Exemple #1
    // Prepare data to be used in Solve()
    protected override void PreProcessInputs()
         * 1) Check if input data are ok (data validation): from date contained
         * 2) I choose the Longer Swap (LS)
         * 3) I get array of dates of payment of LS (pass it to data member)
         * 4) I get array of year fraction of LS (pass it to data member)

        // From date of each fwd rate from longer swap(LS)
        List <double> FromDatesSerial = Date.GetSerialValue(OnlyGivenSwap.Last().scheduleLeg2.fromDates).ToList <double>();

        // validating underlying tenor: swap should be all vs the same tenor
        string UnderlyingTenor = ((SwapStyle)OnlyGivenSwap.First()).swapLeg2.UnderlyingRateTenor;

        foreach (SwapStyle b in OnlyGivenSwap)
            // Check if contained
            if (!FromDatesSerial.Contains(((SwapStyle)b).scheduleLeg2.fromDates.Last().SerialValue))
                throw new ArgumentException("From date not contained");

        DateDf = new SortedList <double, double>(); // Inizialize DateDF
        DateDf.Add(refDate.SerialValue, 1.0);       // first discount factor
        // IEnumerable<KeyValuePair<double,double>>
        var f = from c in BBArray
                where c.GetType().BaseType == typeof(OnePaymentStyle)
                where c.endDate != refDate.add_period(UnderlyingTenor)
                let yf                   = refDate.YF(c.endDate, c.dayCount) // year fraction
                                  let df = Formula.DFsimple(yf, c.rateValue) // calculate discount factor
                                           select new KeyValuePair <double, double>(c.endDate.SerialValue, df);

        foreach (KeyValuePair <double, double> kpv in f)
            DateDf.Add(kpv.Key, kpv.Value);

        // Getting the fixing
        fixing = (from c in BBArray
                  where c.GetType().BaseType == typeof(OnePaymentStyle)
                  where c.endDate == refDate.add_period(UnderlyingTenor)
                  select c.rateValue).Single();

        // Inizialize some data member
        SwapStyle LongerSwap = OnlyGivenSwap.Last(); // Swap with longer maturity

        // Year Fraction of floating leg of longer swap. It is needed to calculate DF
        yfFloatLegLongerSwap = LongerSwap.scheduleLeg2.GetYFVect(LongerSwap.swapLeg2.DayCount); // floating leg is leg 2

        // Dates on which I calculate Df
        DatesDfLongerSwap = Date.GetSerialValue(LongerSwap.scheduleLeg2.payDates);

        // number of fwd rate to find
        N = DatesDfLongerSwap.Length;

        // fwd rate of longer swap
        fwdGuessLongerSwap    = new double[N];
        fwdGuessLongerSwap[0] = fixing;  // first is the fixing