public static void GetCurrencies() { try { int widht = 38; int heigth = 38; Bitmap template = new Bitmap("Assets/UI_Fragments_free/empty_cel2.png"); // Image A // Load image Bitmap screen = new Bitmap($"Assets/UI_Fragments_free/Trade-Test2.png"); var ticks = DateTime.Now.Ticks; for (int i = 0; i < 12; i++) { for (int j = 0; j < 5; j++) { Bitmap source = CropImage(screen, new Rectangle { X = 221 + (widht * i) - i / 2, Y = 145 + (heigth * j) - j / 2, Width = widht, Height = heigth }); if (!OpenCV_Service.Match(source, template, 0.80f)) { source.Save($@"C:\Users\Ruben\Desktop\tests\PoeTests\{ticks}-{i}-{j}.png"); } } } } catch (Exception ex) { } }
public static void TradeisGreen() { Bitmap src = new Bitmap("Assets/UI_Fragments_free/trade_test_ok.jpg"); Bgr low = new Bgr(12, 40, 0); Bgr high = new Bgr(50, 70, 41); OpenCV_Service.InColorRange(src, low, high); }
public static bool IsTradeAccepted() { Bitmap src = ScreenCapture.CaptureScreen(); Bgr low = new Bgr(12, 40, 0); Bgr high = new Bgr(50, 70, 41); return(OpenCV_Service.InColorRange(src, low, high)); }
private bool ValidateFarmTabs() { // Detect Stash if (!_StashHelper.OpenStash()) { _loggerService.Log($"{MethodBase.GetCurrentMethod().Name} Stash is not found in the area."); return(false); } var lTabs = OpenCV_Service.GetText(ScreenCapture.CaptureScreen()); return(true); }
private bool CheckTradeCurrency() { if (Win32.GetActiveWindowTitle() != "Path of Exile") { Win32.PoE_MainWindow(); } Item currency; List <Item> lCurrency = new List <Item>(); double totalChaos = 0; Bitmap cell; Bitmap template = new Bitmap($"Assets/{Properties.Settings.Default.UI_Fragments}/empty_cel2.png"); Win32.MoveTo(0, 0); Thread.Sleep(100); for (int i = 0; i < 12; i++) { for (int j = 0; j < 5; j++) { int xInit = x_trade + (tab_width * i) - i / 2; int yInit = y_trade + (tab_height * j) - j / 2; cell = ScreenCapture.CaptureRectangle(xInit, yInit, tab_width, tab_height); if (!OpenCV_Service.Match(cell, template, 0.80f)) { Win32.MoveTo(xInit + (tab_width / 2), yInit + (tab_height / 2)); Thread.Sleep(100); string clip = CommandsService.CtrlC_PoE(); currency = _ItemService.GetCurrency(clip); if (currency != null) { lCurrency.Add(currency); totalChaos += currency.Price.Cost; } } } } // validate price if (CurrentCustomer != null) { // Check value if (CurrentCustomer.Chaos_Price < totalChaos) { return(true); } } return(false); }
public Position GetAbsoluteAssetPosition(string assetPath, double threshold = 0.95) { Position foundPosition; using (Bitmap search = ScreenCapture.CaptureRectangle(WindowRect)) foundPosition = OpenCV_Service.FindObject(search, assetPath, threshold); if (!foundPosition.IsVisible) { return(foundPosition); } return(TranslatePosition(foundPosition)); }
private bool IsTradeStarted() { var zeroTrade = Utils.ZeroTrade(); int x_trade = 220; // zeroTrade.X; int y_trade = 140; // zeroTrade.Y; Bitmap screen_shot = ScreenCapture.CaptureRectangle(x_trade, y_trade, 465, 200); Position found_positions = OpenCV_Service.FindObject(screen_shot, $"Assets/{Properties.Settings.Default.UI_Fragments}/empty_cel.png", 0.5); screen_shot.Dispose(); return(found_positions.IsVisible); }
public static void FindAcceptIcon() { try { Bitmap template = new Bitmap("Assets/UI_Fragments_free/accept_tradewindow.png"); // Image A // Load image Bitmap screen = new Bitmap($"Assets/UI_Fragments_free/Trade-Test2.png"); var ticks = DateTime.Now.Ticks; if (!OpenCV_Service.Match(screen, template, 0.80f)) { screen.Save($@"C:\Users\Ruben\Desktop\tests\PoeTests\{ticks}.png"); } } catch (Exception ex) { } }
private bool AcceptTradeRequest() { Bitmap screen_shot = ScreenCapture.CaptureRectangle(1030, 260, 330, 500); Position found_pos = OpenCV_Service.FindObject(screen_shot, $"Assets/{Properties.Settings.Default.UI_Fragments}/accespt.png"); if (found_pos != null && found_pos.IsVisible) { _loggerService.Log("I will Accept trade request!"); Win32.MoveTo(1030 + found_pos.Left + found_pos.Width / 2, 260 + found_pos.Top + found_pos.Height / 2); Thread.Sleep(100); Win32.DoMouseClick(); Thread.Sleep(100); Win32.MoveTo((1030 + screen_shot.Width) / 2, (260 + screen_shot.Height) / 2); return(true); } return(false); }
