Exemple #1
        private void ShowErrorMessage()
            //Clear out the fact that the user did a search before this.
            Keyword = "";

            lblResultsForKeyword.Text         = "";
            lblTopResultsXofYKeyword.Text     = "";
            lblSearchWithinResultKeyword.Text = "";

            phError.Visible = true;
            ShowResultsXoYLabels(0, 0, 0);
            //For paging change.
            PreviousItemsPerPage = ItemsPerPage;

            //Set the Search Within Results Radio button to new search
            rblSWRSearchType.SelectedIndex = 0;
            spPager.RecordCount            = 0;

            //// Web Analytics *************************************************
            // Add number of search results to analytics
            this.PageInstruction.SetWebAnalytics(WebAnalyticsOptions.eVars.evar10, wbField =>
                wbField.Value = "0";
            //// End Web Analytics *********************************************
Exemple #2
        private void DoSearchWithinResults()
            if (Strings.Clean(txtSWRKeyword.Text) == null)
                if (rblSWRSearchType.SelectedValue == "2") //Search Within Results
                    //Add the last keyword to the old keywords
                    if (!String.IsNullOrEmpty(Keyword))

                    //Set the current keyword
                    Keyword = Strings.Clean(txtSWRKeyword.Text);

                    LogUserInput("Refine-Keyword:" + (
                                     OldKeywordsForQuery.Length > 0 ? OldKeywordsForQuery + "|" + Keyword : Keyword));
                else //New Search
                    //Log new search
                    Keyword = Strings.Clean(txtSWRKeyword.Text);

                    LogUserInput("New-Keyword:" + Keyword);

                this.CurrentPage   = 1;
                txtSWRKeyword.Text = ""; //Clear the text box.  .NET will leave in the text, which is what google does, but not what cancer.gov has done.

Exemple #3
        /// <summary>
        /// Event method sets content version and template and user control properties<br /><br />
        /// [1] Input form parameters:<br />
        /// keyword {string: search string},<br />
        /// first {integer: ordinal index of first result},<br />
        /// resultSearch {string: search within results search string},<br />
        /// chkCategories {comma-delimited set of strings: specific virtual paths to search},<br />
        /// selectedPage {integer: current result page number}<br />
        /// [2] Builds Verity and BestBet query language and Verity query xml document<br />
        /// [3] Parses Verity results and errors<br />
        /// [4] Builds Verity and BestBet result HTML<br />
        /// [5] Builds paging control for results browsing<br />
        /// </summary>
        /// <param name="e">The <see cref="EventArgs" /> instance containing the event data.</param>
        protected override void OnLoad(EventArgs e)

            //Setup the title, header, and left nav


            //Hide the error message
            phError.Visible = false;

            //set up the search collection (CancerGovEnglish or CancerGovSpanish)
            //determine what text needs to be removed from the title e.g. - National Cancer Institute
            SiteWideSearchConfig searchConfig = ModuleObjectFactory <SiteWideSearchConfig> .GetModuleObject(SnippetInfo.Data);

            if (searchConfig != null)
                SearchCollection = searchConfig.SearchCollection;

            if (Page.Request.RequestType == "POST")
                if (!IsPostBack)
                    /*        Search using header search box     */

                    Keyword = Request.Params["swKeyword"];

                    if (Keyword == string.Empty)

                        //Log User Input for initial search.
                        LogUserInput("Keyword:" + Keyword);
                    //This is a postback from a user changing the items per page or
                    //searching within results.  There is one problem though.
                    //By default,
                    if (Strings.Clean(Request.Params["__EVENTTARGET"]) == null &&
                        Strings.Clean(Request.Params["__EVENTARGUMENT"]) == null &&
                        Strings.Clean(Request.Params[btnTextChangePageUnit.UniqueID]) == null &&
                        Strings.Clean(Request.Params[btnSWRTxtSearch.UniqueID]) == null)
                        //THIS IS FOR IE with no JS.  Oddly in most ways it is more broken than firefox, but
                        //is so broken that we can easily tell that the user hit enter on the only
                        //text box.
                        //Basically if all the buttons that can be clicked are null, and there
                        //is no event target or argument, then this is IE with Javascript turned
                        //off and the user clicked enter on the text box.  Also, image buttons do
                        //not come back ID, but ID.x and ID.y. (Hopefully screen readers send those
                        //things too.
                        //We need to handle this stuff after all the other postback events happen.
                        //so lets just set a variable for now.
                        _isIENoJSAndHitEnderInTheSearchBox = true;
                /*    Either Paging or a DYM Click           */

                //No Matter if this is a DYM or a Paging, swKeyword is the keyword. (There may be an old one, but that is for later)
                Keyword = Request.Params["swKeyword"];

                if (Keyword == string.Empty)
                    //These things only apply to paging

                    //Get Items per page.
                    ItemsPerPage = Strings.ToInt(Request.Params["pageunit"], 10);

                    //Get the current Page
                    CurrentPage = Strings.ToInt(Request.Params["page"], 1);

                    //"De-serialize" old keywords.
                    if (!string.IsNullOrEmpty(Request.Params["old_keywords"]))
                        string[] oldKeys = Request.Params["old_keywords"].Split(new char[] { '|' });


            // build the OnClineClick value for results search
            var siteResultSearchSubmitParameter = "";

            if (PageDisplayInformation.Language == DisplayLanguage.Spanish)
                siteResultSearchSubmitParameter = "true";
            // removed search validation for now
            var siteResultSearchSubmitCall = ""; //"return siteResultSearchSubmit(" + siteResultSearchSubmitParameter + ")";

            // Web Analytics *************************************************
            if (WebAnalyticsOptions.IsEnabled)
                siteResultSearchSubmitCall += "return NCIAnalytics.SiteWideSearchResultsSearch(this,'" + txtSWRKeyword.ClientID + "','" + rblSWRSearchType.UniqueID + "')";
            // End Web Analytics *********************************************
            if (!String.IsNullOrEmpty(siteResultSearchSubmitCall))
                siteResultSearchSubmitCall   += ";";
                btnSWRTxtSearch.OnClientClick = siteResultSearchSubmitCall;