// Send the order to be updated in the database
        public void SendOrder(int waiterID)
            currentOrder.OrderItems = GetOrderLines();
            // call function in the logic layer
            // This function passes:
            // 1. OrderId, which is a unique ID for this order
            // 2. A list of items
            //    Each item in this list has an item id and a quantity

            // Create a unique order ID by using the current time(stamp)
            // PS we know this is not 100% guranateed, but will do for now
            //int orderID = random.Next();
            foreach (OrderItem item in currentOrder.OrderItems)
                for (int i = 0; i < item.quantity; i++)
                    order_db.Db_Insert_Order_Item(currentOrder.id, item.itemID);