public TaxonomyReportModel[] GetTaxonomyReportsByTaxonomyId(string taxonomyId) { string query = @"SELECT * FROM XMS_TAXONOMY_REPORTS WHERE TAXONOMY_ID = :TaxonomyId ORDER BY ID"; return(Connection.Query(query, new { TaxonomyId = taxonomyId }).Select(dbRow => new TaxonomyReportModel() { Currency = dbRow.CURRENCY, Decimals = dbRow.DECIMALS, DecimalDecimals = dbRow.DECIMAL_DECIMALS, Description = dbRow.DESCRIPTION, EntityIdentifier = dbRow.ENTITY_IDENTIFIER, EntitySchema = dbRow.ENTITY_SCHEMA, EntryUri = dbRow.ENTRY_URI, FileName = dbRow.FILE_NAME, Id = dbRow.ID, IntegerDecimals = dbRow.INTEGER_DECIMALS, MonetaryDecimals = dbRow.MONETARY_DECIMALS, PeriodType = OracleHelpers.StringToPeriodType(dbRow.PERIOD_TYPE), PureDecimals = dbRow.PURE_DECIMALS, SharesDecimals = dbRow.SHARES_DECIMALS, TaxonomyId = dbRow.TAXONOMY_ID, TnProcessorId = dbRow.TN_PROCESSOR_ID, TnRevisionId = dbRow.TN_REVISION_ID, }).ToArray()); }
public static bool RegisterWithoutEmail(string username, string password) { // CREATE TABLE earthfusion_users( // user_id NUMBER, // user_name VARCHAR2(50), // user_email VARCHAR2(50), // user_password_hashed VARCHAR2(66), // user_status VARCHAR2(50), // user_role VARCHAR2(50), // PRIMARY KEY(user_id) // ); // table structure: // user_id: uuid. This is the unique identification of an user. // user_name: username/nickname // user_email: user's email // user_password_hashed: hashed password. SHA256 only. // user_status: is the user enabled? "enabled"/"disabled" // user_role: administrator/user string oracleSpatialAdminUsername = earthfusion_backend.Globals.config["EARTH_FUSION_SPATIAL_ADMIN_DB_USERNAME"]; string oracleSpatialAdminPassword = earthfusion_backend.Globals.config["EARTH_FUSION_SPATIAL_ADMIN_DB_PASSWORD"]; OracleConnection conn = OracleHelpers.GetOracleConnection(oracleSpatialAdminUsername, oracleSpatialAdminPassword, false); // currently the frontend register without email address string emailAddress = "*****@*****.**"; return(CreateUserRow(conn, username, emailAddress, password)); }
public static UserInformation Login(string username, string password) { string oracleUsername = earthfusion_backend.Globals.config["EARTH_FUSION_SPATIAL_DB_USERNAME"]; string oraclePassword = earthfusion_backend.Globals.config["EARTH_FUSION_SPATIAL_DB_PASSWORD"]; OracleConnection conn = OracleHelpers.GetOracleConnection(oracleUsername, oraclePassword, false); // Get user information List <UserInformation> selectedResult = GetUserInformation(conn, username); if (selectedResult.Count < 1) { Logging.Warning("EarthFusion.SessionHelpers.Login", "No matching username in raw data"); return(null); } string userPasswordHashed = GenericHelpers.ComputeSha256Hash(password); Logging.Info("EarthFusion.SessionHelpers.Login", "request has a hashed password of " + userPasswordHashed); foreach (UserInformation userInformation in selectedResult) { Logging.Info("EarthFusion.SessionHelpers.Login", "comparing user with uuid " + userInformation.userId.ToString()); Logging.Info("EarthFusion.SessionHelpers.Login", "This user has a hashed password of " + userInformation.userPasswordHashed); if (userPasswordHashed == userInformation.userPasswordHashed) { Logging.Info("EarthFusion.SessionHelpers.Login", "uuid " + userInformation.userId.ToString() + " seems good!"); return(userInformation); } } return(null); }
public static UserInformation Validate(string sessionId) { string oracleUsername = earthfusion_backend.Globals.config["EARTH_FUSION_SPATIAL_DB_USERNAME"]; string oraclePassword = earthfusion_backend.Globals.config["EARTH_FUSION_SPATIAL_DB_PASSWORD"]; OracleConnection conn = OracleHelpers.GetOracleConnection(oracleUsername, oraclePassword, false); return(ValidateSession(conn, sessionId)); }
public PeriodTypeModel[] GetPeriodTypes() { return(Connection.Query("SELECT ID, DESCRIPTION FROM XMS_PERIOD_TYPES").Select( q => new PeriodTypeModel() { PeriodType = OracleHelpers.StringToPeriodType(q.ID), Description = q.DESCRIPTION } ).ToArray()); }
