Exemple #1
        void Start()
            OnStateChangeDelegate oscd = (State crr, State old) => {
                foreach (StateOverseer so in overseers)
                    so.OnStateChange(crr, old);

            if (onStateChange == null)
                onStateChange = oscd;
                onStateChange += oscd;
            objectNameBase = gameObject.name;


            if (currentState == null)
                Debug.LogWarning("After Configure() there is still no currentState");
        public VMClientDriver(OnStateChangeDelegate callback)
            OutgoingCommands = new Queue <VMNetCommandBodyAbstract>();
            ServerMessages   = new Queue <VMNetMessage>();
            OnStateChange   += callback;

            GlobalLink = null; //transactions only performed by server. transaction results
            //are passed back to the clients as commands (for the primitive, at least)

            TickBuffer = new Queue <VMNetTick>();
Exemple #3
        public VMClientDriver(string hostName, int port, OnStateChangeDelegate callback)
            Commands = new Queue<VMNetCommandBodyAbstract>();
            Client = new NetworkClient(hostName, port, EncryptionMode.NoEncryption, true);

            Client.OnConnected += Client_OnConnected;
            Client.OnDisconnect += Client_OnDisconnect;
            OnStateChange += callback;

            TickBuffer = new Queue<VMNetTick>();
Exemple #4
        public VMClientDriver(string hostName, int port, OnStateChangeDelegate callback)
            Commands = new Queue <VMNetCommandBodyAbstract>();
            Client   = new NetworkClient(hostName, port, EncryptionMode.NoEncryption, true);

            Client.OnConnected  += Client_OnConnected;
            Client.OnDisconnect += Client_OnDisconnect;
            OnStateChange       += callback;

            TickBuffer = new Queue <VMNetTick>();
Exemple #5
        public VMClientDriver(string hostName, int port, OnStateChangeDelegate callback)
            Commands = new Queue <VMNetCommandBodyAbstract>();
            Client   = new NetworkClient(hostName, port, EncryptionMode.NoEncryption, true);

            Client.OnConnected  += Client_OnConnected;
            Client.OnDisconnect += Client_OnDisconnect;
            OnStateChange       += callback;

            GlobalLink = null; //transactions only performed by server. transaction results
            //are passed back to the clients as commands (for the primitive, at least)

            TickBuffer = new Queue <VMNetTick>();
Exemple #6
        private VM VMHook; //should probably always backreference the VM anyways, but just used by disconnect

        #endregion Fields

        #region Constructors

        public VMClientDriver(string hostName, int port, OnStateChangeDelegate callback)
            Commands = new Queue<VMNetCommandBodyAbstract>();
            Client = new NetworkClient(hostName, port, EncryptionMode.NoEncryption, true);

            Client.OnConnected += Client_OnConnected;
            Client.OnDisconnect += Client_OnDisconnect;
            OnStateChange += callback;

            GlobalLink = null; //transactions only performed by server. transaction results
            //are passed back to the clients as commands (for the primitive, at least)

            TickBuffer = new Queue<VMNetTick>();