private void ReportRefreshProgress(int percentComplete, string message) // percent not implemented for this { if (!Controller.PendingClose) { refreshprogressstring = message; toolStripStatusLabel1.Text = ObjectExtensionsStrings.AppendPrePad(syncprogressstring, refreshprogressstring, " | "); Update(); // nasty but it works - needed since we are doing UI work here and the UI thread will be blocked } }
public static Keys IsAltPrefix(ref string s) { if (ObjectExtensionsStrings.IsPrefix(ref s, "Alt", StringComparison.InvariantCultureIgnoreCase)) { return(Keys.Menu); } else if (ObjectExtensionsStrings.IsPrefix(ref s, "RAlt", StringComparison.InvariantCultureIgnoreCase)) { return(Keys.RMenu); } else { return(Keys.None); } }
public static Keys IsCtrlPrefix(ref string s) { if (ObjectExtensionsStrings.IsPrefix(ref s, "Ctrl", StringComparison.InvariantCultureIgnoreCase)) { return(Keys.ControlKey); } else if (ObjectExtensionsStrings.IsPrefix(ref s, "RCtrl", StringComparison.InvariantCultureIgnoreCase)) { return(Keys.RControlKey); } else { return(Keys.None); } }
public static Keys IsShiftPrefix(ref string s) // look for prefix, remove, return what the prefix is { if (ObjectExtensionsStrings.IsPrefix(ref s, "Shift", StringComparison.InvariantCultureIgnoreCase)) { return(Keys.ShiftKey); } else if (ObjectExtensionsStrings.IsPrefix(ref s, "RShift", StringComparison.InvariantCultureIgnoreCase)) { return(Keys.RShiftKey); } else { return(Keys.None); } }
private void ReportSyncProgress(int percentComplete, string message) { if (!Controller.PendingClose) { if (percentComplete >= 0) { toolStripProgressBar1.Visible = true; toolStripProgressBar1.Value = percentComplete; } else { toolStripProgressBar1.Visible = false; } syncprogressstring = message; toolStripStatusLabel1.Text = ObjectExtensionsStrings.AppendPrePad(syncprogressstring, refreshprogressstring, " | "); } }
public void ObjectExtensions_Strings() { { string s = ObjectExtensionsStrings.RegExWildCardToRegular("*fred"); System.Diagnostics.Debug.WriteLine($"Pattern is {s}"); Check.That(System.Text.RegularExpressions.Regex.IsMatch("wwwfred", s, System.Text.RegularExpressions.RegexOptions.IgnoreCase)).IsTrue(); Check.That(System.Text.RegularExpressions.Regex.IsMatch("wwwfredwww", s, System.Text.RegularExpressions.RegexOptions.IgnoreCase)).IsFalse(); } { string s = ObjectExtensionsStrings.RegExWildCardToRegular("*fred*"); System.Diagnostics.Debug.WriteLine($"Pattern is {s}"); Check.That(System.Text.RegularExpressions.Regex.IsMatch("fre", s, System.Text.RegularExpressions.RegexOptions.IgnoreCase)).IsFalse(); Check.That(System.Text.RegularExpressions.Regex.IsMatch("fred", s, System.Text.RegularExpressions.RegexOptions.IgnoreCase)).IsTrue(); Check.That(System.Text.RegularExpressions.Regex.IsMatch("wwwfred", s, System.Text.RegularExpressions.RegexOptions.IgnoreCase)).IsTrue(); Check.That(System.Text.RegularExpressions.Regex.IsMatch("wwwfredwww", s, System.Text.RegularExpressions.RegexOptions.IgnoreCase)).IsTrue(); } { string s = ObjectExtensionsStrings.RegExWildCardToRegular("*fr?d*"); System.Diagnostics.Debug.WriteLine($"Pattern is {s}"); Check.That(System.Text.RegularExpressions.Regex.IsMatch("fre", s, System.Text.RegularExpressions.RegexOptions.IgnoreCase)).IsFalse(); Check.That(System.Text.RegularExpressions.Regex.IsMatch("fred", s, System.Text.RegularExpressions.RegexOptions.IgnoreCase)).IsTrue(); Check.That(System.Text.RegularExpressions.Regex.IsMatch("frxd", s, System.Text.RegularExpressions.RegexOptions.IgnoreCase)).IsTrue(); Check.That(System.Text.RegularExpressions.Regex.IsMatch("wwwfred", s, System.Text.RegularExpressions.RegexOptions.IgnoreCase)).IsTrue(); Check.That(System.Text.RegularExpressions.Regex.IsMatch("wwwfredwww", s, System.Text.RegularExpressions.RegexOptions.IgnoreCase)).IsTrue(); } { string s = ObjectExtensionsStrings.RegExWildCardToRegular("*f()r?d*"); System.Diagnostics.Debug.WriteLine($"Pattern is {s}"); Check.That(System.Text.RegularExpressions.Regex.IsMatch("...f()red...", s, System.Text.RegularExpressions.RegexOptions.IgnoreCase)).IsTrue(); } { string s = ObjectExtensionsStrings.RegExWildCardToRegular("fr$(^ed"); System.Diagnostics.Debug.WriteLine($"Pattern is {s}"); Check.That(System.Text.RegularExpressions.Regex.IsMatch("fr$(^ed", s, System.Text.RegularExpressions.RegexOptions.IgnoreCase)).IsTrue(); Check.That(System.Text.RegularExpressions.Regex.IsMatch("xfr$(^ed", s, System.Text.RegularExpressions.RegexOptions.IgnoreCase)).IsFalse(); Check.That(System.Text.RegularExpressions.Regex.IsMatch("fr$(^edx", s, System.Text.RegularExpressions.RegexOptions.IgnoreCase)).IsFalse(); } }
private void Display(HistoryEntry he, HistoryList hl, bool selectedEntry) { //System.Diagnostics.Debug.WriteLine("SI:Display "); if (neverdisplayed) { UpdateViewOnSelection(); // then turn the right ones on neverdisplayed = false; } last_he = he; if (last_he != null) { SetControlText(he.System.Name); HistoryEntry lastfsd = hl.GetLastHistoryEntry(x => x.journalEntry is EliteDangerousCore.JournalEvents.JournalFSDJump, he); textBoxSystem.Text = he.System.Name; panelFD.BackgroundImage = (lastfsd != null && (lastfsd.journalEntry as EliteDangerousCore.JournalEvents.JournalFSDJump).EDSMFirstDiscover) ? EDDiscovery.Icons.Controls.firstdiscover : EDDiscovery.Icons.Controls.notfirstdiscover; discoveryform.history.FillEDSM(he); // Fill in any EDSM info we have //textBoxBody.Text = he.WhereAmI + ((he.IsInHyperSpace) ? " (HS)": ""); textBoxBody.Text = he.WhereAmI + " (" + he.BodyType + ")"; if (he.System.HasCoordinate) // cursystem has them? { string SingleCoordinateFormat = "0.##"; string separ = System.Globalization.CultureInfo.CurrentCulture.NumberFormat.NumberGroupSeparator + " "; textBoxPosition.Text = he.System.X.ToString(SingleCoordinateFormat) + separ + he.System.Y.ToString(SingleCoordinateFormat) + separ + he.System.Z.ToString(SingleCoordinateFormat); ISystem homesys = EDCommander.Current.HomeSystemIOrSol; textBoxHomeDist.Text = he.System.Distance(homesys).ToString(SingleCoordinateFormat); textBoxSolDist.Text = he.System.Distance(0, 0, 0).ToString(SingleCoordinateFormat); } else { textBoxPosition.Text = "?"; textBoxHomeDist.Text = ""; textBoxSolDist.Text = ""; } int count = discoveryform.history.GetVisitsCount(he.System.Name); textBoxVisits.Text = count.ToString(); bool enableedddross = (he.System.EDDBID > 0); // Only enable eddb/ross for system that it knows about