Exemple #1
        static void Main(string[] args)


            Boolean playerWantsToPlay = true;

            while (playerWantsToPlay == true)

                // instantiate first set of dice

            Console.WriteAscii("DeviceDice", Color.Red);

            Console.WriteLine("\r\nHow many sides do you need on your dice? Acceptable values are 4, 6, 8, 10, 12, or 20.");

            int[] acceptableDiceSideValuesArray = { 4, 6, 8, 10, 12, 20 };

            int diceSides = 0;

                diceSides = int.Parse(Console.ReadLine());
            catch (Exception e)
                Console.WriteLine("Invalid input." + e);


            while (!acceptableDiceSideValuesArray.Contains(diceSides))

                Console.WriteLine("Must chose between dice with 4, 6, 8, 10, 12, or 20 sides.");

                    diceSides = int.Parse(Console.ReadLine());
                catch (Exception e)
                    Console.WriteLine("Invalid input." + e);



                Console.WriteLine("How many dice do you want to roll? Acceptable values are 1-10.");

                int numberOfPlayerDice = 0;

                    numberOfPlayerDice = int.Parse(Console.ReadLine());
                catch (Exception e)
                    Console.WriteLine("Invalid input." + e);


                while (!(numberOfPlayerDice < 11 || numberOfPlayerDice <= 0))
                    Console.WriteLine("Must chose between one and ten dice.");

                        numberOfPlayerDice = int.Parse(Console.ReadLine());
                    catch (Exception e)
                        Console.WriteLine("Invalid input." + e);


                int initialDiceValue = 0;

                Dice[] diceBoard = new Dice[numberOfPlayerDice];

                for (int i = 0; i < numberOfPlayerDice; i++)
                    diceBoard[i] = new Dice(diceSides);

                    initialDiceValue += diceBoard[i].value;

                Console.WriteLine("Set a roll modifier? (y/n)");

                String useRollModifier = Console.ReadLine();

                while (!(useRollModifier == "y" || useRollModifier == "n"))
                    Console.WriteLine("Please enter a proper value.");

                    useRollModifier = Console.ReadLine();

                int rollModifier = 0;

                if (useRollModifier == "y")
                    Console.WriteLine("Enter a modifier value greater than 0.");

                        rollModifier = int.Parse(Console.ReadLine());
                    catch (Exception e)
                        Console.WriteLine("Invalid input." + e);


                    while (rollModifier <= 0)
                        Console.Write("Please enter a value greater than 0");

                            rollModifier = int.Parse(Console.ReadLine());
                        catch (Exception e)
                            Console.WriteLine("Invalid input." + e);




                if (useRollModifier == "n") { Console.WriteLine("No modifier used."); }

                // Print initial dice values

                Console.WriteLine("\r\nYou now have " + numberOfPlayerDice + " beautiful dice, all lined up in a row. You stare at them in awe:");

                for (int i = 0; i < diceBoard.Length; i++)
                    Console.WriteLine("\r\nThe " + Ordinal.AddOrdinal((i + 1)) + " die has a value of " + diceBoard[i].value + ".");

                Console.WriteLine("\r\nThe sum of all dice values are " + initialDiceValue + ".");

                if (useRollModifier == "y")
                    Console.WriteLine("\r\nWith a roll modfier of " + rollModifier + ", your dice roll has a value of " + (initialDiceValue + rollModifier) + ".");

                // while loop for rolling with modified number of dice

                // logic for rolling again

                Boolean playerWantsToPlayWithCurrentDiceNumber = true;
                while (playerWantsToPlayWithCurrentDiceNumber) { 

                    // roll loop logic. For simplicity's sake - modifier can be added here and not during the initial roll.

                    Boolean rollAgain = true;

                    while (rollAgain)
                        Console.WriteLine("\r\nYou roll your beautiful dice.");

                        int allDiceValueForRoll = 0;

                        foreach (Dice specficDice in diceBoard)

                            allDiceValueForRoll += specficDice.value;

                        Console.WriteLine("\r\nYou stare at your marvelous dice again. Through the magic of physics, they've changed.");

                        for (int i = 0; i < diceBoard.Length; i++)
                            Console.WriteLine("\r\nThe " + Ordinal.AddOrdinal((i + 1)) + " die has a value of " + diceBoard[i].value + ".");

                        //print only if dice number > 1?

