Exemple #1
    public ObjectiveType GetTypeObjective(int pIdObjectiveType)
        ObjectiveType ob = new ObjectiveType();

        string        conn = "URI=file:" + Application.streamingAssetsPath + "/AdvScrabble.db";  //Path to database.
        IDbConnection dbconn;

        dbconn = (IDbConnection) new SqliteConnection(conn);
        dbconn.Open();         //Open connection to the database.
        IDbCommand dbcmd    = dbconn.CreateCommand();
        string     sqlQuery = String.Format("SELECT * FROM objective_type where id_objective_type = \"{0}\"", pIdObjectiveType);

        dbcmd.CommandText = sqlQuery;
        IDataReader reader = dbcmd.ExecuteReader();

        while (reader.Read())
            ob.Id_type_objective = reader.GetInt32(0);
            ob.Description       = reader.GetString(1);
        dbcmd = null;
        dbconn = null;

        public override double GetObjectiveStrengthValue(ObjectiveType objectiveType)
            if (objectiveType is Control)

            if (objectiveType is AssaultAttack)
            if (objectiveType is EscortAttack)
            if (objectiveType is EscortDefend)
            if (objectiveType is AssaultDefend)

Exemple #3
 public Objective(string name, string description, ObjectiveType type)
     Name        = name;
     Description = description;
     Type        = type;
     IsCompleted = false;
Exemple #4
        private void AssignShipsToDefendObjective()
            DefendPlanetObjective objective = this.m_Objective as DefendPlanetObjective;

            if (objective.DefendPatrolObjective != null)
                int index = 0;
                foreach (Ship ship in this.m_Ships)
                    if (index < this.m_ShipControls.Count)
                        this.m_ShipControls[index].AddShip(ship, false);
                        Vector3           patrolDirection   = objective.GetPatrolDirection(index);
                        PatrolShipControl patrolShipControl = new PatrolShipControl(this.m_Game, (TacticalObjective)objective.DefendPatrolObjective, this.m_CommanderAI, this.m_PatrolType, patrolDirection, 10000f, this.m_CommanderAI.AIRandom.CoinToss(0.5));
                        patrolShipControl.AddShip(ship, false);
                    index = (index + 1) % 6;
                this.m_RequestedObjectiveType = ObjectiveType.PATROL;
Exemple #5
        public void CalculateGoals(ObjectiveType objective, params ConstraintType[] constraints)
            var simplex = new SimplexSolver();

            var goalEarned       = GoalEarned;
            var objCoefficients  = new Dictionary <object, double>();
            var consCoefficients = new Dictionary <object, double>();

            foreach (var section in sections)
                var staticEarned = section.Assignments.Where(a => !a.GoalSelected).Sum(a => a.Earned);
                var totalWorth   = section.Assignments.Sum(a => a.Worth);
                goalEarned -= section.Weight * 100 * (staticEarned / totalWorth);

                foreach (var assignment in section.Assignments)
                    if (assignment.GoalSelected)
                        var objCoefficient = objective == ObjectiveType.Equal ? 1 : section.Weight;
                        objCoefficients.Add(assignment.Id, objCoefficient);

                        var consCoefficient = section.Weight * 100 / totalWorth;
                        consCoefficients.Add(assignment.Id, consCoefficient);

                        var maxEarnedCoeff = new Dictionary <object, double>();
                        maxEarnedCoeff.Add(assignment.Id, 1);
                        simplex.AddConstraint(maxEarnedCoeff, Relationship.LessThanOrEqual, assignment.GoalEarned);
            simplex.SetObjective(Optimization.Min, objCoefficients);
            simplex.AddConstraint(consCoefficients, Relationship.GreaterThanOrEqual, goalEarned);

