public void Capture() { for (int i = 0; i < Bindings.Keys.Length; i++) { Binding key = Bindings.Keys[i]; bool keyPressed = Input.GetKey(key.Code); if (keyPressed == key.State) { continue; } Bindings.Keys[i].State = keyPressed; if (!keyPressed && !Release.Contains(key.InteractionSubscription)) { continue; } if (keyPressed && !Press.Contains(key.InteractionSubscription)) { continue; } Interaction interaction = keyPressed ? Interaction.Pressed : Interaction.Released; switch (key.Type) { case InputType.Key: OnKeyEvent?.Invoke(new KeyEvent(interaction, key.Action)); break; case InputType.Mouse: OnPointerEvent?.Invoke(new PointerEvent(interaction, key.Action, Input.mousePosition)); break; default: throw new System.Exception("Unhandled input binding type: " + key.Type); } } }
/// <summary> /// Makes a new instance of <see cref="GlfwKeyboard"/> class. /// </summary> /// <param name="window">Current context.</param> public GlfwKeyboard(GlfwWindow window) { handler = window; handler.OnRestore += Handler_OnRestore; keyCallback = (w, key, scancode, state, modifiers) => { OnKeyEvent?.Invoke(this, new KeyboardKeyEventArgs { Key = (KeyboardKey)key, Scancode = scancode, Action = (KeyState)state, Modifiers = (KeyModifier)modifiers }); }; charCallback = (w, c) => { OnType?.Invoke(this, new KeyboardTypeEventArgs { Point = (char)c }); }; charModsCallback = (w, c, modifiers) => { OnTypeWithMods?.Invoke(this, new KeyboardModTypeEventArgs { Point = (char)c, Modifiers = (KeyModifier)modifiers }); }; }
public static void OnKeyUp(Keys Key) { var Index = KeyToIndex(Key); KeyPreState_[Index] = KeyCurState_[Index]; KeyCurState_[Index] = false; OnKeyEvent?.Invoke(Key, false); }
public static void OnKeyDown(Keys Key) { var Index = KeyToIndex(Key); KeyPreState_[Index] = KeyCurState_[Index]; KeyCurState_[Index] = true; OnKeyEvent?.Invoke(Key, true); }
public InputMapper(Form form, Panel panel) { _stopwatch.Start(); panel.MouseDown += (sender, args) => { _isMouseDown = true; bool inDoubleClickInterval = _stopwatch.ElapsedMilliseconds < SystemInformation.DoubleClickTime; bool inDoubleClickDistance = Math.Abs(_lastClickPos.X - args.X) < SystemInformation.DoubleClickSize.Width && Math.Abs(_lastClickPos.Y - args.Y) < SystemInformation.DoubleClickSize.Height; if (inDoubleClickInterval && inDoubleClickDistance) { _clicks++; } else { _clicks = 1; } _stopwatch.Restart(); _lastClickPos = args.Location; OnMouseEvent?.Invoke(sender, new MouseEventItem(MouseEvent.MOUSE_PRESSED, args.X, args.Y, _clicks)); }; panel.MouseUp += (sender, args) => { OnMouseEvent?.Invoke(sender, new MouseEventItem(MouseEvent.MOUSE_RELEASED, args.X, args.Y, _clicks)); if (!_isDragging) { OnMouseEvent?.Invoke(sender, new MouseEventItem(MouseEvent.MOUSE_CLICKED, args.X, args.Y, _clicks)); } _isMouseDown = false; _isDragging = false; }; panel.MouseMove += (sender, args) => { if (_isMouseDown && args.Location != _lastClickPos) { _isDragging = true; OnMouseEvent?.Invoke(sender, new MouseEventItem(MouseEvent.MOUSE_DRAGGED, args.X, args.Y, 0)); } }; form.KeyDown += (sender, args) => { OnKeyEvent?.Invoke(sender, new KeyEventItem(KeyEvent.KEY_PRESSED, (int)args.KeyCode, KeyToChar(args))); }; form.KeyPress += (sender, args) => { OnKeyEvent?.Invoke(sender, new KeyEventItem(KeyEvent.KEY_TYPED, KeyEvent.VK_UNDEFINED, args.KeyChar)); }; form.KeyUp += (sender, args) => { OnKeyEvent?.Invoke(sender, new KeyEventItem(KeyEvent.KEY_RELEASED, (int)args.KeyCode, KeyToChar(args))); }; }
void Update() { if (Input.GetKeyDown(m_key)) { m_down.Invoke(m_key); } if (Input.GetKeyUp(m_key)) { m_up.Invoke(m_key); } if (Input.GetKey(m_key)) { m_pressing.Invoke(m_key); } }
/// <summary> /// Update the state of this element /// </summary> /// <param name="DeltaTime">Game clock.</param> public void Update(IFrameBasedClock clock) { while (currentState != null && currentState.Events.Count > 0) { IInputEvent e = currentState.Events.Dequeue(); if (e is InputEvent <KeyboardKeyEventArgs> keyEvent && keyEvent.Name == "OnKeyEvent") { OnKeyEvent?.Invoke(this, keyEvent.Info); } if (e is InputEvent <KeyboardModTypeEventArgs> modEvent && modEvent.Name == "OnModType") { OnTypeWithMods?.Invoke(this, modEvent.Info); } if (e is InputEvent <KeyboardTypeEventArgs> tyEvent && tyEvent.Name == "OnType") { OnType?.Invoke(this, tyEvent.Info); } } }
public IntPtr LowLevelKeyboardProc(int nCode, IntPtr wParam, IntPtr lParam) { var fEatKeyStroke = false; var wparamTyped = wParam.ToInt32(); if (Enum.IsDefined(typeof(KeyboardState), wparamTyped)) { var o = Marshal.PtrToStructure(lParam, typeof(LowLevelKeyboardInputEvent)); var p = (LowLevelKeyboardInputEvent)o; var keyState = (KeyboardState)wparamTyped; var keyUp = keyState == KeyboardState.KeyUp || keyState == KeyboardState.SysKeyUp; var keyDown = keyState == KeyboardState.KeyDown || keyState == KeyboardState.SysKeyDown; var key = (System.Windows.Forms.Keys)p.VirtualCode; var state = keyUp ? KeyboardKeyState.Up : keyDown ? KeyboardKeyState.Down : KeyboardKeyState.Unknown; Console.WriteLine("---"); var flags = new LowLevelKeyboardInputEventFlags(p.Flags); OnKeyEvent?.Invoke(new KeyboardKey { IsInjected = flags.IsInjected, Value = key, State = state }); } return(fEatKeyStroke ? (IntPtr)1 : CallNextHookEx(IntPtr.Zero, nCode, wParam, lParam)); }
private void KeyboardListener_KeyPressed(object sender, KeyboardEventArgs e) { _scene?.FireKeyEvent(e); OnKeyEvent?.Invoke(this, e); }