protected async Task DisconnectionCheckLoopAsync() { while (Running) { TcpClient[] clients; lock (ClientsLocker) clients = this.Clients.ToArray(); if (clients != null) { for (int i = 0; i < clients.Length; i++) { if (clients[i].Client != null && !clients[i].Client.Connected) { OnClientDisconnect?.Invoke(clients[i], DisconnectReason.Timeout.ToString()); DisconnectClient(clients[i], DisconnectReason.Timeout.ToString()); } } } int waitTime = (int)((1.0D / PingRate) * 1000.0D); await Task.Delay(waitTime); } }
/// <summary> /// Disconnects the client /// </summary> internal void Disconnect() { _tcpConnection.Disconnect(); _udpConnection.Disconnect(); _clientRegistry.UnregisterClient(this); OnClientDisconnect.Invoke(this); }
/// <summary> /// Ожидание приема команд от клиента /// </summary> /// <param name="clientId"></param> private void AwaitRecieveData(Guid clientId) { HandlerSocket rcvSocket; lock (HandlerSockets) { if (!HandlerSockets.ContainsKey(clientId)) { return; } rcvSocket = HandlerSockets[clientId]; } try { var p = new Packet(rcvSocket); rcvSocket.Socket.BeginReceive(p.Buffer, 0, p.Buffer.Length, SocketFlags.None, ReceiveData, p); } catch (SocketException socketException) { OnClientDisconnect?.Invoke(clientId); Debug.WriteLine(socketException.Message); } catch (Exception e) { var messageError = e.InnerException?.Message ?? e.Message; Debug.WriteLine(messageError); } }
internal void DisconnectClient(WebSocketsClient wsclient) { if (wsclient.Socket.Connected) { OnClientDisconnect?.Invoke(this, new WebSocketsClientEventArgs(wsclient)); clients.Remove(wsclient); try { wsclient.Stream.Close(); } catch (Exception e) { OnError?.Invoke(this, new WebSocketsErrorEventArgs(e)); } try { wsclient.Stream.Dispose(); } catch (Exception e) { OnError?.Invoke(this, new WebSocketsErrorEventArgs(e)); } try { wsclient.Socket.Close(); } catch (Exception e) { OnError?.Invoke(this, new WebSocketsErrorEventArgs(e)); } } }
void HandleDisconnect(CClientSocket ClientSocket) { if (OnClientDisconnect != null) { OnClientDisconnect.Invoke(ClientSocket); } }
private void ClientDisconnect(DisconnectionContext ctx, ConnectionInfo inf) { lock (LockObject) { for (int i = 0; i < ClientCount; i++) { if (!Clients[i].connectionInfo.Equals(inf)) { continue; } if (Clients[i].DisconnectionMode.type == DisconnectionContext.DisconnectionType.REMOVE) { Clients.RemoveAt(i); i--; } else if ((int)Clients[i].DisconnectionMode.type == 2 && GlobalDefaults.ForcibleDisconnectMode == 0) { Clients.RemoveAt(i); i--; } } OnClientDisconnect?.Invoke(ctx, inf); } if (RestartAutomatically && !Running && ClientCount < MaxClients) { StartServer(); } }
/// <summary> /// Обработчик события при попытке принять входящее соединение /// </summary> /// <param name="sender"></param> /// <param name="socketArgs"></param> private void AcceptSocketOnCompleted(object sender, SocketAsyncEventArgs socketArgs) { if (socketArgs.SocketError != SocketError.Success) { return; } lock (HandlerSockets) { _currentClientId = Guid.NewGuid(); var hSocket = new HandlerSocket(socketArgs.AcceptSocket, _currentClientId); HandlerSockets.Add(_currentClientId, hSocket); OnClientConnect?.Invoke(_currentClientId); } try { AwaitRecieveData(_currentClientId); var argsAcceptSocket = new SocketAsyncEventArgs(); argsAcceptSocket.Completed += AcceptSocketOnCompleted; _listenerSocket.AcceptAsync(argsAcceptSocket); } catch (SocketException socketException) { OnClientDisconnect?.Invoke(_currentClientId); Debug.WriteLine(socketException.Message); } }
protected virtual void DisconnectClient(TcpClient client, string reason) { OnClientDisconnect?.Invoke(client, reason); new NetKick(reason).Send(client.Client); client.Close(); client.Dispose(); lock (ClientsLocker) Clients.Remove(client); }
