public Source_GPIO( rfid.Constants.GpioPin nativePin, OpState state ) : base() { this.nativePin = nativePin; this.access = OpAccess.SET; this.state = state; this.status = OpResult.FAILURE; }
public FmEquipment(EquipmentClass modelC, OpState op = OpState.Add) : this() { this.opState = op; this.modelC = modelC; }
public OpItem(OpState state, object opval) { this.OpState = state; this.OpValue = opval; }
//新增 private void Add(object sender, EventArgs e) { this.opState = OpState.Add; this.RefreshUI(); }
private void StartTimeoutTrack(int timeout) { this._opState = OpState.Working; this._timer.Change(timeout, -1); }
public FmQMItem(int QMItemId, OpState op = OpState.Browse) : this() { this.model = dal.Get(QMItemId); }
public FmBILL(OpState operation) { InitializeComponent(); this.opState = operation; }
//取消 private void Btn_Cancel_Click(object sender, EventArgs e) { this.opState = OpState.Browse; UIControl.SetStatus(bar1, bar2, pnlMain, gridView1, OpState.Browse); //this.LoadData(curId); }
public FmBIU(OpState opState) { InitializeComponent(); this.Load += FormLoad; this.opState = opState; }
public FmInvDetail(OpState op, InventoryClass invC) { InitializeComponent(); this.opState = op; this.invC = invC; }
public static void SetStatus(Bar toolbar, Bar dbar, Control panMain, GridView grid, OpState mode) { ButtonItem item; if (mode == OpState.Browse) { foreach (BaseItem aitem in toolbar.Items) { #region toolbar if (aitem is ButtonItem) { item = aitem as ButtonItem; if (item.Text.Contains("增")) { item.Enabled = true; } else if (item.Text.Contains("删")) { item.Enabled = true; } else if (item.Text.Contains("改")) { item.Enabled = true; } else if (item.Text.Contains("存")) { item.Enabled = false; } else if (item.Text.Contains("消")) { item.Enabled = false; } else if (item.Text.Contains("审")) { item.Enabled = true; } else if (item.Name.Contains("previous")) { item.Enabled = true; } else if (item.Name.Contains("next")) { item.Enabled = true; } else if (item.Name.Contains("last")) { item.Enabled = true; } else if (item.Name.Contains("first")) { item.Enabled = true; } } #endregion } foreach (BaseItem aitem in dbar.Items) { if (aitem is ButtonItem) { (aitem as ButtonItem).Enabled = false; } } foreach (Control ctrl in panMain.Controls) { if (ctrl is TextEdit) { (ctrl as TextEdit).ReadOnly = true; (ctrl as TextEdit).BackColor = System.Drawing.Color.LightGray; } if (ctrl is ButtonEdit) { (ctrl as ButtonEdit).Properties.Buttons[0].Visible = false; } } grid.OptionsBehavior.ReadOnly = true; grid.OptionsSelection.MultiSelectMode = GridMultiSelectMode.RowSelect; grid.OptionsBehavior.Editable = false; } else if (mode == OpState.Update || mode == OpState.Add) { foreach (BaseItem aitem in toolbar.Items) { #region toolbar if (aitem is ButtonItem) { item = aitem as ButtonItem; if (item.Text.Contains("增")) { item.Enabled = false; } else if (item.Text.Contains("删")) { item.Enabled = false; } else if (item.Text.Contains("改")) { item.Enabled = false; } else if (item.Text.Contains("存")) { item.Enabled = true; } else if (item.Text.Contains("消")) { item.Enabled = true; } else if (item.Text.Contains("审")) { item.Enabled = false; } else if (item.Name.Contains("previous")) { item.Enabled = false; } else if (item.Name.Contains("next")) { item.Enabled = false; } else if (item.Name.Contains("last")) { item.Enabled = false; } else if (item.Name.Contains("first")) { item.Enabled = false; } } #endregion } foreach (BaseItem aitem in dbar.Items) { if (aitem is ButtonItem) { (aitem as ButtonItem).Enabled = true; } } foreach (Control ctrl in panMain.Controls) { if (ctrl is TextEdit) { if ((ctrl as TextEdit).Name.Substring(0, 4).ToLower() != "txtr") { (ctrl as TextEdit).ReadOnly = false; (ctrl as TextEdit).BackColor = System.Drawing.Color.White; } if (ctrl is ButtonEdit) { (ctrl as ButtonEdit).Properties.Buttons[0].Visible = true; } } } grid.OptionsBehavior.ReadOnly = false; grid.OptionsSelection.MultiSelectMode = GridMultiSelectMode.CellSelect; grid.OptionsBehavior.Editable = true; } }
public FmMouldEqInvAdd(string MId, OpState op = OpState.Update) : this() { this.MId = MId; }
private void BtnAdd_Click(object sender, EventArgs e) { this.opState = OpState.Add; this.model = dal.New(); this.RefreshUI(); }
//int orderId; //public OpAndType(MeshFilter mesh1, BooleanType type1, OpState state1) //{ // //mesh = mesh1; // type = type1; // state = state1; //} public OpAndType(MeshFilter mesh1, BooleanType type1) { //mesh = mesh1; type = type1; state = new OpState(mesh1.transform); }
