Exemple #1
        //[ObjectAuth(ObjectId = ModuleObjectId.EMPLEADOS_OBJECT, PermissionType = PermissionTypes.Export)]
        public ActionResult Print(string format, int pageIndex, int pageSize, string iSortCol, string sSortDir, string where, string order)
            var exportFormatType = (ExportFormatType)Enum.Parse(
                typeof(ExportFormatType), format, true);

            where = HttpUtility.UrlEncode(where);

            if (!_tokenManager.GenerateToken())


            NameValueCollection filter = Request.QueryString;

            var configuration = new GridConfiguration()
                OrderByClause = "", WhereClause = ""

            if (filter != null)
                configuration = GridQueryHelper.GetDataTableConfiguration(filter, new OjosPropertyMapper());

            if (!String.IsNullOrEmpty(where))
                configuration.WhereClause = configuration.WhereClause == "" ? where : "(" + configuration.WhereClause + " AND " + where + ")";
            if (Session["AdvanceSearch"] != null && pageSize != 0)
                var advanceFilter =
                configuration.WhereClause = configuration.WhereClause == "" ? GetAdvanceFilter(advanceFilter) : configuration.WhereClause + " AND " + GetAdvanceFilter(advanceFilter);

            string sortDirection = "asc";

            OjosPropertyMapper oOjosPropertyMapper = new OjosPropertyMapper();

            if (Request.QueryString["sSortDir"] != null)
                sortDirection = Request.QueryString["sSortDir"];
            configuration.OrderByClause = oOjosPropertyMapper.GetPropertyName(iSortCol) + " " + sortDirection;

            if (!String.IsNullOrEmpty(order))
                configuration.OrderByClause = order;
            pageSize = pageSize == 0 ? int.MaxValue : pageSize;

            var result = _IOjosApiConsumer.ListaSelAll((pageIndex * pageSize) - pageSize + 1, pageSize + ((pageIndex * pageSize) - pageSize), configuration.WhereClause, configuration.OrderByClause ?? "").Resource;

            if (result.Ojoss == null)
                result.Ojoss = new List <Ojos>();

            var data = result.Ojoss.Select(m => new OjosGridModel
                Clave         = m.Clave
                , Descripcion = m.Descripcion

            return(PartialView("_Print", data));