public static List <BustupData> Create_Bustup_Data_List(OfficialSetData set_data) // For dev purposes only
            var new_list = new List <BustupData>();

            string bustup_path = $@"{AssetDirectoryConfig.assetDirectory.assetFolderPath}//SceneMaker//Templates//{set_data.Origin}//Bustup//{set_data.ID}";
            string data_path   = $@"{AssetDirectoryConfig.assetDirectory.assetFolderPath}//SceneMaker//Data//Template_Data//{set_data.Origin}//Bustup//{set_data.ID}//bustup_data.json";

            // Get a count of how many files are in the sprite set's directory.
            int filecount = OfficialSetMethods.AttachmentCountItemDirectory(bustup_path);

            // Create a loop starting at 1 meant to iterate though every file in the directory.
            // Expression numbers always start at 1, so we'll begin there.
            for (int expression = 1; expression <= filecount; expression++)
                // Inside, create a secondary loop also meant to iterate though every file in the directory.
                // This loop is searching for outfits, which start at 1.
                for (int outfit = 1; outfit <= filecount; outfit++)
                    // Here, we're going to create a file path that could potentially exist given the combination of expression and outfit numbers.
                    // Check if the created file path string exists.
                    if (File.Exists($"{bustup_path}//{set_data.ID.ToLower()}_{expression}_{outfit}.png"))
                        var new_bustup_data = new BustupData()
                            Filename             = $"{set_data.ID.ToLower()}_{expression}_{outfit}.png",
                            Default_Name_EN      = "Rise",
                            Default_Name_JPN     = "久慈川 りせ",
                            P4D_Scale_Width      = 1024,
                            P4D_Scale_Height     = 1024,
                            P4D_Left_Coord_X     = -64,
                            P4D_Left_Coord_Y     = 64,
                            P4D_Center_Coord_X   = 448,
                            P4D_Center_Coord_Y   = 64,
                            P4D_Right_Coord_X    = 960,
                            P4D_Right_Coord_Y    = 64,
                            P4D_Nav_Scale_Width  = 0,
                            P4D_Nav_Scale_Height = 0,
                            P4D_Nav_Coord_X      = 0,
                            P4D_Nav_Coord_Y      = 0,
                            P4D_Dual_Flip        = false

                string json = JsonConvert.SerializeObject(new_list, Formatting.Indented);
                File.WriteAllText(data_path, json);
            catch (Exception e)

        public static string Get_Bustup_Filename(UserInfoFields account, OfficialSetData set_data, MakerCommandData command_data)
            // Establish the directory of the specified sprite set.
            string set_path = $@"{AssetDirectoryConfig.assetDirectory.assetFolderPath}//SceneMaker//Templates//{set_data.Origin}//Bustup//{set_data.ID}";

            // Get a count of how many files are in the sprite set's directory.
            int filecount = OfficialSetMethods.AttachmentCountItemDirectory(set_path);

            // Create a variable for the base sprite's filename. We'll go searching for it in a few moments.
            string base_sprite_filename = "";

            // Create variables that keep track of how many frames of each frame type are present for the base sprite.
            // This will help us perform the math needed to form the sprite sheet.
            //int eye_frame_count = 0;
            //int mouth_frame_count = 0;

            // Check if the sprite set's directory exists.
            if (Directory.Exists(set_path))
                // If so, it's time to find the filename for the user's selected sprite so we can retrieve the frames associated with it.
                // We can do this by creating a counter starting from zero that will increment by one until it reaches the sprite numer the user specified.
                // Once it reaches that number, the iterated filename will be saved and we can use that to find its associated frames.
                int counter            = 0;
                int base_sprite_number = command_data.Base_Sprite;

                // The manner of iteration will change based on the user's settings.
                // First, Order by Outfit.
                if (account.Setting_Sheet_Order == "Order by Outfit")
                    // Create a loop starting at 1 meant to iterate though every file in the directory.
                    // Outfit numbers always start at 1, so we'll begin there.
                    for (int outfit = 1; outfit <= filecount; outfit++)
                        // Inside, create a secondary loop also meant to iterate though every file in the directory.
                        // This loop is searching for expressions, which start at 1.
                        for (int expression = 1; expression <= filecount; expression++)
                            // Here, we're going to create a file path that could potentially exist given the combination of expression and outfit numbers.
                            // Check if the created file path string exists.
                            if (File.Exists($"{set_path}//{set_data.ID.ToLower()}_{expression}_{outfit}.png"))
                                // If the file does exist, increment the counter by one.

                                // Check if the counter matches the same number of the chosen sprite number.
                                if (counter == base_sprite_number)
                                    // If it does, we found our sprite! Save the filename to the variable created earlier so we can reference it later.
                                    base_sprite_filename = $"{set_data.ID.ToLower()}_{expression}_{outfit}";

                                    // Break out of the current loop.

