Exemple #1
        /// \cond
        protected override void Synchronize()

            // Syncronize the mesh data.
            if (data != null)
                if (data.volumeHandle.HasValue)

                    if (CubiquityDLL.HasRootOctreeNodeMC(data.volumeHandle.Value) == 1)
                        uint rootNodeHandle = CubiquityDLL.GetRootOctreeNodeMC(data.volumeHandle.Value);

                        if (rootOctreeNodeGameObject == null)
                            rootOctreeNodeGameObject = OctreeNode.CreateOctreeNode(rootNodeHandle, gameObject);

                        OctreeNode rootOctreeNode     = rootOctreeNodeGameObject.GetComponent <OctreeNode>();
                        int        nodeSyncsPerformed = rootOctreeNode.syncNode(maxNodesPerSync, gameObject);

                        // If no node were syncronized then the mesh data is up to
                        // date and we can set the flag to convey this to the user.
                        isMeshSyncronized = (nodeSyncsPerformed == 0);
Exemple #2
        /// \cond
        protected override void Synchronize()

            ColoredCubesVolumeRenderer volumeRenderer = gameObject.GetComponent <ColoredCubesVolumeRenderer>();

            if (volumeRenderer != null)
                if (volumeRenderer.material != null)
                    // We compute surface normals using derivative operations in the fragment shader, but for some reason
                    // these are backwards on Linux. We can correct for this in the shader by setting the multiplier below.
                                        #if UNITY_STANDALONE_LINUX && !UNITY_EDITOR
                    float normalMultiplier = -1.0f;
                    float normalMultiplier = 1.0f;
                    volumeRenderer.material.SetFloat("normalMultiplier", normalMultiplier);

            // Syncronize the mesh data.
            if (data != null)
                // Syncronize the mesh data.
                if (data.volumeHandle.HasValue)

                    if (CubiquityDLL.HasRootOctreeNode(data.volumeHandle.Value) == 1)
                        uint rootNodeHandle = CubiquityDLL.GetRootOctreeNode(data.volumeHandle.Value);

                        if (rootOctreeNodeGameObject == null)
                            rootOctreeNodeGameObject = OctreeNode.CreateOctreeNode(rootNodeHandle, gameObject);

                        OctreeNode rootOctreeNode     = rootOctreeNodeGameObject.GetComponent <OctreeNode>();
                        int        nodeSyncsPerformed = rootOctreeNode.syncNode(maxNodesPerSync, gameObject);

                        // If no node were syncronized then the mesh data is up to
                        // date and we can set the flag to convey this to the user.
                        isMeshSyncronized = (nodeSyncsPerformed == 0);
Exemple #3
            public int syncNode(int availableNodeSyncs, GameObject voxelTerrainGameObject)
                int nodeSyncsPerformed = 0;

                if (availableNodeSyncs <= 0)

                uint meshLastUpdated = CubiquityDLL.GetMeshLastUpdated(nodeHandle);

                if (meshLastSyncronised < meshLastUpdated)
                    if (CubiquityDLL.NodeHasMesh(nodeHandle) == 1)
                        // Set up the rendering mesh
                        VolumeRenderer volumeRenderer = voxelTerrainGameObject.GetComponent <VolumeRenderer>();
                        if (volumeRenderer != null)
                            //Mesh renderingMesh = volumeRenderer.BuildMeshFromNodeHandle(nodeHandle);

                            Mesh renderingMesh = null;
                            if (voxelTerrainGameObject.GetComponent <Volume>().GetType() == typeof(TerrainVolume))
                                renderingMesh = BuildMeshFromNodeHandleForTerrainVolume(nodeHandle);
                            else if (voxelTerrainGameObject.GetComponent <Volume>().GetType() == typeof(ColoredCubesVolume))
                                renderingMesh = BuildMeshFromNodeHandleForColoredCubesVolume(nodeHandle);

                            MeshFilter   meshFilter   = gameObject.GetOrAddComponent <MeshFilter>() as MeshFilter;
                            MeshRenderer meshRenderer = gameObject.GetOrAddComponent <MeshRenderer>() as MeshRenderer;

                            if (meshFilter.sharedMesh != null)

                            meshFilter.sharedMesh = renderingMesh;

                            meshRenderer.sharedMaterial = volumeRenderer.material;

                                                        #if UNITY_EDITOR
                            EditorUtility.SetSelectedWireframeHidden(meshRenderer, true);