//编辑 private void Edit(object sender, EventArgs e) { this.opState = OpState.Update; UIControl.SetStatus(this, this.opState); }
public FmMould(string MId, OpState op = OpState.Update) : this() { this.opState = op; this.MId = MId; }
public void Copy( Source_GPIO from ) { this.nativePin = from.nativePin; this.access = from.access; this.state = from.state; this.status = from.status; }
//编辑 private void Btn_Edit_Click(object sender, EventArgs e) { this.opState = OpState.Update; UIControl.SetStatus(bar1, bar2, pnlMain, gridView1, OpState.Update); }
public rfid.Constants.Result load( rfid.Linkage transport, UInt32 readerHandle ) { // TODO : validate that when doin store the given pin has // access flag in GET mode (?) // Configure pin to set mode rfid.Constants.Result result = rfid.Constants.Result.OK; rfid.Constants.Result resultErr = rfid.Constants.Result.OK; uint uiCurError = 0; uint uiLastError = 0; byte getValue = 0; //Set access to "Get" result = transport.API_GpioSetPinsConfiguration( (byte)this.nativePin, 0 ); if (rfid.Constants.Result.OK != result) { //Get error resultErr = transport.API_MacGetError(ref uiCurError, ref uiLastError); //Can't get error if (resultErr != rfid.Constants.Result.OK) { this.status = OpResult.FAILURE; return resultErr; } //If error = 0x2B, it means doesn't support this pin if (uiCurError == 0x2B) { this.status = OpResult.UNSUPPORTED; return result; } else { this.status = OpResult.FAILURE; return result; } } //Get GPIO Status result = transport.API_GpioReadPins( (byte)this.nativePin, ref getValue ); if ( rfid.Constants.Result.OK == result ) { this.state = ( ( UInt32 ) this.nativePin & getValue ) == 0 ? OpState.LO : OpState.HI; this.status = OpResult.SUCCESS; } else { this.state = OpState.FAILURE; this.status = OpResult.FAILURE; } return result; }
private void btn_Edit_Click(object sender, EventArgs e) { this.opState = OpState.Update; UIControl.SetStatus(Head_Bar, tab_Main.AttachedControl, opState); }
//编辑 private void Edit(object sender, EventArgs e) { this.opState = OpState.Update; UIControl.SetStatus(this, this.opState); //UIControl.SetStatus(bar1, bar2, pnlMain, gridView1, OpState.Update); }
void Transition() { // TODO: back to default when lose / fail to get recorder registered if (m_adjustDistanceCandidate || m_opstate == OpState.Op_AdjustDistance || m_opstate == OpState.Op_NewSpawn) { delta = IAAController.Position - m_adjustDistanceTouchPos; m_adjustDistanceTouchPos = IAAController.Position; if (IAAController.TouchDown) { delta = new Vector2(0, 0); } } if (m_adjustDistanceCandidate) { // Debug.Log (m_adjustDistanceCount); if (!IAAController.IsTouching) { m_adjustDistanceCandidate = false; } if (Mathf.Abs(delta.x) > MinDeltaXToDisable) { m_adjustDistanceCandidate = false; Debug.Log("Adjust disabled"); } if (delta.y * m_adjustDistanceCount > -1e-9) { m_adjustDistanceCount += delta.y; } else { m_adjustDistanceCount = 0; } if (Mathf.Abs(m_adjustDistanceCount) > MinDeltaYThatCount) { m_opstate = OpState.Op_AdjustDistance; } } switch (m_opstate) { case OpState.Op_Default: if (m_target && IAAController.ClickButtonDown && IAAController.IsRightPress) { m_opstate = OpState.Op_PressAndHoldCandidate; } else if (m_target && IAAController.ClickButtonDown && IAAController.IsCenterPress) { m_opstate = OpState.Op_Moving; } break; case OpState.Op_PressAndHoldCandidate: if (!m_target) { m_presstime = 0; m_opstate = OpState.Op_Default; } else { if (IAAController.IsPressed) { m_presstime += Time.deltaTime; if (m_presstime > m_holdtime && m_recorder == 0 && m_target) { m_presstime = 0; IAAPlayer.localPlayer.CmdSetSoundObjectRecorder(netId, true); m_opstate = OpState.Op_Recording; m_drawingPlane.SetNormalAndPosition((Camera.main.transform.position - IAAController.reticle.transform.position).normalized, IAAController.reticle.transform.position); if (m_looping) { IAAPlayer.localPlayer.CmdToggleSoundObjectLoopingState(netId); } IAAPlayer.localPlayer.CmdSetSoundObjectDrawingSequence(netId, true); m_sequencer.startNewSequence(); } } else { // Not long enough. Change looping state. IAAPlayer.localPlayer.CmdToggleSoundObjectLoopingState(netId); m_presstime = 0; m_opstate = OpState.Op_Default; } } break; case OpState.Op_Recording: if (!IAAController.IsPressed) { IAAPlayer.localPlayer.CmdSetSoundObjectRecorder(netId, false); m_opstate = OpState.Op_Default; m_sequencer.endSequence(); IAAPlayer.localPlayer.CmdSetSoundObjectDrawingSequence(netId, false); if (!m_looping) { IAAPlayer.localPlayer.CmdToggleSoundObjectLoopingState(netId); } } break; case OpState.Op_AdjustDistance: if (IAAController.IsPressed) { if (m_target && IAAController.IsCenterPress) { m_opstate = OpState.Op_Moving; } else { m_opstate = OpState.Op_Default; } } else if (!IAAController.IsTouching) { if (IAAController.TouchUp) { m_adjustLiftTime = 0; } else { m_adjustLiftTime += Time.deltaTime; if (m_adjustLiftTime > MaxTimeBetweenLifting) { m_opstate = OpState.Op_Default; } } } checkAuthority(); break; case OpState.Op_Moving: if (IAAController.ClickButtonUp) { m_opstate = OpState.Op_Default; } checkAuthority(); break; case OpState.Op_NewSpawn: if (IAAController.ClickButtonDown) { m_opstate = OpState.Op_Default; } checkAuthority(); break; default: break; } if (m_target && IAAController.TouchDown && m_opstate != OpState.Op_AdjustDistance) { m_adjustDistanceCandidate = true; m_adjustDistanceTouchPos = IAAController.Position; m_adjustDistanceCount = 0; } switch (m_opstate) { case OpState.Op_Default: break; case OpState.Op_PressAndHoldCandidate: break; case OpState.Op_Recording: break; case OpState.Op_AdjustDistance: adjustDistance(delta.y); break; case OpState.Op_Moving: moveObject(); break; case OpState.Op_NewSpawn: moveObject(); adjustDistance(delta.y); break; default: break; } }
public FmTransVouch(OpState op = OpState.Add) : this() { this.opState = op; }
public rfid.Constants.Result load ( rfid.Linkage transport, UInt32 readerHandle ) { // TODO : validate that when doin store the given pin has // access flag in GET mode (?) // Configure pin to set mode rfid.Constants.Result result = rfid.Constants.Result.OK; rfid.Constants.Result resultErr = rfid.Constants.Result.OK; uint uiCurError = 0; uint uiLastError = 0; byte getValue = 0; //Set access to "Get" result = transport.API_GpioSetPinsConfiguration((byte)this.nativePin, 0); if (rfid.Constants.Result.OK != result) { //Get error resultErr = transport.API_MacGetError(ref uiCurError, ref uiLastError); //Can't get error if (resultErr != rfid.Constants.Result.OK) { this.status = OpResult.FAILURE; return(resultErr); } //If error = 0x2B, it means doesn't support this pin if (uiCurError == 0x2B) { this.status = OpResult.UNSUPPORTED; return(result); } else { this.status = OpResult.FAILURE; return(result); } } //Get GPIO Status result = transport.API_GpioReadPins((byte)this.nativePin, ref getValue); if (rfid.Constants.Result.OK == result) { this.state = (( UInt32 )this.nativePin & getValue) == 0 ? OpState.LO : OpState.HI; this.status = OpResult.SUCCESS; } else { this.state = OpState.FAILURE; this.status = OpResult.FAILURE; } return(result); }
void StartTimeoutTrack(int timeout) { _opState = OpState.Working; _timer.Change(timeout, Timeout.Infinite); }
//编辑 private void Edit(object sender, EventArgs e) { this.opState = OpState.Update; this.RefreshUI(); }
void StopTimeoutTrack(Exception e) { lock(this) { if(_opState == OpState.Timedout) { throw new SocketException(SockErrors.WSAETIMEDOUT); // throw new SocketTimeoutException(null, e); } else { CheckDisposed(); _opState = OpState.Finished; } _timer.Change(Timeout.Infinite, Timeout.Infinite); } }
public OpItem(OpState state) { this.OpState = state; this.OpValue = null; }
void OnTimer(object state) { lock(this) { if(!_disposed) { _timer.Change(Timeout.Infinite, Timeout.Infinite); if(_opState == OpState.Working) { _opState = OpState.Timedout; Dispose(); } } } }
public FmEquipment(int EQId, OpState op = OpState.Update) : this() { this.opState = op; this.EQId = EQId; }
//新增 private void Btn_Add_Click(object sender, EventArgs e) { this.opState = OpState.Add; UIControl.SetStatus(bar1, bar2, pnlMain, gridView1, OpState.Add); this.Add(); }
public bool IsConnectionExists(DbcMessage canMsg, CanTxSignalType sigType, OpState opstate, Variant var) { return(_connections.Any(p => (p.SourceCANTxSignal is DbcMessage) && ((DbcMessage)p.SourceCANTxSignal).Name == canMsg.Name && p.TargetSignalType.Name == sigType.Name && p.ConnectedOpState.Name == opstate.Name && p.Variant.RbVariant == var.RbVariant)); }
public FmMould(MouldClass modelC, OpState op = OpState.Add) : this() { this.opState = op; this.modelC = modelC; }