                        // Check if the filename variable for the base sprite is not empty.
                        if (base_sprite_filename != "")
                            // If so, we already found our filename! Break out of the outer loop.
                // Second case, Order by Expression.
                else if (account.Setting_Sheet_Order == "Order by Expression")
                    // Create a loop starting at 1 meant to iterate though every file in the directory.
                    // Expression numbers always start at 1, so we'll begin there.
                    for (int expression = 1; expression <= filecount; expression++)
                        // Inside, create a secondary loop also meant to iterate though every file in the directory.
                        // This loop is searching for outfits, which start at 1.
                        for (int outfit = 1; outfit <= filecount; outfit++)
                            // Here, we're going to create a file path that could potentially exist given the combination of expression and outfit numbers.
                            // Check if the created file path string exists.
                            if (File.Exists($"{set_path}//{set_data.ID.ToLower()}_{expression}_{outfit}.png"))
                                // If the file does exist, increment the counter by one.

                                // Check if the counter matches the same number of the chosen sprite number.
                                if (counter == base_sprite_number)
                                    // If it does, we found our sprite! Save the filename to the variable created earlier so we can reference it later.
                                    base_sprite_filename = $"{set_data.ID.ToLower()}_{expression}_{outfit}";

                                    // Break out of the current loop.

                        // Check if the filename variable for the base sprite is not empty.
                        if (base_sprite_filename != "")
                            // If so, we already found our filename! Break out of the outer loop.

        public static List <FrameData> Create_Mouth_Frame_Data_List(OfficialSetData set_data) // For dev purposes only
            // Create a new empty frame data list.
            // This is what we'll be using to create frame data for each image.
            var new_list = new List <FrameData>();

            // Establish the paths for the directory where the eye frames are held, as well as the directory for where the data sheet is held.
            string frame_path = $@"{AssetDirectoryConfig.assetDirectory.assetFolderPath}//SceneMaker//Templates//{set_data.Origin}//Bustup//{set_data.ID}//Mouth";
            string data_path  = $@"{AssetDirectoryConfig.assetDirectory.assetFolderPath}//SceneMaker//Data//Template_Data//{set_data.Origin}//Bustup//{set_data.ID}//mouth_frame_data.json";

            // Initialize a new int variable to zero.
            // We'll need this to store how many frames are in the eye frame directory.
            int filecount = 0;

            // Check if the eye frame directory established exists.
            // If so, change the filecount int to how many images are in the eye frame directory.
            if (Directory.Exists(frame_path))
                filecount = OfficialSetMethods.AttachmentCountItemDirectory(frame_path);
            // If not, return null.

            // Create a loop starting at 1 meant to iterate though every file in the directory.
            // Expression numbers always start at 1, so we'll begin there.
            for (int expression = 1; expression <= filecount; expression++)
                // Inside, create a secondary loop also meant to iterate though every file in the directory.
                // This loop is searching for outfits, which start at 1.
                for (int outfit = 1; outfit <= filecount; outfit++)
                    // Get the current filename generated from the for loops.
                    // This name isn't guaranteed to exist, but we will test it soon to find out.
                    string current_filename = $"{set_data.ID.ToLower()}_{expression}_{outfit}";

                    // Let's get the file count for any images in the directory that share the same base sprite filename substring as our current generated name.
                    // We do that by forming an array of all filenames that match.
                    string[] allFiles = Directory.GetFiles(frame_path, $"{current_filename}_m*.png");

                    // Take the length of the array and assign it to a new int variable.
                    int base_sprite_eye_frame_count = allFiles.Length;

                    // We're already within two loops to generate the base filename, but now we need to use another loop to iterate through potentially multiple frames for the same sprite.
                    for (int i = 1; i <= base_sprite_eye_frame_count; i++)
                        // Here, we're going to create a file path that could potentially exist given the combination of expression and outfit numbers.
                        // Check if the created file path string exists.
                        if (File.Exists($"{frame_path}//{set_data.ID.ToLower()}_{expression}_{outfit}_m{i}.png"))
                            // If so, generate a new frame data object for the frame.
                            var new_frame_data = new FrameData()
                                Filename     = $"{set_data.ID.ToLower()}_{expression}_{outfit}_m{i}.png",
                                Scale_Width  = 176,
                                Scale_Height = 100,
                                Coord_X      = 268,
                                Coord_Y      = 537

            // Write all text to the data file.
                string json = JsonConvert.SerializeObject(new_list, Formatting.Indented);
                File.WriteAllText(data_path, json);
            catch (Exception e)
