private void Init() { if (shortcut == null) { return; } m_title.title = title; m_name.text =; m_componentName.text = shortcut.component; m_componentName.tooltip = string.Join(">", shortcut.path); m_binding.objectUserData = new Shortcut(shortcut); m_binding.text = SavedInputKey.ToLocalizedString("KEYNAME", shortcut.inputKey); m_binding.relativePosition = m_usePath.relativePosition - new Vector3(0, m_binding.height + 15); m_usePath.isChecked = shortcut.usePath; m_onlyVisible.isChecked = shortcut.onlyVisible; OptionsKeymapping.EditBinding(m_binding); }
public override void Start() { base.Start(); atlas = UIUtils.GetAtlas("Ingame"); backgroundSprite = "MenuPanel"; color = new Color32(58, 88, 104, 255); isVisible = false; canFocus = true; isInteractive = true; clipChildren = true; width = 400; height = 380; relativePosition = new Vector3(Mathf.Floor((GetUIView().fixedWidth - width) / 2), Mathf.Floor((GetUIView().fixedHeight - height) / 2)); // Title Bar m_title = AddUIComponent <UITitleBar>(); m_title.title = "New Shortcut"; m_title.isModal = true; // Name UILabel label = AddUIComponent <UILabel>(); label.text = "Shortcut name:"; label.autoHeight = true; label.relativePosition = new Vector2(20, 60); m_name = UIUtils.CreateTextField(this); m_name.size = new Vector2(width - 40, 30); m_name.relativePosition = label.relativePosition + new Vector3(0, label.height + 5); m_name.textScale = 1.1f; = 6; m_name.useDropShadow = true; m_name.eventTextChanged += (c, s) => { m_ok.isEnabled = !s.IsNullOrWhiteSpace(); }; // Component Name label = AddUIComponent <UILabel>(); label.text = "Button name:"; label.autoHeight = true; label.relativePosition = m_name.relativePosition + new Vector3(0, m_name.height + 15); m_componentName = UIUtils.CreateTextField(this); m_componentName.size = new Vector2(width - 40, 30); m_componentName.relativePosition = label.relativePosition + new Vector3(0, label.height + 5); m_componentName.textScale = 1.1f; = 6; m_componentName.useDropShadow = true; m_componentName.isEnabled = false; // Binding label = AddUIComponent <UILabel>(); label.text = "Key binding:"; label.autoHeight = true; label.relativePosition = m_componentName.relativePosition + new Vector3(0, m_componentName.height + 15); m_binding = OptionsKeymapping.GetKeymapping(this, null); m_binding.width = width - 40; m_binding.relativePosition = label.relativePosition + new Vector3(0, label.height + 5); // Use Path m_usePath = UIUtils.CreateCheckBox(this); m_usePath.label.text = "Use button's full path"; m_usePath.tooltip = "If checked, the full path to the button is used rather than the name alone.\nThis ensure the button is unique."; m_usePath.relativePosition = m_binding.relativePosition + new Vector3(0, m_binding.height + 15); m_usePath.eventCheckChanged += (c, state) => { shortcut.usePath = state; }; // Only visible m_onlyVisible = UIUtils.CreateCheckBox(this); m_onlyVisible.label.text = "Trigger only if visible"; m_onlyVisible.tooltip = "If checked, the button is only triggered if visible.\nUseful for buttons with the same name but only one visible at a time."; m_onlyVisible.relativePosition = m_usePath.relativePosition + new Vector3(0, m_usePath.height + 10); m_onlyVisible.eventCheckChanged += (c, state) => { shortcut.onlyVisible = state; }; // Ok m_ok = UIUtils.CreateButton(this); m_ok.text = "OK"; m_ok.relativePosition = new Vector2(20, height - m_ok.height - 20); m_ok.isEnabled = false; m_ok.eventClick += (c, p) => { if (isVisible) { if (m_name.text != { = Shortcut.GetUniqueName(m_name.text); } shortcut.usePath = m_usePath.isChecked; shortcut.onlyVisible = m_onlyVisible.isChecked; shortcut.inputKey = ((Shortcut)m_binding.objectUserData).inputKey; Shortcut.AddShortcut(shortcut); Shortcut.SaveShorcuts(); OptionsKeymapping.RefreshShortcutsList(); UIView.PopModal(); Hide(); } }; // Cancel m_cancel = UIUtils.CreateButton(this); m_cancel.text = "Cancel"; m_cancel.relativePosition = new Vector2(width - m_cancel.width - 20, height - m_cancel.height - 20); m_cancel.eventClick += (c, p) => { if (isVisible) { UIView.PopModal(); Hide(); } }; isVisible = false; }