Exemple #1
        /// <summary>
        /// Initializes a new instance of the <see cref="ParticleSystem"/> class.
        /// </summary>
        public ParticleSystem()
            //  Create the effect for the system.
            OpenGLAttributesEffect attributesEffect = new OpenGLAttributesEffect();

            attributesEffect.LightingAttributes.Enable = false;

            //  Add the effects.
Exemple #2
        public Wall(Vertex[] vertex1, string name, OpenGL gl)
            DepthBufferAttributes depthBufferAttributes = new DepthBufferAttributes();

            depthBufferAttributes.DepthFunction   = DepthFunction.LessThanOrEqual;
            depthBufferAttributes.EnableDepthTest = true;

            Name = name;

            // ==== Fill polygon ===
            PolygonAttributes polygonFillAttributes = new PolygonAttributes();

            polygonFillAttributes.PolygonMode    = PolygonMode.Filled;
            polygonFillAttributes.CullFaces      = FaceMode.Back;
            polygonFillAttributes.EnableCullFace = true;

            polygonFillAttributes.OffsetFactor     = 0f;
            polygonFillAttributes.OffsetBias       = 0;
            polygonFillAttributes.EnableOffsetFill = true;

            OpenGLAttributesEffect polyFillEffect = new OpenGLAttributesEffect();

            polyFillEffect.PolygonAttributes = polygonFillAttributes;
            //polyFillEffect.DepthBufferAttributes = depthBufferAttributes;

            SharpGL.SceneGraph.Primitives.Polygon polyFill = new Polygon(this.Name, vertex1);
            polyFill.Material = Materials.Pink(gl);

            // ==== Border polygon ===
            PolygonAttributes polygonBorderAttributes = new PolygonAttributes();

            polygonBorderAttributes.PolygonMode      = PolygonMode.Lines;
            polygonBorderAttributes.OffsetFactor     = -.5f;
            polygonBorderAttributes.OffsetBias       = -.5f;
            polygonBorderAttributes.EnableOffsetLine = true;
            polygonBorderAttributes.CullFaces        = FaceMode.Back;
            polygonBorderAttributes.EnableCullFace   = true;

            OpenGLAttributesEffect polyBorderEffect = new OpenGLAttributesEffect();

            polyBorderEffect.PolygonAttributes = polygonBorderAttributes;
            //polyBorderEffect.DepthBufferAttributes = depthBufferAttributes;

            SharpGL.SceneGraph.Primitives.Polygon polyBorder = new Polygon(this.Name, vertex1);
            polyBorder.Material = Materials.DarkGrey(gl);

            this.polyFill = polyFill;
        /// <summary>
        /// </summary>
        /// <param name="camera">if null, please set camera for result's orthoArcBallEffect.Camera property later.</param>
        /// <returns></returns>
        public static OrthoAxisElement Create(LookAtCamera camera = null)
            OrthoAxisElement element = new OrthoAxisElement()
                Name = "orthogonal axis element"

            //  Create a set of scene attributes.
            OpenGLAttributesEffect sceneAttributes = new OpenGLAttributesEffect()
                Name = "Scene Attributes"

            //  Specify the scene attributes.
            sceneAttributes.EnableAttributes.EnableDepthTest = true;
            sceneAttributes.EnableAttributes.EnableNormalize = true;
            sceneAttributes.EnableAttributes.EnableLighting  = false;
            //sceneAttributes.EnableAttributes.EnableTexture2D = true;
            //sceneAttributes.EnableAttributes.EnableBlend = true;
            //sceneAttributes.ColorBufferAttributes.BlendingSourceFactor = BlendingSourceFactor.SourceAlpha;
            //sceneAttributes.ColorBufferAttributes.BlendingDestinationFactor = BlendingDestinationFactor.OneMinusSourceAlpha;
            //sceneAttributes.LightingAttributes.TwoSided = true;
            //sceneAttributes.TransformAttributes.MatrixMode = MatrixMode.Projection;

            OrthoArcBallEffect orthoAxisArcBallEffect = new OrthoArcBallEffect(camera);


            Axies axies = new Axies();

            LinearTransformationEffect transform = new LinearTransformationEffect();

            transform.LinearTransformation.ScaleX = 10;
            transform.LinearTransformation.ScaleY = 10;
            transform.LinearTransformation.ScaleZ = 10;

