/// <summary>
        /// Parses the parameter from a RawProto.
        /// </summary>
        /// <param name="rp">Specifies the RawProto to parse.</param>
        /// <returns>A new instance of the parameter is returned.</returns>
        public static new SaltPepperParameter FromProto(RawProto rp)
            SaltPepperParameter p = new SaltPepperParameter(false);
            string strVal;

            RawProto rpOption = rp.FindChild("option");

            if (rpOption != null)

            if ((strVal = rp.FindValue("fraction")) != null)
                p.fraction = float.Parse(strVal);

            p.value = new List <float>();
            RawProtoCollection col = rp.FindChildren("value");

            foreach (RawProto rp1 in col)
                if ((strVal = rp.FindValue("value")) != null)

Exemple #2
        /// <summary>
        /// Parses the parameter from a RawProto.
        /// </summary>
        /// <param name="rp">Specifies the RawProto to parse.</param>
        /// <returns>A new instance of the parameter is returned.</returns>
        public static new NonMaximumSuppressionParameter FromProto(RawProto rp)
            NonMaximumSuppressionParameter p = new NonMaximumSuppressionParameter(false);
            string strVal;

            RawProto rpOption = rp.FindChild("option");

            if (rpOption != null)

            if ((strVal = rp.FindValue("nms_threshold")) != null)
                p.nms_threshold = float.Parse(strVal);

            if ((strVal = rp.FindValue("top_k")) != null)
                p.top_k = int.Parse(strVal);

            if ((strVal = rp.FindValue("eta")) != null)
                p.eta = float.Parse(strVal);

Exemple #3
        /// <summary>
        /// Copy the source object.
        /// </summary>
        /// <param name="src">Specifies the source data.</param>
        public override void Copy(OptionalParameter src)

            if (src is ResizeParameter)
                ResizeParameter p = (ResizeParameter)src;
                m_fProb = p.prob;
                m_mode  = p.resize_mode;
                m_pad   = p.pad_mode;

                m_rgInterp = new List <InterpMode>();
                foreach (InterpMode interp in p.m_rgInterp)

                m_nHeight      = p.height;
                m_nWidth       = p.width;
                m_nHeightScale = p.height_scale;
                m_nWidthScale  = p.width_scale;

                m_rgfPadValue = new List <float>();
                foreach (float fPad in p.pad_value)
        /// <summary>
        /// Copy the object.
        /// </summary>
        /// <param name="src">The copy is placed in this parameter.</param>
        public override void Copy(OptionalParameter src)

            if (src is NoiseParameter)
                NoiseParameter p = (NoiseParameter)src;
                m_fProb = p.prob;
        public void TestIsInstanceOfGeneric()
            var  p1 = new OptionalParameter <int>();
            bool r1 = ReflectionUtilities.IsInstanceOfGeneric(p1, typeof(OptionalParameter <>));
            var  p2 = new RequiredParameter <string>();
            bool r2 = ReflectionUtilities.IsInstanceOfGeneric(p2, typeof(RequiredParameter <>));

        /// <summary>
        /// Copy the source object.
        /// </summary>
        /// <param name="src">Specifies the source data.</param>
        public override void Copy(OptionalParameter src)

            if (src is EmitConstraint)
                EmitConstraint p = (EmitConstraint)src;
                m_emitType     = p.emit_type;
                m_fEmitOverlap = p.emit_overlap;
        /// <summary>
        /// Copy the object.
        /// </summary>
        /// <param name="src">The copy is placed in this parameter.</param>
        public override void Copy(OptionalParameter src)

            if (src is ExpansionParameter)
                ExpansionParameter p = (ExpansionParameter)src;
                m_fProb           = p.prob;
                m_fMaxExpandRatio = p.max_expand_ratio;
Exemple #8
        /// <summary>
        /// Copy the object.
        /// </summary>
        /// <param name="src">The copy is placed in this parameter.</param>
        public override void Copy(OptionalParameter src)

            if (src is NonMaximumSuppressionParameter)
                NonMaximumSuppressionParameter p = (NonMaximumSuppressionParameter)src;
                m_fNmsThreshold = p.nms_threshold;
                m_nTopK         = p.top_k;
                m_fEta          = p.eta;
        /// <summary>
        /// Copy the object.
        /// </summary>
        /// <param name="src">The copy is placed in this parameter.</param>
        public override void Copy(OptionalParameter src)

            if (src is SaltPepperParameter)
                SaltPepperParameter p = (SaltPepperParameter)src;
                m_fFraction = p.fraction;
                m_rgValue   = new List <float>();

