public void Action(long id, int cmd, OpenAccess access, params object[] args) { if (status == Disposed) { throw new ObjectDisposedException("this actor is dispose"); } if (maxQueuelen > 0) { if (ActorRunQueue.Count > maxQueuelen) { throw new NetxException($"this actor queue count >{maxQueuelen}", ErrorType.ActorQueueMaxErr); } } var sa = new ActorMessage <object>(id, cmd, access, args); ActorRunQueue.Enqueue(sa); try { Runing().Wait(); } catch (Exception er) { Log.Error(er); } }
protected ActorMessage(long id, int cmd, OpenAccess access, object[] args) { Id = id; Cmd = cmd; Args = args; PushTime = TimeHelper.GetTime(); CompleteTime = 0; this.Access = access; }
public ActorMessage(long id, int cmd, OpenAccess access, object[] args) { Id = id; Cmd = cmd; Args = args; PushTime = TimeHelper.GetTime(); CompleteTime = 0; this.Access = access; Awaiter = new ActorResultAwaiter <T>(); }
public void SyncAction(long id, int cmd, OpenAccess access, params object[] args) { if (ActorCollect.ContainsKey(cmd)) { ActorCollect[cmd].Action(id, cmd, access, args); } else { Log.ErrorFormat("not found actor service cmd:{cmd}", cmd); } }
public ValueTask <T> CallFunc <T>(long id, int cmd, OpenAccess access, params object[] args) { if (ActorCollect.TryGetValue(cmd, out Actor m)) { return(m.AsyncFunc <T>(id, cmd, access, args)); } else { throw new NetxException($"not found actor service cmd:{cmd}", ErrorType.ActorErr); } }
protected VB6File(string sPath, OpenAccess access, OpenShare share, int lRecordLen) { if (((access != OpenAccess.Read) && (access != OpenAccess.ReadWrite)) && (access != OpenAccess.Write)) { throw new ArgumentException(Utils.GetResourceString("Argument_InvalidValue1", new string[] { "Access" })); } this.m_access = access; if (((share != OpenShare.Shared) && (share != OpenShare.LockRead)) && ((share != OpenShare.LockReadWrite) && (share != OpenShare.LockWrite))) { throw new ArgumentException(Utils.GetResourceString("Argument_InvalidValue1", new string[] { "Share" })); } this.m_share = share; this.m_lRecordLen = lRecordLen; this.m_sFullPath = new FileInfo(sPath).FullName; }
private void OpenFileHelper(FileMode fm, OpenAccess fa) { try { base.m_file = new FileStream(base.m_sFullPath, fm, (FileAccess)fa, (FileShare)base.m_share); } catch (FileNotFoundException exception) { throw ExceptionUtils.VbMakeException(exception, 0x35); } catch (DirectoryNotFoundException exception2) { throw ExceptionUtils.VbMakeException(exception2, 0x4c); } catch (SecurityException exception3) { throw ExceptionUtils.VbMakeException(exception3, 0x35); } catch (IOException exception4) { throw ExceptionUtils.VbMakeException(exception4, 0x4b); } catch (UnauthorizedAccessException exception5) { throw ExceptionUtils.VbMakeException(exception5, 0x4b); } catch (ArgumentException exception6) { throw ExceptionUtils.VbMakeException(exception6, 0x4b); } catch (StackOverflowException exception7) { throw exception7; } catch (OutOfMemoryException exception8) { throw exception8; } catch (ThreadAbortException exception9) { throw exception9; } catch (Exception) { throw ExceptionUtils.VbMakeException(0x33); } }
private void OpenFileHelper(FileMode fm, OpenAccess fa) { try { this.m_file = new FileStream(this.m_sFullPath, fm, (FileAccess)fa, (FileShare)this.m_share); } catch (FileNotFoundException ex) { throw ExceptionUtils.VbMakeException((Exception)ex, 53); } catch (DirectoryNotFoundException ex) { throw ExceptionUtils.VbMakeException((Exception)ex, 76); } catch (SecurityException ex) { throw ExceptionUtils.VbMakeException((Exception)ex, 53); } catch (IOException ex) { throw ExceptionUtils.VbMakeException((Exception)ex, 75); } catch (UnauthorizedAccessException ex) { throw ExceptionUtils.VbMakeException((Exception)ex, 75); } catch (ArgumentException ex) { throw ExceptionUtils.VbMakeException((Exception)ex, 75); } catch (StackOverflowException ex) { throw ex; } catch (OutOfMemoryException ex) { throw ex; } catch (ThreadAbortException ex) { throw ex; } catch (Exception ex) { throw ExceptionUtils.VbMakeException(51); } }
