Exemple #1
        void Optimize()
            if (MyEngine.MyPriority == Priority.FirstAvailable)
                MyResults = MyEngine.OptimizeGreedy(MyBuilder.IsRoomUnavailable, MyBuilder.IsInstructorUnavailable,
                                                    MyBuilder.CurrentlyReleased, MyBuilder.LocallyTaughtCoursesPerDay);
            else if (MyEngine.MyPriority == Priority.MaximizeInstructorLongestToTeach)
                MyEngine.OptimizeLongestToTeach(MyBuilder.StartingResults, 0, MyBuilder.IsInstructorUnavailable, MyBuilder.IsRoomUnavailable,
                                                MyBuilder.CurrentlyReleased, MyBuilder.LocallyTaughtCoursesPerDay, 0, MyEngine.CourseCatalog);
                MyResults = MyEngine.CurrentBestAnswer;
                MyEngine.OptimizeRecursion(MyBuilder.StartingResults, 0, MyBuilder.IsInstructorUnavailable,
                                           MyBuilder.IsRoomUnavailable, MyBuilder.CurrentlyReleased, MyBuilder.LocallyTaughtCoursesPerDay, 0);
                MyResults = MyEngine.CurrentBestAnswer;

            ThreadInProgress = false;
Exemple #2
        /// <summary>
        /// Populates the properties of the optimizer object by pulling in data from the database context
        /// </summary>
        /// <param name="showSetup">Will write to console debug images to display the data that is pulled in</param>
        /// <param name="StartDate">The beginning of the optimization range</param>
        /// <param name="EndDate">The end of the optimizaiton range</param>
        internal OptimizerEngine Build(TimeSpan timeLimit)
            if (ShowDebugMessages)
                Console.WriteLine("Pulling in data from the database...\n");
            Engine.ShowDebugMessages = ShowDebugMessages;
            Engine.StartDate         = StartDate;
            Engine.EndDate           = EndDate;
            Engine.context           = context;
            Engine.timeLimit         = timeLimit;

            // Pull in instructors
            Engine.Instructors = context.User.Where(user => user.RoleID == 3).ToList();

            // Course Catalog
            Engine.CourseCatalog = context.Course.ToList();

            // Add to each course the instructors qualified to teach them
            Where(status => status.Deleted == false && status.Qualification == 1 && Engine.Instructors.Any(instr => instr.Username == status.InstructorID)).ToList().
            ForEach(status => Engine.CourseCatalog.
                    Where(course => course.ID == status.CourseID)
                    .First().QualifiedInstructors.Add(status.InstructorID, DateTime.MinValue));

            // Add to each instructor the amount of courses they can teach
            Where(status => status.Deleted == false && status.Qualification == 1 && Engine.Instructors.Any(y => y.Username == status.InstructorID)).ToList().
            ForEach(status => Engine.Instructors.Where(x => x.Username == status.InstructorID).FirstOrDefault().QualificationCount++);

            // Add to each course the required resources it needs from a room
            ForEach(required => Engine.CourseCatalog.Where(course => course.ID == required.CourseID).
                    FirstOrDefault().RequiredResources[required.ResourceID] = required.Amount);

            // Rooms
            Engine.Rooms = context.Room.ToDictionary(room => room.ID, room => room);
            // Add to each room the resources it has
            context.RoomHasResources.ToList().ForEach(resources => Engine.Rooms.
                                                      Where(room => room.Value.ID == resources.RoomID).FirstOrDefault().Value.
                                                      Resources_dict[resources.ResourceID] = resources.Amount);

            // Get the optimizer input data
            Engine.Inputs = (from input in context.OptimizerInput
                             join course in context.Course
                             on input.CourseCode equals course.Code
                             join location in context.Location
                             on input.LocationID equals location.Code
                             where input.Succeeded == false && input.Selected == true
                             orderby course.Hours descending
                             select new OptimizerInput()
                Id = input.Id,
                CourseCode = input.CourseCode,
                LocationID = input.LocationID,
                NumTimesToRun = input.NumTimesToRun,
                StartTime = input.StartTime,
                CourseTitle = input.CourseTitle,
                Succeeded = input.Succeeded,
                Reason = "",
                LengthDays = Math.Max(course.Hours / 8, 1),
                CourseId = (int)course.ID,
                LocationIdLiteral = location.ID,
                RemainingRuns = input.NumTimesToRun,
                Selected = input.Selected
            }).ToList <OptimizerInput>();

            OriginalInputCount = Engine.Inputs.Count;