public static bool CreateUserRow(OracleConnection conn, string username, string emailAddress, string password) { // insert into earthfusion_users // (user_id, user_name, user_email, USER_PASSWORD_HASHED, USER_STATUS, USER_ROLE) // values // (1, 'marshmallow', '*****@*****.**', '5a9fee2cb0e686d7d9022dfc72ccb160d533c668059d1acfcf5da53d517f2d46', 'enabled', 'administrator'); // check duplicate username if (OracleHelpers.IsRowExistInColumnInTableName(conn, username, "SPATIAL_ADMIN.EARTHFUSION_USERS", "user_name")) { return(false); } // generate uuid int uuid = 0; Random random = new System.Random(); while (true) { uuid = random.Next(2, 114514); // tests proved that we can use string to query int if (!OracleHelpers.IsRowExistInColumnInTableName(conn, uuid.ToString(), "SPATIAL_ADMIN.EARTHFUSION_USERS", "user_id")) { break; } } string hashedUserPassword = GenericHelpers.ComputeSha256Hash(password); string insertString = "insert into earthfusion_users "; insertString += "(user_id, user_name, user_email, USER_PASSWORD_HASHED, USER_STATUS, USER_ROLE) "; insertString += "values "; insertString += "("; insertString += uuid.ToString(); insertString += ", '"; insertString += username; insertString += "', '"; insertString += emailAddress; insertString += "', '"; insertString += hashedUserPassword; insertString += "', '"; insertString += "enabled"; insertString += "', '"; insertString += "user"; insertString += "')"; OracleCommand command = new OracleCommand(insertString, conn); conn.Open(); OracleDataReader reader = command.ExecuteReader(); conn.Close(); return(true); }
public void Update(TaxonomyReportModel entity) { LogLine(string.Format("update {0} - {1} in database.", entity.Id, entity.Description)); int rowsAffected = Connection.Execute(@"UPDATE XMS_TAXONOMY_REPORTS SET DESCRIPTION =: Description, PERIOD_TYPE = :PeriodType, ENTRY_URI = :EntryUri, FILE_NAME = :FileName, ENTITY_IDENTIFIER = :EntityIdentifire, CURRENCY = :Currency, DECIMALS = :Decimals, ENTITY_SCHEMA = :EntitySchema, DECIMAL_DECIMALS = :DecimalDecimals, INTEGER_DECIMALS = :IntegerDecimals, MONETARY_DECIMALS = :MonetaryDecimals, PURE_DECIMALS = :PureDecimals, SHARES_DECIMALS = :SharesDecimals, TN_PROCESSOR_ID = :TnProcessorId, TN_REVISION_ID = :TnRevisonId WHERE TAXONOMY_ID = :TaxonomyId and ID = :Id", new { Description = entity.Description, PeriodType = OracleHelpers.PeriodTypeToString(entity.PeriodType), TaxonomyId = entity.TaxonomyId, Id = entity.Id, EntryUri = entity.EntryUri, FileName = entity.FileName, EntityIdentifire = entity.EntityIdentifier, Currency = entity.Currency, Decimals = entity.Decimals, EntitySchema = entity.EntitySchema, DecimalDecimals = entity.DecimalDecimals, IntegerDecimals = entity.IntegerDecimals, MonetaryDecimals = entity.MonetaryDecimals, PureDecimals = entity.PureDecimals, SharesDecimals = entity.SharesDecimals, TnProcessorId = entity.TnProcessorId, TnRevisonId = entity.TnRevisionId, } ); if (rowsAffected == 0) { throw new NoRowsAffectedException("Update TaxonomyReport failed rowsAffected :" + rowsAffected); } }
public BussinessVitalityReport AnalysisBussinessVitalityReport(string sessionId, double ullog, double ullat, double lrlog, double lrlat, int rowNum, int colNum) { UserInformation user = SessionHelpers.Validate(sessionId); if (user == null) { return(null); } if (rowNum * colNum > 200) { return(null); } BussinessVitalityReport report = new BussinessVitalityReport(); report.userId = user.userId; report.rowNum = rowNum; report.colNum = colNum; = DateTime.Now; report.ulLongitude = ullog; report.ulLatitude = ullat; report.ldLongitude = lrlog; report.ldLatitude = lrlat; int i, j; double dellog = (lrlog - ullog) / colNum; double dellat = (ullat - lrlat) / rowNum; for (i = 0; i < colNum; i++) { for (j = 0; j < rowNum; j++) { double cullog, cullat, clrlog, clrlat; cullog = ullog + dellog * i; cullat = ullat - dellat * j; clrlog = cullog + dellog; clrlat = cullat - dellat; int ctrafficAccessibilit = OracleHelpers.TrafficAccessibilityRegionQuery(cullog, cullat, clrlog, clrlat) * 80 + OracleHelpers.TrafficAccessibilityRegionQuery(cullog - 4.5 * dellog, cullat + 4.5 * dellog, clrlog + 4.5 * dellog, clrlat - 4.5 * dellog); int ccompetitiveness = OracleHelpers.CompetitivenessRegionQuery(cullog, cullat, clrlog, clrlat) * 80 + OracleHelpers.CompetitivenessRegionQuery(cullog - 4.5 * dellog, cullat + 4.5 * dellog, clrlog + 4.5 * dellog, clrlat - 4.5 * dellog); report.trafficAccessibility += ctrafficAccessibilit + ","; report.competitiveness += ccompetitiveness + ","; } } return(report); }