            simplex.Solve(out IDictionary <object, double> solution); // 100, 100, 36.923
Exemple #6
 public Tile(Vector2 position, Transform tileParent, TerrainType terrain, ObjectiveType objective)
     Position      = position;
     TileParent    = tileParent;
     TerrainType   = terrain;
     ObjectiveType = objective;
Exemple #7
 public TaskGroup(App game, CombatAI commandAI)
     this.m_Game                   = game;
     this.m_CommanderAI            = commandAI;
     this.m_Objective              = (TacticalObjective)null;
     this.m_Orders                 = TaskGroupOrders.None;
     this.m_Type                   = TaskGroupType.Aggressive;
     this.m_bIsPlayerOrder         = false;
     this.m_bIsInContactWithEnemy  = false;
     this.m_EnemyGroupInContact    = (EnemyGroup)null;
     this.m_Ships                  = new List <Ship>();
     this.m_Targets                = new List <Ship>();
     this.m_ShipControls           = new List <TaskGroupShipControl>();
     this.m_TargetGroup            = (EnemyGroup)null;
     this.m_TargetTaskGroup        = (TaskGroup)null;
     this.m_PatrolType             = PatrolType.Circular;
     this.m_RequestedObjectiveType = ObjectiveType.NO_OBJECTIVE;
     this.m_NumShipTypes           = new int[14];
     for (int index = 0; index < 14; ++index)
         this.m_NumShipTypes[index] = 0;
     this.m_GroupSpeed = 0.0f;
     this.m_RequestRefreshShipControls = false;
     this.m_ChangeAttackTime           = 4800;
     this.m_CurrentChangeAttackDelay   = this.m_ChangeAttackTime;
Exemple #8
 public QuestGoal(ObjectiveType type, int idOfObject, int need, string desc)
     Type        = type;
     ID          = idOfObject;
     AmountNeed  = need;
     AmountDid   = 0;
     Description = desc;
 internal override void NotifyFilledObjective(ObjectiveType objectiveEntered)
     if (objectivesFilled < objectivesOrder.Length && objectivesOrder[objectivesFilled] != objectiveEntered && objectivesOrder[objectivesFilled] != ObjectiveType.NONE)
         Invoke("StartBlinking", 8.0f);
Exemple #10
 public override double GetObjectiveStrengthValue(ObjectiveType objectiveType)
     if (objectiveType is Control)
Exemple #11
 /// <summary>
 /// Initializes a new instance of the <see cref="Objective"/> class.
 /// <para></para>
 /// <remarks><paramref name="description"></paramref> -The description of the objective.</remarks>
 /// <para></para>
 /// <remarks><paramref name = "type" ></paramref > -The type of the objective.</remarks>
 /// <para></para>
 /// <remarks><paramref name="completed"></paramref> -The boolean whether the objective is completed or not.</remarks>
 /// <para></para>
 /// <remarks><paramref name="startingmin"></paramref> -The integer to start the current objectives count with.</remarks>
 /// <para></para>
 /// <remarks><paramref name="startingmax"></paramref> -The integer to start the current objectives max count with.</remarks>
 /// </summary>
 public Objective(string description, ObjectiveType type, bool completed, int startingmin, int startingmax)
     this.description  = description;
     this.type         = type;
     this.iscompleted  = completed;
     this.currentvalue = startingmin;
     this.maxvalue     = startingmax;
 public override double GetObjectiveStrengthValue(ObjectiveType objectiveType)
     if (objectiveType is EscortAttack)
Exemple #13
        public void SetObjective(string objStr, float x, float y)
            currentObjective = ObjectiveType.Reach;
            float h = CLevel.Instance.GetHeightAt(x, y, 999);

            Target           = CObjectManager.Instance.CreateInstance(typeof(CCheckpoint), x, h, y);
            sObjectiveString = objStr;
Exemple #14
 public void SetTarget(Vector3 position)
     Target = null;
     TPX    = position.x;
     TPY    = position.y;
     TPZ    = position.z;
     Type   = ObjectiveType.Position;
Exemple #15
 public void SetTarget(Vector3 position, Vector3 direction)
     Target    = null;
     TPX       = position.x;
     TPY       = position.y;
     TPZ       = position.z;
     Direction = direction;
     Type      = ObjectiveType.LookAt;
Exemple #16
 public void SetTarget(Quaternion rotation)
     Target = null;
     TRX    = rotation.x;
     TRY    = rotation.y;
     TRZ    = rotation.z;
     TRW    = rotation.w;
     Type   = ObjectiveType.Orientation;
        public override double GetObjectiveStrengthValue(ObjectiveType objectiveType)
            if (objectiveType is AssaultDefend)

Exemple #18
        public void SetObjective(string objStr, List <string> dialog, List <string> subtitles)
            currentObjective = ObjectiveType.Event;
            sObjectiveString = objStr;

            DialogSoundBytes = dialog;

