protected void Page_Load(object sender, EventArgs e) { OperatingSystems oOperatingSystem = new OperatingSystems(0, dsn); Classes oClass = new Classes(0, dsn); if (Request.QueryString["u"] != null && Request.QueryString["u"] == "GET") { XmlDocument oDoc = new XmlDocument(); oDoc.Load(Request.InputStream); Response.ContentType = "application/xml"; StringBuilder sb = new StringBuilder("<values>"); string strValue = Server.UrlDecode(oDoc.FirstChild.InnerXml); int intOs = Int32.Parse(strValue); DataSet ds = oOperatingSystem.GetServicePack(intOs); foreach (DataRow dr in ds.Tables[0].Rows) { sb.Append("<value>"); sb.Append(dr["id"].ToString()); sb.Append("</value><text>"); sb.Append(dr["name"].ToString()); sb.Append("</text>"); } sb.Append("</values>"); Response.Write(sb.ToString()); Response.End(); } }
protected void Page_Load(object sender, EventArgs e) { if (Request.Cookies["adminid"] != null && Request.Cookies["adminid"].Value != "") { intProfile = Int32.Parse(Request.Cookies["adminid"].Value); } else { Reload(); } oServerName = new ServerName(intProfile, dsn); oOperatingSystems = new OperatingSystems(intProfile, dsn); btnClose.Attributes.Add("onclick", "return HidePanel();"); if (Request.QueryString["id"] != null && Request.QueryString["id"] != "") { intComponent = Int32.Parse(Request.QueryString["id"]); } if (!IsPostBack) { Load(null); if (intComponent > 0) { lblName.Text = oServerName.GetComponent(intComponent, "name"); } } }
public Computers(Guid serialNumber, string description, DateTime dateOfBuying, DateTime warranty, double price, Manufacturer manufacturer, OperatingSystems operatingSystem, bool ifPortable, bool hasBattery) : base(serialNumber, description, dateOfBuying, warranty, price, manufacturer, hasBattery) { OperatingSystem = operatingSystem; IfPortable = ifPortable; }
// to enable unit testing internal OSSkipConditionAttribute( OperatingSystems operatingSystem, IRuntimeEnvironment runtimeEnvironment, params string[] versions) { _excludedOperatingSystem = operatingSystem; _excludedVersions = versions ?? Enumerable.Empty <string>(); _runtimeEnvironment = runtimeEnvironment; }
public static int Insert(OperatingSystems data) { object rs = DataProvider.Instance.ExecuteNonQueryWithOutput( "@OperatingSystemID", "OperatingSystem_Insert", data.OperatingSystemID, data.Name, data.Version, data.Description); return(rs != null?Convert.ToInt32(rs) : 0); }
public ProjectExplorerViewModel( IWin32Window view, ApplicationSettingsRepository settingsRepository, IJobService jobService, IEventService eventService, IGlobalSessionBroker sessionBroker, IProjectModelService projectModelService, ICloudConsoleService cloudConsoleService) { this.View = view; this.settingsRepository = settingsRepository; this.jobService = jobService; this.sessionBroker = sessionBroker; this.projectModelService = projectModelService; this.cloudConsoleService = cloudConsoleService; this.RootNode = new CloudViewModelNode(this); // // Read current settings. // // NB. Do not hold on to the settings object because it might change. // this.operatingSystemsFilter = settingsRepository .GetSettings() .IncludeOperatingSystems .EnumValue; eventService.BindAsyncHandler <SessionStartedEvent>( e => UpdateInstanceAsync(e.Instance, i => i.IsConnected = true)); eventService.BindAsyncHandler <SessionEndedEvent>( e => UpdateInstanceAsync(e.Instance, i => i.IsConnected = false)); }
public GatewaySystem(string name, OperatingSystems selectedos, MotherboardSystem motherboard, FileSystem files) //,Texture2D icon) { Name = name; SelectedOS = selectedos; Motherboard = motherboard; Files = files; }
