/// <summary>
 /// Shows a detailed view for array values.
 /// </summary>
 /// <param name="sender">The source of the event.</param>
 /// <param name="e">The <see cref="System.EventArgs"/> instance containing the event data.</param>
 //TODO make it visible after implementing complex values.
 private void m_CMS_View_Click(object sender, System.EventArgs e)
     if (m_ItemListLV.SelectedItems.Count > 0)
         ListViewItem listItem = m_ItemListLV.SelectedItems[0];
         object       tag      = listItem.Tag;
         if (tag != null && tag.GetType() == typeof(OpcDa::ItemValueResult))
             OpcDa::ItemValueResult item = (OpcDa::ItemValueResult)tag;
             if (item.Value != null)
                 ComplexItem complexItem = ComplexTypeCache.GetComplexItem(item);
                 if (complexItem != null)
                     EditComplexValueDlg dialog = (EditComplexValueDlg)m_viewers[listItem];
                     if (dialog == null)
                         m_viewers[listItem] = dialog = new EditComplexValueDlg();
                         dialog.Disposed    += new System.EventHandler(OnViewerClosed);
                     dialog.ShowDialog(complexItem, item.Value, true, false);
                 else if (item.Value.GetType().IsArray)
                     new EditArrayDlg().ShowDialog(item.Value, true);
        /// <summary>
        /// Handles the MouseDown event of the m_ItemListLV control.
        /// </summary>
        /// <param name="sender">The source of the event.</param>
        /// <param name="e">The <see cref="System.Windows.Forms.MouseEventArgs"/> instance containing the event data.</param>
        private void m_ItemListLV_MouseDown(object sender, MouseEventArgs e)
            // ignore left button actions.
            if (e.Button != MouseButtons.Right)
            // disable everything.
            m_CMS_View.Enabled = false;
            // selects the item that was right clicked on.
            ListViewItem clickedItem = m_ItemListLV.GetItemAt(e.X, e.Y);

            // no item clicked on - do nothing.
            if (clickedItem == null)
            // force selection to clicked node.
            clickedItem.Selected = true;

            //TODO implement complex data and remove above return
            if (m_ItemListLV.SelectedItems.Count == 1)
                if (clickedItem.Tag != null && clickedItem.Tag.GetType() == typeof(OpcDa::ItemValueResult))
                    OpcDa::ItemValueResult item = (OpcDa::ItemValueResult)clickedItem.Tag;
                    if (item.Value != null)
                        m_CMS_View.Enabled = ((ComplexTypeCache.GetComplexItem(item) != null) || (item.Value.GetType().IsArray));
        /// <summary>
        /// Returns the value of the specified field.
        /// </summary>
        private object GetFieldValue(OpcDa::ItemValueResult item, int fieldID)
            object fieldValue = null;

            switch (fieldID)
            case ITEM_NAME: { return(item.ItemName); }

            case ITEM_PATH: { return(item.ItemPath); }

            // case CLIENT_HANDLE: { return Opc.Convert.ToString(item.ClientHandle); }
            // case SERVER_HANDLE: { return Opc.Convert.ToString(item.ServerHandle); }
            case VALUE: { return(Opc.Convert.ToString(item.Value)); }

            case DATA_TYPE: { return((item.Value != null) ? item.Value.GetType() : fieldValue); }

            case QUALITY_BITS: { return((item.QualitySpecified && item.Quality.QualityBits != OpcDa::qualityBits.good) ? item.Quality.QualityBits : fieldValue); }

            case LIMIT_BITS: { return((item.QualitySpecified && item.Quality.LimitBits != OpcDa::limitBits.none) ? item.Quality.LimitBits : fieldValue); }

            case VENDOR_BITS: { return((item.QualitySpecified && item.Quality.VendorBits != 0) ? item.Quality.VendorBits : fieldValue); }

            case TIMESTAMP: { return((item.TimestampSpecified) ? item.Timestamp : fieldValue); }

            case ERROR: { return(GetErrorText(item.ResultID)); }
 /// <summary>
 /// Shows a detailed view for array values.
 /// </summary>
 /// <param name="sender">The source of the event.</param>
 /// <param name="e">The <see cref="System.EventArgs"/> instance containing the event data.</param>
 private void ViewMI_Click(object sender, System.EventArgs e)
     if (ItemListLV.SelectedItems.Count > 0)
         object tag = ItemListLV.SelectedItems[0].Tag;
         if (tag != null && tag.GetType() == typeof(OpcDa::ItemValueResult))
             OpcDa::ItemValueResult item = (OpcDa::ItemValueResult)tag;
             if (item.Value != null)
                 ComplexItem complexItem = ComplexTypeCache.GetComplexItem(item);
                 if (complexItem != null)
                     new EditComplexValueDlg().ShowDialog(complexItem, item.Value, true, true);
                 else if (item.Value.GetType().IsArray)
                     new EditArrayDlg().ShowDialog(item.Value, true);
        /// <summary>
        /// Adds an item to the list view.
        /// </summary>
        /// <param name="subscriptionHandle">The subscription handle.</param>
        /// <param name="item">The item.</param>
        /// <param name="replaceableItem">The replaceable item.</param>
        private void AddValue(object subscriptionHandle, OpcDa::ItemValueResult item, ref ListViewItem replaceableItem)
            string quality = "";

