Exemple #1
        private async Task <IEnumerable <Rate> > GetRatesAsync(OpenQuery searchQuery)
            var rates = new List <Rate>();

            // Filling the institutions results manually just for demo purposes

            //list of institituions
            List <string> institutions = new List <string>();

            institutions.Add("The Brothers Institution");
            institutions.Add("The Vulchers Institution");
            institutions.Add("The Kids Institution");
            institutions.Add("The Monopoly Institution");
            institutions.Add("The Crazy Institution");

            for (int i = 0; i < 5; i++)
                var  random = new Random(i);
                Rate rate   = new Rate()
                    Name = institutions[i],
                    //Location = searchQuery.Destination,
                    Rating          = random.Next(1, 5),
                    NumberOfReviews = random.Next(0, 5000),
                    PriceStarting   = random.Next(0, 100) / 100,
                    Image           = $"https://placeholdit.imgix.net/~text?txtsize=35&txt=Hotel+{i}&w=500&h=260"


            rates.Sort((h1, h2) => h1.PriceStarting.CompareTo(h2.PriceStarting));

        private static OpenQuery CreateOpenQueryFromResponse(
            string rootNode,
            XPathNavigator infoNav)
            OpenQuery oq = null;

            XPathExpression infoPath =
                GetInfoQueryIdXPathExpression(infoNav, rootNode);

            infoNav = infoNav.SelectSingleNode(infoPath);

            string queryIdString = infoNav.SelectSingleNode("query-id").Value;
            Guid queryId = new Guid(queryIdString);

            oq = new OpenQuery(queryId);

            oq._appName = infoNav.SelectSingleNode("app-name").Value;
            oq._createDate = infoNav.SelectSingleNode("date-created").ValueAsDateTime;

            XPathNavigator nav = infoNav.SelectSingleNode("expires-date");
            if (nav != null)
                oq._expiresDate = nav.ValueAsDateTime;

            nav = infoNav.SelectSingleNode("pin-required");
            if (nav != null)
                oq._pinRequired = nav.ValueAsBoolean;

            nav = infoNav.SelectSingleNode("note");
            if (nav != null)
                oq._note = nav.Value;

            return oq;