                        // Set up the collision mesh
                        VolumeCollider volumeCollider = voxelTerrainGameObject.GetComponent <VolumeCollider>();
                        if ((volumeCollider != null) && (Application.isPlaying))
                            Mesh         collisionMesh = volumeCollider.BuildMeshFromNodeHandle(nodeHandle);
                            MeshCollider meshCollider  = gameObject.GetOrAddComponent <MeshCollider>() as MeshCollider;
                            meshCollider.sharedMesh = collisionMesh;
                    // If there is no mesh in Cubiquity then we make sure there isn't on in Unity.
                        MeshCollider meshCollider = gameObject.GetComponent <MeshCollider>() as MeshCollider;
                        if (meshCollider)

                        MeshRenderer meshRenderer = gameObject.GetComponent <MeshRenderer>() as MeshRenderer;
                        if (meshRenderer)

                        MeshFilter meshFilter = gameObject.GetComponent <MeshFilter>() as MeshFilter;
                        if (meshFilter)

                    meshLastSyncronised = CubiquityDLL.GetCurrentTime();

                VolumeRenderer vr = voxelTerrainGameObject.GetComponent <VolumeRenderer>();
                MeshRenderer   mr = gameObject.GetComponent <MeshRenderer>();
                if (vr != null && mr != null)
                    if (mr.enabled != vr.enabled)                    // Not sure we really need this check?
                        mr.enabled = vr.enabled;

                    if (lastSyncronisedWithVolumeRenderer < vr.lastModified)
                        mr.receiveShadows = vr.receiveShadows;
                        mr.castShadows    = vr.castShadows;
                        lastSyncronisedWithVolumeRenderer = Clock.timestamp;

                VolumeCollider vc = voxelTerrainGameObject.GetComponent <VolumeCollider>();
                MeshCollider   mc = gameObject.GetComponent <MeshCollider>();
                if (vc != null && mc != null)
                    if (mc.enabled != vc.enabled)                    // Not sure we really need this check?
                        mc.enabled = vc.enabled;

                    if (lastSyncronisedWithVolumeCollider < vc.lastModified)
                        // Actual syncronization to be filled in in the future when we have something to syncronize.
                        lastSyncronisedWithVolumeCollider = Clock.timestamp;

                //Now syncronise any children
                for (uint z = 0; z < 2; z++)
                    for (uint y = 0; y < 2; y++)
                        for (uint x = 0; x < 2; x++)
                            if (CubiquityDLL.HasChildNode(nodeHandle, x, y, z) == 1)
                                uint childNodeHandle = CubiquityDLL.GetChildNode(nodeHandle, x, y, z);

                                GameObject childGameObject = GetChild(x, y, z);

                                if (childGameObject == null)
                                    childGameObject = OctreeNode.CreateOctreeNode(childNodeHandle, gameObject);

                                    SetChild(x, y, z, childGameObject);

                                //syncNode(childNodeHandle, childGameObject);

                                OctreeNode childOctreeNode = childGameObject.GetComponent <OctreeNode>();
                                int        syncs           = childOctreeNode.syncNode(availableNodeSyncs, voxelTerrainGameObject);
                                availableNodeSyncs -= syncs;
                                nodeSyncsPerformed += syncs;

Exemple #4
        /// \cond
        protected override bool SynchronizeOctree(uint availableSyncOperations)
            VolumeCollider             volumeCollider = gameObject.GetComponent <VolumeCollider>();
            ColoredCubesVolumeRenderer volumeRenderer = gameObject.GetComponent <ColoredCubesVolumeRenderer>();

            Vector3 camPos = CameraUtils.getCurrentCameraPosition();

            // This is messy - perhaps the LOD thresold shold not be a parameter to update. Instead it could be passed
            // as a parameter during traversal, so different traversal could retrieve differnt LODs. We then wouldn't
            // want a single 'renderThisNode' member of Cubiquity nodes, but instead some threshold we could compare to.
            float lodThreshold = GetComponent <VolumeRenderer>() ? GetComponent <VolumeRenderer>().lodThreshold : 0.0f;

            int minimumLOD = GetComponent <VolumeRenderer>() ? GetComponent <VolumeRenderer>().minimumLOD : 0;

            // Although the LOD system is partially functional I don't feel it's ready for release yet.
            // The following line disables it by forcing the highest level of detail to always be used.
            minimumLOD = 0;

            // Next line commented out so the system starts up with LOD disabled.
            //if (volumeRenderer != null && volumeRenderer.hasChanged)
                CubiquityDLL.SetLodRange(data.volumeHandle.Value, minimumLOD, 0);

            bool cubiquityUpToDate = CubiquityDLL.UpdateVolume(data.volumeHandle.Value, camPos.x, camPos.y, camPos.z, lodThreshold);

            if (CubiquityDLL.HasRootOctreeNode(data.volumeHandle.Value) == 1)
                uint rootNodeHandle = CubiquityDLL.GetRootOctreeNode(data.volumeHandle.Value);

                if (rootOctreeNodeGameObject == null)
                    rootOctreeNodeGameObject = OctreeNode.CreateOctreeNode(rootNodeHandle, gameObject);

