Exemple #1
    void Update()
        OptitrackRigidBodyState rbState = StreamingClient.GetLatestRigidBodyState(RigidBodyId);

        if (rbState != null)
            this.transform.localPosition = rbState.Pose.Position;
            this.transform.localRotation = rbState.Pose.Orientation;

            if (localToParent)
                this.transform.localPosition = transform.parent.InverseTransformPoint(this.transform.localPosition);
                this.transform.localRotation = Quaternion.Inverse(transform.parent.localRotation) * this.transform.localRotation;
            if (markers == null || markers.Length != rbState.Markers.Count)
                markers    = new Vector3[rbState.Markers.Count];
                markerSize = new float[rbState.Markers.Count];
                for (int m = 0; m < markers.Length; ++m)
                    markers[m]    = rbState.Markers[m].Position;
                    markerSize[m] = rbState.Markers[m].Size;
            catch (Exception e) { }
Exemple #2
    //Get marker IDs for cue for cue stick
    private void getCueMarkers()
        OptitrackRigidBodyState     rbState = StreamingClient.GetLatestRigidBodyState(RigidBodyId); //access rigidbody
        List <OptitrackMarkerState> markers = new List <OptitrackMarkerState>();                    //initialize list of marker objects from rigidbody

        markers = StreamingClient.GetLatestMarkerStates();                                          //get objects of all markers from rigidbody

        SortedList <float, int> sortedMarkers = new SortedList <float, int>();

        for (int j = 0; j < markers.Count; j++)
            OptitrackMarkerState m = markers[j];
            int     mID            = m.Id;
            Vector3 pos            = m.Position;
            float zpos = pos.z;

            sortedMarkers.Add(zpos, mID);
        backID1   = sortedMarkers.Values[1];
        backID2   = sortedMarkers.Values[2];
        frontID1  = sortedMarkers.Values[4];
        frontID2  = sortedMarkers.Values[5];
        markerIDs = false;

        Debug.Log("bid  " + backID1);
        Debug.Log("bid2  " + backID2);
        Debug.Log("fid2  " + frontID2);
Exemple #3
        public static void GetPositionRotation(OptitrackStreamingClient streamingClient, int trackerId, out Vector position, out Rotation rotation)
            OptitrackRigidBodyState rbState = streamingClient.GetLatestRigidBodyState(trackerId);

            position = Passer.Target.ToVector(rbState.Pose.Position);
            rotation = Passer.Target.ToRotation(rbState.Pose.Orientation);
Exemple #4
        private const float maxAge_sec = 0.01F; // if a measurement is older then this value, it will not be used

        public void Update(int trackerId)
            if (streamingClient == null)

            OptitrackRigidBodyState rbState = streamingClient.GetLatestRigidBodyState(trackerId);

            if (rbState == null || rbState.DeliveryTimestamp.AgeSeconds > maxAge_sec)
                _rotationConfidence = 0;
                _positionConfidence = 0;
                status = Status.Present;

            _localSensorPosition = Passer.Target.ToVector(rbState.Pose.Position);
            _localSensorRotation = Passer.Target.ToRotation(rbState.Pose.Orientation);
            _rotationConfidence  = 0.99F; // only native tracking is better
            _positionConfidence  = 1;


            status = Status.Tracking;
    // Update is called once per frame
    void Update()
        // create the color for the square
        new_color = new Color(color_factor, color_factor, color_factor, 1f);
        // put it on the square
        tracking_square.GetComponent <Renderer>().material.SetColor("_Color", new_color);

        // Define the color for the next iteration (switch it)
        if (color_factor > 0.0f)
            color_factor = 0.0f;
            color_factor = 1.0f;

        // Get the status of the rigid body
        OptitrackRigidBodyState rbState = StreamingClient.GetLatestRigidBodyState(RigidBodyId);

        if (rbState != null)
            // get the position of the mouse RB
            Mouse_Position = rbState.Pose.Position;
            // change the transform position of the game object
            this.transform.localPosition = Mouse_Position;
            // also change its rotation
            this.transform.localRotation = rbState.Pose.Orientation;
            // turn the angles into Euler (for later printing)
            Mouse_Orientation = this.transform.eulerAngles;
            // get the timestamp
            Time_stamp = rbState.DeliveryTimestamp.SecondsSince(reference);