                foreach (float fVal in p.value)
        /// <summary>
        /// Copy the source object.
        /// </summary>
        /// <param name="src">Specifies the source data.</param>
        public override void Copy(OptionalParameter src)

            if (src is SaveOutputParameter)
                SaveOutputParameter p = (SaveOutputParameter)src;

                m_strOutputDirectory  = p.m_strOutputDirectory;
                m_strOutputNamePrefix = p.m_strOutputNamePrefix;
                m_outputFormat        = p.m_outputFormat;
                m_strLabelMapFile     = p.m_strLabelMapFile;
                m_strNameSizeFile     = p.m_strNameSizeFile;
                m_nNumTestImage       = p.m_nNumTestImage;

                m_resizeParam = null;
                if (p.resize_param != null)
                    m_resizeParam = p.resize_param.Clone();
Exemple #11
            public override uint Parse(byte[] msg)
                int  pos       = (int)base.Parse(msg);
                uint cmdLength = SupportOperations.FromBigEndianUInt(msg);
                int  newpos    = 0;

                byte[]        localArray;
                ASCIIEncoding ascii = new ASCIIEncoding();

                ServiceType = SupportOperations.getStringValue(msg, pos, out newpos);
                localArray  = new byte[msg.Length - newpos];
                Array.Copy(msg, newpos, localArray, 0, msg.Length - newpos);
                pos        = newpos + (int)Source.Parse(localArray);
                localArray = new byte[msg.Length - pos];
                Array.Copy(msg, pos, localArray, 0, msg.Length - pos);
                pos               += (int)Destination.Parse(localArray);
                EsmClass           = msg[pos++];
                RegisteredDelivery = msg[pos++];
                DataCoding         = (dataCodingEnum)Enum.Parse(typeof(dataCodingEnum), msg[pos++].ToString());
                // parse optional params
                localArray = new byte[2];
                while (pos < cmdLength)
                    OptionalParameter op = new OptionalParameter();
                    Array.Copy(msg, pos, localArray, 0, 2);
                    op.Param = (OptionalParameter.tagEnum)Enum.Parse(typeof(OptionalParameter.tagEnum), SupportOperations.FromBigEndianUShort(localArray).ToString());
                    pos     += 2;
                    Array.Copy(msg, pos, localArray, 0, 2);
                    op.Length = SupportOperations.FromBigEndianUShort(localArray);
                    pos      += 2;
                    op.Value  = new byte[op.Length];
                    Array.Copy(msg, pos, op.Value, 0, op.Length);
                    pos += op.Length;
        /// <summary>
        /// Parses the parameter from a RawProto.
        /// </summary>
        /// <param name="rp">Specifies the RawProto to parse.</param>
        /// <returns>A new instance of the parameter is returned.</returns>
        public static new EmitConstraint FromProto(RawProto rp)
            EmitConstraint p = new EmitConstraint(false);
            string         strVal;

            RawProto rpOption = rp.FindChild("option");

            if (rpOption != null)

            if ((strVal = rp.FindValue("emit_type")) != null)
                switch (strVal)
                case "CENTER":
                    p.emit_type = EmitType.CENTER;

                case "MIN_OVERLAP":
                    p.emit_type = EmitType.MIN_OVERLAP;

                    throw new Exception("Unknown emit_type '" + strVal + "'!");

            if ((strVal = rp.FindValue("emit_overlap")) != null)
                p.emit_overlap = BaseParameter.ParseFloat(strVal);

Exemple #13
        /// <summary>
        /// Copy the object.
        /// </summary>
        /// <param name="src">The copy is placed in this parameter.</param>
        public override void Copy(OptionalParameter src)

            if (src is DistortionParameter)
                DistortionParameter p = (DistortionParameter)src;
                m_fBrightnessProb  = p.brightness_prob;
                m_fBrightnessDelta = p.brightness_delta;

                m_fContrastProb  = p.contrast_prob;
                m_fContrastLower = p.contrast_lower;
                m_fContrastUpper = p.contrast_upper;

                m_fSaturationProb  = p.saturation_prob;
                m_fSaturationLower = p.saturation_lower;
                m_fSaturationUpper = p.saturation_upper;

                m_fRandomOrderProb = p.random_order_prob;

                m_lRandomSeed = p.m_lRandomSeed;
                m_bUseGpu     = p.use_gpu;
        /// <summary>
        /// Parses the parameter from a RawProto.
        /// </summary>
        /// <param name="rp">Specifies the RawProto to parse.</param>
        /// <returns>A new instance of the parameter is returned.</returns>
        public static new ExpansionParameter FromProto(RawProto rp)
            ExpansionParameter p = new ExpansionParameter(false);
            string             strVal;

