/*public MSRTrackData RetrieveTrackData(byte[] trackInformation)
         * {
         *  MSRTrackData trackData = new MSRTrackData()
         *  {
         *      PANData = string.Empty,
         *      Name = string.Empty,
         *      ExpirationDate = string.Empty,
         *      DiscretionaryData = string.Empty
         *  };
         *  // xF�E�t�24180001234563^FDCS TEST CARD /MASTERCARD^25121010001111123456789012?C�
         *  //string decryptedTrack = ConversionHelper.ByteArrayToUTF8String(trackInformation);
         *  //string decryptedTrack = ConversionHelper.ByteArrayToAsciiString(trackInformation);
         *  // xF?E?t?24180001234563^FDCS TEST CARD /MASTERCARD^25121010001111123456789012?C?
         *  string decryptedTrack = Regex.Replace(ConversionHelper.ByteArrayToAsciiString(trackInformation), @"[^\u0020-\u007E]", string.Empty);
         *  //MatchCollection match = Regex.Matches(decryptedTrack, "(?:[^^^?]+)", RegexOptions.Compiled);
         *  MatchCollection match = Regex.Matches(decryptedTrack, "([^^^]+)", RegexOptions.Compiled);
         *  if (match.Count >= 3)
         *  {
         *      // PAN DATA
         *      MatchCollection pan = Regex.Matches(match[0].Value, "(?:[^^^?]+)", RegexOptions.Compiled);
         *      if (pan.Count >= 4)
         *      {
         *          trackData.PANData = Regex.Replace(pan[3].Value, @"[^\u0020-\u007E]", string.Empty);
         *      }
         *      // NAME
         *      trackData.Name = match[1].Value;
         *      // ADDITIONAL DATA
         *      MatchCollection track1 = Regex.Matches(match[2].Value, "(?:[^^^?]+)", RegexOptions.Compiled);
         *      if (track1.Count >= 1)
         *      {
         *          trackData.ExpirationDate = track1[0].Value.Substring(0, 4);
         *          trackData.ServiceCode = track1[0].Value.Substring(4, 3);
         *          if (track1.Count >= 2)
         *          {
         *              MatchCollection discretionary = Regex.Matches(track1[1].Value, "^[[:ascii:]]+");
         *              if (discretionary.Count > 0)
         *              {
         *                  trackData.DiscretionaryData = discretionary[0].Value;
         *              }
         *          }
         *      }
         *  }
         *  return trackData;
         * }*/

        /// <summary>
        /// The Track 1 structure is specified as:
        ///     STX : Start sentinel "%"
        ///     FC : Format code "B" (The format described here.Format "A" is reserved for proprietary use.)
        ///     PAN : Payment card number 4400664987366029, up to 19 digits
        ///     FS : Separator "^"
        ///     NM : Name, 2 to 26 characters(including separators, where appropriate, between surname, first name etc.)
        ///     FS : Separator "^"
        ///     ED : Expiration data, 4 digits or "^"
        ///     SC : Service code, 3 digits or "^"
        ///     DD : Discretionary data, balance of characters
        ///     ETX : End sentinel "?"
        ///     LRC : Longitudinal redundancy check, calculated according to ISO/IEC 7811-2
        /// ^%B([0-9]{1,19})\^([^\^]{2,26})\^([0-9]{4}|\^)([0-9]{3}|\^)([^\?]+)\?$
        /// </summary>
        /// <param name="trackInformation"></param>
        /// <returns></returns>
        public OnlinePinData RetrievePinData(byte[] pinInformation)
            OnlinePinData pinData = new OnlinePinData()
                PANData = string.Empty,

            // clean up track data
            string decryptedPin = Regex.Replace(ConversionHelper.ByteArrayToAsciiString(pinInformation), @"[^\u0020-\u007E]", string.Empty, RegexOptions.Compiled);

            Debug.WriteLine($"DECRYPTED _: {decryptedPin}");

            MatchCollection match = Regex.Matches(decryptedPin, @"%B([0-9 ]{1,19})\^([^\^]{2,26})\^([0-9]{4}|\^)([0-9]{3}|\^)([^\?]+)\?", RegexOptions.Compiled);

            // DISCRETIONARY DATA is optional
            if (match.Count == 1 && match[0].Groups.Count >= 5)
                // PAN DATA
                pinData.PANData = match[0].Groups[1].Value;

Exemple #2
        static void InternalTesting()
                foreach (var item in trackPayload)
                    PinDecryptor decryptor = new PinDecryptor();

                    // decryptor in action
                    byte[] trackInformation = decryptor.DecryptData(item.KSN, item.EncryptedData);

                    string decryptedTrack = ConversionHelper.ByteArrayToHexString(trackInformation);