buttonRoss.Enabled = buttonEDDB.Enabled = enableedddross; string allegiance, economy, gov, faction, factionstate, security; hl.ReturnSystemInfo(he, out allegiance, out economy, out gov, out faction, out factionstate, out security); textBoxAllegiance.Text = allegiance; textBoxEconomy.Text = economy; textBoxGovernment.Text = gov; textBoxState.Text = factionstate; List <MissionState> mcurrent = (from MissionState ms in he.MissionList.Missions.Values where ms.InProgressDateTime(last_he.EventTimeUTC) orderby ms.Mission.EventTimeUTC descending select ms).ToList(); if (mcurrent == null || mcurrent.Count == 0) { richTextBoxScrollMissions.Text = "No Missions".T(EDTx.UserControlSysInfo_NoMissions); } else { string t = ""; foreach (MissionState ms in mcurrent) { t = ObjectExtensionsStrings.AppendPrePad(t, JournalFieldNaming.ShortenMissionName(ms.Mission.Name) + " Exp:" + (EDDiscoveryForm.EDDConfig.DisplayUTC ? ms.Mission.Expiry : ms.Mission.Expiry.ToLocalTime()) + " @ " + ms.DestinationSystemStation(), Environment.NewLine); } richTextBoxScrollMissions.Text = t; } SetNote(he.snc != null ? he.snc.Note : ""); textBoxGameMode.Text = he.GameModeGroup; if (he.isTravelling) { textBoxTravelDist.Text = he.TravelledDistance.ToStringInvariant("0.0") + "ly"; textBoxTravelTime.Text = he.TravelledSeconds.ToString(); textBoxTravelJumps.Text = he.TravelledJumpsAndMisses; } else { textBoxTravelDist.Text = textBoxTravelTime.Text = textBoxTravelJumps.Text = ""; } int cc = (he.ShipInformation) != null?he.ShipInformation.CargoCapacity() : 0; if (cc > 0) { textBoxCargo.Text = he.MaterialCommodity.CargoCount.ToStringInvariant() + "/" + cc.ToStringInvariant(); } else { textBoxCargo.Text = he.MaterialCommodity.CargoCount.ToStringInvariant(); } textBoxMaterials.Text = he.MaterialCommodity.MaterialsCount.ToStringInvariant(); textBoxData.Text = he.MaterialCommodity.DataCount.ToStringInvariant(); textBoxCredits.Text = he.Credits.ToString("N0"); textBoxJumpRange.Text = ""; if (he.ShipInformation != null) { ShipInformation si = he.ShipInformation; textBoxShip.Text = si.ShipFullInfo(cargo: false, fuel: false); if (si.FuelCapacity > 0 && si.FuelLevel > 0) { textBoxFuel.Text = si.FuelLevel.ToStringInvariant("0.#") + "/" + si.FuelCapacity.ToStringInvariant("0.#"); } else if (si.FuelCapacity > 0) { textBoxFuel.Text = si.FuelCapacity.ToStringInvariant("0.#"); } else { textBoxFuel.Text = "N/A".T(EDTx.UserControlSysInfo_NA); } EliteDangerousCalculations.FSDSpec fsd = si.GetFSDSpec(); if (fsd != null) { EliteDangerousCalculations.FSDSpec.JumpInfo ji = fsd.GetJumpInfo(he.MaterialCommodity.CargoCount, si.ModuleMass() + si.HullMass(), si.FuelLevel, si.FuelCapacity / 2); //System.Diagnostics.Debug.WriteLine("Jump range " + si.FuelLevel + " " + si.FuelCapacity + " " + ji.cursinglejump); textBoxJumpRange.Text = ji.cursinglejump.ToString("N2") + "ly"; } } else { textBoxShip.Text = textBoxFuel.Text = ""; } RefreshTargetDisplay(this); } else { SetControlText(""); textBoxSystem.Text = textBoxBody.Text = textBoxPosition.Text = textBoxAllegiance.Text = textBoxEconomy.Text = textBoxGovernment.Text = textBoxVisits.Text = textBoxState.Text = textBoxHomeDist.Text = textBoxSolDist.Text = textBoxGameMode.Text = textBoxTravelDist.Text = textBoxTravelTime.Text = textBoxTravelJumps.Text = textBoxCargo.Text = textBoxMaterials.Text = textBoxData.Text = textBoxShip.Text = textBoxFuel.Text = ""; buttonRoss.Enabled = buttonEDDB.Enabled = false; SetNote(""); } }
