// ReSharper disable once MemberCanBePrivate.Global
        public static Order DuplicateOrderCall()
            // These are the steps for cloning an existing order and charging the customer for it.
            // 1. duplicateOrder
            // 2. updateOrder (if you wish to change any part of it)
            // 3. processPayment to charge the customer.
            // As a reminder, if you wish to create a new order from scratch, use the CheckoutApi.
            // The OrderApi is for managing existing orders.

            var orderApi = new OrderApi(Constants.API_KEY);

            string expansion = "items";
            // for this example, we're going to change the items after we duplicate the order, so
            // the only expansion properties we need are the items.
            // See: https://www.ultracart.com/api/  for a list of all expansions.

            // Step 1. Duplicate the order
            string        orderIdToDuplicate = "DEMO-0009104436";
            OrderResponse apiResponse        = orderApi.DuplicateOrder(orderIdToDuplicate, expansion);
            Order         newOrder           = apiResponse.Order;

            // Step 2. Update the items.  I will create a new items array and assign it to the order to remove the old ones completely.
            var orderItems = new List <OrderItem>();

            OrderItem item = new OrderItem
                MerchantItemId         = "simple_teapot",
                Quantity               = 1,
                Description            = "A lovely teapot",
                DistributionCenterCode = "DFLT" // where is this item shipping out of?

            Currency cost = new Currency
                CurrencyCode = "USD",
                Value        = (decimal?)9.99

            item.Cost = cost;

            Weight weight = new Weight
                Uom   = Weight.UomEnum.OZ,
                Value = 6

            item.Weight = weight;

            newOrder.Items = orderItems;
            OrderResponse updateResponse = orderApi.UpdateOrder(newOrder, newOrder.OrderId, expansion);
            Order         updatedOrder   = updateResponse.Order;

            // Step 3. process the payment.
            // the request object below takes two optional arguments.
            // The first is an amount if you wish to bill for an amount different from the order.  We do not.
            // The second is card_verification_number_token, which is a token you can create by using our hosted fields to
            // upload a CVV value.  This will create a token you may use here.  However, most merchants using the duplicate
            // order method will be setting up an auto order for a customer.  Those will not make use of the CVV, so we're
            // not including it here.  That is why the request object below is does not have any values set.
            // For more info on hosted fields, see: https://ultracart.atlassian.net/wiki/spaces/ucdoc/pages/1377775/UltraCart+Hosted+Credit+Card+Fields
            OrderProcessPaymentRequest  request            = new OrderProcessPaymentRequest();
            OrderProcessPaymentResponse paymentResponse    = orderApi.ProcessPayment(newOrder.OrderId, request);
            OrderPaymentTransaction     transactionDetails = paymentResponse.PaymentTransaction;
