public PullRequestViewModel(IApplicationService applicationService, IMarkdownService markdownService, IActionMenuService actionMenuService)
            _applicationService = applicationService;
            _markdownService    = markdownService;

            GoToUrlCommand = this.CreateUrlCommand();

            Comments = new ReactiveList <Octokit.IssueComment>();
            Events   = new ReactiveList <Octokit.IssueEvent>();

            this.WhenAnyValue(x => x.Id).Subscribe(x => Title = "Pull Request #" + x);

            _canMerge = this.WhenAnyValue(x => x.PullRequest)
                        .Select(x => x != null && !x.Merged)
                        .ToProperty(this, x => x.CanMerge);

            var canMergeObservable = this.WhenAnyValue(x => x.PullRequest).Select(x =>
                                                                                  x != null && !x.Merged && x.Mergeable.HasValue && x.Mergeable.Value);

            MergeCommand = ReactiveCommand.CreateAsyncTask(canMergeObservable, async t =>
                var req      = new Octokit.MergePullRequest(null);
                var response = await _applicationService.GitHubClient.PullRequest.Merge(RepositoryOwner, RepositoryName, Id, req);
                if (!response.Merged)
                    throw new Exception(string.Format("Unable to merge pull request: {0}", response.Message));

            ToggleStateCommand = ReactiveCommand.CreateAsyncTask(
                this.WhenAnyValue(x => x.PullRequest).Select(x => x != null),
                async t =>
                var newState = PullRequest.State == Octokit.ItemState.Open ? Octokit.ItemState.Closed : Octokit.ItemState.Open;

                    var req = new Octokit.PullRequestUpdate {
                        State = newState
                    PullRequest = await _applicationService.GitHubClient.PullRequest.Update(RepositoryOwner, RepositoryName, Id, req);
                catch (Exception e)
                    throw new Exception("Unable to " + (newState == Octokit.ItemState.Closed ? "close" : "open") + " the item. " + e.Message, e);

            GoToHtmlUrlCommand = ReactiveCommand.Create(this.WhenAnyValue(x => x.PullRequest).Select(x => x != null));
            GoToHtmlUrlCommand.Select(_ => PullRequest.HtmlUrl).Subscribe(this.ShowWebBrowser);

            GoToCommitsCommand = ReactiveCommand.Create().WithSubscription(_ =>
                var vm             = CreateViewModel <PullRequestCommitsViewModel>();
                vm.RepositoryOwner = RepositoryOwner;
                vm.RepositoryName  = RepositoryName;
                vm.PullRequestId   = Id;

            GoToFilesCommand = ReactiveCommand.Create().WithSubscription(_ =>
                var vm           = CreateViewModel <PullRequestFilesViewModel>();
                vm.Username      = RepositoryOwner;
                vm.Repository    = RepositoryName;
                vm.PullRequestId = Id;
//            ShareCommand = ReactiveCommand.Create(this.WhenAnyValue(x => x.PullRequest).Select(x => x != null && !string.IsNullOrEmpty(x.HtmlUrl)))
//                .WithSubscription(_ => shareService.ShareUrl(PullRequest.HtmlUrl));

            GoToEditCommand = ReactiveCommand.Create().WithSubscription(_ =>
                var vm             = CreateViewModel <IssueEditViewModel>();
                vm.RepositoryOwner = RepositoryOwner;
                vm.RepositoryName  = RepositoryName;
                vm.Id = Id;
                //vm.Issue = Issue;
//                vm.WhenAnyValue(x => x.Issue).Skip(1).Subscribe(x => Issue = x);

            GoToLabelsCommand = ReactiveCommand.Create(this.WhenAnyValue(x => x.Issue).Select(x => x != null)).WithSubscription(_ =>
                var vm             = CreateViewModel <IssueLabelsViewModel>();
                vm.RepositoryOwner = RepositoryOwner;
                vm.RepositoryName  = RepositoryName;
                vm.IssueId         = Id;
                vm.SaveOnSelect    = true;
//                vm.SelectedLabels.Reset(Issue.Labels);
//                vm.WhenAnyValue(x => x.Labels).Skip(1).Subscribe(x =>
//                {
//                    Issue.Labels = x.ToList();
//                    this.RaisePropertyChanged("Issue");
//                });

            GoToMilestoneCommand = ReactiveCommand.Create(this.WhenAnyValue(x => x.Issue).Select(x => x != null)).WithSubscription(_ =>
                var vm             = CreateViewModel <IssueMilestonesViewModel>();
                vm.RepositoryOwner = RepositoryOwner;
                vm.RepositoryName  = RepositoryName;
                vm.IssueId         = Id;
                vm.SaveOnSelect    = true;
//                vm.SelectedMilestone = Issue.Milestone;
//                vm.WhenAnyValue(x => x.SelectedMilestone).Skip(1).Subscribe(x =>
//                {
//                    Issue.Milestone = x;
//                    this.RaisePropertyChanged("Issue");
//                });

            GoToAssigneeCommand = ReactiveCommand.Create(this.WhenAnyValue(x => x.Issue).Select(x => x != null)).WithSubscription(_ =>
                var vm             = CreateViewModel <IssueAssignedToViewModel>();
                vm.RepositoryOwner = RepositoryOwner;
                vm.RepositoryName  = RepositoryName;
                vm.IssueId         = Id;
                vm.SaveOnSelect    = true;
//                vm.SelectedUser = Issue.Assignee;
//                vm.WhenAnyValue(x => x.SelectedUser).Skip(1).Subscribe(x =>
//                {
//                    Issue.Assignee = x;
//                    this.RaisePropertyChanged("Issue");
//                });

