static void Main(string[] args) { var CCustomer = new Customer(); for (int i = 0; i <= 100; i++) { Console.WriteLine("\nSelect From List"); Console.WriteLine("\n Options: ('c') CustomerList, ('n') New Customer, ('r') Registered Customer, ('u') Update Customer Name "); Console.Write("Select Options: "); var option1 = Console.ReadLine(); if (option1 == "r") { string name = ""; int ID; while (string.IsNullOrEmpty(name)) { Console.WriteLine(); Console.Write("Enter your ID number: "); var inputId = Console.ReadLine(); while (!int.TryParse(inputId, out ID)) { Console.WriteLine("This is not a Valid ID number!"); inputId = Console.ReadLine(); } name = CustomerController.FindCustomerName(ID); if (!string.IsNullOrEmpty(name)) { CCustomer.CustomerId = ID; break; } Console.WriteLine($"Customer with ID #{ID} does not exist"); } var date = DateTime.Now; Console.WriteLine($"\nHello, {name}, on {date:d} at {date:t}!"); Console.WriteLine("Enter any key to Continue: "); Console.ReadKey(true); Console.Clear(); Console.WriteLine("\nSelect a destination: "); LocationController.DisplayLocations(); Console.Write("Select Destination by ID, ex: '1': "); break; } else if (option1 == "n") { CustomerController.AddCustomerToDB(); Console.Clear(); Console.WriteLine("Customer has been Registered"); } else if (option1 == "c") { Console.Clear(); CustomerController.DisplayCustomers(); } else if (option1 == "u") { Console.WriteLine(""); Console.Write("Enter your ID number: "); var idnumber = Console.ReadLine(); int ID; while (!int.TryParse(idnumber, out ID)) { Console.WriteLine("This is not a ID number!"); idnumber = Console.ReadLine(); } //requires a second input validation check to make certain that the ID given exists CustomerController.ChangeCustomerName(ID); Console.Clear(); Console.WriteLine("Customer Name has been Updated"); } else { Console.Clear(); Console.WriteLine($"\n ({i}) incorrect input, Please: 'Select a letter from Options'"); } } var idnumber2 = Console.ReadLine(); int ID2; while (!int.TryParse(idnumber2, out ID2)) { Console.WriteLine("This is not a ID number!"); idnumber2 = Console.ReadLine(); } //requires a second input validation check to make certain that the ID given exists for (int i = 0; i <= 100; i++) { Console.WriteLine(""); string name = CustomerController.FindCustomerName(CCustomer.CustomerId); Console.Write($"Welcome {name}, "); Console.WriteLine(LocationController.FindLocationName(ID2)); InventoryController.DisplayInventory(ID2); Console.Write("options: 'p' Place Order, 'x' Exit, 'v' view location Order History, 'y' view your own Order History: "); string options2 = Console.ReadLine(); List <Orders> orders = new List <Orders>(); if (options2 == "p") { OrderHistoryController.AddToOrderHistory(CCustomer.CustomerId, ID2); int oID = OrderHistoryController.NewOrderID(); Console.Clear(); for (int z = 0; z <= 100; z++) { InventoryController.DisplayInventory(ID2); OrdersController.DisplayCurrentOrder(orders); Console.WriteLine("options: 'a' Add to order, 'c' complete order: "); string option3 = Console.ReadLine(); if (option3 == "a") { Console.WriteLine(""); Console.Write("Select Product ID: "); var idnumber3 = Console.ReadLine(); int PID; while (!int.TryParse(idnumber3, out PID)) { Console.WriteLine("This is not a ID number!"); idnumber3 = Console.ReadLine(); } //requires a second input validation check to make certain that the ID given exists Console.WriteLine(""); Console.Write("Select Amount: "); var idnumber4 = Console.ReadLine(); int a; while (!int.TryParse(idnumber4, out a)) { Console.WriteLine("This is not a number!"); idnumber4 = Console.ReadLine(); } var O = new Orders { ProductId = PID, OrderId = oID, Amount = a }; orders.Add(O); Console.Clear(); } else if (option3 == "c") { foreach (var order in orders) { int a = InventoryController.RemoveFromInventory(ID2, order.ProductId, order.Amount); if (a == 0) { } else { OrdersController.AddToOrders(order.OrderId, order.ProductId, a); } } Console.WriteLine("your order has been completed, check your order history for more details"); z = 200; Console.WriteLine("Enter any key to Continue: "); Console.ReadKey(true); Console.Clear(); } else { Console.Clear(); Console.WriteLine($"\n ({z}) incorrect input, Please: 'Select a letter from Options'"); } } //break; } else if (options2 == "x") { //DeleteUnusedOrderHistory(oID); //This requires that a sql script is run on DataBase: //DBCC CHECKIDENT (OrderHistory, RESEED, 1); //DBCC CHECKIDENT (OrderHistory, RESEED); break; } else if (options2 == "v") { Console.WriteLine(""); OrderHistoryController.DisplayOrderHistoryLocation(ID2); Console.WriteLine("Enter any key to Continue: "); Console.ReadKey(true); Console.Clear(); } else if (options2 == "y") { Console.WriteLine(""); OrderHistoryController.DisplayOrderHistoryCustomer(CCustomer.CustomerId); Console.WriteLine("Enter any key to Continue: "); Console.ReadKey(true); Console.Clear(); } else { Console.Clear(); Console.WriteLine($"\n ({i}) incorrect input, Please: 'Select a letter from Options'"); } //Console.ReadKey(true); } }