Exemple #1
        public override void Handle(List <Exchange> p_exchanges)
            foreach (var exchange in p_exchanges)
                foreach (var ask in exchange.asks)
                    OrderItemBalance orderItemBalance = new OrderItemBalance(exchange.balance, ask.order);

            // we'll use integrated quick sort to sort in ascending order by order price
            _orderItemBalances.Sort((x, y) => x.order.price.CompareTo(y.order.price));
Exemple #2
        public override void Handle(List <Exchange> p_exchanges)
            foreach (var exchange in p_exchanges)
                foreach (var bid in exchange.bids)
                    OrderItemBalance orderItemBalance = new OrderItemBalance(exchange.balance, bid.order);

            // we'll use integrated quick sort to sort in ascending order by order price
            _orderItemBalances.Sort((x, y) => x.order.price.CompareTo(y.order.price));
            // but when we're selling, we wanna get max possible price, so let's reverse list to descending order
Exemple #3
        public override BestPrice GetBestPrice()
            decimal totalAmount = .0M;
            decimal totalPrice  = .0M;

            int  i           = 0;
            bool finished    = false;
            bool notPossible = false;

            List <OrderItemBalance> orders = new List <OrderItemBalance>();

            while (!finished)
                if (notPossible)
                    throw new Exception("Cannot buy within your account balances.");

                OrderItemBalance item            = _orderItemBalances[i];
                decimal          itemOrderAmount = item.order.amount;
                decimal          diff            = amount - (totalAmount + itemOrderAmount);
                decimal          itemPrice       = (item.order.price * itemOrderAmount);

                // we don't wanna sell too much, if diff is negative, we have to split whole amount
                if (diff <= 0)
                    finished        = true;
                    itemOrderAmount = item.order.amount + diff;
                    itemPrice       = (item.order.price * itemOrderAmount);

                // there are very tiny differences sometimes
                if (item.exchangeBalance.BTC <= 0.00000001M || itemOrderAmount <= 0)
                    finished    = false; // we're not finished cause we are poor men :/
                    notPossible = (i >= (_orderItemBalances.Count - 1));

                // if balance is not sufficient, we need to to buy as much as we can
                decimal balanceDiff = (item.exchangeBalance.BTC - itemOrderAmount);
                if (balanceDiff < 0.000001M)
                    itemOrderAmount = item.exchangeBalance.BTC;
                    itemPrice       = (item.order.price * itemOrderAmount);
                    finished        = false; // we're not finished cause we couldn't use our balance fully

                // increasing EUR and decreasing amount of BTC

                totalAmount += itemOrderAmount;
                totalPrice  += itemPrice;

                // change to actual values, which depends on balance constraints
                item.originalAmount = item.order.amount;
                item.originalPrice  = item.order.price;
                item.order.amount   = itemOrderAmount;
                item.order.price    = itemPrice;



                // zero based index and funny stuff like this
                notPossible = (i >= (_orderItemBalances.Count - 1));

            return(new BestPrice(orders, totalPrice));