        // get the position of single trackable points in the arena, used for labeled real crickets
        List <OptitrackMarkerState> markerStates = StreamingClient.GetLatestMarkerStates();

        // for each detected marker
        foreach (OptitrackMarkerState marker in markerStates)
            // if it's not part of a rigid body, save the position as cricket
            if (marker.Labeled == false)
                Cricket = marker.Position;
                // if not, ignore it
                Cricket = new Vector3(10.0f, 10.0f, 10.0f);

        // Write the line of data
        writer.WriteLine(string.Concat(Time_stamp.ToString(), ',', Mouse_Position.x.ToString(), ',', Mouse_Position.y.ToString(), ',', Mouse_Position.z.ToString(), ',',
                                       Mouse_Orientation.x.ToString(), ',', Mouse_Orientation.y.ToString(), ',', Mouse_Orientation.z.ToString(), ',',
                                       Cricket.x.ToString(), ',', Cricket.y.ToString(), ',', Cricket.z.ToString(), ',', color_factor.ToString()));
    // Update is called once per frame
    void Update()
        if (Input.GetKeyDown("c") && (calibrateMethod == CalibrationLoadMethod.CALIBRATION) && !dataInitiate)

        if (sampling)
            OptitrackRigidBodyState rbState = StreamingClient.GetLatestRigidBodyState(ControllerRigidbodyID);

            if (rbState != null)
                calibrationData.addPositionData(rbState.Pose.Position, ControllerGameobject.transform.position);

                //new 0524

                Instantiate(generate_rbState_Objects_0, rbState.Pose.Position, Quaternion.identity);
                Instantiate(generate_ControllerGameobject_Objects_0, ControllerGameobject.transform.position, Quaternion.identity);

                // log some data
                Debug.Log(samplingCount + " - OptitrackRB: " + rbState.Pose.Position + ", GameObj: " + ControllerGameobject.transform.position);
                string path = "Assets/Resources/test.txt";
                //Write some text to the test.txt file
                StreamWriter writer = new StreamWriter(path, true);

                if (samplingCount >= samplingPoints)
                    sampling = false;
                    print("Finish Calibrate");
                    ShowCalibrationInfo("Finish Calibrate");
                    dataInitiate = true;

                    float error = 0.0f;
                    print("Calculating Error");
                    for (int i = 0; i < samplingCount; i++)
                        Vector3 temp = calibrationData.PositiontransformationMatrix.MultiplyPoint3x4(calibrationData.oriPosition[i]);

                        error += Vector3.Distance(temp, calibrationData.targetPosition[i]);
                    float errorMean = error / samplingCount;
                    ShowCalibrationInfo("Calculating Error: " + errorMean.ToString("F6"));
    void UpdatePose()
        OptitrackRigidBodyState rbState = StreamingClient.GetLatestRigidBodyState(RigidBodyId);

        if (rbState != null)
            this.transform.localPosition = rbState.Pose.Position;
            this.transform.localRotation = rbState.Pose.Orientation;
 //update the transform position, rotation and timestamp every frame
 void Update()
     rbState = StreamingClient.GetLatestRigidBodyState(RigidBodyId);
     if (rbState != null)
         this.transform.localPosition = rbState.Pose.Position;
         this.transform.localRotation = rbState.Pose.Orientation;
         this.rbTimestamp             = rbState.DeliveryTimestamp;
Exemple #9
    void UpdatePose()
        Vector3 lastPos = transform.position;
        OptitrackRigidBodyState rbState = StreamingClient.GetLatestRigidBodyState(RigidBodyId);

        if (rbState != null)
            this.transform.localPosition = rbState.Pose.Position;
            this.transform.localRotation = rbState.Pose.Orientation;
        tracked = Vector3.Distance(lastPos, transform.position) > 0;
    void UpdatePose()
        OptitrackRigidBodyState rbState = StreamingClient.GetLatestRigidBodyState(RigidBodyId);