            //Grid grid = new Grid();
            //LinearTransformationEffect transform = new LinearTransformationEffect();
            //transform.LinearTransformation.ScaleX = 0.1f;
            //transform.LinearTransformation.ScaleY = 0.1f;
            //transform.LinearTransformation.ScaleZ = 0.1f;

            element.orthoArcBallEffect = orthoAxisArcBallEffect;

        private OpenGLAttributesEffect InitializeSceneAttributes(SceneElement parent)
            //  Create a set of scene attributes.
            OpenGLAttributesEffect sceneAttributes = new OpenGLAttributesEffect()
                Name = "Scene Attributes"

            //  Specify the scene attributes.
            sceneAttributes.EnableAttributes.EnableDepthTest = true;
            sceneAttributes.EnableAttributes.EnableNormalize = true;
            sceneAttributes.EnableAttributes.EnableLighting  = false;
            sceneAttributes.EnableAttributes.EnableTexture2D = true;
            //sceneAttributes.EnableAttributes.EnableBlend = true;
            sceneAttributes.ColorBufferAttributes.BlendingSourceFactor      = BlendingSourceFactor.SourceAlpha;
            sceneAttributes.ColorBufferAttributes.BlendingDestinationFactor = BlendingDestinationFactor.OneMinusSourceAlpha;
            sceneAttributes.LightingAttributes.TwoSided     = true;
            sceneAttributes.LightingAttributes.AmbientLight = new GLColor(1, 1, 1, 1);

Exemple #5
        public static unsafe OrthoColorIndicatorElement Create(ColorTemplate colorTemplate)
            OrthoColorIndicatorElement element = new OrthoColorIndicatorElement()
                Name = "orthogonal color indicator element"

            OrthoColorIndicatorBar bar = CreateBar(colorTemplate);

            element.bar = bar;

            OrthoColorIndicatorNumber number = CreateNumber(colorTemplate);

            element.number = number;

            //  Create a set of scene attributes.
            OpenGLAttributesEffect sceneAttributes = new OpenGLAttributesEffect()
                Name = "Scene Attributes"

            //  Specify the scene attributes.
            sceneAttributes.EnableAttributes.EnableDepthTest = true;
            sceneAttributes.EnableAttributes.EnableNormalize = true;
            sceneAttributes.EnableAttributes.EnableLighting  = false;
            //sceneAttributes.EnableAttributes.EnableTexture2D = true;
            //sceneAttributes.EnableAttributes.EnableBlend = true;
            //sceneAttributes.ColorBufferAttributes.BlendingSourceFactor = BlendingSourceFactor.SourceAlpha;
            //sceneAttributes.ColorBufferAttributes.BlendingDestinationFactor = BlendingDestinationFactor.OneMinusSourceAlpha;
            //sceneAttributes.LightingAttributes.TwoSided = true;
            //sceneAttributes.TransformAttributes.MatrixMode = MatrixMode.Projection;

Exemple #6
        public void AddSymbol(Circle circle, OpenGL gl)
            DepthBufferAttributes depthBufferAttributes = new DepthBufferAttributes();

            depthBufferAttributes.DepthFunction   = DepthFunction.LessThanOrEqual;
            depthBufferAttributes.EnableDepthTest = true;

            PolygonAttributes polygonBorderAttributes = new PolygonAttributes();

            polygonBorderAttributes.PolygonMode = PolygonMode.Lines;

            polygonBorderAttributes.EnableOffsetLine = true;
            polygonBorderAttributes.OffsetFactor     = -3f;
            polygonBorderAttributes.OffsetBias       = -3f;

            OpenGLAttributesEffect polyBorderEffect = new OpenGLAttributesEffect();

            polyBorderEffect.PolygonAttributes     = polygonBorderAttributes;
            polyBorderEffect.DepthBufferAttributes = depthBufferAttributes;

            circle.Material = Materials.DarkGrey(gl);
Exemple #7
        /// <summary>
        /// Initialises a modeling scene. A modeling scene has:
        ///  - A 'Look At' camera targetting the centre of the scene
        ///  - Three gentle omnidirectional lights
        ///  - A design time grid and axis.
        /// </summary>
        /// <param name="scene">The scene.</param>
        public static void InitialiseModelingScene(ColorCodedPickingScene scene)
            //  Create the 'Look At' camera
            var lookAtCamera = new ScientificCamera()
                Position = new Vertex(-10f, -10f, 10f),
                Target   = new Vertex(0f, 0f, 0f),
                UpVector = new Vertex(0f, 0f, 1f)

            //  Set the look at camera as the current camera.
            scene.CurrentCamera = lookAtCamera;

            //  Add some design-time primitives.
            var folder = new Folder()
                Name = "Design Primitives"

            folder.AddChild(new Grid());
            folder.AddChild(new Axies());

