public void MultilineItems()
            /* given */
            int listEnd;
            var markdown = new StringBuilder();
            markdown.Append("1. item\n");
            markdown.Append("   something here for the next line of the item\n");
            markdown.Append("2. item\n");
            markdown.Append("   this is item two\n");
            markdown.Append("3. item\n");
            markdown.Append("should not the part of item 3\n");
            var listRange = new StringRange(markdown.ToString());

            var builder = new OrderedListBuilder();

            /* when */

            var list = (List)builder.Build(0, listRange, out listEnd);

            /* then */

            var item1 = list.Items.ElementAt(0);
            item1.ToString().ShouldBeEquivalentTo("item\n   something here for the next line of the item");

            var item2 = list.Items.ElementAt(1);
            item2.ToString().ShouldBeEquivalentTo("item\n   this is item two");

            var item3 = list.Items.ElementAt(2);
        public void Build()
            /* given */
            int listEnd;
            var markdown = new StringBuilder();
            markdown.Append("1. item 1\n");
            markdown.Append("2. item\n");
            markdown.Append("   this is item two 2\n");
            markdown.Append("3. item 3\n");
            var listRange = new StringRange(markdown.ToString());

            var builder = new OrderedListBuilder();

            /* when */
            var list = (List)builder.Build(0, listRange, out listEnd);

            /* then */

            var item1 = list.Items.ElementAt(0);
            item1.ToString().ShouldBeEquivalentTo("item 1");

            var item2 = list.Items.ElementAt(1);
            item2.ToString().ShouldBeEquivalentTo("item\n   this is item two 2");

            var item3 = list.Items.ElementAt(2);
            item3.ToString().ShouldBeEquivalentTo("item 3");