
            private void AddNodeForExecution(Guid nodeId)
                var    node     = _uow.PlanRepository.GetById <PlanNodeDO>(nodeId);
                string nodeName = "undefined";

                if (node is ActivityDO)
                    var activityTemplate = _uow.ActivityTemplateRepository.GetByKey(((ActivityDO)node).ActivityTemplateId);
                    nodeName = "Activity: " + activityTemplate.Name + " Version:" + activityTemplate.Version;

                if (node is SubplanDO)
                    nodeName = "Subplan: " + ((SubplanDO)node).Name;

                var frame = new OperationalStateCM.StackFrame
                    NodeId    = nodeId,
                    NodeName  = nodeName,
                    LocalData = _bypassData

                _bypassData = null;

            private bool ProcessActivityResponse(ActivityResponseDTO activityResponse, OperationalStateCM.ActivityExecutionPhase activityExecutionPhase, OperationalStateCM.StackFrame topFrame)
                ActivityResponse opCode;

                if (activityResponse == null)

                if (!Enum.TryParse(activityResponse.Type, out opCode))

                PlanNodeDO currentNode;
                PlanNodeDO targetNode;
                Guid       id;

                switch (opCode)
                case ActivityResponse.Error:
                    var               currentActivity = _uow.PlanRepository.GetById <ActivityDO>(topFrame.NodeId);
                    ErrorDTO          error           = activityResponse.TryParseErrorDTO(out error) ? error : null;
                    ActivityErrorCode errorCode;

                    if (Enum.TryParse(error?.ErrorCode, out errorCode) && errorCode == ActivityErrorCode.AUTH_TOKEN_NOT_PROVIDED_OR_INVALID)
                        throw new InvalidTokenRuntimeException(Mapper.Map <ActivityDO, ActivityDTO>(currentActivity),
                                                               Mapper.Map <ContainerDO, ContainerDTO>(_container),
                                                               error?.Message ?? string.Empty);

                    throw new ErrorResponseException(Mapper.Map <ContainerDO, ContainerDTO>(_container), error?.Message);

                case ActivityResponse.ExecuteClientActivity:

                case ActivityResponse.LaunchAdditionalPlan:

                case ActivityResponse.RequestTerminate:
                    EventManager.ProcessingTerminatedPerActivityResponse(_container, ActivityResponse.RequestTerminate);

                case ActivityResponse.RequestSuspend:
                    _container.State = State.Suspended;

                    if (activityExecutionPhase == OperationalStateCM.ActivityExecutionPhase.ProcessingChildren)
                        // reset state of currently executed activity
                        topFrame.CurrentActivityExecutionPhase = OperationalStateCM.ActivityExecutionPhase.WasNotExecuted;


                case ActivityResponse.SkipChildren:
                    if (activityExecutionPhase == OperationalStateCM.ActivityExecutionPhase.WasNotExecuted)

                case ActivityResponse.JumpToSubplan:
                    id         = ExtractGuidParameter(activityResponse);
                    targetNode = _uow.PlanRepository.GetById <PlanNodeDO>(id);

                    if (targetNode == null)
                        throw new InvalidOperationException($"Unable to find node {id}");

                    // @alexavrutin here: commented this block since this check broke Make a Decision in Kiosk mode
                    // when a new plan is being created.
                    // currentNode = _uow.PlanRepository.GetById<PlanNodeDO>(topFrame.NodeId);
                    //if (currentNode.RootPlanNodeId != targetNode.RootPlanNodeId)
                    //    throw new InvalidOperationException("Can't jump to the subplan from different plan. Instead, use Jump to Plan.");


                case ActivityResponse.JumpToActivity:
                    id         = ExtractGuidParameter(activityResponse);
                    targetNode = _uow.PlanRepository.GetById <PlanNodeDO>(id);

                    if (targetNode == null)
                        throw new InvalidOperationException($"Unable to find node {id}");

                    currentNode = _uow.PlanRepository.GetById <PlanNodeDO>(topFrame.NodeId);

                    if (currentNode.RootPlanNodeId != targetNode.RootPlanNodeId)
                        throw new InvalidOperationException("Can't jump to the activity from different plan. Instead, use Jump to Plan.");

                    if (targetNode.ParentPlanNodeId == null && currentNode.ParentPlanNodeId == null && currentNode.Id != targetNode.Id)
                        throw new InvalidOperationException("Can't jump from the activities that has no parent to anywhere except the activity itself.");

                    if (targetNode.ParentPlanNodeId != currentNode.ParentPlanNodeId)
                        throw new InvalidOperationException("Can't jump to activity that has parent different from activity we are jumping from.");

                    // we are jumping after activity's Run
                    if (activityExecutionPhase == OperationalStateCM.ActivityExecutionPhase.WasNotExecuted)
                        // remove the frame representing the current activity from stack.

                    if (id == topFrame.NodeId)
                        // we want to pass current local data (from the topFrame) to the next activity we are calling.
                        _bypassData = topFrame.LocalData;

                    // this is root node. Just push new frame
                    if (_callStack.Count == 0 || currentNode.ParentPlanNode == null)
                        // find activity that is preceeding the one we are jumping to.
                        // so the next iteration of run cycle will exectute the activity we are jumping to
                        var prevToJump = currentNode.ParentPlanNode.ChildNodes.OrderByDescending(x => x.Ordering).FirstOrDefault(x => x.Ordering < targetNode.Ordering);

                        _callStack.TopFrame.CurrentChildId = prevToJump?.Id;


                case ActivityResponse.CallAndReturn:
                    id = ExtractGuidParameter(activityResponse);

                    targetNode = _uow.PlanRepository.GetById <PlanNodeDO>(id);

                    if (targetNode == null)
                        throw new InvalidOperationException($"Unable to find node {id}");

                    currentNode = _uow.PlanRepository.GetById <PlanNodeDO>(topFrame.NodeId);

                    if (currentNode.RootPlanNodeId != targetNode.RootPlanNodeId)
                        throw new InvalidOperationException("Can't call the activity from different plan. Instead, use Jump to Plan.");


                case ActivityResponse.Break:
                    if (activityExecutionPhase == OperationalStateCM.ActivityExecutionPhase.WasNotExecuted)
                        // we wan't to have an exception in case of the corrupted stack, so we don't merge this with check below

                    if (_callStack.Count > 0)