            //  Create some lights.
            Light light1 = new Light()
                Name     = "Light 1",
                On       = true,
                Position = new Vertex(-9, -9, 11),
                GLCode   = OpenGL.GL_LIGHT0
            Light light2 = new Light()
                Name     = "Light 2",
                On       = true,
                Position = new Vertex(9, -9, 11),
                GLCode   = OpenGL.GL_LIGHT1
            Light light3 = new Light()
                Name     = "Light 3",
                On       = true,
                Position = new Vertex(0, 15, 15),
                GLCode   = OpenGL.GL_LIGHT2

            //  Add the lights.
            folder = new Folder()
                Name = "Lights"

            //  Create a set of scene attributes.
            OpenGLAttributesEffect sceneAttributes = new OpenGLAttributesEffect()
                Name = "Scene Attributes"

            //  Specify the scene attributes.
            sceneAttributes.EnableAttributes.EnableDepthTest                = true;
            sceneAttributes.EnableAttributes.EnableNormalize                = true;
            sceneAttributes.EnableAttributes.EnableLighting                 = true;
            sceneAttributes.EnableAttributes.EnableTexture2D                = true;
            sceneAttributes.EnableAttributes.EnableBlend                    = true;
            sceneAttributes.ColorBufferAttributes.BlendingSourceFactor      = BlendingSourceFactor.SourceAlpha;
            sceneAttributes.ColorBufferAttributes.BlendingDestinationFactor = BlendingDestinationFactor.OneMinusSourceAlpha;
            sceneAttributes.LightingAttributes.TwoSided = true;
Exemple #8
        private void InitializeModelScene(Scene scene, Rect3D rect3D, OpenGLControl sceneControl, ArcBallEffect arcBallEffect)
            float centerX = rect3D.X + rect3D.Size.x / 2.0f;
            float centerY = rect3D.Y + rect3D.Size.y / 2.0f;
            float centerZ = rect3D.Z + rect3D.Size.z / 2.0f;


            Vertex center   = new Vertex(centerX, centerY, centerZ);
            Vertex position = center + new Vertex(0.0f, 0.0f, 1.0f) * (rect3D.Size.z * 2);

            Vertex PositionNear = center + new Vertex(0.0f, 0.0f, 1.0f) * (rect3D.Size.z * 0.52f);

            var lookAtCamera = new LookAtCamera()
                Position    = position,
                Target      = center,
                UpVector    = new Vertex(0f, 1f, 0f),
                FieldOfView = 60,
                AspectRatio = 1.0f,
                Near        = (PositionNear - center).Z,
                Far         = float.MaxValue

            scene.CurrentCamera = lookAtCamera;

            Vertex lightPosition = center;
            Light  light1        = new Light()
                Name     = "Light 1",
                On       = true,
                Position = lightPosition,
                GLCode   = OpenGL.GL_LIGHT0

             * Light light2 = new Light()
             * {
             *  Name = "Light 2",
             *  On = true,
             *  Position = center + new Vertex(1.0f,0.0f,0.0f)* rect3D.Size.x,
             *  GLCode = OpenGL.GL_LIGHT1
             * };
             * Light light3 = new Light()
             * {
             *  Name = "Light 3",
             *  On = true,
             *  Position = center + new Vertex(0.0f,1.0f,0.0f)*rect3D.Size.y,
             *  GLCode = OpenGL.GL_LIGHT2
             * };

            var folder = new Folder()
                Name = "Lights"


            //  Create a set of scene attributes.
            OpenGLAttributesEffect sceneAttributes = new OpenGLAttributesEffect()
                Name = "Scene Attributes"

            //  Specify the scene attributes.
            sceneAttributes.EnableAttributes.EnableDepthTest                = true;
            sceneAttributes.EnableAttributes.EnableNormalize                = true;
            sceneAttributes.EnableAttributes.EnableLighting                 = true;
            sceneAttributes.EnableAttributes.EnableTexture2D                = true;
            sceneAttributes.EnableAttributes.EnableBlend                    = true;
            sceneAttributes.ColorBufferAttributes.BlendingSourceFactor      = BlendingSourceFactor.SourceAlpha;
            sceneAttributes.ColorBufferAttributes.BlendingDestinationFactor = BlendingDestinationFactor.OneMinusSourceAlpha;
            sceneAttributes.LightingAttributes.TwoSided = true;

            sceneControl.OpenGL.SetDimensions(sceneControl.Width, sceneControl.Height);
            scene.Resize(sceneControl.Width, sceneControl.Height);
Exemple #9
        public RoundColumn(OpenGL gl, string name, Circle circle, float bottomPoint, float topPoint) : base()
            this.Name        = name;
            this.circle      = circle;
            this.bottomPoint = bottomPoint;
            this.topPoint    = topPoint;

            boundingVolumeHelper = new BoundingVolumeHelper();