public ValueTask <T> AsyncFunc <T>(long id, int cmd, OpenAccess access, params object[] args) { if (status == Disposed) { throw new ObjectDisposedException("this actor is dispose"); } if (maxQueuelen > 0) { if (ActorRunQueue.Count > maxQueuelen) { throw new NetxException($"this actor queue count >{maxQueuelen}", ErrorType.ActorQueueMaxErr); } } var sa = new ActorMessage <T>(id, cmd, access, args); ActorRunQueue.Enqueue(sa); Runing().Wait(); return(sa.Awaiter); }
private void OpenFileHelper(FileMode fm, OpenAccess fa) { try { base.m_file = new FileStream(base.m_sFullPath, fm, (FileAccess) fa, (FileShare) base.m_share); } catch (FileNotFoundException exception) { throw ExceptionUtils.VbMakeException(exception, 0x35); } catch (DirectoryNotFoundException exception2) { throw ExceptionUtils.VbMakeException(exception2, 0x4c); } catch (SecurityException exception3) { throw ExceptionUtils.VbMakeException(exception3, 0x35); } catch (IOException exception4) { throw ExceptionUtils.VbMakeException(exception4, 0x4b); } catch (UnauthorizedAccessException exception5) { throw ExceptionUtils.VbMakeException(exception5, 0x4b); } catch (ArgumentException exception6) { throw ExceptionUtils.VbMakeException(exception6, 0x4b); } catch (StackOverflowException exception7) { throw exception7; } catch (OutOfMemoryException exception8) { throw exception8; } catch (ThreadAbortException exception9) { throw exception9; } catch (Exception) { throw ExceptionUtils.VbMakeException(0x33); } }
public static void FileOpen(int FileNumber, string FileName, OpenMode Mode, OpenAccess Access, OpenShare Share, int RecordLength) {}
// Open a file. public static void FileOpen (int FileNumber, String FileName, OpenMode Mode, [Optional][DefaultValue(OpenAccess.Default)] OpenAccess Access, [Optional][DefaultValue(OpenShare.Default)] OpenShare Share, [Optional][DefaultValue(-1)] int RecordLength) { FileMode mode; FileAccess access; FileShare share; int recordLength; int bufferSize; // Validate the parameters and convert them into // something that System.IO is more comfortable with. if (Mode != OpenMode.Input && Mode != OpenMode.Output && Mode != OpenMode.Random && Mode != OpenMode.Append && Mode != OpenMode.Binary) { throw new ArgumentException (S._("VB_InvalidFileMode"), "Mode"); } if (Access == OpenAccess.Default) { access = FileAccess.ReadWrite; } else if (Access == OpenAccess.Read) { access = FileAccess.Read; } else if (Access == OpenAccess.Write) { access = FileAccess.Write; } else if (Access == OpenAccess.ReadWrite) { access = FileAccess.ReadWrite; } else { throw new ArgumentException (S._("VB_InvalidFileAccess"), "Access"); } if (Share == OpenShare.Default) { share = FileShare.ReadWrite; } else if (Share == OpenShare.LockReadWrite) { share = FileShare.ReadWrite; } else if (Share == OpenShare.LockRead) { share = FileShare.Read; } else if (Share == OpenShare.LockWrite) { share = FileShare.Write; } else if (Share == OpenShare.Shared) { share = FileShare.None; } else { throw new ArgumentException (S._("VB_InvalidFileShare"), "Share"); } if (RecordLength != -1) { if (RecordLength < 1 || RecordLength > 32767) { throw new ArgumentException (S._("VB_InvalidRecordLength"), "RecordLength"); } if (Mode == OpenMode.Random) { recordLength = RecordLength; bufferSize = -1; } else { recordLength = 1; bufferSize = RecordLength; } } else { recordLength = 1; bufferSize = -1; } // Determine the appropriate FileMode value. if (Mode == OpenMode.Random || Mode == OpenMode.Binary) { if (System.IO.File.Exists(FileName)) { mode = FileMode.Open; } else if (access == FileAccess.Read) { mode = FileMode.OpenOrCreate; } else { mode = FileMode.Create; } } else if (Mode == OpenMode.Input) { mode = FileMode.Open; } else if (Mode == OpenMode.Output) { mode = FileMode.Create; } else { mode = FileMode.Append; } // Allocate the file number. File file = File.AllocateFile (FileNumber, Mode, Assembly.GetCallingAssembly()); file.recordLength = recordLength; // Attempt to open the file. FileStream stream = null; try { if (bufferSize != -1) { stream = new FileStream(FileName, mode, access, share, bufferSize); } else { stream = new FileStream(FileName, mode, access, share); } } finally { if (stream == null) { // The create failed, so clean up the allocated file. file.Close(); } } = stream; }
private static void ValidateAccess(OpenAccess Access) { if (((Access != OpenAccess.Default) && (Access != OpenAccess.Read)) && ((Access != OpenAccess.ReadWrite) && (Access != OpenAccess.Write))) { throw new ArgumentException(Utils.GetResourceString("Argument_InvalidValue1", new string[] { "Access" })); } }
private static void vbIOOpenFile(Assembly assem, int FileNumber, string FileName, OpenMode Mode, OpenAccess Access, OpenShare Share, int RecordLength) { VB6File file; AssemblyData assemblyData = ProjectData.GetProjectData().GetAssemblyData(assem); if (GetChannelOrNull(assemblyData, FileNumber) != null) { throw ExceptionUtils.VbMakeException(0x37); } if ((FileName == null) || (FileName.Length == 0)) { throw ExceptionUtils.VbMakeException(0x4b); } FileName = new FileInfo(FileName).FullName; if (CheckFileOpen(assemblyData, FileName, OpenModeTypesFromOpenMode(Mode))) { throw ExceptionUtils.VbMakeException(0x37); } if ((RecordLength != -1) && (RecordLength <= 0)) { throw ExceptionUtils.VbMakeException(5); } if (Mode == OpenMode.Binary) { RecordLength = 1; } else if (RecordLength == -1) { if (Mode == OpenMode.Random) { RecordLength = 0x80; } else { RecordLength = 0x200; } } if (Share == OpenShare.Default) { Share = OpenShare.LockReadWrite; } OpenMode mode = Mode; switch (mode) { case OpenMode.Input: if ((Access != OpenAccess.Read) && (Access != OpenAccess.Default)) { throw new ArgumentException(Utils.GetResourceString("FileSystem_IllegalInputAccess")); } file = new VB6InputFile(FileName, Share); break; case OpenMode.Output: if ((Access != OpenAccess.Write) && (Access != OpenAccess.Default)) { throw new ArgumentException(Utils.GetResourceString("FileSystem_IllegalOutputAccess")); } file = new VB6OutputFile(FileName, Share, false); break; case OpenMode.Random: if (Access == OpenAccess.Default) { Access = OpenAccess.ReadWrite; } file = new VB6RandomFile(FileName, Access, Share, RecordLength); break; case OpenMode.Append: if (((Access != OpenAccess.Write) && (Access != OpenAccess.ReadWrite)) && (Access != OpenAccess.Default)) { throw new ArgumentException(Utils.GetResourceString("FileSystem_IllegalAppendAccess")); } file = new VB6OutputFile(FileName, Share, true); break; default: if (mode != OpenMode.Binary) { throw ExceptionUtils.VbMakeException(0x33); } if (Access == OpenAccess.Default) { Access = OpenAccess.ReadWrite; } file = new VB6BinaryFile(FileName, Access, Share); break; } AddFileToList(assemblyData, FileNumber, file); }