public ComputerTechnologyItem[] FillComputerTechnologyWithDummyItems() { var computerArray = new ComputerTechnologyItem[10]; for (var computerIterator = 0; computerIterator < computerArray.Length; computerIterator++) { var valuesOfCompManufacturers = Enum.GetValues(typeof(ComputerManufacturer)); var valuesOfOperatingSystems = Enum.GetValues(typeof(OperatingSystems)); var random = new Random(computerIterator); ComputerManufacturer randomComputerManufacturer = (ComputerManufacturer)valuesOfCompManufacturers.GetValue(random.Next(0, valuesOfCompManufacturers.Length)); OperatingSystems randomOperatingSystem = (OperatingSystems)valuesOfOperatingSystems.GetValue( random.Next(0, valuesOfOperatingSystems.Length)); var batteryAndPortableInterchange = computerIterator % 2 == 0; computerArray[computerIterator] = new ComputerTechnologyItem( ("This is just an dummy description for computer " + computerIterator), (new DateTime(2019, 1 + computerIterator, 1)), (1000 * (computerIterator + 1)), (new DateTime(2017, 1 + computerIterator, 1)), randomComputerManufacturer, batteryAndPortableInterchange, randomOperatingSystem, batteryAndPortableInterchange); } return(computerArray); }
/// <summary> /// Reports if this set of configuration mix constraints can be satisfied on the specified /// machine. If no machine is specified, active machine is queried. /// </summary> /// <returns></returns> internal bool IsSatisfied(MachineRecord record) { if (record == null) { throw new ArgumentNullException("record"); } //Note - The query operators may be worth caching... Need to see how that plays out. if (!HasMatch(OperatingSystems, record.OperatingSystem)) { Explanation = "Configuration OSes: " + OperatingSystems.ToCommaSeparatedList() + " did not match " + record.OperatingSystem; return(false); } else if (!HasMatch(Architectures, record.Architecture)) { Explanation = "Configuration Architectures: " + Architectures.ToCommaSeparatedList() + " did not match: " + record.Architecture; return(false); } else if (Culture != null && !Culture.Equals(record.Culture, StringComparison.OrdinalIgnoreCase)) { Explanation = "Configuration Culture: " + Culture + " did not match:" + record.Culture; return(false); } else if (!String.IsNullOrEmpty(MultiMonitor) && (String.Compare(MultiMonitor, "True", StringComparison.InvariantCultureIgnoreCase) == 0) && (record.MonitorCount < 2)) { Explanation = "Configuration MultiMonitor did not match. Test need multiple monitors, actual monitors enabled: " + record.MonitorCount; return(false); } else { return(true); } }
// to enable unit testing internal OSSkipConditionAttribute( OperatingSystems operatingSystem, OperatingSystems osPlatform, string osVersion, params string[] versions) { _excludedOperatingSystem = operatingSystem; _excludedVersions = versions ?? Enumerable.Empty<string>(); _osPlatform = osPlatform; _osVersion = osVersion; }
public OSSkipConditionAttribute(OperatingSystems operatingSystem, params string[] versions) : this( operatingSystem, GetCurrentOS(), GetCurrentOSVersion(), versions) { }
public ComputerTechnologyItem(string description, DateTime dateOfWarrantyEnd, int priceOnPurchase, DateTime dateOfPurchase, ComputerManufacturer manufacturer, Boolean batteryBoolean, OperatingSystems operatingSystem, Boolean portable) : base(description, dateOfWarrantyEnd, priceOnPurchase, dateOfPurchase, batteryBoolean) { OperatingSystem = operatingSystem; Portable = portable; Manufacturer = manufacturer; }
public MinimumOSVersionAttribute(OperatingSystems operatingSystem, string minVersion) : this( operatingSystem, GetCurrentOS(), GetCurrentOSVersion(), Version.Parse(minVersion)) { }
public OSSkipConditionAttribute(OperatingSystems operatingSystem, params string[] versions) : this( operatingSystem, PlatformServices.Default.Runtime.OperatingSystemPlatform, PlatformServices.Default.Runtime.OperatingSystemVersion, versions) { }
// to enable unit testing internal OSSkipConditionAttribute( OperatingSystems operatingSystem, OperatingSystems osPlatform, string osVersion, params string[] versions) { _excludedOperatingSystem = operatingSystem; _excludedVersions = versions ?? Enumerable.Empty <string>(); _osPlatform = osPlatform; _osVersion = osVersion; }
public void CheckNoMatch() { var UserAgent = "Apeture"; var actualOS = OperatingSystems.GetOperatingSystem(UserAgent); Assert.IsNull(actualOS); }