            DialogSubtitles = subtitles;
Exemple #19
 /// @param type
 ///     The type of objective targetted
 /// @param amount
 ///     The progressed amount for that objective
 public void LogEvent(ObjectiveType type, int amount = 1)
     foreach (var objective in m_objectives)
         if (objective.m_data.m_type == type)
Exemple #20
 /// @param type
 ///     The type of objective targetted
 /// @param value
 ///     The value of the event
 /// @param amount
 ///     The progressed amount for that objective
 public void LogEventWithValue(ObjectiveType type, int value = 1, int amount = 1)
     foreach (var objective in m_objectives)
         if (objective.m_data.m_type == type && objective.m_data.m_value <= value)
Exemple #21
 public Objective(ObjectiveType type, String text, String shorttext)
     this.type = type;
     this.text = text;
     locationTriggers = new List<string>();
     targetBosses = new List<string>();
     upgradeGoals = new List<AbilityType>();
     this.shorttext = shorttext;
     this.longtext = text;
Exemple #22
 /// @param type
 ///     The type of objective targetted
 /// @param target
 ///     The target of the event
 /// @param amount
 ///     The progressed amount for that objective
 public void LogEvent(ObjectiveType type, TileColour target, int amount = 1)
     foreach (var objective in m_objectives)
         if (objective.m_data.m_type == type && objective.m_data.m_target == target)
 private bool CheckObjective(QuestObjective questObjective, ObjectiveType targetObjective)
     if (questObjective.Objective == targetObjective)
Exemple #24
        private void miAddMapInfo_Click(object sender, EventArgs e)
            ObjectiveType c = (ObjectiveType)tvManifest.SelectedNode.Tag;

            ObjectiveTypeMapInfo o = new ObjectiveTypeMapInfo();


        /// <inheritdoc />
        public override void Decode(MinecraftStream stream)
            ObjectiveName = stream.ReadString();
            Mode          = (ObjectiveMode)stream.ReadByte();

            if (Mode == ObjectiveMode.Create || Mode == ObjectiveMode.UpdateText)
                Value = stream.ReadChatObject();
                Type  = (ObjectiveType)stream.ReadByte();
Exemple #26
 public void SetTarget(Vector3 position, Quaternion rotation)
     Target = null;
     TPX    = position.x;
     TPY    = position.y;
     TPZ    = position.z;
     TRX    = rotation.x;
     TRY    = rotation.y;
     TRZ    = rotation.z;
     TRW    = rotation.w;
     Type   = ObjectiveType.Pose;
Exemple #27
        public static readonly TextDefinition CompletionNoticeCraft       = new TextDefinition(1073967);     // You obtained what you seek, now receive your reward.

        public MLQuest()
            m_Activated        = false;
            m_Objectives       = new List <BaseObjective>();
            m_ObjectiveType    = ObjectiveType.All;
            m_Rewards          = new List <BaseReward>();
            m_CompletionNotice = CompletionNoticeDefault;

            m_Instances = new List <MLQuestInstance>();

            m_SaveEnabled = true;
 /// <summary>
 /// This resource returns details about World vs. World objectives such as camps, towers, and keeps. 
 /// </summary>
 /// <param name="id">The objective id.</param>
 /// <param name="name">The name of the objective.</param>
 /// <param name="sector_id">The map sector the objective can be found in. (See /v2/continents.)</param>
 /// <param name="type">The type of the objective</param>
 /// <param name="map_type">The map that this objective can be found on</param>
 /// <param name="map_id">The ID of the map that this objective can be found on.</param>
 /// <param name="coord">An array of three numbers representing the X, Y and Z coordinates of the objectives marker on the map.</param>
 /// <param name="label_coord">An array of two numbers representing the X and Y coordinates of the sector centroid.</param>
 /// <param name="marker">The icon link</param>
 public Objectives(string id, string name, int sector_id, ObjectiveType type, MapType map_type, int map_id, float[] coord, float[] label_coord, string marker)
     : base(marker)
     Id = id;
     Name = name;
     SectorId = sector_id;
     Type = type;
     MapType = map_type;
     MapId = map_id;
     Coord = coord;
     LabelCoord = label_coord;
Exemple #29
        public bool isObjectiveCompleted(ObjectiveType type)
            foreach (PlayerObjectiveModel pom in objectives)
                if (pom.type == type)

Exemple #30
		public int Add(Player player, string description, ObjectiveType type = ObjectiveType.Primary, bool inhibitAnnouncement = false)
			var newID = objectives.Count;

			objectives.Insert(newID, new MissionObjective(type, description));