            RawProto rpOption = rp.FindChild("option");

            if (rpOption != null)

            if ((strVal = rp.FindValue("prob")) != null)
                p.prob = BaseParameter.ParseFloat(strVal);

            if ((strVal = rp.FindValue("max_expand_ratio")) != null)
                p.max_expand_ratio = BaseParameter.ParseFloat(strVal);

Exemple #15
        /// <summary>
        /// Parses the parameter from a RawProto.
        /// </summary>
        /// <param name="rp">Specifies the RawProto to parse.</param>
        /// <returns>A new instance of the parameter is returned.</returns>
        public static new ResizeParameter FromProto(RawProto rp)
            ResizeParameter p = new ResizeParameter(false);
            string          strVal;

            RawProto rpOption = rp.FindChild("option");

            if (rpOption != null)

            if ((strVal = rp.FindValue("active")) != null)
                p.Active = bool.Parse(strVal);

            if ((strVal = rp.FindValue("prob")) != null)
                p.prob = float.Parse(strVal);

            if ((strVal = rp.FindValue("resize_mode")) != null)
                switch (strVal)
                case "WARP":
                    p.resize_mode = ResizeMode.WARP;

                case "FIT_SMALL_SIZE":
                    p.resize_mode = ResizeMode.FIT_SMALL_SIZE;

                case "FIT_LARGE_SIZE_AND_PAD":
                    p.resize_mode = ResizeMode.FIT_LARGE_SIZE_AND_PAD;

                    throw new Exception("Unknown resize_mode '" + strVal + "'!");

            if ((strVal = rp.FindValue("height")) != null)
                p.height = uint.Parse(strVal);

            if ((strVal = rp.FindValue("width")) != null)
                p.width = uint.Parse(strVal);

            if ((strVal = rp.FindValue("height_scale")) != null)
                p.height_scale = uint.Parse(strVal);

            if ((strVal = rp.FindValue("width_scale")) != null)
                p.width_scale = uint.Parse(strVal);

            if ((strVal = rp.FindValue("pad_mode")) != null)
                switch (strVal)
                case "CONSTANT":
                    p.pad_mode = PadMode.CONSTANT;

                case "MIRRORED":
                    p.pad_mode = PadMode.MIRRORED;

                case "REPEAT_NEAREST":
                    p.pad_mode = PadMode.REPEAT_NEAREST;

                    throw new Exception("Unknown pad_mode '" + strVal + "'!");

            p.pad_value = new List <float>();
            RawProtoCollection col = rp.FindChildren("pad_value");

            foreach (RawProto rp1 in col)
                if ((strVal = rp.FindValue("pad_value")) != null)

            p.interp_mode = new List <InterpMode>();
            RawProtoCollection col1 = rp.FindChildren("interp_mode");

            foreach (RawProto pr1 in col1)
                strVal = pr1.Value;

                switch (strVal)
                case "LINEAR":

                case "AREA":

                case "NEAREST":

                case "CUBIC":

                case "LANCZOS4":

                    throw new Exception("Unknown interp_mode '" + strVal + "'!");

Exemple #16
        /// <summary>
        /// Parses the parameter from a RawProto.
        /// </summary>
        /// <param name="rp">Specifies the RawProto to parse.</param>
        /// <returns>A new instance of the parameter is returned.</returns>
        public static new DistortionParameter FromProto(RawProto rp)
            DistortionParameter p = new DistortionParameter(false);
            string strVal;

            RawProto rpOption = rp.FindChild("option");

            if (rpOption != null)

            if ((strVal = rp.FindValue("active")) != null)
                p.Active = bool.Parse(strVal);

            if ((strVal = rp.FindValue("brightness_prob")) != null)
                p.brightness_prob = float.Parse(strVal);

            if ((strVal = rp.FindValue("brightness_delta")) != null)
                p.brightness_delta = float.Parse(strVal);

            if ((strVal = rp.FindValue("contrast_prob")) != null)
                p.contrast_prob = float.Parse(strVal);

            if ((strVal = rp.FindValue("contrast_lower")) != null)
                p.contrast_lower = float.Parse(strVal);

            if ((strVal = rp.FindValue("contrast_upper")) != null)
                p.contrast_upper = float.Parse(strVal);

            if ((strVal = rp.FindValue("saturation_prob")) != null)
                p.saturation_prob = float.Parse(strVal);

            if ((strVal = rp.FindValue("saturation_lower")) != null)
                p.saturation_lower = float.Parse(strVal);

            if ((strVal = rp.FindValue("saturation_upper")) != null)
                p.saturation_upper = float.Parse(strVal);

            if ((strVal = rp.FindValue("random_order_prob")) != null)
                p.random_order_prob = float.Parse(strVal);

            if ((strVal = rp.FindValue("use_gpu")) != null)
                p.use_gpu = bool.Parse(strVal);

            if ((strVal = rp.FindValue("random_seed")) != null)
                p.random_seed = long.Parse(strVal);