public void OsProbabilityTest() { os = new MacOS(); Assert.AreEqual(10, os.InfectionProbability); os = new Linux(); Assert.AreEqual(40, os.InfectionProbability); os = new Windows(); Assert.AreEqual(80, os.InfectionProbability); }
public void CheckWindows7() { var UserAgent = "Windows NT 6.1"; var Windows7OperatingSystem = OperatingSystems.Windows7; var actualOS = OperatingSystems.GetOperatingSystem(UserAgent); Assert.AreEqual(Windows7OperatingSystem, actualOS); }
public void CheckoutWindowsServer2003() { var UserAgent = "Windows NT 5.2"; var WindowsServer2003OperatingSystem = OperatingSystems.WindowsXP64ORServer2003; var actualOS = OperatingSystems.GetOperatingSystem(UserAgent); Assert.AreEqual(WindowsServer2003OperatingSystem, actualOS); }
public void CheckWindowsVista() { var UserAgent = "Windows NT 6.0"; var WinodwsVistaOperatingSytem = OperatingSystems.WindowsVista; var actualOS = OperatingSystems.GetOperatingSystem(UserAgent); Assert.AreEqual(WinodwsVistaOperatingSytem, actualOS); }
public void LoadLists() { OperatingSystems oOperatingSystem = new OperatingSystems(intProfile, dsn); ddlOS.DataValueField = "id"; ddlOS.DataTextField = "name"; ddlOS.DataSource = oOperatingSystem.Gets(1, 1); ddlOS.DataBind(); ddlOS.Items.Insert(0, new ListItem("-- SELECT --", "0")); }
public async Task <string> UploadFormFileAsync(IFormFile formFile, OperatingSystems system) { var fileName = Guid.NewGuid() + Path.GetExtension(formFile.FileName); var path = Path.Combine(Directory.GetCurrentDirectory(), "wwwroot", "images", fileName); using (var stream = new FileStream(path, FileMode.Create)) { await formFile.CopyToAsync(stream); } return(path); }
//--------------------------------------------------------------------- // Ctor. //--------------------------------------------------------------------- public InstanceNode( ulong instanceId, InstanceLocator locator, OperatingSystems os, bool isRunning) { Debug.Assert(!os.IsFlagCombination()); this.InstanceId = instanceId; this.Instance = locator; this.OperatingSystem = os; this.IsRunning = isRunning; }
// to enable unit testing internal MinimumOSVersionAttribute( OperatingSystems operatingSystem, OperatingSystems osPlatform, Version osVersion, Version minVersion) { if (operatingSystem != OperatingSystems.Windows) { throw new NotImplementedException("Min version support is only implemented for Windows."); } _excludedOperatingSystem = operatingSystem; _minVersion = minVersion; _osPlatform = osPlatform; _osVersion = osVersion; SkipReason = $"This test requires {_excludedOperatingSystem} {_minVersion} or later."; }
protected void Page_Load(object sender, EventArgs e) { Response.Cookies["loginreferrer"].Value = Request.Path; Response.Cookies["loginreferrer"].Expires = DateTime.Now.AddDays(30); if (Request.Cookies["adminid"] != null && Request.Cookies["adminid"].Value != "") { intProfile = Int32.Parse(Request.Cookies["adminid"].Value); } else { Response.Redirect("/admin/login.aspx"); } oOperatingSystem = new OperatingSystems(intProfile, dsn); if (!IsPostBack) { LoadLists(); } if (Request.QueryString["id"] == null) { if (Request.QueryString["add"] == null) { LoopRepeater(); } else { panAdd.Visible = true; btnOrder.Enabled = false; btnOS.Enabled = false; btnDelete.Enabled = false; } } else { panAdd.Visible = true; intID = Int32.Parse(Request.QueryString["id"]); if (intID > 0 && !IsPostBack) { DataSet ds = oOperatingSystem.GetGroup(intID); hdnId.Value = intID.ToString(); txtName.Text = ds.Tables[0].Rows[0]["name"].ToString(); chkEnabled.Checked = (ds.Tables[0].Rows[0]["enabled"].ToString() == "1"); btnAdd.Text = "Update"; } } // Modify "/admin/frame/frame_support_order.aspx" with the "&type=xxx" value. btnOS.Attributes.Add("onclick", "return OpenWindow('OPERATING_SYSTEM_GROUPS','" + hdnId.ClientID + "','',false,'500',500);"); btnOrder.Attributes.Add("onclick", "return OpenWindow('SUPPORTORDER','" + hdnId.ClientID + "','" + hdnOrder.ClientID + "&type=OPERATING_SYSTEM_GROUPS" + "',false,400,400);"); btnDelete.Attributes.Add("onclick", "return confirm('Are you sure you want to delete this item?');"); }