			ObjectiveAdded(player, inhibitAnnouncement);
			foreach (var inou in player.PlayerActor.TraitsImplementing<INotifyObjectivesUpdated>())
				inou.OnObjectiveAdded(player, newID);

			return newID;
 /// <summary>
 /// This resource returns details about World vs. World objectives such as camps, towers, and keeps.
 /// </summary>
 /// <param name="id">The objective id.</param>
 /// <param name="name">The name of the objective.</param>
 /// <param name="sector_id">The map sector the objective can be found in. (See /v2/continents.)</param>
 /// <param name="type">The type of the objective</param>
 /// <param name="map_type">The map that this objective can be found on</param>
 /// <param name="map_id">The ID of the map that this objective can be found on.</param>
 /// <param name="coord">An array of three numbers representing the X, Y and Z coordinates of the objectives marker on the map.</param>
 /// <param name="label_coord">An array of two numbers representing the X and Y coordinates of the sector centroid.</param>
 /// <param name="marker">The icon link</param>
 public Objectives(string id, string name, int sector_id, ObjectiveType type, MapType map_type, int map_id, float[] coord, float[] label_coord, string marker)
     : base(marker)
     Id         = id;
     Name       = name;
     SectorId   = sector_id;
     Type       = type;
     MapType    = map_type;
     MapId      = map_id;
     Coord      = coord;
     LabelCoord = label_coord;
Exemple #32
    public Objective GenerateObjective(ObjectiveType type, ObjectiveDifficultyLevel difficulty, GameObject source)
        switch (type)
        case ObjectiveType.KILL:
            return(GenerateKillObjective(difficulty, source));

        case ObjectiveType.SURVIVE:
            return(GenerateSurviveObjective(difficulty, source));
        public static EventDataModel getCombatEvent(Encounter encounter, ObjectiveType objective = ObjectiveType.None)
            EventDataModel edm = new EventDataModel();

            edm.encounter  = encounter;
            edm.hasMessage = false;
            edm.message    = string.Empty;
            edm.type       = EventDataType.Combat;
            edm.nextEvent  = null;
            edm.objective  = objective;

 public static string getCompletedText(ObjectiveType type)
     switch (type)
         case ObjectiveType.EmergenceCavernAdditionalAdventurer:
             return "You have unlocked an additional character!  You will be able to add them to your party the next time you enter a dungeon.";
         case ObjectiveType.EmergenceCavernB2:
             return "You have unlocked Emergence Cavern B2.";
         case ObjectiveType.Potion:
             return "The Potion item is now available at the Item Store.  Please note that item uses regenerate when exiting a dungeon.";
             return string.Empty;
        public static string completeObjective(PlayerModel pm, ObjectiveType objective)
            if (!pm.isObjectiveCompleted(objective))
                if (objective == ObjectiveType.EmergenceCavernAdditionalAdventurer)
                pm.objectives.Add(new PlayerObjectiveModel()
                    type = objective
                return getCompletedText(objective);

            return string.Empty;
Exemple #36
 public void UpdateObjective(ObjectiveType type, float value)
     foreach (Objective objective in secondary_objectives) {
         if(objective.type == type){
     if(primary_objective.type == type){
Exemple #37
		public MissionObjective(ObjectiveType type, string description)
			Type = type;
			Description = description;
			State = ObjectiveState.Incomplete;
Exemple #38
 public Objective()
     // Default constructor
     type = ObjectiveType.NONE;
     reward = ObjectiveReward.NONE;
     current = 0;
     target = 1;
     completed = false;
     reward_amount = 0;
Exemple #39
 public Objective(ObjectiveType set_type, ObjectiveReward set_reward, int set_target, int amount)
     SetObjective (set_type, set_reward, set_target,amount);
Exemple #40
 public void SetObjective(ObjectiveType set_type, ObjectiveReward set_reward, int set_target, int amount)
     type = set_type;
     reward = set_reward;
     target = (float)set_target;
     current = 0;
     completed = false;
     reward_amount = amount;
     done = false;
Exemple #41
 public Objective(List<Destructible> Targets)
     Type = ObjectiveType.MultipleTargets;
     this.targets = Targets;
Exemple #42
        /// <summary>
        ///     Handles the objective.
        /// </summary>
        /// <param name="unit">The unit.</param>
        /// <param name="type">The type.</param>
        private void HandleObjective(Obj_AI_Base unit, ObjectiveType type)
            if ((Config.Instance.objectiveMenu["SmartObjectiveSteal"].Cast<CheckBox>().CurrentValue
                 && !Config.Instance.objectiveMenu["StealObjectiveKeyBind"].Cast<CheckBox>().CurrentValue && unit.CountAlliesInRange(500) != 0)
                || !Config.Instance.objectiveMenu["StealObjectiveKeyBind"].Cast<CheckBox>().CurrentValue)