        if (rbState != null)
            Vector3 position = rbState.Pose.Position * moveFactor;
            Vector2 newPos   = new Vector2(position.z, position.x);
            GetComponent <Rigidbody2D> ().AddForce(oldPos - newPos);
            oldPos = newPos;
Exemple #11
    void UpdatePose()
        OptitrackRigidBodyState rbState = StreamingClient.GetLatestRigidBodyState(RigidBodyId);

        if (rbState != null)
            trans.UpdateValue(rbState.Pose.Position, rbState.Pose.Orientation);

            this.transform.localPosition = Filtering ? trans.GetFilteredTransform().Position : rbState.Pose.Position;
            this.transform.localRotation = Filtering ? trans.GetFilteredTransform().Rotation : rbState.Pose.Orientation;
Exemple #12
    void Update()
        OptitrackRigidBodyState rbState = StreamingClient.GetLatestRigidBodyState(RigidBodyId);

        if (rbState != null)
            this.transform.localPosition = Vector3.Lerp(transform.localPosition, rbState.Pose.Position.V3, Time.deltaTime * lerpSpeed);
//			this.transform.localPosition = rbState.Pose.Position.V3;
            this.transform.localRotation = Quaternion.Lerp(transform.rotation, rbState.Pose.Orientation.Q, Time.deltaTime * lerpSpeed);
//           this.transform.localRotation = rbState.Pose.Orientation.Q;
Exemple #13
    void UpdatePose()
        OptitrackRigidBodyState rbState = StreamingClient.GetLatestRigidBodyState(RigidBodyId);

        if (rbState != null)
            // Fix Unity rigidbody in z-plane.
            rbState.Pose.Position.z = 0.0f;

            // Amplify Unity rigidbody movement.
            this.transform.localPosition = rbState.Pose.Position * ampFactor;
            this.transform.localRotation = rbState.Pose.Orientation;
Exemple #14
    void Update()
        OptitrackRigidBodyState rbState = StreamingClient.GetLatestRigidBodyState(RigidBodyId);

        if (rbState != null)
            float new_x = Mathf.Clamp(rbState.Pose.Position.x, x_bound.x, x_bound.y);
            float new_y = Mathf.Clamp(rbState.Pose.Position.y, y_bound.x, y_bound.y);
            float new_z = Mathf.Clamp(rbState.Pose.Position.z, z_bound.x, z_bound.y);
//			Debug.Log (new_y);
            this.transform.localPosition = new Vector3(new_x, new_y, new_z);
//			this.transform.localPosition = rbState.Pose.Position;
            this.transform.localRotation = rbState.Pose.Orientation;
Exemple #15
    void Update()
        OptitrackRigidBodyState rbState = StreamingClient.GetLatestRigidBodyState(RigidBodyId);

        if (rbState != null && rbState.DeliveryTimestamp.AgeSeconds < 1.0f)
            // Update position.
            this.transform.localPosition = rbState.Pose.Position;

            // Update drift correction.
            if (m_driftCorrHandle != IntPtr.Zero && m_hmdCameraObject)
                NpHmdQuaternion opticalOri  = new NpHmdQuaternion(rbState.Pose.Orientation);
                NpHmdQuaternion inertialOri = new NpHmdQuaternion(m_hmdCameraObject.transform.localRotation);

                NpHmdResult result = NativeMethods.NpHmd_MeasurementUpdate(
                    ref opticalOri,  // const
                    ref inertialOri, // const

                if (result == NpHmdResult.OK)
                    NpHmdQuaternion newCorrection;
                    result = NativeMethods.NpHmd_GetOrientationCorrection(m_driftCorrHandle, out newCorrection);

                    if (result == NpHmdResult.OK)
                        this.transform.localRotation = newCorrection;
                        Debug.LogError(GetType().FullName + ": NpHmd_GetOrientationCorrection failed.", this);
                        this.enabled = false;
                    Debug.LogError(GetType().FullName + ": NpHmd_MeasurementUpdate failed.", this);
                    this.enabled = false;
Exemple #16
    // Start is called before the first frame update
    void Start()
        OptitrackRigidBodyState rigidBodyState = streamingClient.GetLatestRigidBodyState(rigidBodyId);

        if (rigidBodyState != null)