            // Scheduled/Planned classes
            // Only grab classes within the optimzer time range and that aren't cancelled
            Engine.CurrentSchedule = context.ScheduledClass
                                     .Where(c => c.Cancelled == false && (
                                                (DateTime.Compare(c.StartDate, Engine.StartDate) >= 0 && DateTime.Compare(c.StartDate, Engine.EndDate) <= 0) ||
                                                (DateTime.Compare(c.EndDate, Engine.StartDate) >= 0 && DateTime.Compare(c.EndDate, Engine.EndDate) <= 0) ||
                                                (DateTime.Compare(c.StartDate, Engine.StartDate) < 0 && DateTime.Compare(c.EndDate, Engine.EndDate) > 0)

            // Instructor assignments
            Engine.InstructorAssignments = context.InstructorOfClass
                                           .Where(i => i.Cancelled == false && (
                                                      (DateTime.Compare(i.StartDate, Engine.StartDate) >= 0 && DateTime.Compare(i.StartDate, Engine.EndDate) <= 0) ||
                                                      (DateTime.Compare(i.EndDate, Engine.StartDate) >= 0 && DateTime.Compare(i.EndDate, Engine.EndDate) <= 0) ||
                                                      (DateTime.Compare(i.StartDate, Engine.StartDate) < 0 && DateTime.Compare(i.EndDate, Engine.EndDate) > 0)

            // Remove instructor assignments if the instructor is not in the user table
            Engine.InstructorAssignments.RemoveAll(assignment => !Engine.Instructors.Any(instructor => instructor.Username == assignment.UserID));

            // Remove all assignments if its specified course isn't in the catalog
            Engine.InstructorAssignments.RemoveAll(assignment => !Engine.CourseCatalog.Any(course =>
                if (Engine.CurrentSchedule.Any(schedule => schedule.ID == assignment.ClassID))
                    return(Engine.CurrentSchedule.First(schedule => schedule.ID == assignment.ClassID).CourseID == course.ID);

            // Update instructor assignments by marking them if they are local assignments
            ForEach(Assignment => Assignment.LocalAssignment = (
                        Engine.Instructors.Where(instructor => instructor.Username == Assignment.UserID).First().PointID ==
                        Engine.CurrentSchedule.Where(Class => Assignment.ClassID == Class.ID).First().LocationID));

            // Exceptions
            Engine.Exceptions = context.Booking
                                .Where(b => b.Status == 1 && b.Cancelled == false && (
                                           (DateTime.Compare(b.StartDate, Engine.StartDate) >= 0 && DateTime.Compare(b.StartDate, Engine.EndDate) <= 0) ||
                                           (DateTime.Compare(b.EndDate, Engine.StartDate) >= 0 && DateTime.Compare(b.EndDate, Engine.EndDate) <= 0) ||
                                           (DateTime.Compare(b.StartDate, Engine.StartDate) < 0 && DateTime.Compare(b.EndDate, Engine.EndDate) > 0))

            // Locations
            Engine.Locations = context.Location.ToList();
            // Populate the local rooms for each location
            context.Room.ToList().ForEach(room => Engine.Locations.Find(location => location.Code.Equals(room.Station)).LocalRooms.Add(room.ID));
            // Populate the local instructs for each location
            Engine.Instructors.ForEach(instructor => Engine.Locations.First(location => location.ID == instructor.PointID).LocalInstructors.Add(instructor.Username));

            if (ShowDebugMessages)
                Console.WriteLine("Optimizer Inputs");
                ConsoleTable.From <OptimizerInputPrintable>(Engine.Inputs.Select(x => new OptimizerInputPrintable(x))).Write(Format.MarkDown);

                // Assign to each scheduled class its instructor, for printing purposes
                Engine.InstructorAssignments.ForEach(assignment => Engine.CurrentSchedule.First(classEvent => classEvent.ID == assignment.ClassID)
                                                     .Instructor = Engine.Instructors.First(instructor => instructor.Username == assignment.UserID));

                Engine.CurrentSchedule.ForEach(classEvent => classEvent.CourseCode = Engine.CourseCatalog.First(course => course.ID == classEvent.CourseID).Code);
                Engine.CurrentSchedule.ForEach(classEvent => classEvent.Location   = Engine.Locations.First(loc => loc.ID == classEvent.LocationID).Code);

                if (Engine.CurrentSchedule.Count > 0)
                    Console.WriteLine("Current Schedule");
                        ConsoleTable.From <ScheduledClassPrintable>(Engine.CurrentSchedule.Select(c => new ScheduledClassPrintable(c))).Write(Format.MarkDown);

                if (Engine.InstructorAssignments.Count > 0)
                    Console.WriteLine("Instructor Assignments");
                        ConsoleTable.From <InstructorOfClass>(Engine.InstructorAssignments).Write(Format.MarkDown);

                if (Engine.Exceptions.Count > 0)
                        ConsoleTable.From <BookingPrintable>(Engine.Exceptions.Select(e => new BookingPrintable(e))).Write(Format.MarkDown);


