Exemple #1
        public static List<Message> FetchAllMessages(string hostname, int port, bool useSsl, string username, string password)
            // The client disconnects from the server when being disposed

            using (OpenPop.Pop3.Pop3Client client = new OpenPop.Pop3.Pop3Client())
                // Connect to the server
                client.Connect(hostname, port, useSsl);

                // Authenticate ourselves towards the server
                client.Authenticate(username, password);

                // Get the number of messages in the inbox
                int messageCount = client.GetMessageCount();

                // We want to download all messages
                List<Message> allMessages = new List<Message>(messageCount);

                // Messages are numbered in the interval: [1, messageCount]
                // Ergo: message numbers are 1-based.
                // Most servers give the latest message the highest number
                for (int i = messageCount; i > 0; i--)
                    if (System.Configuration.ConfigurationSettings.AppSettings["pop_delete_after_download"] == "true")
                    { client.DeleteMessage(i); }
                    if (i == 2) { break; };

                // Now return the fetched messages
                return allMessages;
Exemple #2
 public void DeleteMail(int index)
     catch (Exception ex)
         string messageLog = "Can't delete email have Subject \"" + GetHeaderSubject() + "\"";
         messageLog = messageLog + "\n" + ExceptionHandling.ExceptionHelper.GetDetailMessage(ex);
Exemple #3
        private static void CleanUpInbox()
            OpenPop.Pop3.Pop3Client p3 = new OpenPop.Pop3.Pop3Client();
            int iPort = 110;

            iPort = 995;
            bool bSSL = false;

            bSSL = true;
            string sPopHost = Saved.Code.Common.GetBMSConfigurationKeyValue("outlookhost");
            string sPopUser = Saved.Code.Common.GetBMSConfigurationKeyValue("smtppopuser");
            string sPopPass = Saved.Code.Common.GetBMSConfigurationKeyValue("smtppoppassword");

            p3.Connect(sPopHost, iPort, bSSL, 7000, 7000, null);
            p3.Authenticate(sPopUser, sPopPass);
            int iCount = p3.GetMessageCount();
            int i      = 0;

            for (i = iCount; i > 0; i--)
                    MessageHeader            h         = p3.GetMessageHeaders(i);
                    Message                  m         = p3.GetMessage(i);
                    OpenPop.Mime.MessagePart plainText = m.FindFirstPlainTextVersion();
                    OpenPop.Mime.MessagePart htmlPart  = m.FindFirstHtmlVersion();
                    string body     = "";
                    string myto     = m.Headers.Subject;
                    string mysentto = "";

                    if (myto != null)
                        string[] vTo = myto.Split(new string[] { "-" }, StringSplitOptions.None);
                        if (vTo.Length > 1)
                            mysentto = vTo[1].Trim();

                    if (plainText != null)
                        body += plainText.GetBodyAsText();
                    if (htmlPart != null)
                        body += htmlPart.GetBodyAsText();
                    bool fTotaled = false;
                    if (body.Contains("be delivered to one"))
                        fTotaled = true;
                    else if (body.Contains("hop count exceeded"))
                        fTotaled = true;
                    else if (body.Contains("A communication failure occurred"))
                        fTotaled = true;
                    else if (body.Contains("The email address you entered couldn't be found"))
                        fTotaled = true;
                    else if (body.Contains("The domain you attempted to contact"))
                        fTotaled = true;
                    else if (body.Contains("I'm afraid I wasn't able to deliver the following message"))
                        fTotaled = true;
                    else if (body.Contains("cannot be delivered"))
                        fTotaled = true;
                    else if (body.Contains("I was unable to deliver your message"))
                        fTotaled = true;
                    else if (body.Contains("Your message wasn't delivered"))
                        fTotaled = true;
                    else if (body.Contains("rejected your message to the following"))
                        fTotaled = true;
                    else if (body.Contains("Delivery to the following recipient failed permanently"))
                        fTotaled = true;
                    else if (body.Contains("This is a delivery failure notification message "))
                        fTotaled = true;
                    else if (body.Contains("Delivery has failed to these recipients or groups"))
                        fTotaled = true;
                    else if (body.Contains("There was a temporary problem delivering your message "))
                        fTotaled = true;
                    else if (body.Contains("The following addresses had permanent fatal errors"))
                        fTotaled = true;

                    else if (body.Contains("the receiving email server outside Office 365 reported ") || body.Contains("couldn't be delivered"))
                        fTotaled = true;

                    if (fTotaled)
                        string sql = "update Leads set Advertised=getdate() where email='" + mysentto + "'";
                catch (Exception)

