public string GetCommandString(string connectionString, string tableName)
            StringBuilder sb = new StringBuilder();

            sb.Append("select ");
            Dictionary <String, OleDbColumnDefinition> schema = new OleDbSchemaProvider().GetSchema(connectionString, tableName);
            String comma = String.Empty;

            foreach (KeyValuePair <String, OleDbColumnDefinition> kvp in schema)
                sb.Append(comma + kvp.Value.Name);
                comma = ", ";

                // When I had the IIF(EMPTY(msClDate),null,msClDate) as msClDate
                // VFP blew chow with Error # 1890
                // And you get the same thing in the VFP Dev Edition if you issue
                // SELECT IIF(EMPTY(mscldate),null,mscldate) FROM in_msg using
                // the Laptop
                //if (kvp.Value.IsDate)
                //    String s = String.Format("IIF(EMPTY({0}),null,{0}) as {0}", kvp.Value.Name);
                //    sb.Append(s);
                //    sb.Append(kvp.Value.Name);

             * The saga of deleted()....  1st I tried the following
             * sb.Append(comma + "IIF(DELETED(),1,0) AS " + Constants.DILayer.DeletedColumnName);
             * A problem with the above is the the column was preceived as having a Decimal type - which
             * makes sense.  While the values where either 0 or 1 nothing coerced the type to boolean
             * So I tried the following ....
             * sb.Append(comma + " DELETED() AS " + Constants.DILayer.DeletedColumnName);
             * This comand resulted in a "correct" DataTable in that it had an SqlDeleted column
             * of type boolean
             * However, it still didn't work.  The following is the bulk insert command and it knows nothing about SqlDeleted c
             * insert bulk IN_MSG ([MSNUMB] Char(6) COLLATE Latin1_General_BIN, [MSTYPE] Char(1) COLLATE Latin1_General_BIN, [MSGNUM] Char(6) COLLATE Latin1_General_BIN,
             * [MSRNUM] Char(6) COLLATE Latin1_General_BIN, [MSDATE] Date, [MSTIME] Char(5) COLLATE Latin1_General_BIN, [MSUSER] Char(2) COLLATE Latin1_General_BIN, [MSCLDATE] Date,
             * [MSCLTIME] Char(5) COLLATE Latin1_General_BIN, [MSCLUSER] Char(2) COLLATE Latin1_General_BIN, [MSPRINT] Char(1) COLLATE Latin1_General_BIN,
             * [MSTO] Char(3) COLLATE Latin1_General_BIN, [MSFLAG] Char(1) COLLATE Latin1_General_BIN, [MSNOTTYP] Char(1) COLLATE Latin1_General_BIN, [MSBEGIN] Date,
             * [MSDAY] Decimal(2,0), [MSBEGTIME] Char(5) COLLATE Latin1_General_BIN, [MSENDTIME] Char(5) COLLATE Latin1_General_BIN,
             * [MSTXT] Text COLLATE SQL_Latin1_General_CP1_CI_AS, [MSPRI] Decimal(2,0), [MSSTAT] Char(1) COLLATE Latin1_General_BIN, [MSIPADDR] Char(15) COLLATE Latin1_General_BIN, [MSAUTOCLS] Bit)
            sb.Append(" from " + tableName);
        public void TestSchemaBuilder()
            //ITableProcessor tp = new NumericScrubProcessor();
            //tp.Process(LaptopHostConnectionString, "RS_POLCY",null,null);
            OleDbSchemaProvider sp = new OleDbSchemaProvider();
            Dictionary <String, OleDbColumnDefinition> schema = sp.GetSchema(LaptopHostConnectionString, "RS_POLCY");

            foreach (KeyValuePair <String, OleDbColumnDefinition> kvp in schema)
                TestContext.WriteLine(String.Format("{0} - {1}", kvp.Key, kvp.Value.ToString()));
            TestContext.WriteLine("Here boss");
        public void TestBasicCommandStringProvider()
            const string           tableName = "IN_MSG";
            ICommandStringProvider csp       = new SelectCommandStringProvider();
            String actual      = csp.GetCommandString(VfpConnectionString, tableName);
            String upperActual = actual.ToUpper();