public void InitThreads() { _thRecv = new Thread(() => { while (_isAlive) { ProcessRecvQueue(); SignalPacketRecv.WaitOne(RecvWaitMs); } }); _thKeepAlive = new Thread(() => { while (_isAlive) { DateTime dtNow = DateTime.Now; List <string> offlineEndpoints = new List <string>(); List <RUDPConnectionData> cons = new List <RUDPConnectionData>(); lock (_connectionsMutex) cons.AddRange(Connections.Select(x => x.Value)); Parallel.ForEach(cons, (cn) => { if ((dtNow - cn.LastKeepAliveDate).Seconds >= KeepAliveInterval) { cn.LastKeepAliveDate = dtNow; SendKeepAlive(cn.EndPoint); lock (cn.Pending) foreach (RUDPPacket p in cn.Pending) { RetransmitPacket(p); } } if ((dtNow - cn.LastPacketDate).Seconds >= ConnectionTimeout) { Debug("TIMEOUT"); if (!IsServer) { Disconnect(); } else { offlineEndpoints.Add(cn.EndPoint.ToString()); } } }); lock (_connectionsMutex) foreach (string ep in offlineEndpoints) { OnClientDisconnect?.Invoke(Connections[ep].EndPoint); Debug("-Connection {0}", ep); Connections.Remove(ep); } Thread.Sleep(10); } }); _thRecv.Start(); _thKeepAlive.Start(); }
/// <summary> /// Send a message to all connected clients. /// </summary> /// <param name="message">A byte array representing the message to send.</param> /// <param name="testConnections"></param> public void SendMessage(byte[] message, bool testConnections = false) { if (testConnections) { var clientsToRemove = new List <int>(); foreach (var clientId in WorkerSockets.Keys) { if (WorkerSockets[clientId].UserSocket.Connected) { try { WorkerSockets[clientId].UserSocket.Send(message); } catch { clientsToRemove.Add(clientId); } Thread.Sleep(10); // this is for a client Ping so stagger the send messages } else { clientsToRemove.Add(clientId); } } if (clientsToRemove.Count > 0) { foreach (var cId in clientsToRemove) { OnClientDisconnect?.Invoke(cId); } } clientsToRemove.Clear(); } else { foreach (var s in WorkerSockets.Values) { try { if (s.UserSocket.Connected) { s.UserSocket.Send(message); } } catch (SocketException se) { Console.WriteLine(se.Message); } } } }
public void DisconnectClient(Connection client) { if (client.IsConnected) { client.Disconnect(); } UnsubscribeOnClient(client); connections.Remove(connections.FirstOrDefault(x => x == client));; OnClientDisconnect.Invoke(client); }
private void ExtendedClientLeftView(object sender, IEnumerable <ClientLeftView> eventArgs) { clientbufferOutdated = true; if (OnClientDisconnect == null) { return; } foreach (var evData in eventArgs) { clientbufferOutdated = true; OnClientDisconnect?.Invoke(sender, evData); } }
private void ClientDisconnect() { clientSock.GetStream().Close(); clientSock.Close(); clientSock.Dispose(); stream.Close(); stream.Dispose(); receiveBuffer = null; stream = null; clientSock = null; onClientDisconnect?.Invoke(id); udpClient = null; updateClients?.Invoke(room); }
private void CallClientDisconnect(int clientId) { try { OnClientDisconnect?.Invoke(this, new ConnectionArgs(clientId)); } catch (Exception ex) { if (_showFail) { Debug.Fail(ex.Message, ex.StackTrace); } } }
private void SetOnClientDisconnect(Operation Client, string Reason) { OnClientDisconnect?.Invoke(Client, Reason); ShutdownResult ShutdownResult = Shutdown(); if (ShutdownResult.IsOperationSuccess) { Console.WriteLine(ShutdownResult.Message); } else { Console.WriteLine(ShutdownResult.Message); } }
public void RemoveClient(Client client) { client.OnPacketReceive -= Client_OnPacketReceive; client.OnDisconnect -= Client_OnDisconnect; // if the client was added we will remove it if (client.NetworkId != null) { ConnectedClients.TryRemove(client.NetworkId, out client); OnClientDisconnect?.Invoke(this, new ClientStateChangeArgs(client.NetworkId, client)); } client.Dispose(); }
/// <summary> /// Manuseia Comunicação do Cliente /// </summary> private void HandlePlayer(object obj) { //Recebe cliente a partir do parâmetro TcpClient tcpClient = (TcpClient)obj; var Player = OnConnectPlayer(tcpClient); //Chama evento OnClientConnected PlayerConnect(Player); while (Player.Connected) { try { byte[] message = ReceivePacket(tcpClient.GetStream()); if (message.Length >= 5) { if (Player.Connected) { var packet = new Packet(message, Player.GetKey); if (ShowLog) { packet.Log(); } //Dispara evento OnPacketReceived PlayerRequestPacket(Player, packet); } } else { if (Player.Connected) { OnClientDisconnect?.Invoke(Player); DisconnectPlayer(Player); } } } catch (Exception ex) { OnClientDisconnect?.Invoke(Player); ServerExpection(Player, ex); } } if (Player.Connected) { DisconnectPlayer(Player); } }