Exemple #4
        static void Pop3Test()
            OpenPop.Pop3.Pop3Client mclient = new OpenPop.Pop3.Pop3Client();
            mclient.Connect("mail.cute.edu.tw", 110, false);
            mclient.Authenticate("weather", "0988163835");
            int cnt = mclient.GetMessageCount();
            Console.WriteLine("Message cnt:" + cnt);
            string bodytext;
            for (int i = 1; i <= cnt; i++)
                bodytext = "";
                Message msg = mclient.GetMessage(i);

                Console.WriteLine("from:" + msg.Headers.From.MailAddress.Address);
                Console.WriteLine("subject:" + msg.Headers.Subject);
                if (!msg.MessagePart.IsText)
                    MessagePart msgpart = msg.FindFirstPlainTextVersion();
                    if (msgpart != null && msgpart.IsText)
                        Console.WriteLine("body:" + msgpart.GetBodyAsText());

                        bodytext = msgpart.GetBodyAsText();

                    Console.WriteLine("body:" + msg.MessagePart.GetBodyAsText());
                    bodytext = msg.MessagePart.GetBodyAsText();

                if (msg.Headers.Subject.Contains("大雨") || msg.Headers.Subject.Contains("強風") || msg.Headers.Subject.Contains("地震"))
                    System.Net.Mail.SmtpClient c = new SmtpClient("mail.cute.edu.tw", 25);
                    c.DeliveryMethod = SmtpDeliveryMethod.Network;
                    c.Credentials = new System.Net.NetworkCredential("weather", "0988163835");
                    MailMessage m_mesg = new MailMessage(new MailAddress("*****@*****.**"), new MailAddress("*****@*****.**"));
                    m_mesg.Body = bodytext;
                    m_mesg.Subject = msg.Headers.Subject.Replace("\n", "");

                    m_mesg.IsBodyHtml = true;
                    if (bodytext != "")

            for (int i = 1; i <= cnt; i++)

Exemple #5
        // ===========================================================================================
        public void bounceProcess(Contensive.BaseClasses.CPBaseClass cp)
            try {
                CPCSBaseClass CS = cp.CSNew();
                string        MessageText;
                string[]      FilterLines;
                string[]      FilterText = Array.Empty <string>();
                int[]         FilterType = Array.Empty <int>();
                int           LinePtr;
                string[]      LineSplit;
                int           FilterLineCnt = 0;
                string        Filter;
                int           BounceType;
                string        EmailAddress;
                string        PopServer;
                int           popPort;
                string        POPServerUsername;
                string        POPServerPassword;
                int           EmailBounceProcessAction;
                bool          AllowEmailBounceProcessing;
                string        bounceLogPathPage;
                string        ActionTaken;
                string        FilterFilename;
                string        Filename     = "";
                DateTime      rightNowDate = DateTime.Now.Date;
                string        logDatePart  = rightNowDate.Year + rightNowDate.Month.ToString().PadLeft(2) + rightNowDate.Day.ToString().PadLeft(2);
                string        amazonMsg    = "An error occurred while trying to deliver the mail to the following recipients:" + "\r\n";
                AllowEmailBounceProcessing = cp.Site.GetBoolean("AllowEmailBounceProcessing", false);
                if (AllowEmailBounceProcessing)
                    PopServer = cp.Site.GetText("PopServer", "");
                    popPort   = cp.Site.GetInteger("popServerPort", 110);
                    if (popPort <= 0)
                        popPort = 110;
                    POPServerUsername = cp.Site.GetText("POPServerUsername", "");
                    POPServerPassword = cp.Site.GetText("POPServerPassword", "");
                    if ((PopServer == "") | (POPServerUsername == "") | (POPServerPassword == ""))
                        cp.Utils.AppendLog("AllowEmailBounceProcessing true but server, username or password is blank");
                        bounceLogPathPage        = @"BounceLog\" + logDatePart + @"\trace.txt";
                        FilterFilename           = @"\config\EmailBounceFilters.txt";
                        EmailBounceProcessAction = cp.Site.GetInteger("EmailBounceProcessAction", 0);
                        // Read in the filter file
                        if (true)
                            string copy;
                            copy = cp.CdnFiles.Read(FilterFilename);
                            if (copy == "")
                                cp.Utils.AppendLog(@"Bounce processing filters file \config\EmailBounceFilters.txt is empty");
                                copy          = copy.Replace("\r\n", "\r");
                                copy          = copy.Replace("\n", "\r");
                                FilterLines   = copy.Split('\r');
                                FilterLineCnt = FilterLines.Length;
                                FilterText    = new string[FilterLineCnt + 100 + 1];
                                FilterType    = new int[FilterLineCnt + 100 + 1];
                                for (LinePtr = 0; LinePtr <= FilterLineCnt - 1; LinePtr++)
                                    if (FilterLines[LinePtr] != "")
                                        LineSplit           = FilterLines[LinePtr].Split(',');
                                        FilterText[LinePtr] = LineSplit[0];
                                        if (LineSplit.Length > 0)
                                            FilterType[LinePtr] = cp.Utils.EncodeInteger(LineSplit[1]);
                                // add amazon
                                FilterText[FilterLineCnt] = amazonMsg;
                                FilterType[FilterLineCnt] = 2;
                                FilterLineCnt            += 1;
                        // Retrieve the emails
                        int    MessageCnt;
                        string headerList;
                        OpenPop.Mime.Message msg;
                        using (OpenPop.Pop3.Pop3Client pop = new OpenPop.Pop3.Pop3Client()) {
                            try {
                                pop.Connect(PopServer, popPort, true);
                                pop.Authenticate(POPServerUsername, POPServerPassword);
                                MessageCnt = pop.GetMessageCount();
                                cp.CdnFiles.Append(bounceLogPathPage, "\r\n" + "New bounce emails, cnt=" + MessageCnt);
                                for (int msgPtr = 1; msgPtr <= MessageCnt; msgPtr++)
                                    msg          = pop.GetMessage(msgPtr);
                                    headerList   = "";
                                    EmailAddress = "";
                                    headerList   = "";
                                    MessageText  = "";
                                    if (!msg.Headers.From.HasValidMailAddress)
                                        cp.CdnFiles.Append(bounceLogPathPage, "\n\r" + "email" + msgPtr + "-" + "email address not found");
                                        EmailAddress = msg.Headers.From.Address;

