Exemple #1
        static void Main(string[] args)
            var log = new LoggerConfiguration().WriteTo.LiterateConsole().CreateLogger();

            var clientId      = "";
            var clientSecret  = "";
            var testFilePath  = @"";
            var outputWebsite = @"";

            var scopes = new[] { "data:read", "data:write", "bucket:create", "data:search", "bucket:read" };

            var bucketKey = "forgefun";

            var authService        = new AuthorizationService();
            var objectStoreService = new ObjectStoreService();
            var derivativeService  = new DerivativeService();

            var testfileName = Path.GetFileName(testFilePath);

            log.Information("Get an authorization Token");
            var authToken = authService.GenerateToken(clientId, clientSecret, scopes);

            log.Information("Set the tokens for our services");

            log.Information("List existing buckets for this application");
            var buckets = objectStoreService.ListBuckets();

            if (!buckets.Contains(bucketKey))
                log.Information("If the bucket dosn't exist create it");

            log.Information("List the bucket contents");
            var objects = objectStoreService.ListBucketContents(bucketKey);

            if (!objects.Contains(testfileName))
                log.Information("If the bucket dosn't already contain our file upload it");
                objectStoreService.UploadFile(bucketKey, testfileName, testFilePath);

            log.Information("Get our the objectId for our file");
            var testFileObjectId = objectStoreService.GetFileObjectId(bucketKey, testfileName);

            bool processing = false;

            log.Information("Check if our files has Derivatives");
            var exisitingDerivatives = derivativeService.GetDerivatives(testFileObjectId);

            if (exisitingDerivatives == null || exisitingDerivatives.Any(d => d.OutputType == "svf"))
                var views = new[] { "2d", "3d" };
                log.Information("Issues the Convert to SVF");
                derivativeService.ConvertToSvf(testFileObjectId, views);
                processing = true;

            while (processing)
                log.Information("Waiting 10 seconds");
                var derivativesPercentageComplete = derivativeService.DerivativesPercentComplete(testFileObjectId);

                switch (derivativesPercentageComplete)
                case -1:
                    throw new Exception("Unexpected Processing State");

                case 100:
                    processing = false;

                    log.Information("{derivativesPercentageComplete}% complete", derivativesPercentageComplete);

            var base64Urn       = DerivativeService.Base64EncodeObjectId(testFileObjectId);
            var viewerAuthToken = authService.GenerateToken(clientId, clientSecret, new [] { "data:read" });

            var webSiteBuilder = new WebsiteBuilder();

            log.Information("Build the website");
            webSiteBuilder.Build(base64Urn, viewerAuthToken, outputWebsite);