// Heal Delts, remove status, restore move PP void Heal() { UIMan.StartMessage(null, null, () => OptionMenuUI.GetComponent <Animator>().SetBool("SlideIn", false)); if (!hasHealed) { hasHealed = true; UIMan.StartNPCMessage("Looks like your Delts aren't looking so hot!", "Nurse Valleck"); UIMan.StartNPCMessage("I think I've got something for that...", "Nurse Valleck"); foreach (DeltemonClass delt in GameMan.deltPosse) { delt.health = delt.GPA; delt.curStatus = statusType.None; delt.statusImage = UIMan.noStatus; foreach (MoveClass move in delt.moveset) { move.PPLeft = move.PP; } } } else { UIMan.StartNPCMessage("I just... oh I get it.", "Nurse Valleck"); UIMan.StartNPCMessage("You just want to take advantage of all these free meds.", "Nurse Valleck"); UIMan.StartNPCMessage("I guess I could hook you up with some more.", "Nurse Valleck"); } // LATER: 3-second Heal animation here UIMan.StartMessage(null, healDeskAnimation()); UIMan.StartNPCMessage("That should do it!", "Nurse Valleck"); UIMan.StartNPCMessage("Tell those boys to study a little harder next time!", "Nurse Valleck"); UIMan.StartNPCMessage("Is there anything else I can do for you today?", "Nurse Valleck"); UIMan.StartMessage(null, null, () => OptionMenuUI.GetComponent <Animator>().SetBool("SlideIn", true)); }
// Return to movement UI and save public void EndInteraction() { UIMan.StartMessage(null, null, () => OptionMenuUI.GetComponent <Animator>().SetBool("SlideIn", false)); UIMan.StartNPCMessage("Come back anytime!", "Nurse Valleck"); UIMan.StartMessage(null, null, () => nurseValleck.SetTrigger("SlideOut")); UIMan.StartMessage(null, wait(1), () => UIMan.MovementUI.Open()); UIMan.StartMessage(null, null, () => UIMan.EndNPCMessage()); GameMan.Save(); }
// Animates close of a UI object public IEnumerator AnimateClose(GameObject UI, bool onMenu) { UI.GetComponent <Animator>().SetBool("SlideIn", false); yield return(new WaitForSeconds(0.5f)); UI.SetActive(false); if (onMenu) { OptionMenuUI.SetActive(true); UIMan.StartNPCMessage("Is there anything else I can do for you today?", "Nurse Valleck"); UIMan.StartMessage(null, null, () => OptionMenuUI.GetComponent <Animator>().SetBool("SlideIn", true)); } }
void OpenSearch() { int i = 0; foreach (MajorClass major in majorList) { GameObject li = Instantiate(MajorListItem, MajorContentTransform); li.GetComponent <Image>().color = Color.white; li.transform.GetChild(0).GetComponent <Text>().text = major.majorName; li.transform.GetChild(1).GetComponent <Image>().sprite = major.majorImage; AddMajorButtonListener(li.transform.GetChild(2).GetComponent <Button>(), i); li.GetComponent <RectTransform>().localScale = Vector3.one; i++; } SearchUI.SetActive(true); SearchUI.GetComponent <Animator>().SetBool("SlideIn", true); OptionMenuUI.GetComponent <Animator>().SetBool("SlideIn", false); }
// When new game sequence triggered IEnumerator OnTriggerEnter2D(Collider2D player) { if (!hasTriggered) { UIMan.MovementUI.Close(); hasTriggered = true; // Slide in nurse Valleck nurseValleck.gameObject.SetActive(true); nurseValleck.SetTrigger("SlideIn"); yield return(new WaitForSeconds(1)); UIMan.StartNPCMessage("Nurse Valleck here!", "Nurse Valleck"); UIMan.StartNPCMessage("How can I help you, sweetie?", "Nurse Valleck"); UIMan.StartMessage(null, null, () => OptionMenuUI.SetActiveIfChanged(true)); UIMan.StartMessage(null, null, () => OptionMenuUI.GetComponent <Animator>().SetBool("SlideIn", true)); } }
// Load House Delts into the scroll view public void ShowHouseDelts() { hideMoveOverviews(); HouseScrollView.SetActive(true); PosseScrollView.SetActive(false); ShowHouseButtonImage.color = Color.yellow; ShowPosseButtonImage.color = Color.magenta; if (!houseDeltsLoaded) { houseDeltsLoaded = true; int i = 0; // Destroy previous list foreach (Transform child in HouseContentTransform) { Destroy(child.gameObject); } queryResults.Clear(); // Load house Delts into UI foreach (DeltemonData houseDelt in GameMan.houseDelts) { DeltDexClass tmpDex = ((GameObject)Resources.Load("Deltemon/DeltDex/" + houseDelt.deltdexName + "DD")).GetComponent <DeltDexClass>(); // Do not show Delts that do not match search query if (isSearch) { // Check names, pin, level, item, and majors if (!(houseDelt.nickname.Contains(nameQuery) || houseDelt.deltdexName.Contains(nameQuery) || tmpDex.nickname.Contains(nameQuery))) { continue; } else if ((tmpDex.pinNumber < pinQuery) || (houseDelt.level < levelQuery)) { continue; } else if (itemQuery && string.IsNullOrEmpty(houseDelt.itemName)) { continue; } else if (!majorQuery.Contains(tmpDex.major1) && !majorQuery.Contains(tmpDex.major2)) { continue; } // Add if query fits queryResults.Add(houseDelt); } else { queryResults = new List <DeltemonData>(GameMan.houseDelts); } GameObject li = Instantiate(DeltListItem, HouseContentTransform); Text[] texts = li.GetComponentsInChildren <Text>(); texts[0].text = houseDelt.nickname; texts[1].text = "Lv. " + houseDelt.level; li.transform.GetChild(0).GetComponent <Image>().color = tmpDex.major1.background; if (tmpDex.major2.majorName == "NoMajor") { li.transform.GetChild(3).GetComponent <Image>().sprite = tmpDex.major1.majorImage; li.GetComponent <Image>().color = tmpDex.major1.background; } else { li.transform.GetChild(4).GetComponent <Image>().sprite = tmpDex.major1.majorImage; li.transform.GetChild(5).GetComponent <Image>().sprite = tmpDex.major2.majorImage; li.GetComponent <Image>().color = tmpDex.major2.background; } Button b = li.transform.GetChild(6).gameObject.GetComponent <Button>(); AddListener(b, i, true); li.transform.localScale = Vector3.one; i++; } } // If BankUI not open, slide it in. if (!BankUI.activeInHierarchy) { BankUI.SetActive(true); BankUI.GetComponent <Animator>().SetBool("SlideIn", true); // If not a search query, slide out Option Menu if (!isSearch) { OptionMenuUI.GetComponent <Animator>().SetBool("SlideIn", false); } } }