                        Console.WriteLine("\r\nThe sum of all dice is now " + allDiceValueForRoll + ".");

                        if (useRollModifier == "y")
                            Console.WriteLine("\r\nWith a roll modfier of " + rollModifier  + ", your dice roll has a value of " + (allDiceValueForRoll + rollModifier) + ".");

                        Console.WriteLine("\r\nRoll again? (y/n)");

                        String rollAgainConfirmation = Console.ReadLine();

                        while(!((rollAgainConfirmation == "y") || (rollAgainConfirmation == "n"))) {

                            Console.WriteLine("Invalid Input, please specify whether or not your want to roll again. (y/n)");

                            rollAgainConfirmation = Console.ReadLine();


                        if (rollAgainConfirmation == "n") { break; }


                    // add/subtract input validation

                    Console.WriteLine("\r\nSpecify whether to add or subtract dice, change the roll modifier, or exit. (add/subtract/modifier/exit)");

                    String[] addOrSubtractChoices = { "add", "subtract", "modifier", "exit" };

                    String addOrSubtractConfirmation = "";

                    addOrSubtractConfirmation = Console.ReadLine();

                    while (!addOrSubtractChoices.Contains(addOrSubtractConfirmation))

                        Console.WriteLine("Invalid Input. Please specify whether to add or subtract dice, or exit. (add/subtract/modifier/exit)");

                        addOrSubtractConfirmation = Console.ReadLine();


                    int valueToModifyDiceBoard = 0;

                    if (addOrSubtractConfirmation == "add" || addOrSubtractConfirmation == "subtract")

                        Console.WriteLine("\r\nBy how much? You currently have " + diceBoard.Length + " dice.");

                            // need validation for specifying invalid numbers.
                            valueToModifyDiceBoard = int.Parse(Console.ReadLine());
                        catch (Exception e)
                            Console.WriteLine("Invalid input." + e);


                        if (valueToModifyDiceBoard < 0)

                            Console.WriteLine("A negative number, eh? Don't mind if I convert your input to an absolute number.");

                            valueToModifyDiceBoard = Math.Abs(valueToModifyDiceBoard);


                        // welcome to Off-By-One City: logic for actually modifying the diceBoard array

                        int originalDiceBoardLength = diceBoard.Length;

                        int newDiceValue = 0;

                        if (addOrSubtractConfirmation == "add")

                            while ((diceBoard.Length + valueToModifyDiceBoard) > 10)
                                Console.WriteLine("You can only have between 1 and 10 dice. Please chose a proper value.");

                                    valueToModifyDiceBoard = int.Parse(Console.ReadLine());
                                catch (Exception e)
                                    Console.WriteLine("Invalid input." + e);


                            Array.Resize(ref diceBoard, (diceBoard.Length + valueToModifyDiceBoard));

                            for (int i = originalDiceBoardLength; i < diceBoard.Length; i++)
                                diceBoard[i] = new Dice(diceSides);

                            foreach (Dice specificDice in diceBoard)
                                newDiceValue += specificDice.value;

                            Console.WriteLine("\r\nYou added " + valueToModifyDiceBoard + " and now have " + diceBoard.Length + " dice, with a total sum of " + newDiceValue + ".");


                        if (addOrSubtractConfirmation == "subtract")
                            while ((diceBoard.Length - valueToModifyDiceBoard) < 1)
                                Console.WriteLine("You can only have between 1 and 10 dice. Please chose a proper value.");

                                    valueToModifyDiceBoard = int.Parse(Console.ReadLine());
                                catch (Exception e)
                                    Console.WriteLine("Invalid input." + e);


                            Array.Resize(ref diceBoard, (diceBoard.Length - valueToModifyDiceBoard));

                            foreach (Dice specificDice in diceBoard)
                                newDiceValue += specificDice.value;

                            Console.WriteLine("\r\nYou subtracted " + valueToModifyDiceBoard + " and now have " + diceBoard.Length + " dice, with a total sum of " + newDiceValue + ".");



                    if (addOrSubtractConfirmation == "modifier")
                        Console.WriteLine("\r\nAdd a modifier, change your modifier, stop using a roll modifier, or exit (add/change/stop/exit)");

                        String modifierChoice = Console.ReadLine();

                        String[] modifyRollModifier = { "add", "change", "stop", "exit" };

                        while (!modifyRollModifier.Contains(modifierChoice))
                            Console.WriteLine("Please chose a valid input (change/stopmodifier/exit)");

                            modifierChoice = Console.ReadLine();

                        if (modifierChoice == "add")
                            Console.WriteLine("\r\nYou're now playing with a roll modifier.");

                            useRollModifier = "y";

                            modifierChoice = "change";

                        if (modifierChoice == "change")

                            Console.WriteLine("\r\nInput a value for the dice modifier greater than 0.");

                                rollModifier = int.Parse(Console.ReadLine());
                            catch (Exception e)
                                Console.WriteLine("Invalid input." + e);


                            while (rollModifier <= 0)
                                Console.Write("Please enter a value greater than 0.");

                                    rollModifier = int.Parse(Console.ReadLine());
                                catch (Exception e)
                                    Console.WriteLine("Invalid input." + e);




                        if (modifierChoice == "stop") { Console.WriteLine("\r\nYou stop using a dice modifier."); useRollModifier = "n"; rollModifier = 0; }


                    if (addOrSubtractConfirmation == "exit") { break; }


                Console.WriteLine("\r\nPlay again soon!");

                playerWantsToPlay = false;