            if (!Config.Instance.objectiveMenu["Steal" + type].Cast<CheckBox>().CurrentValue)

            this.StealObject(unit, StealType.ObjectiveSteal);
        public static EventDataModel getCombatEvent(Encounter encounter, ObjectiveType objective = ObjectiveType.None)
            EventDataModel edm = new EventDataModel();
            edm.encounter = encounter;
            edm.hasMessage = false;
            edm.message = string.Empty;
            edm.type = EventDataType.Combat;
            edm.nextEvent = null;
            edm.objective = objective;

            return edm;
Exemple #44
 public Objective(ObjectiveType type, string text, ObjectiveStatus status)
     Type = type;
     Text = text;
     Status = status;
        public bool isObjectiveCompleted(ObjectiveType type)
            foreach (PlayerObjectiveModel pom in objectives)
                if (pom.type == type)
                    return true;

            return false;
 /// <summary>
 ///     Fires the object created event.
 /// </summary>
 /// <param name="unit">The unit.</param>
 /// <param name="type">The type.</param>
 private static void FireObjectCreatedEvent(Obj_AI_Base unit, ObjectiveType type)
     OnObjectiveCreated?.Invoke(unit, type);
Exemple #47
 public Objective(float TimeLimit)
     Type = ObjectiveType.ClearAll;
     timeLimit = TimeLimit;
     currentTime = 0f;
        public static EventDataModel getMultiCombatEvent(List<Encounter> encounters, ObjectiveType objective = ObjectiveType.None)
            EventDataModel edm = new EventDataModel();
            edm.hasMessage = false;
            edm.message = string.Empty;
            edm.type = EventDataType.Combat;
            edm.objective = objective;

            EventDataModel currentEvent = edm;

            foreach (Encounter encounter in encounters)
                currentEvent.encounter = encounter;

                EventDataModel edm2 = new EventDataModel();
                edm2.encounter = encounter;
                edm2.hasMessage = false;
                edm2.message = string.Empty;
                edm2.type = EventDataType.Combat;
                edm2.nextEvent = null;
                edm2.objective = objective;

                currentEvent.nextEvent = edm2;
                currentEvent = edm2;

            return edm;
Exemple #49
        /// <summary>
        ///     Handles the buff.
        /// </summary>
        /// <param name="unit">The unit.</param>
        /// <param name="type">The type.</param>
        private void HandleBuff(Obj_AI_Base unit, ObjectiveType type)
            if (!Config.Instance.buffMenu["Steal" + type + "Buff"].Cast<CheckBox>().CurrentValue)

            var alliesinRange = unit.CountAlliesInRange(1000);

            if (!Config.Instance.buffMenu["StealAllyBuffs"].Cast<CheckBox>().CurrentValue && alliesinRange > 0)

            this.StealObject(unit, StealType.BuffSteal);
Exemple #50
 public void SetRandomObjective(int level)
     type = (ObjectiveType)Random.Range (1, 5);
     reward_amount = Random.Range (20 * level, 30 * level);
     if (type == ObjectiveType.DAMAGE){
         target = Random.Range(level, level*5);
         reward = ObjectiveReward.GAINZ;
     } else if (type == ObjectiveType.KILL){
         target = Random.Range(level * 10, level * 20);
         reward = ObjectiveReward.GAINZ;
     } else if (type == ObjectiveType.SCAVENGER){
         target = Random.Range(level, level*2);
         reward = ObjectiveReward.BRAINZ;
     } else if (type == ObjectiveType.FIRE){
         target = Random.Range (10*level, 20*level);
         reward = ObjectiveReward.BRAINZ;
        public static EventDataModel getTrapEvent(EventDataType eventDataType, string message, ObjectiveType objective = ObjectiveType.None)
            EventDataModel edm = new EventDataModel();
            edm.hasMessage = true;
            edm.message = message;
            edm.type = eventDataType;
            edm.nextEvent = null;
            edm.objective = objective;

            return edm;
Exemple #52
 public Objective(Destructible Target)
     Type = ObjectiveType.TargetDestructible;
     targets = new List<Destructible>();