// to enable unit testing internal MinimumOSVersionAttribute(OperatingSystems targetOS, Version minVersion, OperatingSystems currentOS, Version currentVersion) { if (targetOS != OperatingSystems.Windows) { throw new NotImplementedException("Min version support is only implemented for Windows."); } _targetOS = targetOS; _minVersion = minVersion; _currentOS = currentOS; _currentVersion = currentVersion; // Do not skip other OS's, Use OSSkipConditionAttribute or a separate MinimumOSVersionAttribute for that. _skip = _targetOS == _currentOS && _minVersion > _currentVersion; SkipReason = $"This test requires {_targetOS} {_minVersion} or later."; }
protected void Page_Load(object sender, EventArgs e) { oOperatingSystem = new OperatingSystems(0, dsn); oLog = new Log(0, dsn); oZeus = new Zeus(0, dsnZeus); oFunction = new Functions(0, dsn, intEnvironment); oVariable = new Variables(intEnvironment); panInformation.Style["visibility"] = "hidden"; if (!IsPostBack) { LoadLists(); txtSearch.Focus(); } }
// to enable unit testing internal OSMinVersionAttribute(OperatingSystems targetOS, Version minVersion, OperatingSystems currentOS, Version currentVersion) { if (targetOS != OperatingSystems.Windows) { throw new NotImplementedException(targetOS.ToString()); } _targetOS = targetOS; _minVersion = minVersion; _currentOS = currentOS; _currentVersion = currentVersion; _skip = _targetOS == _currentOS && _minVersion > _currentVersion; SkipReason = $"The test cannot run on this operating system version '{currentVersion}'."; }
public void AddMachine(string machineName, OperatingSystems operatingSystem, IEnumerable <Kpi> kpis) { var machine = new Machine(machineName); if (operatingSystem == OperatingSystems.Unknown) { operatingSystem = GenericScanner.GetMachineOs(machineName, User, Password, SshKeyFileName); } var scanner = ScannerFactory.GetScanner(operatingSystem); scanner.Persistence = Persistence; scanner.SetKpis(kpis); Machines.Add(machine, scanner); Log.Debug("Machine {0} added to batch {1}", machineName, Name); }
public async Task <IEnumerable <GuestOsInfo> > ListZoneInventoryAsync( ZoneLocator locator, OperatingSystems operatingSystems, CancellationToken token) { var instances = await this.computeEngineAdapter .ListInstancesAsync(locator, token) .ConfigureAwait(false); return(await ListInventoryAsync( instances .Where(i => IsRunningOperatingSystem(i, operatingSystems)) .Select(i => i.GetInstanceLocator()), token) .ConfigureAwait(false)); }
private static bool IsRunningOperatingSystem( Instance instance, OperatingSystems operatingSystems) { switch (operatingSystems) { case OperatingSystems.Windows: return(ComputeEngineAdapter.IsWindowsInstance(instance)); case OperatingSystems.Linux: return(!ComputeEngineAdapter.IsWindowsInstance(instance)); default: return(true); } }
private bool CanRunOnThisOS(OperatingSystems excludedOperatingSystems) { if (excludedOperatingSystems == OperatingSystems.None) { return true; } switch (TestPlatformHelper.RuntimeEnvironment.OperatingSystem) { case "Windows": var osVersion = new Version(TestPlatformHelper.RuntimeEnvironment.OperatingSystemVersion); // The GetVersion API has a back compat feature: for apps that are not manifested // and run on Windows 8.1, it returns version 6.2 rather than 6.3. See this: // if (osVersion.Major == 6) { if (osVersion.Minor == 1 && (excludedOperatingSystems.HasFlag(OperatingSystems.Win7) || excludedOperatingSystems.HasFlag(OperatingSystems.Win2008R2))) { return false; } } break; case "Linux": if (excludedOperatingSystems.HasFlag(OperatingSystems.Linux)) { return false; } break; case "Darwin": if (excludedOperatingSystems.HasFlag(OperatingSystems.MacOSX)) { return false; } break; } return true; }
public OSSkipConditionAttribute(OperatingSystems excludedOperatingSystems) { _excludedOS = excludedOperatingSystems; }