            Debug.Log(string.Format("Align position of rigid body with id {0}", rigidBodyId));
            gameObject.transform.SetPositionAndRotation(rigidBodyState.Pose.Position, rigidBodyState.Pose.Orientation);

            path = string.Format("{0}_rigidBody{1}.txt", DateTime.Now.ToString("yyyy-MM-dd-HH-mm-ss-fff"), rigidBodyId);
            sw   = new StreamWriter(path, true);
            Debug.Log("Print rigid body position to file");
            sw.WriteLine(string.Format("{0}\t{1}", rigidBodyState.Pose.Position, rigidBodyState.Pose.Orientation));
    void UpdatePose()
        OptitrackRigidBodyState rbState = StreamingClient.GetLatestRigidBodyState(RigidBodyId);

        if (rbState != null)
            this.transform.localPosition = rbState.Pose.Position;
            this.transform.localRotation = rbState.Pose.Orientation;

            if (onlyRotation)
                Vector3 localRotation = transform.localRotation.eulerAngles;
                localRotation.x         = 0; localRotation.z = 0;
                transform.localRotation = Quaternion.Euler(localRotation);
Exemple #18
    /// <summary>
    /// Draws marker visualizations in the editor viewport for any selected OptitrackRigidBody component.
    /// </summary>
    void OnSceneGUI()
        OptitrackRigidBody rb = target as OptitrackRigidBody;

        if (!rb || rb.StreamingClient == null)


            OptitrackRigidBodyDefinition rbDef   = rb.StreamingClient.GetRigidBodyDefinitionById(rb.RigidBodyId);
            OptitrackRigidBodyState      rbState = rb.StreamingClient.GetLatestRigidBodyState(rb.RigidBodyId);

            if (rbDef != null && rbState != null)
                for (int iMarker = 0; iMarker < rbDef.Markers.Count; ++iMarker)
                    OptitrackRigidBodyDefinition.MarkerDefinition marker = rbDef.Markers[iMarker];

                    // Effectively treat the RB GameObject transform as a rigid transform by negating its local scale.
                    Vector3 markerPos = marker.Position;
                    markerPos.Scale(new Vector3(1.0f / rb.transform.localScale.x, 1.0f / rb.transform.localScale.y, 1.0f / rb.transform.localScale.z));
                    markerPos = rb.transform.TransformPoint(markerPos);

                    float     kMarkerSize     = 0.02f;
                    Matrix4x4 markerTransform = Matrix4x4.TRS(markerPos, Quaternion.identity, new Vector3(kMarkerSize, kMarkerSize, kMarkerSize));

                    for (int iPass = 0; iPass < m_markerMaterial.passCount; ++iPass)
                        if (m_markerMaterial.SetPass(iPass))
                            Graphics.DrawMeshNow(m_markerMesh, markerTransform);
        public override void Update()
            if (!humanoid.optitrack.enabled || !enabled)

            //float confidence = 1;

            OptitrackRigidBodyState rbState = streamingClient.GetLatestRigidBodyState(trackerId);

            if (rbState != null)
                targetTransform.position = rbState.Pose.Position;
                targetTransform.rotation = rbState.Pose.Orientation;
                // architecture does not allow confidence here...
Exemple #20
    void UpdateGO(int sname, GameObject go, ref OptitrackRigidBodyState otRBState, ref List <bool> readies)
        float s = 0.05f;

