Exemple #1
//		public static void AddConverter(Type type, ConvertObjectHandler obj)
//		{
//			if (_converters == null)
//				_converters = new Dictionary<Type, ConvertObjectHandler>();
//			_converters[type] = obj;
//		}

        #region Methods
        /// <summary>
        /// Adds an Option to a specified target.
        /// </summary>
        /// <param name="key">property key - any spaces will be removed</param>
        /// <param name="value">start value of the property</param>
        /// <param name="desc">property description</param>
        /// <param name="category">property category</param>
        /// <param name="optionChangedEvent">event handler to receive the
        /// PropertyValueChanged event</param>
        /// <param name="target">the object that will receive the changed
        /// property values: an internal event handler will be created and the
        /// name must be the name of a property of the type that the target is
        /// whatever that meant</param>
        internal void AddOption(
            string key,
            object value,
            string desc,
            string category,
            OptionChangedEventHandler optionChangedEvent = null,
            object target = null)
//			key = key.Replace(" ", String.Empty); // nobody be stupid ...

            ViewerOption option;

            if (!_options.ContainsKey(key))
                option        = new ViewerOption(value, desc, category);
                _options[key] = option;
                option             = _options[key];
                option.Value       = value;
                option.Description = desc;

            if (optionChangedEvent != null)
                option.OptionChangedEvent += optionChangedEvent;
            else if (target != null)
                _properties[key]              = new Property(target, key);
                this[key].OptionChangedEvent += OnOptionChanged;
 public void AddOptionChangedEventHandler(string record, OptionChangedEventHandler handler)
     if (OptionChangedEvents.ContainsKey(record))
         OptionChangedEvents[record] += handler;
         OptionChangedEvents.Add(record, handler);
Exemple #3
 public void AddOptionChangedEventHandler(string record, OptionChangedEventHandler handler)
     if (OptionChangedEvents.ContainsKey(record))
         OptionChangedEvents[record] += handler;
         OptionChangedEvents.Add(record, handler);
//		internal const string TileMinHeight     = "TileMinHeight";

        /// <summary>
        /// Loads default options for TopView in TopRouteView screens.
        /// </summary>
        protected internal override void LoadControl0Options()
            _topBrushes = new Dictionary <string, SolidBrush>();
            _topPens    = new Dictionary <string, Pen>();

            _topBrushes.Add(FloorColor, new SolidBrush(Color.BurlyWood));
            _topBrushes.Add(ContentColor, new SolidBrush(Color.MediumSeaGreen));
            _topBrushes.Add(SelectedTypeColor, QuadrantsPanel.SelectColor);

            var penWest = new Pen(Color.Khaki, 4);

            _topPens.Add(WestColor, penWest);
            _topPens.Add(WestWidth, penWest);

            var penNorth = new Pen(Color.Wheat, 4);

            _topPens.Add(NorthColor, penNorth);
            _topPens.Add(NorthWidth, penNorth);

            var penOver = new Pen(Color.Black, 2);

            _topPens.Add(SelectorColor, penOver);
            _topPens.Add(SelectorWidth, penOver);

            var penSelected = new Pen(Color.RoyalBlue, 2);

            _topPens.Add(SelectedColor, penSelected);
            _topPens.Add(SelectedWidth, penSelected);

            var penGrid = new Pen(Color.Black, 1);

            _topPens.Add(GridColor, penGrid);
            _topPens.Add(GridWidth, penGrid);

            var pen10Grid = new Pen(Color.Black, 2);

            _topPens.Add(Grid10Color, pen10Grid);
            _topPens.Add(Grid10Width, pen10Grid);

            OptionChangedEventHandler bc = OnBrushChanged;
            OptionChangedEventHandler pc = OnPenColorChanged;
            OptionChangedEventHandler pw = OnPenWidthChanged;

//			ValueChangedEventHandler  dh = OnDiamondHeight;

            Options.AddOption(FloorColor, Color.BurlyWood, "Color of the floor tile indicator", Tile, bc);
            Options.AddOption(WestColor, Color.Khaki, "Color of the west tile indicator", Tile, pc);
            Options.AddOption(NorthColor, Color.Wheat, "Color of the north tile indicator", Tile, pc);
            Options.AddOption(ContentColor, Color.MediumSeaGreen, "Color of the content tile indicator", Tile, bc);
            Options.AddOption(WestWidth, 3, "Width of the west tile indicator in pixels", Tile, pw);
            Options.AddOption(NorthWidth, 3, "Width of the north tile indicator in pixels", Tile, pw);

            Options.AddOption(SelectorColor, Color.Black, "Color of the mouse-over indicator", Selector, pc);
            Options.AddOption(SelectorWidth, 2, "Width of the mouse-over indicator in pixels", Selector, pw);
            Options.AddOption(SelectedColor, Color.RoyalBlue, "Color of the selection line", Selector, pc);
            Options.AddOption(SelectedWidth, 2, "Width of the selection line in pixels", Selector, pw);
            Options.AddOption(SelectedTypeColor, Color.LightBlue, "Background color of the selected tiletype", Selector, bc);

            Options.AddOption(GridColor, Color.Black, "Color of the grid lines", Grid, pc);
            Options.AddOption(GridWidth, 1, "Width of the grid lines in pixels", Grid, pw);
            Options.AddOption(Grid10Color, Color.Black, "Color of every tenth grid line", Grid, pc);
            Options.AddOption(Grid10Width, 2, "Width of every tenth grid line in pixels", Grid, pw);
//			Options.AddOption(TileMinHeight,     _topViewPanel.TileLozengeHeight, "Minimum height of the grid tiles in pixels",  Grid,     dh);

            QuadrantsPanel.Pens       =
                _topViewPanel.TopPens = _topPens;

            QuadrantsPanel.Brushes       =
                _topViewPanel.TopBrushes = _topBrushes;

Exemple #5
 public static void AddOptionChangedEventHandler(string record, OptionChangedEventHandler handler)
     optionRecordService.AddOptionChangedEventHandler(record, handler);