Exemple #17
        static void Main(string[] args)
             * Console.WriteLine("Hello welcome to C# world!!");
             * Console.WriteLine("Please enter your name?");
             * string name = Console.ReadLine();
             * //using placeholder
             * Console.WriteLine("My name is {0}", name);
             * //using Concatenation
             * Console.WriteLine("My name is " + name);

            //Program.EvenNumber(30) ----If the EvenNumber method is static, then we can call using Class name directly.

            Program p = new Program();
            //int a = p.Add(4, 6);

             * int Sum = 0;
             * int Product = 0;
             * Calculate(7, 5, out Sum, out Product);
             * Console.WriteLine("Sum of number is {0} and Product of number is {1}", Sum, Product);

            /*FTE FullTimeEmployee = new FTE();
             * FullTimeEmployee.FirstName = "Vivek";
             * FullTimeEmployee.LastName = "Kumar";
             * FullTimeEmployee.PrintFullName();

            OptionalParameter opt = new OptionalParameter();

            var varInt    = 20;
            var varFloat  = 20.1234;
            var varChar   = "A";
            var varString = "Vivek";

            dynamic dynamicA = 20;
            dynamic dynamicF = 20.1234;
            dynamic dynamicB = "A";
            dynamic dynamicC = "Vivek";

            Console.WriteLine("20 - treated as --> " + varInt.GetType());
            Console.WriteLine("20.1234 - treated as --> " + varFloat.GetType());
            Console.WriteLine("A - treated as --> " + varChar.GetType().GetType());
            Console.WriteLine("Vivek - treated as --> " + varString.GetType());


            Console.WriteLine("20 - treated as --> " + dynamicA.GetType());
            Console.WriteLine("20.1234 - treated as --> " + dynamicF.GetType());
            Console.WriteLine("A - treated as --> " + dynamicB.GetType());
            Console.WriteLine("Vivek - treated as --> " + dynamicC.GetType());


            opt.EmployeeDetail(FName: "vivek", PortalId: 4444);
        /// <summary>
        /// Parses the parameter from a RawProto.
        /// </summary>
        /// <param name="rp">Specifies the RawProto to parse.</param>
        /// <returns>A new instance of the parameter is returned.</returns>
        public static new NoiseParameter FromProto(RawProto rp)
            NoiseParameter p = new NoiseParameter(false);
            string         strVal;

            RawProto rpOption = rp.FindChild("option");

            if (rpOption != null)

            if ((strVal = rp.FindValue("prob")) != null)
                p.prob = BaseParameter.ParseFloat(strVal);

            if ((strVal = rp.FindValue("hist_eq")) != null)
                p.hist_eq = bool.Parse(strVal);

            if ((strVal = rp.FindValue("inverse")) != null)
                p.inverse = bool.Parse(strVal);

            if ((strVal = rp.FindValue("decolorize")) != null)
                p.decolorize = bool.Parse(strVal);

            if ((strVal = rp.FindValue("gauss_blur")) != null)
                p.gauss_blur = bool.Parse(strVal);

            if ((strVal = rp.FindValue("jpeg")) != null)
                p.jpeg = BaseParameter.ParseFloat(strVal);

            if ((strVal = rp.FindValue("posterize")) != null)
                p.posterize = bool.Parse(strVal);

            if ((strVal = rp.FindValue("erode")) != null)
                p.erode = bool.Parse(strVal);

            if ((strVal = rp.FindValue("saltpepper")) != null)
                p.saltpepper = bool.Parse(strVal);

            RawProto rp1 = rp.FindChild("saltpepper_param");

            if (rp1 != null)
                p.saltpepper_param = SaltPepperParameter.FromProto(rp1);

            if ((strVal = rp.FindValue("clahe")) != null)
                p.clahe = bool.Parse(strVal);

            if ((strVal = rp.FindValue("convert_to_hsv")) != null)
                p.convert_to_hsv = bool.Parse(strVal);

            if ((strVal = rp.FindValue("convert_to_lab")) != null)
                p.convert_to_lab = bool.Parse(strVal);