public static void FileOpen(int FileNumber, string FileName, OpenMode Mode, OpenAccess Access = -1, OpenShare Share = -1, int RecordLength = -1) { try { ValidateMode(Mode); ValidateAccess(Access); ValidateShare(Share); if ((FileNumber < 1) || (FileNumber > 0xff)) { throw ExceptionUtils.VbMakeException(0x34); } vbIOOpenFile(Assembly.GetCallingAssembly(), FileNumber, FileName, Mode, Access, Share, RecordLength); } catch (Exception exception) { throw exception; } }
public VB6BinaryFile(string FileName, OpenAccess access, OpenShare share) : base(FileName, access, share, -1) { }
public VB6RandomFile(string FileName, OpenAccess access, OpenShare share, int lRecordLen) : base(FileName, access, share, lRecordLen) { }
public static void FileOpen(int FileNumber, string FileName, OpenMode Mode, OpenAccess Access, OpenShare Share, int RecordLength) { }
public OpenAttribute(OpenAccess access) { Access = access; }
public ActorMethodRegister(Type instenceType, MethodInfo method, OpenAccess access) : base(instenceType, method) { Access = access; }
private Dictionary <int, ActorMethodRegister> LoadRegister(Type instanceType) { Dictionary <int, ActorMethodRegister> registerdict = new Dictionary <int, ActorMethodRegister>(); foreach (var ainterface in instanceType.GetInterfaces()) { if (ainterface.GetCustomAttribute <Build>(true) != null) { foreach (var method in ainterface.GetMethods()) { var attrs = method.GetCustomAttributes(true); List <TAG> taglist = new List <TAG>(); OpenAccess openAccess = OpenAccess.Public; foreach (var attr in attrs) { if (attr is TAG attrcmdtype) { taglist.Add(attrcmdtype); } else if (attr is OpenAttribute access) { openAccess = access.Access; } } if (taglist.Count > 0) { if (method.ReturnType == null || TypeHelper.IsTypeOfBaseTypeIs(method.ReturnType, typeof(Task)) || method.ReturnType == typeof(void)) { var type = from xx in method.GetParameters() select xx.ParameterType; var methodx = instanceType.GetMethod(method.Name, type.ToArray()); if (methodx != null) { var openattr = methodx.GetCustomAttribute <OpenAttribute>(); if (openattr != null) { openAccess = openattr.Access; } foreach (var tag in taglist) { var sr = new ActorMethodRegister(instanceType, methodx, openAccess); if (tag.CmdTag is SleepCmd) { Log.ErrorFormat("Register Actor Service Return Type Err:{Name} CmdTag not use {tag}", method.Name, tag.CmdTag); continue; } if (!registerdict.ContainsKey(tag.CmdTag)) { registerdict.Add(tag.CmdTag, sr); } else { Log.ErrorFormat("Register actor service {Name},cmd:{CmdTag} repeat", method.Name, tag.CmdTag); registerdict[tag.CmdTag] = sr; } } } } else { Log.ErrorFormat("Register Actor Service Return Type Err:{Name},Use void, Task or Task<T>", method.Name); } } } } } var methods = instanceType.GetMethods(); foreach (var method in methods) { if (method.IsPublic) { var attrs = method.GetCustomAttributes(true); List <TAG> taglist = new List <TAG>(); OpenAccess openAccess = OpenAccess.Public; foreach (var attr in attrs) { if (attr is TAG attrcmdtype) { taglist.Add(attrcmdtype); } else if (attr is OpenAttribute access) { openAccess = access.Access; } } if (taglist.Count > 0) { if (method.ReturnType == null || TypeHelper.IsTypeOfBaseTypeIs(method.ReturnType, typeof(Task)) || method.ReturnType == typeof(void)) { foreach (var tag in taglist) { var sr = new ActorMethodRegister(instanceType, method, openAccess); if (!registerdict.ContainsKey(tag.CmdTag)) { registerdict.Add(tag.CmdTag, sr); } else { Log.ErrorFormat("Register actor service {Name},cmd:{CmdTag} repeat", method.Name, tag.CmdTag); registerdict[tag.CmdTag] = sr; } } } else { Log.ErrorFormat("Register Actor Service Return Type Err:{Name},Use void, Task or Task<T>", method.Name); } } } } return(registerdict); }