                OctreeNode.syncNode(ref availableSyncOperations, rootOctreeNodeGameObject, rootNodeHandle, gameObject);

                if (volumeRenderer != null && volumeRenderer.hasChanged)
                    OctreeNode.syncNodeWithVolumeRenderer(rootOctreeNodeGameObject, volumeRenderer, true);

                if (volumeCollider != null && volumeCollider.hasChanged)
                    OctreeNode.syncNodeWithVolumeCollider(rootOctreeNodeGameObject, volumeCollider, true);

            // These properties might have to be synced with the volume (e.g. LOD settings) or with components
            // (e.g. shadow/material settings). Therefore we don't clear the flags until all syncing is completed.
            if (volumeRenderer != null)
                volumeRenderer.hasChanged = false;
            if (volumeCollider != null)
                volumeCollider.hasChanged = false;

            // If there were still sync operations available then there was no more syncing to be done with the
            // Cubiquity octree. So if the Cubiquity octree was also up to date then we have synced everything.
            return(cubiquityUpToDate && availableSyncOperations > 0);
Exemple #5
            public static void syncNode(ref uint availableSyncOperations, GameObject nodeGameObject, uint nodeHandle, GameObject voxelTerrainGameObject)
                OctreeNode   octreeNode   = nodeGameObject.GetComponent <OctreeNode>();
                CuOctreeNode cuOctreeNode = CubiquityDLL.GetOctreeNode(nodeHandle);

                // Has anything in this node or its children changed? If so, we may need to syncronise the node's properties, mesh and
                // structure. Each of these can be tested against a timestamp. We may also need to do this recursively on child nodes.
                if (cuOctreeNode.nodeOrChildrenLastChanged > octreeNode.nodeAndChildrenLastSynced)
                    bool resyncedProperties = false; // See comments where this is tested - it's a bit of a hack

                    // 1st test - Have the properties of the node changed?
                    if (cuOctreeNode.propertiesLastChanged > octreeNode.propertiesLastSynced)
                        octreeNode.renderThisNode       = cuOctreeNode.renderThisNode != 0;
                        octreeNode.height               = cuOctreeNode.height;
                        octreeNode.propertiesLastSynced = CubiquityDLL.GetCurrentTime();
                        resyncedProperties              = true;

                    // 2nd test - Has the mesh changed and do we have time to syncronise it?
                    if ((cuOctreeNode.meshLastChanged > octreeNode.meshLastSynced) && (availableSyncOperations > 0))
                        if (cuOctreeNode.hasMesh == 1)
                            // Set up the rendering mesh
                            VolumeRenderer volumeRenderer = voxelTerrainGameObject.GetComponent <VolumeRenderer>();
                            if (volumeRenderer != null)
                                MeshFilter meshFilter = nodeGameObject.GetOrAddComponent <MeshFilter>() as MeshFilter;
                                if (meshFilter.sharedMesh == null)
                                    meshFilter.sharedMesh = new Mesh();
                                MeshRenderer meshRenderer = nodeGameObject.GetOrAddComponent <MeshRenderer>() as MeshRenderer;

                                if (voxelTerrainGameObject.GetComponent <Volume>().GetType() == typeof(TerrainVolume))
                                    MeshConversion.BuildMeshFromNodeHandleForTerrainVolume(meshFilter.sharedMesh, nodeHandle, false);
                                else if (voxelTerrainGameObject.GetComponent <Volume>().GetType() == typeof(ColoredCubesVolume))
                                    MeshConversion.BuildMeshFromNodeHandleForColoredCubesVolume(meshFilter.sharedMesh, nodeHandle, false);

                                meshRenderer.enabled = volumeRenderer.enabled && octreeNode.renderThisNode;

                                // For syncing materials, shadow properties, etc.
                                syncNodeWithVolumeRenderer(nodeGameObject, volumeRenderer, false);

                            // Set up the collision mesh
                            VolumeCollider volumeCollider = voxelTerrainGameObject.GetComponent <VolumeCollider>();
                            if (volumeCollider != null)
                                bool useCollider = volumeCollider.useInEditMode || Application.isPlaying;

                                if (useCollider)
                                    // I'm not quite comfortable with this. For some reason we have to create this new mesh, fill it,
                                    // and set it as the collider's shared mesh, whereas I would rather just pass the collider's sharedMesh
                                    // straight to the functon that fills it. For some reason that doesn't work properly, and we see
                                    // issues with objects falling through terrain or not updating when part of the terrain is deleted.
                                    // It's to be investigated further... perhaps we could try deleting and recreating the MeshCollider?
                                    // Still, the approach below seems to work properly.
                                    Mesh collisionMesh = new Mesh();
                                    if (voxelTerrainGameObject.GetComponent <Volume>().GetType() == typeof(TerrainVolume))
                                        MeshConversion.BuildMeshFromNodeHandleForTerrainVolume(collisionMesh, nodeHandle, true);
                                    else if (voxelTerrainGameObject.GetComponent <Volume>().GetType() == typeof(ColoredCubesVolume))
                                        MeshConversion.BuildMeshFromNodeHandleForColoredCubesVolume(collisionMesh, nodeHandle, true);

