public void can_index_collections_larger_than_32768() { using (var store = GetDocumentStore()) { using (var bulk = store.BulkInsert()) { for (var i = 0; i < 40000; i++) { bulk.Store(new Order { CompanyId = i.ToString() }); } } //wait for indexing of Raven/DocumentsByEntityName WaitForIndexing(store); var index = new Orders_Index(); index.Execute(store); WaitForIndexing(store); Assert.Equal(40000, WaitForEntriesCount(store, index.IndexName, 40000)); } }
public void can_index_collections_larger_than_32768() { using (var store = GetDocumentStore()) { using (var bulk = store.BulkInsert()) { for (var i = 0; i < 40000; i++) { bulk.Store(new Order { CompanyId = i.ToString() }); } } //wait for indexing of Raven/DocumentsByEntityName WaitForIndexing(store); var index = new Orders_Index(); index.Execute(store); WaitForIndexing(store); var stats = store.Maintenance.Send(new GetIndexStatisticsOperation(index.IndexName)); Assert.Equal(40000, stats.EntriesCount); } }
public void can_index_collections_larger_than_predefined() { using (var store = NewDocumentStore(configureStore: documentStore => { documentStore.Configuration.MaxPrecomputedBatchSizeForNewIndex = 10000; })) { using (var bulk = store.BulkInsert()) { for (var i = 0; i < 10500; i++) { bulk.Store(new Order { CompanyId = i.ToString() }); } } //wait for indexing of Raven/DocumentsByEntityName WaitForIndexing(store); var index = new Orders_Index(); index.Execute(store); WaitForIndexing(store); var stats = store.DatabaseCommands.GetStatistics(); var ordersIndex = stats.Indexes.First(x => x.ForEntityName.Contains("Orders")); Assert.Equal(10500, ordersIndex.DocsCount); } }
public void can_index_collections_smaller_than_32768() { using (var store = NewDocumentStore()) { using (var bulk = store.BulkInsert()) { for (var i = 0; i < 30000; i++) { bulk.Store(new Order { CompanyId = i.ToString() }); } } //wait for indexing of Raven/DocumentsByEntityName WaitForIndexing(store); var index = new Orders_Index(); index.Execute(store); WaitForIndexing(store); var stats = store.DatabaseCommands.GetStatistics(); var ordersIndex = stats.Indexes.First(x => x.ForEntityName.Contains("Orders")); Assert.Equal(30000, ordersIndex.DocsCount); } }
public void can_disable_precomputed_batch() { using (var store = NewDocumentStore(configureStore: documentStore => { documentStore.Configuration.MaxPrecomputedBatchSizeForNewIndex = 0; })) { using (var session = store.OpenSession()) { session.Store(new Order { CompanyId = "companies/1" }); session.SaveChanges(); } var index = new Orders_Index(); index.Execute(store); WaitForIndexing(store); } }
public void can_index_collections_smaller_than_32768() { using (var store = GetDocumentStore()) { using (var bulk = store.BulkInsert()) { for (var i = 0; i < 30000; i++) { bulk.Store(new Order { CompanyId = i.ToString() }); } } var index = new Orders_Index(); index.Execute(store); WaitForIndexing(store); Assert.Equal(30000, WaitForEntriesCount(store, index.IndexName, 30000)); } }
public void can_index_collections_smaller_than_32768() { using (var store = GetDocumentStore()) { using (var bulk = store.BulkInsert()) { for (var i = 0; i < 30000; i++) { bulk.Store(new Order { CompanyId = i.ToString() }); } } var index = new Orders_Index(); index.Execute(store); WaitForIndexing(store); var stats = store.Admin.Send(new GetIndexStatisticsOperation(index.IndexName)); Assert.Equal(30000, stats.EntriesCount); } }