        otRBState = StreamingClient.GetLatestRigidBodyState(sname);
        readies.Add(otRBState != null);
        go.transform.localScale = new Vector3(s, s, s);
        if (otRBState != null)
            go.transform.position = otRBState.Pose.Position;
            go.transform.rotation = otRBState.Pose.Orientation;
            if (drawRotation)
                Debug.DrawRay(go.transform.position, go.transform.TransformDirection(Vector3.forward), Color.blue);
                Debug.DrawRay(go.transform.position, go.transform.TransformDirection(Vector3.up), Color.green);
                Debug.DrawRay(go.transform.position, go.transform.TransformDirection(Vector3.right), Color.red);
Exemple #21
    /// <summary>Get the most recently received state for the specified rigid body.</summary>
    /// <param name="rigidBodyId">Corresponds to the "User ID" field in Motive.</param>
    /// <returns>The most recent available state, or null if none available.</returns>
    public OptitrackRigidBodyState GetLatestRigidBodyState(Int32 rigidBodyId)
        OptitrackRigidBodyState rbState = null;

        lock ( m_frameDataUpdateLock )
            if (ConnectionType == ClientConnectionType.Photon)
                m_photonisedLatestRigidBodyStates.TryGetValue(rigidBodyId, out rbState);
                m_latestRigidBodyStates.TryGetValue(rigidBodyId, out rbState);

Exemple #22
    // Update is called once per frame
    void Update()
        // set the color of the square for tracking the frames
        new_color = new Color(color_factor, color_factor, color_factor, 1f);
        tracking_square.GetComponent <Renderer> ().material.SetColor("_Color", new_color);

        if (color_factor > 0.0f)
            color_factor = 0.0f;
            color_factor = 1.0f;

        OptitrackRigidBodyState rbState = StreamingClient.GetLatestRigidBodyState(RigidBodyId);

        if (rbState != null)
            Mouse_Position = rbState.Pose.Position;
            this.transform.localPosition = Mouse_Position;
            this.transform.localRotation = rbState.Pose.Orientation;
            Mouse_Orientation            = this.transform.eulerAngles;
            Time_stamp = rbState.DeliveryTimestamp.SecondsSince(reference);

        OptitrackRigidBodyState rbState2 = StreamingClient.GetLatestRigidBodyState(RigidBodyId2);

        if (rbState2 != null)
            Mouse_Position2 = rbState2.Pose.Position;
            mouse2.transform.localPosition = Mouse_Position2;
            mouse2.transform.localRotation = rbState2.Pose.Orientation;
            Mouse_Orientation2             = mouse2.transform.eulerAngles;

        writer.WriteLine(string.Concat(Time_stamp.ToString(), ',', Mouse_Position.x.ToString(), ',', Mouse_Position.y.ToString(), ',', Mouse_Position.z.ToString(), ',',
                                       Mouse_Orientation.x.ToString(), ',', Mouse_Orientation.y.ToString(), ',', Mouse_Orientation.z.ToString(), ',',
                                       Mouse_Position2.x.ToString(), ',', Mouse_Position2.y.ToString(), ',', Mouse_Position2.z.ToString(), ',',
                                       Mouse_Orientation2.x.ToString(), ',', Mouse_Orientation2.y.ToString(), ',', Mouse_Orientation2.z.ToString(), ',', color_factor.ToString()));
Exemple #23
    //Function to get IDs of markers in corresponding pockets for calibration
    private void getCalMarkerId()
        OptitrackRigidBodyState     rbState = StreamingClient.GetLatestRigidBodyState(RigidBodyId); //access rigidbody
        List <OptitrackMarkerState> markers = new List <OptitrackMarkerState>();                    //initialize list of marker objects from rigidbody

        markers = StreamingClient.GetLatestMarkerStates();                                          //get objects of all markers from rigidbody
        List <int> idList = new List <int>();

        float maxz = -1000f;
        int   idz  = -1;
        float maxx = -1000f;
        int   idx  = -1;

        for (int j = 0; j < markers.Count; j++)
            OptitrackMarkerState m = markers[j];
            int     mID            = m.Id;
            Vector3 pos            = m.Position;

            // one corner is placed further to the positive z (right)
            if (pos.x > maxx)
                maxx = pos.x;
                idx  = mID;
            // one marker is placed further to the negative x (toward end of table)
            if (pos.z > maxz)
                maxz = pos.z;
                idz  = mID;