public static string ParseKeys(Queue <SKEvent> events, string s, int defdelay, int defshiftdelay, int defupdelay, IAdditionalKeyParser additionalkeyparser = null) { //debugevents = null; s = s.Trim(); IntPtr hwnd = (IntPtr)0; while (s.Length > 0) { if (additionalkeyparser != null) // See if key needs translating out - moved to here to allow for control sequences before this key { Tuple <string, int, string> t = additionalkeyparser.Parse(s); // Allow the parser to sniff the string if (t.Item3 != null) // error condition here, such as no matching key binding { return(t.Item3); } if (t.Item1 != null) // if replace.. (and the parser can return multiple keys) { s = t.Item1 + " " + s.Substring(t.Item2); // its the replace string, followed by the cut out current string } } int d1 = -1, d2 = -1, d3 = -1; if (s.Length >= 1 && s[0] == '[') { if (!s.Contains(']')) { return("Missing closing ] in delay"); } s = s.Substring(1); string word = ObjectExtensionsStrings.FirstWord(ref s, new char[] { ']', ',' }); if (!word.InvariantParse(out d1)) { return("Delay not properly given"); } if (s.Length >= 1 && s[0] == ',') { s = s.Substring(1); word = ObjectExtensionsStrings.FirstWord(ref s, new char[] { ']', ',' }); if (!word.InvariantParse(out d2)) { return("Second Delay not properly given"); } } if (s.Length >= 1 && s[0] == ',') { s = s.Substring(1); word = ObjectExtensionsStrings.FirstWord(ref s, new char[] { ']' }); if (!word.InvariantParse(out d3)) { return("Third Delay not properly given"); } } if (s.Length >= 1 && s[0] == ']') { s = s.Substring(1); } else { return("Missing closing ] in delay"); } } KMode kmd =; if (s.Length == 0) { return("Invalid no characters after delay"); } if (s[0] == '^' || s[0] == '<') { kmd = KMode.up; s = s.Substring(1); } else if (s[0] == '!' || s[0] == '>') { kmd = KMode.down; s = s.Substring(1); } if (additionalkeyparser != null) // Also see here if key needs translating out - { Tuple <string, int, string> t = additionalkeyparser.Parse(s); // Allow the parser to sniff the string if (t.Item3 != null) // error condition here, such as no matching key binding { return(t.Item3); } if (t.Item1 != null) // if replace.. (and the parser can return multiple keys) { s = t.Item1 + " " + s.Substring(t.Item2); // its the replace string, followed by the cut out current string } } Keys shift = KeyObjectExtensions.IsShiftPrefix(ref s); Keys ctrl = Keys.None; Keys alt = Keys.None; if (shift == Keys.None || s.StartsWith("+")) { s = s.Skip("+"); alt = KeyObjectExtensions.IsAltPrefix(ref s); if (alt == Keys.None || s.StartsWith("+")) { s = s.Skip("+"); ctrl = KeyObjectExtensions.IsCtrlPrefix(ref s); if (ctrl != Keys.None) { s = s.Skip("+"); } } } bool mainpart = s.Length > 0 && s[0] != ' '; // keydown is d1 or def int keydowndelay = (d1 != -1) ? d1 : defdelay; // if mainpart present, its d2 or defshift. If no main part, its d1 or def shift int shiftdelay = (mainpart) ? (d2 != -1 ? d2 : defshiftdelay) : (d1 != -1 ? d1 : defshiftdelay); // if in up/down mode, its d1 or def up. If its got a main part, its d3/defup. else its d2/defup int keyupdelay = (kmd == KMode.up || kmd == KMode.down) ? (d1 != -1 ? d1 : defupdelay) : (mainpart ? (d3 != -1 ? d3 : defupdelay) : (d2 != -1 ? d2 : defupdelay)); //System.Diagnostics.Debug.WriteLine(string.Format("{0} {1} {2} {3} {4} {5} ", d1, d2, d3, keydowndelay, shiftdelay, keyupdelay)); if (shift != Keys.None) // we already run shift keys here. If we are doing UP, we send a up, else we are doing down/press { events.Enqueue(new SKEvent(kmd == KMode.up ? BaseUtils.Win32Constants.WM.KEYUP : BaseUtils.Win32Constants.WM.KEYDOWN, shift, shiftdelay)); } if (ctrl != Keys.None) { events.Enqueue(new SKEvent(kmd == KMode.up ? BaseUtils.Win32Constants.WM.KEYUP : BaseUtils.Win32Constants.WM.KEYDOWN, ctrl, shiftdelay)); } if (alt != Keys.None) { events.Enqueue(new SKEvent(kmd == KMode.up ? BaseUtils.Win32Constants.WM.SYSKEYUP : BaseUtils.Win32Constants.WM.SYSKEYDOWN, alt, shiftdelay)); } if (mainpart) { if (s.Length == 0) { return("Invalid no characters after shifters"); } bool brackets = ObjectExtensionsStrings.IsPrefix(ref s, "("); while (s.Length > 0) { string word = ObjectExtensionsStrings.FirstWord(ref s, new char[] { ' ', ')' }); Keys key = word.ToVkey(); if (key != Keys.None) { AddMsgsForVK(events, key, alt != Keys.None && ctrl == Keys.None, keydowndelay, keyupdelay, kmd); //System.Diagnostics.Debug.WriteLine(shift + " " + alt + " " + ctrl + " press " + key.VKeyToString()); } else { while (word.Length > 0) { string ch = new string(word[0], 1); key = ch.ToVkey(); if (key.IsSingleCharName()) { AddMsgsForVK(events, key, alt != Keys.None && ctrl == Keys.None, keydowndelay, keyupdelay, kmd); //System.Diagnostics.Debug.WriteLine(shift + " " + alt + " " + ctrl + " press " + key.VKeyToString()); word = word.Substring(1); } else { return("Invalid key " + word); } } } if (!brackets) { break; } else if (s.Length > 0 && s[0] == ')') { s = s.Substring(1); break; } } } if (kmd == // only on a press do we release here { if (alt != Keys.None) { events.Enqueue(new SKEvent(BaseUtils.Win32Constants.WM.SYSKEYUP, alt, keyupdelay)); } if (ctrl != Keys.None) { events.Enqueue(new SKEvent(BaseUtils.Win32Constants.WM.KEYUP, ctrl, keyupdelay)); } if (shift != Keys.None) { events.Enqueue(new SKEvent(BaseUtils.Win32Constants.WM.KEYUP, shift, keyupdelay)); } } s = s.Trim(); if (s.Length > 0 && s[0] == ',') // comma can be used between key groups { s = s.Substring(1).TrimStart(); } } return(""); }
public static string ParseKeys(string s, int defdelay, int defshiftdelay, int defupdelay) { //debugevents = null; s = s.Trim(); IntPtr hwnd = (IntPtr)0; while (s.Length > 0) { KMode kmd =; int d1 = -1, d2 = -1, d3 = -1; if (s[0] == '[') { s = s.Substring(1); string word = ObjectExtensionsStrings.FirstWord(ref s, new char[] { ']', ',' }); if (!word.InvariantParse(out d1)) { return("Delay not properly given"); } if (s[0] == ',') { s = s.Substring(1); word = ObjectExtensionsStrings.FirstWord(ref s, new char[] { ']', ',' }); if (!word.InvariantParse(out d2)) { return("Second Delay not properly given"); } } if (s[0] == ',') { s = s.Substring(1); word = ObjectExtensionsStrings.FirstWord(ref