                Console.WriteLine("Locations' Local Rooms");

                Console.WriteLine("Locations' Local Instructors");

            // Store all the week days of the range into a list
            var WeekDaysInRange = new List <string>();

            foreach (DateTime day in OptimizerUtilities.EachWeekDay(Engine.StartDate, Engine.EndDate))
            if (ShowDebugMessages)
                Console.WriteLine("Count of week days in range: " + WeekDaysInRange.Count());
            Engine.TotalWeekDays = WeekDaysInRange.Count;

            // Link each location to its locally taught courses per day
            foreach (var loc in Engine.Locations)
                LocallyTaughtCoursesPerDay.Add(loc.ID, WeekDaysInRange.ToDictionary(x => x, x => new List <int>()));

            // Fill the 2d dictionary IsRoomUnavailable
            // First pair: value is the room id to a second dictionary
            // Second pair: string of the date to the unavailability of the room
            context.Room.ToList().ForEach(room => IsRoomUnavailable.Add(room.ID, WeekDaysInRange.ToDictionary(x => x, x => false)));

            // Fill the 2d dictionary IsInstructorUnavailable
            // First pair: value is the instructor username to a second dictionary
            // Second pair: string of the date to the unavailability of the instructor
            Engine.Instructors.ForEach(instructor => IsInstructorUnavailable.Add(instructor.Username, WeekDaysInRange.ToDictionary(x => x, x => false)));

            // Fill the 2d dictionary CurrentlyReleased
            // First pair: value is the location id to a second dictionary
            // Second pair: string of the date to the unavailability of the instructor
            Engine.Locations.ForEach(loc => CurrentlyReleased.Add(loc.ID, WeekDaysInRange.ToDictionary(x => x, x => 0)));

            // Loop through the current schedule and populate the room availbility and the currently release dictionaries
            foreach (var clas in Engine.CurrentSchedule)
                foreach (var date in OptimizerUtilities.EachWeekDay(OptimizerUtilities.Max(clas.StartDate, Engine.StartDate), OptimizerUtilities.Min(clas.EndDate, Engine.EndDate)))
                    IsRoomUnavailable[clas.RoomID][date.ToString(TIME_FORMAT)]      = true;
                    CurrentlyReleased[clas.LocationID][date.ToString(TIME_FORMAT)] += Engine.CourseCatalog.Find(course => course.ID == clas.CourseID).MaxSize;
            if (ShowDebugMessages)
                List <string> Headers;
                ConsoleTable  table;
                foreach (var sublist in OptimizerUtilities.Split(WeekDaysInRange, 20))
                    Headers = new List <string> {
                    sublist.ForEach(day => Headers.Add(day.Substring(0, day.Length - 5)));
                    table = new ConsoleTable(Headers.ToArray());
                    foreach (var RoomPair in IsRoomUnavailable)
                        var row = new List <string> {
                        RoomPair.Value.ToList().ForEach(pair =>
                            if (sublist.Contains(pair.Key))
                                row.Add((pair.Value ? "Yes" : ""));

                foreach (var sublist in OptimizerUtilities.Split(WeekDaysInRange, 20))
                    Headers = new List <string> {
                    sublist.ForEach(day => Headers.Add(day.Substring(0, day.Length - 5)));
                    table = new ConsoleTable(Headers.ToArray());
                    foreach (var LocPair in CurrentlyReleased)
                        var row = new List <string> {
                            Engine.Locations.First(loc => loc.ID == LocPair.Key).Code
                        LocPair.Value.ToList().ForEach(pair =>
                            if (sublist.Contains(pair.Key))
                                row.Add((pair.Value > 0 ? pair.Value.ToString() : ""));

                foreach (var sublist in OptimizerUtilities.Split(WeekDaysInRange, 20))
                    Headers = new List <string> {
                    sublist.ForEach(day => Headers.Add(day.Substring(0, day.Length - 5)));
                    table = new ConsoleTable(Headers.ToArray());
                    foreach (var Location in LocallyTaughtCoursesPerDay)
                        var row = new List <string> {
                            Engine.Locations.First(loc => loc.ID == Location.Key).Code
                        Location.Value.Where(pair => sublist.Contains(pair.Key)).ToList().ForEach(list =>
                            row.Add(string.Join(", ", list.Value));
                    Console.WriteLine("Locally taught courses at each location");