private void HandleConnection() { try { while (true) { //Check status of current connections lock (_lock) { foreach ((string key, ClientSocket socket) in _clientSockets.ToList().Where(x => !x.Value.IsConnected())) { socket.Disconnect(); _clientSockets.Remove(key); OnClientDisconnect?.Invoke(socket.ClientId); } } //Check for new connections if (_listener.Pending()) { //Accept new client ClientSocket newSocket = new ClientSocket(Guid.NewGuid().ToString(), _listener.AcceptTcpClient()); //Add new client to list lock (_lock) { _clientSockets.Add(newSocket.ClientId, newSocket); } OnClientConnect?.Invoke(newSocket); //Fire client connection and authentication events newSocket.Emit("connect"); newSocket.Emit("authentication"); } else { //Waits half a second if no pending connections to preserve performance of machine Thread.Sleep(500); } } } catch (SocketException e) { Console.WriteLine("SocketException: {0}", e); Stop(); } }
public FizzySteamyMirror() { // dispatch the events from the server server.OnConnected += (id) => OnServerConnect?.Invoke(id); server.OnDisconnected += (id) => OnServerDisconnect?.Invoke(id); server.OnReceivedData += (id, data) => OnServerData?.Invoke(id, data); server.OnReceivedError += (id, exception) => OnServerError?.Invoke(id, exception); // dispatch events from the client client.OnConnected += () => OnClientConnect?.Invoke(); client.OnDisconnected += () => OnClientDisconnect?.Invoke(); client.OnReceivedData += (data) => OnClientData?.Invoke(data); client.OnReceivedError += (exception) => OnClientError?.Invoke(exception); Debug.Log("FizzySteamyMirror initialized!"); }
/// <summary> /// Waits until an event is recieved by some client and it is returned with information about this client. /// </summary> /// <returns></returns> public async Task <InfoControllerEvent> RecieveEventAsync() { InfoControllerEvent result = default; while (true) { // Waits for first user. while (_events.Count == 0) { await Task.Delay(25); } int index = -1; try { index = Task.WaitAny(_events.ToArray(), _src.Token); } catch (OperationCanceledException) { _src = new CancellationTokenSource(); continue; } result = await _events[index]; if (GetClient(result.Sender).IsConnected) { _events[index] = GetClient(result.Sender).ReceiveAsync(); break; } else { lock (_playersLock) _events.RemoveAt(index); OnClientDisconnect?.Invoke(GetClient(result.Sender)); if (RemoveClientsAfterDisconnect) { await RemoveClient(result.Sender); } } } return(result); }
protected override void DisconnectedByRemote(Socket socket) { try { IPEndPoint clientEndPoint = (IPEndPoint)socket.RemoteEndPoint; NetUtil.LogInfo(logTag, $"Client disconnected ({clientEndPoint.Address}:{clientEndPoint.Port})"); } catch (Exception) { NetUtil.LogWarning(logTag, "TcpServerSocket::DisconnectedByRemote->Client disconnected."); } socket.Close(); clients.Remove(socket); OnClientDisconnect?.Invoke(this, new TcpSocketEventArgs(socket)); }
private void EnqueueIncomingPacket(NetWrapper netWrapper, uint binaryAddress, PacketId packetId, byte[] data) { if (!this.clients[netWrapper].ContainsKey(binaryAddress)) { this.clients[netWrapper][binaryAddress] = new Client(binaryAddress, netWrapper); OnClientConnect?.Invoke(this.clients[netWrapper][binaryAddress]); } this.packetReducer.EnqueuePacket(this.clients[netWrapper][binaryAddress], packetId, data); if (packetId == PacketId.PACKET_ID_PLAYER_QUIT || packetId == PacketId.PACKET_ID_PLAYER_TIMEOUT) { this.clients[netWrapper][binaryAddress].IsConnected = false; OnClientDisconnect?.Invoke(this.clients[netWrapper][binaryAddress]); this.clients[netWrapper].Remove(binaryAddress); } }
private void AcceptCallback(IAsyncResult ar) { CancellationToken cancellationToken = (CancellationToken)ar.AsyncState; _waiterConnection.Release(); Socket handler = _listenerSocket.EndAccept(ar); _logger.LogDebug($"Client connected - Handle: " + handler.Handle); var connection = _container.Resolve <TCPConnection>(new TypedParameter(typeof(Socket), handler)); _connections.TryAdd(handler.Handle, connection); connection.OnReceivePacket += (s, e) => OnClientData?.Invoke(this, new Message((IConnection)s, e)); connection.OnDisconnect += (s, e) => OnClientDisconnect?.Invoke(this, (IConnection)s); OnClientConnect?.Invoke(this, connection); connection.StartListenData(cancellationToken, _options.Source, true); }