s, new char[] { ']' }); if (!word.InvariantParse(out d3)) { return("Third Delay not properly given"); } } if (s[0] == ']') { s = s.Substring(1); } else { return("Missing closing ] in delay"); } } if (s[0] == '^' || s[0] == '<') { kmd = KMode.up; s = s.Substring(1); } else if (s[0] == '!' || s[0] == '>') { kmd = KMode.down; s = s.Substring(1); } Keys shift = KeyObjectExtensions.IsShiftPrefix(ref s); Keys ctrl = Keys.None; Keys alt = Keys.None; if (shift == Keys.None || s.StartsWith("+")) { s = s.Skip("+"); alt = KeyObjectExtensions.IsAltPrefix(ref s); if (alt == Keys.None || s.StartsWith("+")) { s = s.Skip("+"); ctrl = KeyObjectExtensions.IsCtrlPrefix(ref s); if (ctrl != Keys.None) { s = s.Skip("+"); } } } bool mainpart = s.Length > 0 && s[0] != ' '; // keydown is d1 or def int keydowndelay = (d1 != -1) ? d1 : defdelay; // if mainpart present, its d2 or defshift. If no main part, its d1 or def shift int shiftdelay = (mainpart) ? (d2 != -1 ? d2 : defshiftdelay) : (d1 != -1 ? d1 : defshiftdelay); // if in up/down mode, its d1 or def up. If its got a main part, its d3/defup. else its d2/defup int keyupdelay = (kmd == KMode.up || kmd == KMode.down) ? (d1 != -1 ? d1 : defupdelay) : (mainpart ? (d3 != -1 ? d3: defupdelay) : (d2 != -1 ? d2 : defupdelay)); System.Diagnostics.Debug.WriteLine(string.Format("{0} {1} {2} {3} {4} {5} ", d1, d2, d3, keydowndelay, shiftdelay, keyupdelay)); if (shift != Keys.None) // we already run shift keys here. If we are doing UP, we send a up, else we are doing down/press { AddEvent(new SKEvent(kmd == KMode.up ? BaseUtils.Win32Constants.WM.KEYUP : BaseUtils.Win32Constants.WM.KEYDOWN, shift, shiftdelay)); } if (ctrl != Keys.None) { AddEvent(new SKEvent(kmd == KMode.up ? BaseUtils.Win32Constants.WM.KEYUP : BaseUtils.Win32Constants.WM.KEYDOWN, ctrl, shiftdelay)); } if (alt != Keys.None) { AddEvent(new SKEvent(kmd == KMode.up ? BaseUtils.Win32Constants.WM.SYSKEYUP: BaseUtils.Win32Constants.WM.SYSKEYDOWN, alt, shiftdelay)); } if (mainpart) { if (s.Length == 0) { return("Invalid no characters after shifters"); } bool brackets = ObjectExtensionsStrings.IsPrefix(ref s, "("); while (s.Length > 0) { string word = ObjectExtensionsStrings.FirstWord(ref s, new char[] { ' ', ')' }); Keys key = word.ToVkey(); if (key != Keys.None) { AddMsgsForVK(key, alt != Keys.None && ctrl == Keys.None, keydowndelay, keyupdelay, kmd); //System.Diagnostics.Debug.WriteLine(shift + " " + alt + " " + ctrl + " press " + key.VKeyToString()); } else { while (word.Length > 0) { string ch = new string(word[0], 1); key = ch.ToVkey(); if (key.IsSingleCharName()) { AddMsgsForVK(key, alt != Keys.None && ctrl == Keys.None, keydowndelay, keyupdelay, kmd); //System.Diagnostics.Debug.WriteLine(shift + " " + alt + " " + ctrl + " press " + key.VKeyToString()); word = word.Substring(1); } else { return("Invalid key " + word); } } } if (!brackets) { break; } else if (s.Length > 0 && s[0] == ')') { s = s.Substring(1); break; } } } if (kmd == // only on a press do we release here { if (alt != Keys.None) { AddEvent(new SKEvent(BaseUtils.Win32Constants.WM.SYSKEYUP, alt, keyupdelay)); } if (ctrl != Keys.None) { AddEvent(new SKEvent(BaseUtils.Win32Constants.WM.KEYUP, ctrl, keyupdelay)); } if (shift != Keys.None) { AddEvent(new SKEvent(BaseUtils.Win32Constants.WM.KEYUP, shift, keyupdelay)); } } s = s.Trim(); if (s.Length > 0 && s[0] == ',') // comma can be used between key groups { s = s.Substring(1).TrimStart(); } } return(""); }