            // Populate the unavailability area with the instructor assignments
            foreach (var assignment in Engine.InstructorAssignments)
                // Mark each day of the relevant days of the assignment to the optimization range to true (unavailable)
                foreach (var date in OptimizerUtilities.EachWeekDay(OptimizerUtilities.Max(assignment.StartDate, Engine.StartDate), OptimizerUtilities.Min(assignment.EndDate, Engine.EndDate)))
                    IsInstructorUnavailable[assignment.UserID][date.ToString(TIME_FORMAT)] = true;
                // Account for travel time by marking the day before and after for non local assignments unavailable for that instructor
                // Only if the day is adjacent to the assignment (i.e. not the friday before a monday of an assignment)
                if (!assignment.LocalAssignment)
                    // Check if the day before the start day for the assignment is in the index map
                    // If its not, it is either an adjacent week day but outside the range of the optimizer
                    // Or it is a weekend (the day before monday is sunday, will not be mapped in the dictionary
                    var DayBeforeAssignment = OptimizerUtilities.Max(assignment.StartDate, Engine.StartDate).AddDays(-1).ToString(Engine.TIME_FORMAT);
                    if (WeekDaysInRange.Contains(DayBeforeAssignment))
                        IsInstructorUnavailable[assignment.UserID][DayBeforeAssignment] = true;
                    // Do same but for the day after
                    var DayAfterAssignment = OptimizerUtilities.Min(assignment.EndDate, Engine.EndDate).ToString(Engine.TIME_FORMAT);
                    if (WeekDaysInRange.Contains(DayAfterAssignment))
                        IsInstructorUnavailable[assignment.UserID][DayAfterAssignment] = true;

            // Add instructor exceptions to the unavailable dictionary
            foreach (var exception in Engine.Exceptions)
                foreach (var date in OptimizerUtilities.EachWeekDay(OptimizerUtilities.Max(exception.StartDate, Engine.StartDate), OptimizerUtilities.Min(exception.EndDate, Engine.EndDate)))
                    IsInstructorUnavailable[exception.RequestForID][date.ToString(TIME_FORMAT)] = true;
            if (ShowDebugMessages)
                List <string> Headers;
                ConsoleTable  table;
                foreach (var sublist in OptimizerUtilities.Split(WeekDaysInRange, 20))
                    Headers = new List <string> {
                    sublist.ForEach(day => Headers.Add(day.Substring(0, day.Length - 5)));
                    table = new ConsoleTable(Headers.ToArray());
                    foreach (var InstructorPair in IsInstructorUnavailable)
                        var row = new List <string> {
                        InstructorPair.Value.ToList().ForEach(pair =>
                            if (sublist.Contains(pair.Key))
                                row.Add((pair.Value ? "Yes" : ""));

            // Set the last day each instructor taught a course if the priority is set
            if (Engine.MyPriority == Priority.MaximizeInstructorLongestToTeach)
                var CompleteSchedule = context.ScheduledClass.ToArray();
                // Obtain every instructor assignment in the database
                var completeAssignments = context.InstructorOfClass.OrderBy(i => i.StartDate).ToArray();
                Console.WriteLine("Calculating the last time each instructor taught a course...");
                foreach (var a in completeAssignments)
                    if (CompleteSchedule.Any(s => s.ID == a.ClassID))
                        // grab the class that corresponds to the assignment
                        ScheduledClass correspondingClass = CompleteSchedule.First(s => s.ID == a.ClassID);
                        if (Engine.CourseCatalog.Any(c => c.ID == correspondingClass.CourseID))
                            // get the course info
                            var CourseInfo = Engine.CourseCatalog.First(c => c.ID == CompleteSchedule.First(s => s.ID == a.ClassID).CourseID);
                            if (CourseInfo.QualifiedInstructors.ContainsKey(a.UserID))
                                // if this assignment ends after the last recorded time the instructor taught this course, update
                                // the last time taugth the course to the end of this assignment
                                if (DateTime.Compare(CourseInfo.QualifiedInstructors[a.UserID], a.EndDate) < 0)
                                    CourseInfo.QualifiedInstructors[a.UserID] = a.EndDate;
                // Limit Course catalog to courses just listed in the input
                Engine.CourseCatalog = Engine.CourseCatalog.Where(c => Engine.Inputs.Any(i => i.CourseId == c.ID)).ToList();