            Vertex startPoint  = circle.StartPoint;
            Vertex secondPoint = circle.SecondPoint;
            Vertex endPoint    = circle.EndPoint;

            // ==== Create bottom circle of column ====
            startPoint.Z  = bottomPoint;
            secondPoint.Z = bottomPoint;
            endPoint.Z    = bottomPoint;

            DepthBufferAttributes depthBufferAttributes = new DepthBufferAttributes();

            depthBufferAttributes.DepthFunction   = DepthFunction.LessThanOrEqual;
            depthBufferAttributes.EnableDepthTest = true;

            PolygonAttributes polygonAttributes = new PolygonAttributes();

            polygonAttributes.PolygonMode = PolygonMode.Lines;

            polygonAttributes.EnableOffsetLine = true;
            polygonAttributes.OffsetFactor     = -.9f;
            polygonAttributes.OffsetBias       = -.9f;

            OpenGLAttributesEffect openGLAttributesEffect = new OpenGLAttributesEffect();

            openGLAttributesEffect.PolygonAttributes = polygonAttributes;
            //openGLAttributesEffect.DepthBufferAttributes = depthBufferAttributes;

            Circle bottomCircle = new Circle(new Vertex(startPoint), new Vertex(secondPoint), new Vertex(endPoint));

            bottomCircle.Material = Materials.DarkGrey(gl);

            // ==== Create top circle of column ====
            startPoint.Z  = topPoint;
            secondPoint.Z = topPoint;
            endPoint.Z    = topPoint;

            Circle topCircle = new Circle(new Vertex(startPoint), new Vertex(secondPoint), new Vertex(endPoint));

            topCircle.Material = Materials.DarkGrey(gl);

            // ==== Create column body ====
            // Create the display list.

            this.Material = Materials.Purple(gl);

            displayList = new DisplayList();

            // Generate the display list and

            displayList.New(gl, DisplayList.DisplayListMode.CompileAndExecute);

            gl.PolygonMode(OpenGL.GL_FRONT_AND_BACK, OpenGL.GL_FILL);
            double angle = 0;

            while (angle <= 2 * Math.PI * 1.01)
                double xTmp = circle.Radius * Math.Cos(angle);
                double yTmp = circle.Radius * Math.Sin(angle);

                gl.Vertex(circle.Center.X + xTmp, circle.Center.Y + yTmp, bottomPoint);
                gl.Vertex(circle.Center.X + xTmp, circle.Center.Y + yTmp, topPoint);
                angle += 0.1;

            // End the display list.
Exemple #10
        /// <summary>
        /// Construct a new scene, optionally enableing post-processing, if available.
        /// </summary>
        /// <param name="postprocessingEnabled">Whether or not to enable post-processing; defaults to false</param>
        public Scene(OpenGL gl, Size viewportSize)
            this.gl = gl;
            this.viewportSize = viewportSize;

            model = null;

            postprocessingEnabled = false;

            ClearColor = Color.Black;
            camera = new MovingLookAtCamera()
                Position = new Vertex(10f, 0f, 0f),
                Target = new Vertex(0f, 0f, 0f),
                UpVector = new Vertex(0f, 0f, 1f),
                Near = 0,
                Far = 250,
                HorizontalTheta = 0.785f,
                VerticalTheta = -0.785f
            RenderGrid = true;
            RenderAxies = true;
            grid = new Grid();
            grid.Size = 150;
            axies = new Axies();
            axies.Size = 150;
            //Set attributes
            attrs = new OpenGLAttributesEffect();
            attrs.EnableAttributes.EnableDepthTest = true;
            attrs.EnableAttributes.EnableNormalize = true;
            attrs.EnableAttributes.EnableLighting = true;
            attrs.EnableAttributes.EnableTexture2D = true;
            attrs.LightingAttributes.TwoSided = false;

            Color col = Color.FromArgb(40, 40, 40);

            // Nice soft-ish lighting
            Light light = new Light(OpenGL.GL_LIGHT0)
                Position = new Vertex(-9, -9, 11),
                Ambient = Color.Black,
                Diffuse = col,
                Specular = col
            light = new Light(OpenGL.GL_LIGHT1)
                Position = new Vertex(9, -9, 11),
                Ambient = Color.Black,
                Diffuse = col,
                Specular = col
            light = new Light(OpenGL.GL_LIGHT2)
                Position = new Vertex(0, 15, 15),
                Ambient = Color.Black,
                Diffuse = col,
                Specular = col