// understand keycore - see above public static string KeyCore(Queue <SKEvent> events, ref string s, int defdelay, int defshiftdelay, int defupdelay, int d1, int d2, int d3, KeyPressMode kmd) { Keys shift = KeyObjectExtensions.IsShiftPrefix(ref s); Keys ctrl = Keys.None; Keys alt = Keys.None; if (shift == Keys.None || s.StartsWith("+")) { s = s.Skip("+"); alt = KeyObjectExtensions.IsAltPrefix(ref s); if (alt == Keys.None || s.StartsWith("+")) { s = s.Skip("+"); ctrl = KeyObjectExtensions.IsCtrlPrefix(ref s); if (ctrl != Keys.None) { s = s.Skip("+"); } } } bool vkeyspresent = s.Length > 0 && s[0] != ' '; bool shiftpresent = shift != Keys.None || ctrl != Keys.None || alt != Keys.None; // keydown is d1 or def int keydowndelay = (d1 != -1) ? d1 : defdelay; // if mainpart present, its d2 or defshift. If no main part, its d1 or def shift int shiftdelay = (vkeyspresent) ? (d2 != -1 ? d2 : defshiftdelay) : (d1 != -1 ? d1 : defshiftdelay); // if in up/down mode, its d1 or def up. If its got shift and vkeys, its d3/defup. else its d2/defup int keyupdelay = (kmd == KeyPressMode.Up || kmd == KeyPressMode.Down) ? (d1 != -1 ? d1 : defupdelay) : ((shiftpresent && vkeyspresent) ? (d3 != -1 ? d3 : defupdelay) : (d2 != -1 ? d2 : defupdelay)); if (shift != Keys.None) // we already run shift keys here. If we are doing UP, we send a up, else we are doing down/press { events.Enqueue(new SKEvent(kmd == KeyPressMode.Up ? BaseUtils.Win32Constants.WM.KEYUP : BaseUtils.Win32Constants.WM.KEYDOWN, shift, shiftdelay)); } if (ctrl != Keys.None) { events.Enqueue(new SKEvent(kmd == KeyPressMode.Up ? BaseUtils.Win32Constants.WM.KEYUP : BaseUtils.Win32Constants.WM.KEYDOWN, ctrl, shiftdelay)); } if (alt != Keys.None) { events.Enqueue(new SKEvent(kmd == KeyPressMode.Up ? BaseUtils.Win32Constants.WM.SYSKEYUP : BaseUtils.Win32Constants.WM.SYSKEYDOWN, alt, shiftdelay)); } if (vkeyspresent) { if (s.Length == 0) { return("Invalid no characters after shifters"); } bool brackets = ObjectExtensionsStrings.IsPrefixRemove(ref s, "("); while (s.Length > 0) { string word = ObjectExtensionsStrings.FirstWord(ref s, new char[] { ' ', ')' }); Keys key = word.ToVkey(); if (key != Keys.None) { AddMsgsForVK(events, key, alt != Keys.None && ctrl == Keys.None, keydowndelay, keyupdelay, kmd); //System.Diagnostics.Debug.WriteLine(shift + " " + alt + " " + ctrl + " press " + key.VKeyToString()); } else { while (word.Length > 0) { string ch = new string(word[0], 1); key = ch.ToVkey(); if (key.IsSingleCharName()) { AddMsgsForVK(events, key, alt != Keys.None && ctrl == Keys.None, keydowndelay, keyupdelay, kmd); //System.Diagnostics.Debug.WriteLine(shift + " " + alt + " " + ctrl + " press " + key.VKeyToString()); word = word.Substring(1); } else { return("Invalid key " + word); } } } if (!brackets) { break; } else if (s.Length > 0 && s[0] == ')') { s = s.Substring(1); break; } } } if (kmd == KeyPressMode.Press) // only on a press do we release here { if (alt != Keys.None) { events.Enqueue(new SKEvent(BaseUtils.Win32Constants.WM.SYSKEYUP, alt, keyupdelay)); } if (ctrl != Keys.None) { events.Enqueue(new SKEvent(BaseUtils.Win32Constants.WM.KEYUP, ctrl, keyupdelay)); } if (shift != Keys.None) { events.Enqueue(new SKEvent(BaseUtils.Win32Constants.WM.KEYUP, shift, keyupdelay)); } } s = s.Trim(); if (s.Length > 0 && s[0] == ',') // comma can be used between key groups { s = s.Substring(1).TrimStart(); } return(""); }