            // format quality.
            if (item.QualitySpecified)
                quality += item.Quality.QualityBits.ToString();
                if (item.Quality.LimitBits != OpcDa::limitBits.none)
                    quality += ", ";
                    quality += item.Quality.LimitBits.ToString();
                if (item.Quality.VendorBits != 0)
                    quality += System.String.Format(", {0:X}", item.Quality.VendorBits);
            // format columns.
            string[] columns = new string[]
                (item.Value != null)?Opc.Convert.ToString(item.Value.GetType()):"",
                GetErrorText(subscriptionHandle, item.ResultID)
            // update an existing item.
            if (replaceableItem != null)
                for (int ii = 0; ii < replaceableItem.SubItems.Count; ii++)
                    replaceableItem.SubItems[ii].Text = columns[ii];
                replaceableItem.Tag       = item;
                replaceableItem.ForeColor = Color.Empty;
                // update detail view dialog.
                EditComplexValueDlg dialog = (EditComplexValueDlg)m_viewers[replaceableItem];
                if (dialog != null)
            // create a new list view item.
            replaceableItem     = new ListViewItem(columns, (int)ImageListLibrary.Icons.IMAGE_TAG);
            replaceableItem.Tag = item;
            // insert after any existing item value with the same client handle.
            for (int ii = m_ItemListLV.Items.Count - 1; ii >= 0; ii--)
                OpcDa::ItemValueResult previous = (OpcDa::ItemValueResult)m_ItemListLV.Items[ii].Tag;
                if (previous.ClientHandle != null && previous.ClientHandle.Equals(item.ClientHandle))
                    m_ItemListLV.Items.Insert(ii + 1, replaceableItem);
 /// <summary>
 /// Called when a data update event is raised by a subscription.
 /// </summary>
 private void OnDataChange(object subscriptionHandle, object requestHandle, OpcDa::ItemValueResult[] values)
     // ensure processing is done on the control's main thread.
     if (InvokeRequired)
         BeginInvoke(new OpcDa::DataChangedEventHandler(OnDataChange), new object[] { subscriptionHandle, requestHandle, values });
         // find subscription.
         ArrayList existingItemList = (ArrayList)m_items[subscriptionHandle];
         // check if subscription is still valid.
         if (existingItemList == null)
         // change all existing item values for the subscription to 'grey'.
         // this indicates an update arrived but the value did not change.
         foreach (ListViewItem listItem in existingItemList)
             if (listItem.ForeColor != Color.Gray)
                 listItem.ForeColor = Color.Gray;
         // do nothing more if only a keep alive callback.
         if (values == null || values.Length == 0)
         if (UpdateEvent != null)
             UpdateEvent(subscriptionHandle, values);
         // update list view.
         ArrayList newListItems = new ArrayList();
         foreach (OpcDa::ItemValueResult value in values)
             // item value should never have a null client handle.
             if (value.ClientHandle == null)
             // this item can be updated with new values instead of inserting/removing items.
             ListViewItem replacableItem = null;
             // remove existing items.
             if (!m_CMS_KeepValues.Checked)
                 // search list of existing items for previous values for this item.
                 ArrayList updatedItemList = new ArrayList(existingItemList.Count);
                 foreach (ListViewItem listItem in existingItemList)
                     OpcDa::ItemValueResult previous = (OpcDa::ItemValueResult)listItem.Tag;
                     if (!value.ClientHandle.Equals(previous.ClientHandle))
                     if (replacableItem != null)
                         EditComplexValueDlg dialog = (EditComplexValueDlg)m_viewers[replacableItem];
                         if (dialog != null)
                     replacableItem = listItem;
                 // the updated list has all values for the current item removed.
                 existingItemList = updatedItemList;
             // add value to list.
             AddValue(subscriptionHandle, value, ref replacableItem);
             // save new list item.
             if (replacableItem != null)
         // add new items to existing item list.
         m_items[subscriptionHandle] = existingItemList;
         // adjust column widths.
         for (int ii = 0; ii < m_ItemListLV.Columns.Count; ii++)
             if (ii != VALUE && ii != QUALITY)
                 m_ItemListLV.Columns[ii].Width = -2;
     catch (System.Exception e)
         OnException(subscriptionHandle, e);
Exemple #7
 /// <summary>
 /// Executes a write request for the current set if items.
 /// </summary>
 private void DoWrite()
         // get the selected items
         OpcDa::ItemValue[] items = ItemsCTRL.GetItems();
         // write to server.
         Opc.IdentifiedResult[] results = null;
         if (m_subscription != null)
             if (m_synchronous)
                 results = m_subscription.Write(items);
                 results = new AsyncRequestDlg().ShowDialog(m_subscription, items);
                 if (results == null)
             // add dummy client handles to test that they get returned properly.
             foreach (OpcDa::ItemValue item in items)
                 item.ClientHandle = item.ItemName;
             results = m_server.Write(items);
         // create a list of item value results.
         ArrayList values = new ArrayList();
         for (int ii = 0; ii < items.Length; ii++)
             OpcDa::ItemValueResult value = new OpcDa::ItemValueResult(items[ii]);
             value.ItemName       = results[ii].ItemName;
             value.ItemPath       = results[ii].ItemPath;
             value.ClientHandle   = results[ii].ClientHandle;
             value.ServerHandle   = results[ii].ServerHandle;
             value.ResultID       = results[ii].ResultID;
             value.DiagnosticInfo = results[ii].DiagnosticInfo;
         // save results.
         m_values            = (OpcDa::ItemValueResult[])values.ToArray(typeof(OpcDa::ItemValueResult));
         BackBTN.Enabled     = true;
         NextBTN.Enabled     = false;
         CancelBTN.Visible   = false;
         DoneBTN.Visible     = true;
         OptionsBTN.Visible  = false;
         ItemsCTRL.Visible   = false;
         ResultsCTRL.Visible = true;
         // display results.
         ResultsCTRL.Initialize(m_server, (m_subscription != null) ? m_subscription.Locale : m_server.Locale, m_values);
     catch (Exception e)