        //store marker IDs
        corner1ID = idList[0]; //by elimination we get the 3rd corner
        corner2ID = idx;
        corner3ID = idz;
        private const float maxAge_sec = 0.01F; // if a measurement is older then this value, it will not be used

        public override void UpdateComponent()
            OptitrackRigidBodyState rbState = streamingClient.GetLatestRigidBodyState(streamingID);

            if (rbState == null || rbState.DeliveryTimestamp.AgeSeconds > maxAge_sec)
                status             = Status.Present;
                positionConfidence = 0;
                rotationConfidence = 0;

            status             = Status.Tracking;
            transform.position = trackerTransform.TransformPoint(rbState.Pose.Position);
            transform.rotation = trackerTransform.rotation * rbState.Pose.Orientation;

            positionConfidence = 1F;
            rotationConfidence = 0.99F;
Exemple #25
    /// <summary>
    /// Returns the <see cref="OptitrackRigidBodyState"/> corresponding to the provided <paramref name="rigidBodyId"/>.
    /// If the requested state object does not exist yet, it will initialize and return a newly-created one.
    /// </summary>
    /// <remarks>Makes the assumption that the lock on <see cref="m_frameDataUpdateLock"/> is already held.</remarks>
    /// <param name="rigidBodyId">The ID of the rigid body for which to retrieve the corresponding state.</param>
    /// <returns>The existing state object, or a newly created one if necessary.</returns>
    private OptitrackRigidBodyState GetOrCreateRigidBodyState(Int32 rigidBodyId)
        OptitrackRigidBodyState returnedState = null;

        if (m_latestRigidBodyStates.ContainsKey(rigidBodyId))
            returnedState = m_latestRigidBodyStates[rigidBodyId];
            OptitrackRigidBodyState newRbState = new OptitrackRigidBodyState {
                Pose = new OptitrackPose(),

            m_latestRigidBodyStates[rigidBodyId] = newRbState;

            returnedState = newRbState;

    /// <summary>Get the most recently received state for the specified rigid body.</summary>
    /// <param name="rigidBodyId">Corresponds to the "User ID" field in Motive.</param>
    /// <returns>The most recent available state, or null if none available.</returns>
    public OptitrackRigidBodyState GetLatestRigidBodyState(Int32 rigidBodyId, bool networkCompensation = true)
        OptitrackRigidBodyState rbState;

        if (!networkCompensation || m_client == null)
            lock ( m_frameDataUpdateLock )
                m_latestRigidBodyStates.TryGetValue(rigidBodyId, out rbState);
            sRigidBodyData rbData;
            m_client.GetPredictedRigidBodyPose(rigidBodyId, out rbData, 0.0);

            rbState = new OptitrackRigidBodyState();
            RigidBodyDataToState(rbData, OptitrackHiResTimer.Now(), rbState);

Exemple #27
    void Update()
        if (!useOptitrack)
            this.transform.localPosition = new Vector3(0, 0, 0);
            if (!m_initialPoseSet)
                m_initialPoseSet = true;

        OptitrackRigidBodyState rbState = StreamingClient.GetLatestRigidBodyState(RigidBodyId);

        if (rbState != null && rbState.DeliveryTimestamp.AgeSeconds < 1.0f)
            Debug.Log("new position", this);
            // Update position.
            this.transform.localPosition = rbState.Pose.Position;

            // Update drift correction.
            if (m_lastTimestamp.AgeSeconds != rbState.DeliveryTimestamp.AgeSeconds)
                // If we're coming here the first time: reset to optical pose.  Otherwise
                // we're using the optical orientation for drift correction.
                if (!m_initialPoseSet)
                    m_initialPoseSet = true;
                else if (enableDriftCorrection)
                m_lastTimestamp = rbState.DeliveryTimestamp;
    void UpdatePose()
        OptitrackRigidBodyState rbState = StreamingClient.GetLatestRigidBodyState(RigidBodyId);

        if (rbState != null)
            if (rbState.DeliveryTimestamp.AgeSeconds > 0.05)
                if (updated)
                    Debug.Log("no data from optitrack");
                updated = false;
                this.transform.localPosition = rbState.Pose.Position;
                this.transform.localRotation = rbState.Pose.Orientation;
                updated = true;
    /// <summary>
    /// Draws marker visualizations in the editor viewport for any selected OptitrackRigidBody component.
    /// </summary>
    void OnSceneGUI()
        OptitrackRigidBody rb = target as OptitrackRigidBody;

        if (!rb || rb.StreamingClient == null)