// understand parsekeys above public static string ParseKeys(Queue <SKEvent> events, string s, int defdelay, int defshiftdelay, int defupdelay, IAdditionalKeyParser additionalkeyparser = null, int d1def = -1, int d2def = -1, int d3def = -1, KeyPressMode kmddef = KeyPressMode.Press) { s = s.Trim(); while (s.Length > 0) { int d1 = d1def; // reset dx's to their default values int d2 = d2def; int d3 = d3def; if (s.Length >= 1 && s[0] == '[') { if (!s.Contains(']')) { return("Missing closing ] in delay"); } s = s.Substring(1); string word = ObjectExtensionsStrings.FirstWord(ref s, new char[] { ']', ',' }); if (!word.InvariantParse(out d1)) { return("Delay not properly given"); } if (s.Length >= 1 && s[0] == ',') { s = s.Substring(1); word = ObjectExtensionsStrings.FirstWord(ref s, new char[] { ']', ',' }); if (!word.InvariantParse(out d2)) { return("Second Delay not properly given"); } } if (s.Length >= 1 && s[0] == ',') { s = s.Substring(1); word = ObjectExtensionsStrings.FirstWord(ref s, new char[] { ']' }); if (!word.InvariantParse(out d3)) { return("Third Delay not properly given"); } } if (s.Length >= 1 && s[0] == ']') { s = s.Substring(1); } else { return("Missing closing ] in delay"); } } int repeat = 1; // repeat is always 1 - it does not carry down the tree if (s.Length >= 1 && s[0] == '#') { s = s.Substring(1); var r = ObjectExtensionsNumbersBool.ReadDecimalInt(ref s); if (r == null || r < 1) { return("Missing/Invalid decimal count after #"); } s = s.TrimStart(); repeat = r.Value; } KeyPressMode kmd = kmddef; // set keymode to its default. if (s[0] == '^' || s[0] == '<') { kmd = KeyPressMode.Up; s = s.Substring(1); } else if (s[0] == '!' || s[0] == '>') { kmd = KeyPressMode.Down; s = s.Substring(1); } else if (s[0] == '&') { kmd = KeyPressMode.Press; s = s.Substring(1); } string repeatarea = s; // keep it pristine for repeats for (int rpc = 0; rpc < repeat; rpc++) // and repeat.. { s = repeatarea; var replace = additionalkeyparser?.Parse(ref s) ?? null; // try a replace if (replace != null) // if found { if (replace.Item2.HasChars()) // report errors { return(replace.Item2); } // recurse in. note no additionalparser so no recursion below, and pass in the collected dx and kmd values to the level down string res = ParseKeys(events, replace.Item1, defdelay, defshiftdelay, defupdelay, null, d1, d2, d3, kmd); if (res.HasChars()) { return(res); } } else { string res = KeyCore(events, ref s, defdelay, defshiftdelay, defupdelay, d1, d2, d3, kmd); // key core processing with these values if (res.HasChars()) { return(res); } } } } //foreach (BaseUtils.EnhancedSendKeysParser.SKEvent x in events) System.Diagnostics.Debug.WriteLine($"Event {x.wm} {} {x.vkey} {x.delay}"); return(""); }