                                        foreach (string key in msg.Headers.UnknownHeaders.AllKeys)
                                            string keyValue = msg.Headers.UnknownHeaders[key];
                                            headerList += "\r\n" + key + "=" + keyValue;

                                        OpenPop.Mime.MessagePart msgBody;
                                        msgBody = msg.FindFirstPlainTextVersion();
                                        if ((msgBody == null))
                                            msgBody = msg.FindFirstHtmlVersion();
                                        MessageText = "";
                                        if (!(msgBody == null))
                                            MessageText = msgBody.GetBodyAsText();

                                        if (string.IsNullOrEmpty(MessageText))
                                            cp.CdnFiles.Append(bounceLogPathPage, "\n\r" + "email" + msgPtr + "-" + "email has blank body");
                                            // Process them as they come in
                                            if ((EmailAddress == "*****@*****.**"))
                                                if ((MessageText.IndexOf(amazonMsg) > -1))
                                                    EmailAddress = MessageText.Replace(amazonMsg, "");
                                            ActionTaken = "no action";
                                            if (EmailAddress == "")
                                                cp.CdnFiles.Append(bounceLogPathPage, "\n\r" + "email" + msgPtr + "-" + "email address was blank");
                                                ActionTaken = "deleted with no action, email address could not be determined, email content saved [" + Filename + "]";
                                            else if (FilterLineCnt == 0)
                                                cp.CdnFiles.Append(bounceLogPathPage, "\n\r" + "email" + msgPtr + "-" + "email filter file was not found (" + FilterFilename + ")");
                                                ActionTaken = "[" + EmailAddress + "], deleted with no action, no Filter File [" + FilterFilename + "]";
                                                // Copy = strDecodeMime(MessageText, MessageHeaders)
                                                for (LinePtr = 0; LinePtr <= FilterLineCnt - 1; LinePtr++)
                                                    Filter = FilterText[LinePtr].Trim();
                                                    if (Filter != "")
                                                        if (MessageText.IndexOf(Filter) >= 0)
                                                            BounceType = FilterType[LinePtr];
                                                            switch (BounceType)
                                                            case 0: {
                                                                ActionTaken = "[" + EmailAddress + "], deleted with no action, Filter [" + Filter + "] is not a bounce";

                                                            case 1: {
                                                                // soft bounce - may recover
                                                                ActionTaken = "[" + EmailAddress + "], deleted with no action, Filter [" + Filter + "] is soft error, may recover";

                                                            case 2: {
                                                                // hard bounce - take action on the member email
                                                                EmailBounceProcessAction = 1;
                                                                switch (EmailBounceProcessAction)
                                                                case 1: {
                                                                    // clear allowgroupemail
                                                                    ActionTaken = "[" + EmailAddress + "], clear allowBulkEmail action, Filter [" + Filter + "] is hard error";
                                                                    CS.Open("people", "email=" + cp.Db.EncodeSQLText(EmailAddress), "", true, "ID,Name,OrganizationID,allowbulkemail");
                                                                    if (!(CS.OK()))
                                                                        ActionTaken += ", NO RECORD FOUND";
                                                                        ActionTaken += ", clearing allowGroupEmail for records [";
                                                                        while (CS.OK())
                                                                            ActionTaken += "," + CS.GetInteger("id").ToString();
                                                                            CS.SetField("allowbulkemail", 0.ToString());
                                                                        ActionTaken += "]";