                if (ShowDebugMessages)
                    List <string> Headers;
                    ConsoleTable  table;
                    Headers = new List <string> {
                    Headers.Add("Instructor FileNumber: Last Taught");
                    table = new ConsoleTable(Headers.ToArray());
                    foreach (var Course in Engine.CourseCatalog)
                        foreach (var sublist in OptimizerUtilities.Split(Course.QualifiedInstructors.ToList(), 8))
                            var row = new List <string> {
                            var rowString = "";
                            Course.QualifiedInstructors.ToList().ForEach(p => {
                                if (sublist.Contains(p))
                                    if (p.Value == DateTime.MinValue)
                                        rowString += $"{p.Key}: {"Never Taught"}; ";
                                        rowString += $"{p.Key}: {p.Value.ToString("MM/dd/yyyy")}; ";
                    Console.WriteLine("Last Time A Course Was Taught By Who");

            if (ShowDebugMessages)
                Console.WriteLine("Data loading complete.\n");

            if (ShowDebugMessages)
                Console.WriteLine("Checking if any inputs are impossible...");
            Engine.PrimeStartingResults(ref IsRoomUnavailable, ref IsInstructorUnavailable,
                                        ref CurrentlyReleased, ref LocallyTaughtCoursesPerDay);
            StartingResults = new OptimizerScheduleResults()
                Results           = new List <OptimizerResult>(),
                Inputs            = Engine.Inputs,
                OptimizationScore = 0
            Engine.InputCount = Engine.Inputs.Count;
            var Levels = 0;

            Engine.Inputs.ForEach(x => Levels += Math.Min(x.MaxPossibleIterations, x.NumTimesToRun));
            Engine.NodesPerDepth = new int[Levels];
            if (ShowDebugMessages)

            if (ShowDebugMessages)
                Console.WriteLine("Optimizer Possible Inputs");
                    ConsoleTable.From <OptimizerInputPrintable>(Engine.Inputs.Select(x => new OptimizerInputPrintable(x))).Write(Format.MarkDown);

            if (ShowDebugMessages)
                Console.WriteLine("Predicting the best possible score for the engine...");

            // Setup the best answer as something guarenteed to always be the worst
            Engine.CurrentBestAnswer = new OptimizerScheduleResults
                Results           = new List <OptimizerResult>(),
                Inputs            = new List <OptimizerInput>(),
                OptimizationScore = -1

            if (Engine.MyPriority == Priority.MinimizeForeignInstructorCount || Engine.MyPriority == Priority.MinimizeInstructorTravelDistance)
                Engine.CurrentBestAnswer.OptimizationScore = int.MaxValue;

            switch (Engine.MyPriority)
            case Priority.MaximizeInstructorLongestToTeach:
                Engine.BestPossibleScore = int.MaxValue;

            case (Priority.MaximizeSpecializedInstructors):
                Engine.BestPossibleScore = Engine.Instructors.MinBy(i => i.QualificationCount).First().QualificationCount *Engine.InputCount;
                if (Engine.BestPossibleScore == 0)
                    Engine.BestPossibleScore = Engine.InputCount;

            case (Priority.MinimizeForeignInstructorCount):
                // Set the best answer to 0, meaning 0 instructors to travel
                Engine.BestPossibleScore = Levels;
                // Increment the best possible answer for every input that has no qualified local instructors
                foreach (var input in Engine.Inputs)
                    var CourseInfo = Engine.CourseCatalog.Where(course => course.ID == input.CourseId).First();
                    if (Engine.Locations.First(z => z.ID == input.LocationIdLiteral).LocalInstructors.Any(x => CourseInfo.QualifiedInstructors.Any(y => x == y.Key)))
                        Console.WriteLine($"Subtracting {input.MaxPossibleIterations} from the score because of input {input.Id}:");
                        Console.WriteLine($"Location {input.LocationID} does not have a local, qualified instructor to teach a course of type {input.CourseCode}.");
                        Engine.BestPossibleScore -= input.MaxPossibleIterations;

            case (Priority.MinimizeInstructorTravelDistance):
                // Set the best answer to 0, meaning 0 instructors to travel
                Engine.BestPossibleScore = 0;

                Engine.BestPossibleScore = Engine.NodesPerDepth.Length;

            if (ShowDebugMessages)
                Console.WriteLine($"The best possible score is {Engine.BestPossibleScore}.\n");

            if (ShowDebugMessages)
                Console.WriteLine($"If the best possible answer is not found in {timeLimit}, the current best answer will be returned.\n");