                    Debug.WriteLine($"OUTPUT ____: {decryptedTrack}");
                    Console.WriteLine($"OUTPUT : [{decryptedTrack}]");

                    byte[] expectedValue = ConversionHelper.HexToByteArray(item.DecryptedData);
                    bool   result        = StructuralComparisons.StructuralEqualityComparer.Equals(expectedValue, trackInformation);
                    Console.WriteLine($"EQUAL  : [{result}]");

                    OnlinePinData pinData = decryptor.RetrievePinData(trackInformation);
                    Console.WriteLine($"CHOLDER: [{pinData.PANData}]");
            catch (Exception e)
                Console.WriteLine($"EXCEPTION: {e.Message}");
        static void DecryptOnlinePin(IConfiguration configuration, int index)
            var onlinePin = configuration.GetSection("OnlinePinGroup:OnlinePin")
                            .Select(x => new
                onlinePinKsn       = x.GetValue <string>("KSN"),
                onlinePinPan       = x.GetValue <string>("PAN"),
                onlineEncryptedPin = x.GetValue <string>("EncryptedPin"),
                onlineDecryptedPin = x.GetValue <string>("DecryptedPin")

            // Is there a matching item?
            if (onlinePin.Count() > index)
                string onlinePinKsn       = onlinePin.ElementAt(index).onlinePinKsn;
                string onlinePinPan       = onlinePin.ElementAt(index).onlinePinPan;
                string onlineEncryptedPin = onlinePin.ElementAt(index).onlineEncryptedPin;
                string onlineDecryptedPin = onlinePin.ElementAt(index).onlineDecryptedPin;

                    Console.WriteLine($"==== [ ONLINE PIN DECRYPTION ] ====");

                    PinDecryptor decryptor = new PinDecryptor();

                    Debug.WriteLine($"KSN      : {onlinePinKsn}");
                    Console.WriteLine($"KSN      : {onlinePinKsn}");
                    Console.WriteLine($"DATA     : {onlineEncryptedPin}");

                    // decryptor in action
                    byte[] pinInformation = decryptor.DecryptData(onlinePinKsn, onlineEncryptedPin);

                    string decryptedPin = ConversionHelper.ByteArrayToHexString(pinInformation);

                    Console.WriteLine($"OUTPUT   : {decryptedPin}");
                    Debug.WriteLine($"OUTPUT ____: {decryptedPin}");

                    OnlinePinData pinInfo = decryptor.RetrievePinData(pinInformation);

                    Debug.WriteLine($"PAN DATA   : {pinInfo.PANData}");

                    byte[] expectedValue = ConversionHelper.HexToByteArray(onlineDecryptedPin);
                    bool   result        = StructuralComparisons.StructuralEqualityComparer.Equals(expectedValue, pinInformation);
                    Console.WriteLine($"EQUAL ___: [{result}]");
                catch (Exception e)
                    Console.WriteLine($"EXCEPTION: {e.Message}");
Exemple #4
        static void ConfigurationLoad()
            // Get appsettings.json config.
            IConfiguration configuration = new ConfigurationBuilder()
                                           .AddJsonFile("appsettings.json", optional: true, reloadOnChange: true)

            var onlinePin = configuration.GetSection("OnlinePinGroup:OnlinePin")
                            .Select(x => new
                onlinePinKsn  = x.GetValue <string>("KSN"),
                onlinePinData = x.GetValue <string>("EncryptedData")

            // set the target index
            int index = 0;

            if (onlinePin.Count() > index)
                string onlinePinKsn  = onlinePin.ElementAt(index).onlinePinKsn;
                string onlinePinData = onlinePin.ElementAt(index).onlinePinData;

                    PinDecryptor decryptor = new PinDecryptor();

                    Debug.WriteLine($"KSN      : {onlinePinKsn}");
                    Console.WriteLine($"KSN      : {onlinePinKsn}");
                    Console.WriteLine($"DATA     : {onlinePinData}");

                    // decryptor in action
                    byte[] trackInformation = decryptor.DecryptData(onlinePinKsn, onlinePinData);

                    string decryptedTrack = ConversionHelper.ByteArrayToHexString(trackInformation);

                    Console.WriteLine($"OUTPUT   : {decryptedTrack}");
                    Debug.WriteLine($"OUTPUT ____: {decryptedTrack}");

                    //MSRTrackData trackInfo = decryptor.RetrieveAdditionalData(trackInformation);
                    OnlinePinData pinInfo = decryptor.RetrievePinData(trackInformation);

                    Debug.WriteLine($"PAN DATA     : {pinInfo.PANData}");
                catch (Exception e)
                    Console.WriteLine($"EXCEPTION: {e.Message}");