            Assert.IsTrue(upperActual.StartsWith("SELECT "));
            Assert.IsTrue(upperActual.Replace(" ", String.Empty).EndsWith("FROM" + tableName));

            Dictionary <String, OleDbColumnDefinition> schema = new OleDbSchemaProvider().GetSchema(VfpConnectionString, tableName);

            foreach (KeyValuePair <String, OleDbColumnDefinition> kvp in schema)
                Assert.IsTrue(upperActual.Contains(kvp.Value.Name + ",") || upperActual.Contains(kvp.Value.Name + " "));

            // Can we run it?  Turns out - we can't.  VFP raises Error # 1890
            // if you issued SELECT IIF(EMPTY(mscldate),null,mscldate) FROM in_msg
            // on the Laptop
            DataTable dt = Helper.GetOleDbDataTable(VfpConnectionString, actual);

Exemple #4
        public void Process(string sourceConnectionString, string sourceTableName, string destinationConnectionString, string destinationTableName)
            OleDbSchemaProvider schemaProvider = new OleDbSchemaProvider();
            Dictionary <String, OleDbColumnDefinition> schema = schemaProvider.GetSchema(sourceConnectionString, sourceTableName);

            IEnumerable <OleDbColumnDefinition> numericColDefs = schema.Values.Where(colDef => colDef.Type == System.Data.OleDb.OleDbType.Numeric).ToList();

            if (numericColDefs.Count() == 0)

            VfpConnectionStringBuilder vfpConnStrBldr = new VfpConnectionStringBuilder(sourceConnectionString);

            sourceConnectionString = vfpConnStrBldr.ConnectionString;

            int batchSize   = BatchSizeProvider.GetBatchSize(sourceTableName);
            int recordCount = Convert.ToInt32(Helper.GetOleDbScaler(sourceConnectionString, "SELECT COUNT(*) FROM " + sourceTableName));

            using (OleDbConnection sourceConnection = new OleDbConnection(sourceConnectionString))

                int minRecno, maxRecno, recsProcessed;
                recsProcessed = 0;

                String comma      = String.Empty;
                String columnList = String.Empty;

                StringBuilder sb = new StringBuilder().Append("SELECT ");
                foreach (OleDbColumnDefinition colDef in numericColDefs)
                    sb.Append(comma + colDef.Name);
                    comma = ",";

                sb.Append(" FROM " + sourceTableName + " WHERE ");

                String selectAllColsCmdStr = sb.ToString();

                while (true)
                    minRecno = recsProcessed;
                    maxRecno = minRecno + batchSize;

                    // SELECT <all numeric cols> FROM <> RECNO() > 0 and RECNO() <= 25000

                    if (!TryRead(sourceConnectionString, String.Format(selectAllColsCmdStr + GetRecNoWhereClause(minRecno, maxRecno))))
                        // if we cant read all the numerics we're good-to-go.  Otherwise we'll go column-by-column
                        foreach (OleDbColumnDefinition colDef in numericColDefs)
                            String recnoWhereClause = GetRecNoWhereClause(minRecno, maxRecno);
                            String cmdStr           = String.Format("SELECT {0} FROM {1} WHERE {2}", colDef.Name, sourceTableName, recnoWhereClause);
                            if (!TryRead(sourceConnectionString, cmdStr))
                                String maxVal;
                                if (colDef.NumericScale > 0)
                                    // 4,2 - -9.99 - 99.99
                                    maxVal = new String('9', (int)(colDef.NumericPrecision - colDef.NumericScale)) + "." + new String('9', (int)colDef.NumericScale);
                                    maxVal = new String('9', (int)(colDef.NumericPrecision));
                                cmdStr = String.Format("UPDATE {0} SET {1} = 0 WHERE NOT BETWEEN({1},-{2},{2}) AND {3}", sourceTableName, colDef.Name, maxVal, recnoWhereClause);
                                Helper.ExecuteOleDbNonQuery(sourceConnectionString, cmdStr);

                    recsProcessed = recsProcessed + batchSize;
                    if (recsProcessed >= recordCount)