                                    MeshCollider meshCollider = nodeGameObject.GetOrAddComponent <MeshCollider>() as MeshCollider;
                                    meshCollider.sharedMesh = collisionMesh;
                        // If there is no mesh in Cubiquity then we make sure there isn't one in Unity.
                            MeshCollider meshCollider = nodeGameObject.GetComponent <MeshCollider>() as MeshCollider;
                            if (meshCollider)

                            MeshRenderer meshRenderer = nodeGameObject.GetComponent <MeshRenderer>() as MeshRenderer;
                            if (meshRenderer)

                            MeshFilter meshFilter = nodeGameObject.GetComponent <MeshFilter>() as MeshFilter;
                            if (meshFilter)

                        octreeNode.meshLastSynced = CubiquityDLL.GetCurrentTime();

                    // We want to syncronize the properties before the mesh, so that the enabled flag can be set correctly when the mesh
                    // is created. But we also want to syncronize properties after the mesh, so we can apply the correct enabled flag to
                    // existing meshes when the node's 'renderThisNode' flag has changed. Therefore we set the 'resyncedProperties' flag
                    // previously to let ourseves know that we should come back an finish the propertiy syncing here. It's a bit of a hack.
                    if (resyncedProperties)
                        VolumeRenderer volumeRenderer = voxelTerrainGameObject.GetComponent <VolumeRenderer>();
                        if (volumeRenderer != null)
                            syncNodeWithVolumeRenderer(nodeGameObject, volumeRenderer, false);

                        VolumeCollider volumeCollider = voxelTerrainGameObject.GetComponent <VolumeCollider>();
                        if (volumeCollider != null)
                            syncNodeWithVolumeCollider(nodeGameObject, volumeCollider, false);

                    uint[, ,] childHandleArray = new uint[2, 2, 2];
                    childHandleArray[0, 0, 0]  = cuOctreeNode.childHandle000;
                    childHandleArray[0, 0, 1]  = cuOctreeNode.childHandle001;
                    childHandleArray[0, 1, 0]  = cuOctreeNode.childHandle010;
                    childHandleArray[0, 1, 1]  = cuOctreeNode.childHandle011;
                    childHandleArray[1, 0, 0]  = cuOctreeNode.childHandle100;
                    childHandleArray[1, 0, 1]  = cuOctreeNode.childHandle101;
                    childHandleArray[1, 1, 0]  = cuOctreeNode.childHandle110;
                    childHandleArray[1, 1, 1]  = cuOctreeNode.childHandle111;

                    // 3rd test - Has the structure of the octree node changed (gained or lost children)?
                    if (cuOctreeNode.structureLastChanged > octreeNode.structureLastSynced)
                        //Now syncronise any children
                        for (uint z = 0; z < 2; z++)
                            for (uint y = 0; y < 2; y++)
                                for (uint x = 0; x < 2; x++)
                                    if (childHandleArray[x, y, z] != 0xFFFFFFFF)
                                        uint childNodeHandle = childHandleArray[x, y, z];

                                        if (octreeNode.GetChild(x, y, z) == null)
                                            octreeNode.SetChild(x, y, z, OctreeNode.CreateOctreeNode(childNodeHandle, nodeGameObject));
                                        if (octreeNode.GetChild(x, y, z))
                                            Utility.DestroyOrDestroyImmediate(octreeNode.GetChild(x, y, z));
                                            octreeNode.SetChild(x, y, z, null);

                        octreeNode.structureLastSynced = CubiquityDLL.GetCurrentTime();

                    // The last step of syncronization is to apply it recursively to our children.
                    for (uint z = 0; z < 2; z++)
                        for (uint y = 0; y < 2; y++)
                            for (uint x = 0; x < 2; x++)
                                if (octreeNode.GetChild(x, y, z) != null && availableSyncOperations > 0)
                                    OctreeNode.syncNode(ref availableSyncOperations, octreeNode.GetChild(x, y, z), childHandleArray[x, y, z], voxelTerrainGameObject);

                    // We've reached the end of our syncronization process. If there are still sync operations available then
                    // we did less work then we could have, which implies we finished. Therefore mark the whole tree as synced.
                    if (availableSyncOperations > 0)
                        octreeNode.nodeAndChildrenLastSynced = CubiquityDLL.GetCurrentTime();