Exemple #1
        //internal void DoAngularVelocityFix()
        //   if( nonSymmetricInertia )
        //   {
        //      Vec3 velocity = AngularVelocity;
        //      float currentAngVelMagSquared = velocity.LengthSqr();

        //      if( freelySpinning )
        //      {
        //         // If the current angular velocity magnitude is greater than
        //         // that of the previous step, scale it by that of the previous
        //         // step; otherwise, update the previous value to that of the
        //         // current step.  This ensures that angular velocity never
        //         // increases for freely-spinning objects.

        //         if( currentAngVelMagSquared > prevAngVelMagSquared )
        //         {
        //            float currentAngVelMag = MathFunctions.Sqrt16( currentAngVelMagSquared );
        //            velocity = velocity / currentAngVelMag;
        //            // Vel is now a unit vector.  Next, scale this vector
        //            // by the previous angular velocity magnitude.
        //            float prevAngVelMag = MathFunctions.Sqrt16( prevAngVelMagSquared );
        //            AngularVelocity = velocity * prevAngVelMag;
        //         }
        //      }

        //      prevAngVelMagSquared = currentAngVelMagSquared;
        //   }

        //   // Reset the "freely-spinning" parameter for the next time step.
        //   freelySpinning = true;

        //   //fix MaxAngularVelocity
        //   {
        //      float max = ODEPhysicsWorld.Instance.MaxAngularVelocity;

        //      Vec3 vel = AngularVelocity;
        //      bool changed = false;

        //      if( vel.X < -max ) { vel.X = -max; changed = true; }
        //      else if( vel.X > max ) { vel.X = max; changed = true; }
        //      if( vel.Y < -max ) { vel.Y = -max; changed = true; }
        //      else if( vel.Y > max ) { vel.Y = max; changed = true; }
        //      if( vel.Z < -max ) { vel.Z = -max; changed = true; }
        //      else if( vel.Z > max ) { vel.Z = max; changed = true; }

        //      if( changed )
        //         AngularVelocity = vel;
        //   }


        public override void ClearForces()

            if (bodyID != dBodyID.Zero)
                Ode.dBodySetForce(bodyID, 0, 0, 0);
                Ode.dBodySetTorque(bodyID, 0, 0, 0);