCtx> commits = ctx.GetPendingCommitsForTest

            NUnit.Framework.Assert.IsTrue(commits.Count == 1);
            ret = ctx.CheckCommit(dfsClient, 16, ch, 1, attr, false);
            NUnit.Framework.Assert.IsTrue(ret == OpenFileCtx.COMMIT_STATUS.CommitSpecialSuccess
            NUnit.Framework.Assert.IsTrue(commits.Count == 1);
            // Test request with zero commit offset
            Sharpen.Collections.Remove(commits, System.Convert.ToInt64(10));
            // There is one pending write [10,15]
            ret = ctx.CheckCommitInternal(0, ch, 1, attr, false);
            NUnit.Framework.Assert.IsTrue(ret == OpenFileCtx.COMMIT_STATUS.CommitSpecialWait);
            ret = ctx.CheckCommitInternal(9, ch, 1, attr, false);
            NUnit.Framework.Assert.IsTrue(ret == OpenFileCtx.COMMIT_STATUS.CommitSpecialWait);
            NUnit.Framework.Assert.IsTrue(commits.Count == 2);
            // Empty pending writes. nextOffset=10, flushed pos=8
            Sharpen.Collections.Remove(ctx.GetPendingWritesForTest(), new OffsetRange(10, 15)
            ret = ctx.CheckCommit(dfsClient, 0, ch, 1, attr, false);
            NUnit.Framework.Assert.IsTrue(ret == OpenFileCtx.COMMIT_STATUS.CommitSpecialWait);
            // Empty pending writes
            // flushed pos = 8
            ret = ctx.CheckCommit(dfsClient, 0, ch, 1, attr, false);
            NUnit.Framework.Assert.IsTrue(ret == OpenFileCtx.COMMIT_STATUS.CommitFinished);