public static void NameTab() { Bitmap src = new Bitmap("Assets/UI_Fragments_free/Trade-Test3.png"); OpenCV_Service.ContainsText(src, "sese", 120); }
public bool PutItems() { int x_inventory = 925; int y_inventory = 440; int offset = 37; var customer = CurrentCustomer; int TotalAmount = 0; List <Cell> skip = new List <Cell>(); for (int j = 0; j < 12; j++) { for (int i = 0; i < 5; i++) { if (skip.Find(cel => cel.Left == i && cel.Top == j) != null) { continue; } Win32.MoveTo(x_inventory + offset * j, +175); Thread.Sleep(100); var screen_shot = ScreenCapture.CaptureRectangle(x_inventory - 30 + offset * j, y_inventory - 30 + offset * i, 60, 60); var pos = OpenCV_Service.FindObject(screen_shot, $"Assets/{Properties.Settings.Default.UI_Fragments}/empty_cel.png", 0.5); if (!pos.IsVisible) { Win32.MoveTo(x_inventory + offset * j, y_inventory + offset * i); var item_info = CommandsService.CtrlC_PoE(); string name = CommandsService.GetNameItem_PoE_Pro(item_info); if (name != customer.Product) { continue; } int SizeInStack = CommandsService.GetStackSize_PoE_Pro(item_info); TotalAmount += SizeInStack; if (name.Contains("Resonator")) { if (name.Contains("Potent")) { skip.Add(new Cell(i, j + 1)); } if (name.Contains("Prime") || name.Contains("Powerful")) { skip.Add(new Cell(i, j + 1)); skip.Add(new Cell(i + 1, j + 1)); skip.Add(new Cell(i + 1, j)); } } Win32.CtrlMouseClick(); Thread.Sleep(250); if (TotalAmount >= customer.NumberProducts) { screen_shot.Dispose(); _loggerService.Log($"I put {TotalAmount} items in trade window"); return(true); } } screen_shot.Dispose(); } } Win32.SendKeyInPoE("{ESC}"); Win32.ChatCommand("@" + CurrentCustomer.Nickname + " i sold it, sry"); return(false); }
private bool CheckCurrency() { // TODO create new check currency which check currencys with control + c and checks name and stack size List <Position> found_positions = null; List <Currency_ExRate> main_currs = new List <Currency_ExRate>(); //set main currencies main_currs.Add(CurrentCustomer.Currency); if (CurrentCustomer.Currency.Name != "chaos orb") { main_currs.Add(_CurrenciesService.GetCurrencyByName("chaos")); } if (CurrentCustomer.Currency.Name != "divine orb") { main_currs.Add(_CurrenciesService.GetCurrencyByName("divine")); } if (CurrentCustomer.Currency.Name != "exalted orb") { main_currs.Add(_CurrenciesService.GetCurrencyByName("exalted")); } if (CurrentCustomer.Currency.Name != "orb of alchemy") { main_currs.Add(_CurrenciesService.GetCurrencyByName("alchemy")); } if (CurrentCustomer.Currency.Name == "exalted orb") { //Win32.ChatCommand($"@{CurrentCustomer.Nickname} exalted orb = {_CurrenciesService.GetCurrencyByName("exalted").ChaosEquivalent}"); main_currs.Add(_CurrenciesService.GetCurrencyByName("exalted")); } Bitmap screen_shot = null; int x_trade = 220; int y_trade = 140; for (int i = 0; i < 30; i++) { double price = 0; foreach (Currency_ExRate cur in main_currs) { if (!System.IO.File.Exists(cur.ImageName)) { continue; } Win32.MoveTo(0, 0); Thread.Sleep(100); screen_shot = ScreenCapture.CaptureRectangle(x_trade, y_trade, 465, 200); found_positions = OpenCV_Service.FindCurrencies(screen_shot, cur.ImageName, 0.6); foreach (Position pos in found_positions) { Win32.MoveTo(x_trade + pos.Left + pos.Width / 2, y_trade + pos.Top + pos.Height / 2); Thread.Sleep(100); string ctrlc = CommandsService.CtrlC_PoE(); // TODO fix this currency stack count var curbyname = _CurrenciesService.GetCurrencyByName(CommandsService.GetNameItem_PoE(ctrlc)); if (curbyname == null) { price += CommandsService.GetSizeInStack(ctrlc) * cur.ChaosEquivalent; } else { price += CommandsService.GetSizeInStack(ctrlc) * curbyname.ChaosEquivalent; } screen_shot.Dispose(); } if (price >= CurrentCustomer.Chaos_Price && price != 0) { break; } } _loggerService.Log("Bid price (in chaos) = " + price + " Necessary (in chaos) = " + CurrentCustomer.Chaos_Price); if (price >= CurrentCustomer.Chaos_Price) { _loggerService.Log("I want accept trade"); screen_shot = ScreenCapture.CaptureRectangle(200, 575, 130, 40); Position pos = OpenCV_Service.FindObject(screen_shot, $"Assets/{Properties.Settings.Default.UI_Fragments}/accept_tradewindow.png"); if (pos.IsVisible) { Win32.MoveTo(210 + pos.Left + pos.Width / 2, 580 + pos.Top + pos.Height / 2); Thread.Sleep(100); Win32.DoMouseClick(); screen_shot.Dispose(); var timer = DateTime.Now + new TimeSpan(0, 0, 5); while (CurrentCustomer.TradeStatus != CustomerInfo.TradeStatuses.ACCEPTED) { if (CurrentCustomer.TradeStatus == CustomerInfo.TradeStatuses.CANCELED) { return(false); } if (DateTime.Now > timer) { break; } } if (CurrentCustomer.TradeStatus == CustomerInfo.TradeStatuses.ACCEPTED) { return(true); } else { continue; } } } else { screen_shot.Dispose(); } Thread.Sleep(500); } Win32.SendKeyInPoE("{ESC}"); return(false); }
private bool GetProduct() { int x_inventory = 925; int y_inventory = 440; int offset = 37; Bitmap screen_shot; for (int j = 0; j < 12; j++) { for (int i = 0; i < 5; i++) { Win32.MoveTo(x_inventory + offset * j, y_inventory + 175); Thread.Sleep(100); screen_shot = ScreenCapture.CaptureRectangle(x_inventory - 30 + offset * j, y_inventory - 30 + offset * i, 60, 60); Position pos = OpenCV_Service.FindObject(screen_shot, $"Assets/{Properties.Settings.Default.UI_Fragments}/empty_cel.png", 0.4); if (pos != null && !pos.IsVisible) { Clipboard.Clear(); string ss = null; Thread.Sleep(100); Win32.MoveTo(x_inventory + offset * j, y_inventory + offset * i); var time = DateTime.Now + new TimeSpan(0, 0, 5); while (ss == null) { Win32.SendKeyInPoE("^c"); ss = Win32.GetText(); if (time < DateTime.Now) { ss = "empty_string"; } } if (ss == "empty_string") { continue; } if (CurrentCustomer.Product.Contains(CommandsService.GetNameItem_PoE(ss))) { _loggerService.Log($"{ss} is found in inventory"); Win32.CtrlMouseClick(); screen_shot.Dispose(); return(true); } } screen_shot.Dispose(); } } Win32.SendKeyInPoE("{ESC}"); Win32.ChatCommand("@" + CurrentCustomer.Nickname + " I sold it, sry"); return(false); }
private bool TradeQuery() { Position found_pos = null; Bitmap screen_shot = null; bool amIdoRequest = false; for (int try_count = 0; try_count < 3; try_count++) { _loggerService.Log("Try to accept or do trade..."); for (int i = 0; i < 10; i++) { if (!amIdoRequest) { screen_shot = ScreenCapture.CaptureRectangle(1030, 260, 330, 500); found_pos = OpenCV_Service.FindObject(screen_shot, $"Assets/{Properties.Settings.Default.UI_Fragments}/accespt.png"); if (found_pos != null && found_pos.IsVisible) { _loggerService.Log("I will Accept trade request!"); Win32.MoveTo(1030 + found_pos.Left + found_pos.Width / 2, 260 + found_pos.Top + found_pos.Height / 2); Thread.Sleep(100); Win32.DoMouseClick(); Thread.Sleep(100); Win32.MoveTo((1030 + screen_shot.Width) / 2, (260 + screen_shot.Height) / 2); amIdoRequest = true; } else { _loggerService.Log("i write trade"); string trade_command = "/tradewith " + CurrentCustomer.Nickname; Win32.ChatCommand(trade_command); screen_shot = ScreenCapture.CaptureRectangle(455, 285, 475, 210); if (!CurrentCustomer.IsInArea) { return(false); } found_pos = OpenCV_Service.FindObject(screen_shot, $"Assets/{Properties.Settings.Default.UI_Fragments}/trade_waiting.png"); if (found_pos != null && found_pos.IsVisible) { Win32.MoveTo(455 + found_pos.Left + found_pos.Width / 2, 285 + found_pos.Top + found_pos.Height / 2); screen_shot.Dispose(); amIdoRequest = true; } else { _loggerService.Log("Check trade window"); screen_shot = ScreenCapture.CaptureRectangle(330, 15, 235, 130); found_pos = OpenCV_Service.FindObject(screen_shot, $"Assets/{Properties.Settings.Default.UI_Fragments}/trade_window_title.png"); if (found_pos != null && found_pos.IsVisible) { _loggerService.Log("I am in trade!"); screen_shot.Dispose(); return(true); } } } } else { _loggerService.Log("Check trade window"); screen_shot = ScreenCapture.CaptureRectangle(330, 15, 235, 130); found_pos = OpenCV_Service.FindObject(screen_shot, $"Assets/{Properties.Settings.Default.UI_Fragments}/trade_window_title.png"); if (found_pos != null && found_pos != null && found_pos.IsVisible) { screen_shot.Dispose(); _loggerService.Log("I am in trade!"); return(true); } } Thread.Sleep(500); } } return(false); }