        /// <summary>
        /// Parses the parameter from a RawProto.
        /// </summary>
        /// <param name="rp">Specifies the RawProto to parse.</param>
        /// <returns>A new instance of the parameter is returned.</returns>
        public static new SaveOutputParameter FromProto(RawProto rp)
            SaveOutputParameter p = new SaveOutputParameter(false);
            string strVal;

            RawProto rpOption = rp.FindChild("option");

            if (rpOption != null)

            if ((strVal = rp.FindValue("output_directory")) != null)
                p.output_directory = strVal;

            if ((strVal = rp.FindValue("output_name_prefix")) != null)
                p.output_name_prefix = strVal;

            if ((strVal = rp.FindValue("output_format")) != null)
                if (strVal == OUTPUT_FORMAT.VOC.ToString())
                    p.output_format = OUTPUT_FORMAT.VOC;
                else if (strVal == OUTPUT_FORMAT.COCO.ToString())
                    p.output_format = OUTPUT_FORMAT.COCO;
                    throw new Exception("Unknown output_format '" + strVal + "'!");

            if ((strVal = rp.FindValue("label_map_file")) != null)
                p.label_map_file = strVal;

            if ((strVal = rp.FindValue("name_size_file")) != null)
                p.name_size_file = strVal;

            if ((strVal = rp.FindValue("num_test_image")) != null)
                p.num_test_image = uint.Parse(strVal);

            RawProto rpResize = rp.FindChild("resize_param");

            if (rpResize != null)
                p.resize_param = ResizeParameter.FromProto(rpResize);

Exemple #20
        // TODO: rewrite this method in following fashion: with regex search for {...}, than search for Fields or Properties with ... name, if they are required check value for null
        /// <summary>
        /// Returns formatted formula. If formula is longer than maximum allowed length InvalidOperationException is thrown.
        /// </summary>
        /// <returns>String representation of formula.</returns>
        public sealed override string ToString()
            string formula = this.Template;

            MemberInfo[] memberInfos = this.GetType().FindMembers(MemberTypes.Field | MemberTypes.Property, BindingFlags.Public | BindingFlags.Instance, FilterMembers, null);

            foreach (MemberInfo memberInfo in memberInfos)
                object[] requiredAttrs = memberInfo.GetCustomAttributes(typeof(RequiredParameter), false);
                object[] optionalAttrs = memberInfo.GetCustomAttributes(typeof(OptionalParameter), false);

                object fieldValue = null;

                switch (memberInfo.MemberType)
                case MemberTypes.Field:
                    fieldValue = (memberInfo as FieldInfo).GetValue(this);

                case MemberTypes.Property:
                    fieldValue = (memberInfo as PropertyInfo).GetValue(this, null);

                // if is required and null throw exception
                if (requiredAttrs.Length == 1 && fieldValue == null)
                    throw new ArgumentException(String.Format("Field {0} is required and must not be null.", memberInfo.Name));
                if (requiredAttrs.Length == 1 && fieldValue != null)
                    RequiredParameter attr = requiredAttrs[0] as RequiredParameter;

                    // if parameter has overriden Name use it, otherwise use name of field
                    formula = attr.Name != null
                        ? formula.Replace("{" + attr.Name + "}", fieldValue.ToString())
                        : formula.Replace("{" + memberInfo.Name + "}", fieldValue.ToString());
                else if (optionalAttrs.Length == 1 && fieldValue != null)
                    OptionalParameter attr = optionalAttrs[0] as OptionalParameter;

                    // if parameter has overriden Name use it, otherwise use name of field
                    formula = attr.Name != null
                        ? formula.Replace("{" + attr.Name + "}", fieldValue.ToString())
                        : formula.Replace("{" + memberInfo.Name + "}", fieldValue.ToString());
                else if (optionalAttrs.Length == 1 && fieldValue == null)
                    OptionalParameter attr = optionalAttrs[0] as OptionalParameter;

                    // if parameter has overriden Name use it, otherwise use name of field
                    formula = attr.Name != null
                        ? formula.Replace("{" + attr.Name + "}", "")
                        : formula.Replace("{" + memberInfo.Name + "}", "");

            if (formula.Length > MaximumFormulaLength)
                throw new InvalidOperationException(String.Format("This formula contains {0} characters which is more than maximum allowed length.", formula.Length));