/// <summary> /// An internal callback triggered when a client connects to the server. /// </summary> /// <param name="async"></param> private void OnReceiveConnection(IAsyncResult async) { try { lock (WorkerSockets) { Interlocked.Increment(ref _currentClientNumber); // Thread Safe var us = new UserSock(_currentClientNumber, _mainSocket.EndAccept(async)); WorkerSockets.Add(_currentClientNumber, us); } OnClientConnect?.Invoke(_currentClientNumber); WaitForData(_currentClientNumber); _mainSocket.BeginAccept(OnReceiveConnection, null); } catch (ObjectDisposedException) { Console.WriteLine(@"OnClientConnection: Socket has been closed"); } catch (SocketException se) { //Console.WriteLine("SERVER EXCEPTION in OnReceiveConnection: " + se.Message); Debug.WriteLine("SERVER EXCEPTION in OnReceiveConnection: " + se.Message); //pe 4-22-2015 if (WorkerSockets.ContainsKey(_currentClientNumber)) { Console.WriteLine(@"RemoteEndPoint: " + WorkerSockets[_currentClientNumber].UserSocket.RemoteEndPoint); Console.WriteLine(@"LocalEndPoint: " + WorkerSockets[_currentClientNumber].UserSocket.LocalEndPoint); Console.WriteLine(@"Closing socket from OnReceiveConnection"); } //Socket gets closed and removed from OnClientDisconnect OnClientDisconnect?.Invoke(_currentClientNumber); } }
/// <summary> /// Handle an incoming message from a remote client. /// </summary> /// <param name="msg">Incoming message.</param> private void HandleIncomingMessage(NetIncomingMessage msg) { switch (msg.MessageType) { case NetIncomingMessageType.ConnectionApproval: HandleIncomingConnection(msg); break; case NetIncomingMessageType.StatusChanged: switch (msg.SenderConnection.Status) { case NetConnectionStatus.Disconnected: if (OnClientDisconnect != null) { OnClientDisconnect.Invoke( msg.SenderConnection, null); } break; case NetConnectionStatus.Connected: if (OnClientConnect != null) { OnClientConnect.Invoke( msg.SenderConnection, null ); } break; } break; case NetIncomingMessageType.Data: if (OnClientMessageReceived != null) { OnClientMessageReceived.Invoke( msg.SenderConnection, msg ); } break; } }
void IServerTransportLayer.Update() { while (_server.GetNextMessage(out var msg)) { var id = new PerChannelID(_channelId, msg.connectionId); switch (msg.eventType) { case Telepathy.EventType.Connected: _serverConnectionCallback.Invoke(_server.GetClientAddress(msg.connectionId), id); break; case Telepathy.EventType.Data: _serverMessageCallback.Invoke(, id); break; case Telepathy.EventType.Disconnected: _serverDisconnectCallback.Invoke(id); break; } } }
public void Publish(GameEvent gameEvent) { _logger.LogDebug("Handling publishing event of type {EventType}", gameEvent.Type); try { if (gameEvent.Type == GameEvent.EventType.Connect) { OnClientConnect?.Invoke(this, gameEvent); } if (gameEvent.Type == GameEvent.EventType.Disconnect) { OnClientDisconnect?.Invoke(this, gameEvent); } } catch (Exception ex) { _logger.LogError(ex, "Could not publish event of type {EventType}", gameEvent.Type); } }
bool IServerTransportLayer.Init(int channelId, OnClientConnect connectCallback, OnReceiveMessage messageCallback, OnClientDisconnect disconnectCallback) { _connection = new MiniUDP.NetCore(ConnectionToken, true); _channelId = channelId; _clients = new Dictionary <int, MiniUDP.NetPeer>(); _nextId = 0; _connection.PeerConnected += (peer, token) => { _clients.Add(_nextId, peer); var id = new PerChannelID(channelId, _nextId++); connectCallback.Invoke(peer.EndPoint.Address, id); peer.PayloadReceived += (netPeer, data, length) => { if (data.Length != length) { Array.Resize(ref data, length); } messageCallback.Invoke(data, id); }; }; _connection.PeerClosed += (peer, reason, kickReason, error) => { var id = _clients.FirstOrDefault(i => i.Value == peer).Key; disconnectCallback.Invoke(new PerChannelID(_channelId, id)); _clients.Remove(id); }; return(true); }
private void SetOnClientDisconnect(Operation Client, string Reason) { OnClientDisconnect?.Invoke(Client, Reason); }
public void Disconnect() { OnClientDisconnect?.Invoke(this); isDisconnectRequested = true; }