            OptitrackRigidBodyState rbState = rb.StreamingClient.GetLatestRigidBodyState(rb.RigidBodyId);

            if (rbState != null && rbState.Markers != null)
                for (int iMarker = 0; iMarker < rbState.Markers.Count; ++iMarker)
                    OptitrackMarkerState marker = rbState.Markers[iMarker];
                    Vector3 markerPos           = marker.Position;

                    if (rb.transform.parent)
                        markerPos = rb.transform.parent.TransformPoint(markerPos);

                    Matrix4x4 markerTransform = Matrix4x4.TRS(markerPos, Quaternion.identity, new Vector3(marker.Size, marker.Size, marker.Size));
                    Graphics.DrawMesh(m_markerMesh, markerTransform, m_markerMaterial, 0, camera: null, submeshIndex: 0, properties: null, castShadows: false, receiveShadows: false);
Exemple #30
    /// <summary>
    /// Event handler for NatNet frame delivery. Updates our simplified state representations.
    /// NOTE: This executes in the context of the NatNetLib network service thread!
    /// </summary>
    /// <remarks>
    /// Because the <see cref="sFrameOfMocapData"/> type is expensive to marshal, we instead utilize the
    /// <see cref="NatNetClient.NativeFrameReceivedEventArgs.NativeFramePointer"/>, treating it as as opaque, and
    /// passing it to some helper "accessor" functions to retrieve the subset of data we care about, using only
    /// blittable types which do not cause any garbage to be allocated.
    /// </remarks>
    /// <param name="sender"></param>
    /// <param name="eventArgs"></param>
    private void OnNatNetFrameReceived(object sender, NatNetClient.NativeFrameReceivedEventArgs eventArgs)
        // In the event of contention, drop the frame being delivered and return immediately.
        // We don't want to stall NatNetLib's internal network service thread.
        if (!Monitor.TryEnter(m_frameDataUpdateLock))

            // Update health markers.
            m_receivedFrameSinceConnect = true;
            Interlocked.Exchange(ref m_lastFrameDeliveryTimestamp.m_ticks, OptitrackHiResTimer.Now().m_ticks);

            // Process received frame.
            IntPtr      pFrame = eventArgs.NativeFramePointer;
            NatNetError result = NatNetError.NatNetError_OK;

            // Update rigid bodies.
            Int32 frameRbCount;
            result = NaturalPoint.NatNetLib.NativeMethods.NatNet_Frame_GetRigidBodyCount(pFrame, out frameRbCount);
            NatNetException.ThrowIfNotOK(result, "NatNet_Frame_GetRigidBodyCount failed.");

            for (int rbIdx = 0; rbIdx < frameRbCount; ++rbIdx)
                sRigidBodyData rbData = new sRigidBodyData();
                result = NaturalPoint.NatNetLib.NativeMethods.NatNet_Frame_GetRigidBody(pFrame, rbIdx, out rbData);
                NatNetException.ThrowIfNotOK(result, "NatNet_Frame_GetRigidBody failed.");

                bool bTrackedThisFrame = (rbData.Params & 0x01) != 0;
                if (bTrackedThisFrame == false)

                // Ensure we have a state corresponding to this rigid body ID.
                OptitrackRigidBodyState rbState = GetOrCreateRigidBodyState(rbData.Id);

                rbState.DeliveryTimestamp = OptitrackHiResTimer.Now();

                // Flip coordinate handedness from right to left by inverting X and W.
                rbState.Pose.Position    = new Vector3(-rbData.X, rbData.Y, rbData.Z);
                rbState.Pose.Orientation = new Quaternion(-rbData.QX, rbData.QY, rbData.QZ, -rbData.QW);

