Exemple #1
        public ActionResult Index()
            var model = new BackofficeSubscriptionsViewModel();

            // Get the customer's subscriptions
            model.Subscriptions = Exigo.GetCustomerSubscriptions(CurrentCustomerID).ToList();

            // If we have any expired subscriptions, we need to calculate how much they are going to cost to catch them up today
            if (model.Subscriptions.Where(c => c.SubscriptionID == Subscriptions.BackofficeFeatures).FirstOrDefault() == null || model.Subscriptions.Where(c => c.SubscriptionID == Subscriptions.BackofficeFeatures).Any(s => s.IsExpired))
                var customer = Exigo.GetCustomer(Identity.Current.CustomerID);
                if (customer.CreatedDate >= DateTimeExtensions.ToCST(DateTime.Now.AddMinutes(-30)) && customer.CustomerTypeID == CustomerTypes.Associate)
                    var cookie = new HttpCookie(GlobalSettings.Backoffices.MonthlySubscriptionCookieName);
                    cookie.Value   = "true";
                    cookie.Expires = DateTime.Now.AddMinutes(15);

                    return(RedirectToAction("Index", "Dashboard"));
                // Set up our request to get the order totals on the subscriptions that are required
                var request = new OrderCalculationRequest();

                // We pull the customer's addresses first, if there are none we calculate with the corp address
                var customerAddresses = Exigo.GetCustomerAddresses(CurrentCustomerID);
                var address           = (customerAddresses.Count() > 0 && customerAddresses.Where(c => c.IsComplete == true).Count() > 0) ? customerAddresses.Where(c => c.IsComplete == true).FirstOrDefault() : GlobalSettings.Company.Address;

                // Find which subscriptions are expired and add the appropriate items to those where needed
                var itemsToCalculate = new List <ShoppingCartItem>();

                itemsToCalculate.Add(new ShoppingCartItem {
                    ItemCode = GlobalSettings.Backoffices.MonthlySubscriptionItemCode, Quantity = 1

                model.PaymentMethods = Exigo.GetCustomerPaymentMethods(new GetCustomerPaymentMethodsRequest
                    CustomerID = CurrentCustomerID,
                    ExcludeIncompleteMethods = true,
                    ExcludeInvalidMethods    = true
                request.Configuration = OrderConfiguration;
                request.Address       = address;
                request.Items         = itemsToCalculate;

                request.ShipMethodID = OrderConfiguration.DefaultShipMethodID;
                //82774 Ivan S. 11/24/2016
                //The Commissions page was displaying an OOPS error when clicking on it, because
                //we were not passing in the CustomerID, and it was generating a null exception
                //Therefore I added this line of code:
                request.CustomerID      = Identity.Current.CustomerID;
                model.OrderCalcResponse = Exigo.CalculateOrder(request);

        // Order Calculation
        public OrderCalculationResult CalculateOrder(OrderCalculationRequest request)
            var result = new OrderCalculationResult();

            if (request.Items.Count() == 0)
            if (request.Address == null)
                request.Address = GlobalSettings.Company.DefaultCalculationAddress;
            if (request.ShipMethodID == 0)
                request.ShipMethodID = request.Configuration.DefaultShipMethodID;

            var apirequest = new CalculateOrderRequest();

            apirequest.WarehouseID       = request.Configuration.WarehouseID;
            apirequest.CurrencyCode      = request.Configuration.CurrencyCode;
            apirequest.PriceType         = request.Configuration.PriceTypeID;
            apirequest.ShipMethodID      = request.ShipMethodID;
            apirequest.ReturnShipMethods = request.ReturnShipMethods;
            apirequest.City    = request.Address.City;
            apirequest.State   = request.Address.State;
            apirequest.Zip     = request.Address.Zip;
            apirequest.Country = request.Address.Country;
            apirequest.Details = request.Items.Select(c => new OrderDetailRequest(c)).ToArray();

            var apiresponse = Exigo.WebService().CalculateOrder(apirequest);

            result.Subtotal = apiresponse.SubTotal;
            result.Shipping = apiresponse.ShippingTotal;
            result.Tax      = apiresponse.TaxTotal;
            result.Discount = apiresponse.DiscountTotal;
            result.Total    = apiresponse.Total;

            // Assemble the ship methods
            var shipMethods = new List <IShipMethod>();

            if (apiresponse.ShipMethods != null)
                foreach (var shipMethod in apiresponse.ShipMethods.Where(s => request.Configuration.AvailableShipMethods.Contains(s.ShipMethodID)))

                // Ensure that at least one ship method is selected
                var shipMethodID = (request.ShipMethodID != 0) ? request.ShipMethodID : request.Configuration.DefaultShipMethodID;
                if (shipMethods.Any(c => c.ShipMethodID == shipMethodID))
                    shipMethods.First(c => c.ShipMethodID == shipMethodID).Selected = true;
                    shipMethods.First().Selected = true;

            result.ShipMethods = shipMethods.AsEnumerable();

            var test = "";
