Exemple #1
    void GetOriginalValues()
        for (int i = 0; i < steering.flockSteeringBehaviours.Length; i++)
            //If we find the cohesion steering
            if (steering.flockSteeringBehaviours[i].GetType() == typeof(SmoothedCohesionSteering))
                //Set the weight
                cohesionWeight = steering.correspondingWeights[i];
            //If we find the separation steering
            else if (steering.flockSteeringBehaviours[i].GetType() == typeof(SeparationSteering))
                //Set the weight
                separationWeight = steering.correspondingWeights[i];
            //If we find the group alignment steering
            else if (steering.flockSteeringBehaviours[i].GetType() == typeof(GroupAlignmentSteering))
                //Set the weight
                groupAlignmentWeight = steering.correspondingWeights[i];
            //If we find the avoid edge steering
            else if (steering.flockSteeringBehaviours[i].GetType() == typeof(AvoidEdgeSteering))
                //Set the weight
                avoidEdgeWeight = steering.correspondingWeights[i];

                //Set the radius
                AvoidEdgeSteering avoidance = (AvoidEdgeSteering)steering.flockSteeringBehaviours[i];
                avoidEdgeRadius = avoidance.radius;
            //If we find the obstacle avoidance steering
            else if (steering.flockSteeringBehaviours[i].GetType() == typeof(ObstacleAvoidanceSteering))
                //Set the weight
                obstacleAvoidanceWeight = steering.correspondingWeights[i];

                //Set the detection depth and the avoidance strength
                ObstacleAvoidanceSteering avoidance = (ObstacleAvoidanceSteering)steering.flockSteeringBehaviours[i];
                obstacleDetectionDepth    = avoidance.detectionDepth;
                obstacleAvoidanceStrength = avoidance.avoidanceStrength;
Exemple #2
    void CheckForNewValues()
        //Cohesion weight
        if (cohesionWeight != originalCohesionWeight)
            //Find the index of the cohesion
            for (int i = 0; i < steering.flockSteeringBehaviours.Length; i++)
                //If we find the cohesion steering
                if (steering.flockSteeringBehaviours[i].GetType() == typeof(SmoothedCohesionSteering))
                    //Set the weight
                    steering.correspondingWeights[i] = cohesionWeight;

        //Separation weight
        if (separationWeight != originalSeparationWeight)
            //Find the index of the separation
            for (int i = 0; i < steering.flockSteeringBehaviours.Length; i++)
                //If we find the separation steering
                if (steering.flockSteeringBehaviours[i].GetType() == typeof(SeparationSteering))
                    //Set the weight
                    steering.correspondingWeights[i] = separationWeight;

        //Group alignment weight
        if (groupAlignmentWeight != originalGroupAlignmentWeight)
            //Find the index of the group alignment
            for (int i = 0; i < steering.flockSteeringBehaviours.Length; i++)
                //If we find the group alignment steering
                if (steering.flockSteeringBehaviours[i].GetType() == typeof(GroupAlignmentSteering))
                    //Set the weight
                    steering.correspondingWeights[i] = groupAlignmentWeight;

        //Avoid edge weight
        if (avoidEdgeWeight != originalAvoidEdgeWeight)
            //Find the index of the avoid edge
            for (int i = 0; i < steering.flockSteeringBehaviours.Length; i++)
                //If we find the avoid edge steering
                if (steering.flockSteeringBehaviours[i].GetType() == typeof(AvoidEdgeSteering))
                    //Set the weight
                    steering.correspondingWeights[i] = avoidEdgeWeight;

        //Avoid edge radius
        if (avoidEdgeRadius != originalAvoidEdgeRadius)
            //Find the index of the avoid edge
            for (int i = 0; i < steering.flockSteeringBehaviours.Length; i++)
                //If we find the avoid edge steering
                if (steering.flockSteeringBehaviours[i].GetType() == typeof(AvoidEdgeSteering))
                    //Set the radius
                    AvoidEdgeSteering avoidance = (AvoidEdgeSteering)steering.flockSteeringBehaviours[i];
                    avoidance.radius = avoidEdgeRadius;

        //Obstacle avoidance weight
        if (obstacleAvoidanceWeight != originalObstacleAvoidanceWeight)
            //Find the index of the avoid edge
            for (int i = 0; i < steering.flockSteeringBehaviours.Length; i++)
                //If we find the avoid edge steering
                if (steering.flockSteeringBehaviours[i].GetType() == typeof(ObstacleAvoidanceSteering))
                    //Set the weight
                    steering.correspondingWeights[i] = obstacleAvoidanceWeight;

        //Obstacle detection depth
        if (obstacleDetectionDepth != originalObstacleDetectionDepth)
            //Find the index of the avoid edge
            for (int i = 0; i < steering.flockSteeringBehaviours.Length; i++)
                //If we find the avoid edge steering
                if (steering.flockSteeringBehaviours[i].GetType() == typeof(ObstacleAvoidanceSteering))
                    //Set the depth
                    ObstacleAvoidanceSteering avoidance = (ObstacleAvoidanceSteering)steering.flockSteeringBehaviours[i];
                    avoidance.detectionDepth = obstacleDetectionDepth;

        //Obstacle detection depth
        if (obstacleAvoidanceStrength != originalObstacleAvoidanceStrength)
            //Find the index of the avoid edge
            for (int i = 0; i < steering.flockSteeringBehaviours.Length; i++)
                //If we find the avoid edge steering
                if (steering.flockSteeringBehaviours[i].GetType() == typeof(ObstacleAvoidanceSteering))
                    //Set the depth
                    ObstacleAvoidanceSteering avoidance = (ObstacleAvoidanceSteering)steering.flockSteeringBehaviours[i];
                    avoidance.avoidanceStrength = obstacleAvoidanceStrength;