            GoToAddCommentCommand = ReactiveCommand.Create().WithSubscription(_ =>
                var vm             = CreateViewModel <IssueCommentViewModel>();
                vm.RepositoryOwner = RepositoryOwner;
                vm.RepositoryName  = RepositoryName;
                vm.Id = Id;

            ShowMenuCommand = ReactiveCommand.CreateAsyncTask(
                this.WhenAnyValue(x => x.PullRequest).Select(x => x != null),
                _ =>
                var menu = actionMenuService.Create(Title);
                menu.AddButton("Edit", GoToEditCommand);
                menu.AddButton(PullRequest.State == Octokit.ItemState.Closed ? "Open" : "Close", ToggleStateCommand);
                menu.AddButton("Comment", GoToAddCommentCommand);
                menu.AddButton("Share", ShareCommand);
                menu.AddButton("Show in GitHub", GoToHtmlUrlCommand);

            _markdownDescription = this.WhenAnyValue(x => x.PullRequest).IsNotNull()
                                   .Select(x => _markdownService.Convert(x.Body))
                                   .ToProperty(this, x => x.MarkdownDescription);

            LoadCommand = ReactiveCommand.CreateAsyncTask(async _ =>
                var pullRequest = _applicationService.GitHubClient.PullRequest.Get(RepositoryOwner, RepositoryName, Id);
                var comments    = _applicationService.GitHubClient.PullRequest.Comment.GetAll(RepositoryOwner, RepositoryName, Id);
                var events      = _applicationService.GitHubClient.Issue.Events.GetForIssue(RepositoryOwner, RepositoryName, Id);
                var issue       = _applicationService.GitHubClient.Issue.Get(RepositoryOwner, RepositoryName, Id);

                await Task.WhenAll(pullRequest, issue, comments, events);

                PullRequest = pullRequest.Result;
                Issue       = issue.Result;
        public PullRequestViewModel(
            IApplicationService applicationService,
            IMarkdownService markdownService,
            IActionMenuFactory actionMenuService)
            : base(applicationService, markdownService)
            this.WhenAnyValue(x => x.Id)
            .Subscribe(x => Title = "Pull Request #" + x);

            _canMerge = this.WhenAnyValue(x => x.PullRequest)
                        .Select(x => x != null && !x.Merged)
                        .ToProperty(this, x => x.CanMerge);

            var canMergeObservable = this.WhenAnyValue(x => x.PullRequest).Select(x =>
                                                                                  x != null && !x.Merged && x.Mergeable.HasValue && x.Mergeable.Value);

            MergeCommand = ReactiveCommand.CreateAsyncTask(canMergeObservable, async t =>
                var req      = new Octokit.MergePullRequest(null);
                var response = await applicationService.GitHubClient.PullRequest.Merge(RepositoryOwner, RepositoryName, Id, req);
                if (!response.Merged)
                    throw new Exception(string.Format("Unable to merge pull request: {0}", response.Message));

//            ToggleStateCommand = ReactiveCommand.CreateAsyncTask(
//                this.WhenAnyValue(x => x.PullRequest).Select(x => x != null),
//                async t =>
//            {
//                var newState = PullRequest.State == Octokit.ItemState.Open ? Octokit.ItemState.Closed : Octokit.ItemState.Open;
//                try
//                {
//                    var req = new Octokit.PullRequestUpdate { State = newState };
//                    PullRequest = await applicationService.GitHubClient.PullRequest.Update(RepositoryOwner, RepositoryName, Id, req);
//                }
//                catch (Exception e)
//                {
//                    throw new Exception("Unable to " + (newState == Octokit.ItemState.Closed ? "close" : "open") + " the item. " + e.Message, e);
//                }
//            });

            GoToHtmlUrlCommand = ReactiveCommand.Create(this.WhenAnyValue(x => x.PullRequest).Select(x => x != null));
            GoToHtmlUrlCommand.Select(_ => PullRequest.HtmlUrl).Subscribe(GoToUrlCommand.ExecuteIfCan);

            GoToCommitsCommand = ReactiveCommand.Create().WithSubscription(_ =>
                var vm             = this.CreateViewModel <PullRequestCommitsViewModel>();
                vm.RepositoryOwner = RepositoryOwner;
                vm.RepositoryName  = RepositoryName;
                vm.PullRequestId   = Id;

            GoToFilesCommand = ReactiveCommand.Create().WithSubscription(_ =>
                var vm             = this.CreateViewModel <PullRequestFilesViewModel>();
                vm.RepositoryOwner = RepositoryOwner;
                vm.RepositoryName  = RepositoryName;
                vm.PullRequestId   = Id;

            ShareCommand = ReactiveCommand.Create(this.WhenAnyValue(x => x.PullRequest).Select(x => x != null));
            ShareCommand.Subscribe(_ => actionMenuService.ShareUrl(PullRequest.HtmlUrl));

            GoToEditCommand = ReactiveCommand.Create().WithSubscription(_ =>
                var vm             = this.CreateViewModel <IssueEditViewModel>();
                vm.RepositoryOwner = RepositoryOwner;
                vm.RepositoryName  = RepositoryName;
                vm.Id = Id;
                //vm.Issue = Issue;
//                vm.WhenAnyValue(x => x.Issue).Skip(1).Subscribe(x => Issue = x);

            ShowMenuCommand = ReactiveCommand.CreateAsyncTask(
                this.WhenAnyValue(x => x.PullRequest).Select(x => x != null),
                _ =>
                var menu = actionMenuService.Create(Title);
                menu.AddButton("Edit", GoToEditCommand);
                menu.AddButton(PullRequest.State == Octokit.ItemState.Closed ? "Open" : "Close", ToggleStateCommand);
                menu.AddButton("Comment", GoToAddCommentCommand);
                menu.AddButton("Share", ShareCommand);
                menu.AddButton("Show in GitHub", GoToHtmlUrlCommand);