public BussinessDistrictReport AnalysisBussinessDistricReport(string sessionId, double log, double lat) { UserInformation user = SessionHelpers.Validate(sessionId); if (user == null) { return(null); } BussinessDistrictReport report = new BussinessDistrictReport(); report.userId = user.userId; report.longitude = log; report.latitude = lat; report.reportId = 1; report.trafficAccessibility = OracleHelpers.TrafficAccessibilityPointQuery(log, lat, 1000) * 5 + OracleHelpers.TrafficAccessibilityPointQuery(log, lat, 2000); report.competitiveness = OracleHelpers.CompetitivenessPointQuery(log, lat); = DateTime.Now; return(report); }
public void Add(LocalReportModel entity) { LogLine(string.Format("adding {0} - {1} to database.", entity.Id, entity.Description)); int rowsAffected = Connection.Execute(@"INSERT INTO XMS_LOCAL_REPORTS (TAXONOMY_ID, SOURCE_ID, ID, ENTRY_URI, FILE_NAME, DESCRIPTION, ENTITY_IDENTIFIER, PERIOD_TYPE, CURRENCY, DECIMALS, ENTITY_SCHEMA, DECIMAL_DECIMALS, INTEGER_DECIMALS, MONETARY_DECIMALS, PURE_DECIMALS, SHARES_DECIMALS, TN_PROCESSOR_ID, TN_REVISION_ID, UPDATE_USER, UPDATE_USER_DSC, UPDATE_DATE) VALUES (:TaxonomyId, :SourceId, :Id, :EntryUri, :FileName, :Description, :EntityIdentifire, :PeriodType, :Currency, :Decimals, :EntitySchema, :DecimalDecimals, :IntegerDecimals, :MonetaryDecimals, :PureDecimals, :SharesDecimals, :TnProcessorId, :TnRevisionId, :UpdateDate, :UpdateUser, :UpdateUserDsc)", new { Description = entity.Description, PeriodType = OracleHelpers.PeriodTypeToString(entity.PeriodType), TaxonomyId = entity.TaxonomyId, Id = entity.Id, SourceId = entity.SourceId, EntryUri = entity.EntryUri, FileName = entity.FileName, EntityIdentifire = entity.EntityIdentifier, Currency = entity.Currency, Decimals = entity.Decimals, EntitySchema = entity.EntitySchema, DecimalDecimals = entity.DecimalDecimals, IntegerDecimals = entity.IntegerDecimals, MonetaryDecimals = entity.MonetaryDecimals, PureDecimals = entity.PureDecimals, SharesDecimals = entity.SharesDecimals, TnProcessorId = entity.TnProcessorId, TnRevisionId = entity.TnRevisionId, UpdateDate = entity.UpdateDate, UpdateUser = entity.UpdateUser, UpdateUserDsc = entity.UpdateUserDsc, }); if (rowsAffected == 0) { throw new NoRowsAffectedException("Add LocalReport failed rowsAffected :" + rowsAffected); } }
public BussinessDistrictReport GetBussinessDistricReportByReportID(string sessionId, int reportId) { UserInformation user = GetSession(sessionId).userInformation; if (user == null) { return(null); } BussinessDistrictReport report = new BussinessDistrictReport(); string oracleSpatialAdminUsername = earthfusion_backend.Globals.config["EARTH_FUSION_SPATIAL_ADMIN_DB_USERNAME"]; string oracleSpatialAdminPassword = earthfusion_backend.Globals.config["EARTH_FUSION_SPATIAL_ADMIN_DB_PASSWORD"]; OracleConnection conn = OracleHelpers.GetOracleConnection(oracleSpatialAdminUsername, oracleSpatialAdminPassword, false); string QueryString = ("select * from nemo.BussinessDistricReport where user_id=" + user.userId).ToString(); Logging.Info("GetBussinessDistricReportByReportID", "Constructed query: " + QueryString); // constructs command from string OracleCommand command = new OracleCommand(QueryString, conn); // open db connection conn.Open(); // then, executes the data reader OracleDataReader reader = command.ExecuteReader(); if (reader.RowSize == 0) { return(null); } try { /* * * CREATE TABLE nemo.BussinessDistricReport * ( * user_id int, * bd_report_id int, * bd_report_log float, * bd_report_lat float, * bd_report_time date, * bd_competitiveness int, * bd_traffic_accessibility int, * PRIMARY KEY(bd_report_id) * * ) */ while (reader.Read()) { report.userId = reader.GetInt32(0); report.reportId = reader.GetInt32(1); report.longitude = reader.GetFloat(2); report.latitude = reader.GetFloat(3); = reader.GetDateTime(4); report.competitiveness = reader.GetInt32(5); report.trafficAccessibility = reader.GetInt32(6); } } finally { // always call Close when done reading. reader.Close(); } conn.Close(); return(report); }