            // Update skeletons.
            Int32 frameSkeletonCount;
            result = NaturalPoint.NatNetLib.NativeMethods.NatNet_Frame_GetSkeletonCount(pFrame, out frameSkeletonCount);
            NatNetException.ThrowIfNotOK(result, "NatNet_Frame_GetSkeletonCount failed.");

            for (int skelIdx = 0; skelIdx < frameSkeletonCount; ++skelIdx)
                Int32 skeletonId;
                result = NaturalPoint.NatNetLib.NativeMethods.NatNet_Frame_Skeleton_GetId(pFrame, skelIdx, out skeletonId);
                NatNetException.ThrowIfNotOK(result, "NatNet_Frame_Skeleton_GetId failed.");

                // Ensure we have a state corresponding to this skeleton ID.
                OptitrackSkeletonState skelState = GetOrCreateSkeletonState(skeletonId);

                // Enumerate this skeleton's bone rigid bodies.
                Int32 skelRbCount;
                result = NaturalPoint.NatNetLib.NativeMethods.NatNet_Frame_Skeleton_GetRigidBodyCount(pFrame, skelIdx, out skelRbCount);
                NatNetException.ThrowIfNotOK(result, "NatNet_Frame_Skeleton_GetRigidBodyCount failed.");

                for (int boneIdx = 0; boneIdx < skelRbCount; ++boneIdx)
                    sRigidBodyData boneData = new sRigidBodyData();
                    result = NaturalPoint.NatNetLib.NativeMethods.NatNet_Frame_Skeleton_GetRigidBody(pFrame, skelIdx, boneIdx, out boneData);
                    NatNetException.ThrowIfNotOK(result, "NatNet_Frame_Skeleton_GetRigidBody failed.");

                    // In the context of frame data (unlike in the definition data), this ID value is a
                    // packed composite of both the asset/entity (skeleton) ID and member (bone) ID.
                    Int32 boneSkelId, boneId;
                    NaturalPoint.NatNetLib.NativeMethods.NatNet_DecodeID(boneData.Id, out boneSkelId, out boneId);

                    // TODO: Could pre-populate this map when the definitions are retrieved.
                    // Should never allocate after the first frame, at least.
                    if (skelState.BonePoses.ContainsKey(boneId) == false)
                        skelState.BonePoses[boneId] = new OptitrackPose();

                    // Flip coordinate handedness from right to left by inverting X and W.
                    skelState.BonePoses[boneId].Position    = new Vector3(-boneData.X, boneData.Y, boneData.Z);
                    skelState.BonePoses[boneId].Orientation = new Quaternion(-boneData.QX, boneData.QY, boneData.QZ, -boneData.QW);

            // Update markers
            Int32 MarkerCount;
            result = NaturalPoint.NatNetLib.NativeMethods.NatNet_Frame_GetLabeledMarkerCount(pFrame, out MarkerCount);
            NatNetException.ThrowIfNotOK(result, "NatNet_Frame_GetSkeletonCount failed.");


            for (int markerIdx = 0; markerIdx < MarkerCount; ++markerIdx)
                sMarker marker = new sMarker();
                result = NaturalPoint.NatNetLib.NativeMethods.NatNet_Frame_GetLabeledMarker(pFrame, markerIdx, out marker);
                NatNetException.ThrowIfNotOK(result, "NatNet_Frame_GetLabeledMarker failed.");

                // Flip coordinate handedness
                Vector3 markerPos = new Vector3(-marker.X, marker.Y, marker.Z);
                OptitrackMarkerState markerState = GetOrCreateMarkerState(marker.Id);
                markerState.Position = markerPos;
                markerState.Size     = marker.Size;
                markerState.Labeled  = (marker.Params & 0x10) == 0;
                markerState.Id       = marker.Id;
        catch (Exception ex)
            Debug.LogError(GetType().FullName + ": OnNatNetFrameReceived encountered an exception.", this);
            Debug.LogException(ex, this);