                                                                case 2: {
                                                                    // clear email
                                                                    ActionTaken = "[" + EmailAddress + "], clear email address action, Filter [" + Filter + "] is hard error";
                                                                    CS.Open("people", "email=" + cp.Db.EncodeSQLText(EmailAddress), "", true, "ID,Name,OrganizationID,email");
                                                                    if (!CS.OK())
                                                                        ActionTaken += ", NO RECORD FOUND";
                                                                        ActionTaken += ", clear email address for records [";
                                                                        while (CS.OK())
                                                                            CS.SetField("email", "");
                                                                        ActionTaken += "]";

                                                                case 3: {
                                                                    // Delete Member
                                                                    ActionTaken = "[" + EmailAddress + "], delete member, Filter [" + Filter + "] is hard error";
                                                                    CS.Open("people", "email=" + cp.Db.EncodeSQLText(EmailAddress), "", true, "ID,Name,OrganizationID");
                                                                    if (!CS.OK())
                                                                        ActionTaken += ", NO RECORD FOUND";
                                                                        ActionTaken += ", delete people records [";
                                                                        while (CS.OK())
                                                                        ActionTaken += "]";

                                                                default: {
                                                                    // Unknown Process Action
                                                                    ActionTaken = "[" + EmailAddress + "], deleted with no action, Filter [" + Filter + "] is hard error, but Process Action is unknown [" + EmailBounceProcessAction + "]";

                                                            cp.CdnFiles.Append(bounceLogPathPage, "\n\r" + "email" + msgPtr + "-" + ActionTaken);
                                    // save bounced email
                                    cp.CdnFiles.Save(@"BounceLog\" + logDatePart + @"\email-" + msgPtr + ".txt", EmailAddress + "\n\r" + headerList + "\n\r" + MessageText);
                                    // delete the message
                            } catch (Exception ex) {
                                cp.Site.ErrorReport(ex, "Bounce Processing exception");
                            } finally {
            } catch (Exception ex) {
Exemple #6
        static void WeatherMailJob()
            OpenPop.Pop3.Pop3Client mclient = new OpenPop.Pop3.Pop3Client();
            mclient.Connect("mail.cute.edu.tw", 110, false);
            mclient.Authenticate("weather", "0988163835");
            int cnt = mclient.GetMessageCount();
            Console.WriteLine("Message cnt:" + cnt);
            string bodytext;

            for (int i = 1; i <= cnt; i++)
                    bodytext = "";
                    Message msg = mclient.GetMessage(i);
                    string from = msg.Headers.From.MailAddress.Address;

                    Console.WriteLine("from:" + from);

                    Console.WriteLine("subject:" + msg.Headers.Subject);
                    if (from != "*****@*****.**" && from != "*****@*****.**" && from != "*****@*****.**")
                    //  string b = msg.MessagePart.GetBodyAsText();
                    // string htmlString = @"<p>I'm HTML!</p>";
                    //   b= Regex.Replace(b, @"(<(.|\n)*?>|&nbsp;)", "");
                    //  Console.WriteLine(Program.StripHTML( b));
                    if (!msg.MessagePart.IsText)
                        MessagePart msgpart = msg.FindFirstPlainTextVersion();
                        if (msgpart != null && msgpart.IsText)
                            //  Console.WriteLine("body:" + msgpart.GetBodyAsText());

                            bodytext = msgpart.GetBodyAsText();


                        bodytext = msg.MessagePart.GetBodyAsText();

                    string txtbodytext = StripHTML(bodytext);
                    txtbodytext = txtbodytext.Replace("\r", "<br>");
                    Console.WriteLine("body:" + txtbodytext);
                    //   txtbodytext = txtbodytext.Replace("\r", "<br>");

                    if (LogToDB(msg, txtbodytext) || from == "*****@*****.**" || from == "*****@*****.**")

                        if (from == "*****@*****.**" || from == "*****@*****.**" || msg.Headers.Subject.Contains("颱風"))

            #if DEBUG
                            txtbodytext = "<img src=\"\"><p>致 貴客戶,依中央氣象局發布資料,提醒您以下防災預警資訊:<br>" + txtbodytext;
                            SendMailToAllUser(msg.Headers.Subject.Replace("\n", ""), txtbodytext);
                         SendMailToAllUser(msg.Headers.Subject.Replace("\n", ""), bodytext);
                            txtbodytext = "<img src=\"\"><p>致 貴客戶,依中央氣象局發布資料,提醒您以下防災預警資訊:<br>" + txtbodytext;
                            SendMailToAllUser(msg.Headers.Subject.Replace("\n", ""), txtbodytext);

                catch (Exception ex)
            #if !DEBUG
            for (int i = 1; i <= cnt; i++)

            //    Console.ReadKey();