Exemple #1
 static void SpawnMonster(string mob, int times, string map, Point2D baa = null, Point2D bbb = null)
     for (int x = 0; x < times; x++)
         Object.Monster nmob = Create(mob);
         if (baa != null && bbb != null)
             nmob.spwnBndAA = baa;
             nmob.spwnBndBB = bbb;
         World.World.Maps[map].DeadMonsters.TryAdd(nmob.objId, nmob);
Exemple #2
        public static Object.Monster Create(string name)
            Object.Monster tmob;
            switch (name)
            case "PIGMY":
                tmob = new Object.Monster("PIGMY", 15, 25, 1, 16, 2, 15)
                    WalkSpeed  = 1250,
                    AggroRange = 5,
                    Race       = Object.E_Race.Demon,
                    DropTable  = new Dictionary <string, float>()
                        { "HATCHET", 1 },
                        { "HOOD", 2 },
                        { "BUCKLER", 3 },
                        { "RAG", 3 },
                        { "g:1d10+1", 20 },
                PotionPack(5, 0.1f).ToList().ForEach(x => tmob.DropTable.Add(x.Key, x.Value));
                SpellbookPack(0.5f, 1).ToList().ForEach(x => tmob.DropTable.Add(x.Key, x.Value));

            case "PIGMY RED":
                tmob = new Object.Monster("PIGMY", 15, 40, 4, 37, 2, 24)
                    WalkSpeed  = 1150,
                    AggroRange = 7,
                    Color      = Player.E_Color.Red,
                    Race       = Object.E_Race.Demon,
                    DropTable  = new Dictionary <string, float>()
                        { "DAGGER", 0.5f },
                        { "SHORT SWORD", 3 },
                        { "g:2d10+1", 20 },
                PotionPack(7, 0.1f).ToList().ForEach(x => tmob.DropTable.Add(x.Key, x.Value));
                SpellbookPack(0.5f, 1).ToList().ForEach(x => tmob.DropTable.Add(x.Key, x.Value));
                SpellbookPack(0.1f, 2).ToList().ForEach(x => tmob.DropTable.Add(x.Key, x.Value));

            case "PIGMY GREEN":
                tmob = new Object.Monster("PIGMY", 15, 40, 6, 39, 4, 27)
                    WalkSpeed  = 1050,
                    AggroRange = 8,
                    Color      = Player.E_Color.Green,
                    Race       = Object.E_Race.Demon,
                    DropTable  = new Dictionary <string, float>()
                        { "HATCHET", 0.2f },
                        { "CLUB", 0.2f },
                        { "SICKLE", 0.2f },
                        { "SAW", 0.2f },
                        { "SHORT SWORD", 3 },
                        { "g:3d10+1", 20 },
                PotionPack(7, 0.1f).ToList().ForEach(x => tmob.DropTable.Add(x.Key, x.Value));
                SpellbookPack(0.7f, 1).ToList().ForEach(x => tmob.DropTable.Add(x.Key, x.Value));
                SpellbookPack(0.1f, 2).ToList().ForEach(x => tmob.DropTable.Add(x.Key, x.Value));

            case "PIGMY BLUE":
                tmob = new Object.Monster("PIGMY", 15, 60, 6, 41, 6, 29)
                    WalkSpeed  = 1050,
                    AggroRange = 8,
                    Color      = Player.E_Color.Blue,
                    Race       = Object.E_Race.Demon,
                    DropTable  = new Dictionary <string, float>()
                        { "HATCHET", 1f },
                        { "CLUB", 1f },
                        { "SICKLE", 0.5f },
                        { "SUIT", 0.2f },
                        { "SHORT SWORD", 5 },
                        { "g:4d10+2", 20 },
                PotionPack(7, 0.1f).ToList().ForEach(x => tmob.DropTable.Add(x.Key, x.Value));
                SpellbookPack(0.7f, 1).ToList().ForEach(x => tmob.DropTable.Add(x.Key, x.Value));
                SpellbookPack(0.2f, 2).ToList().ForEach(x => tmob.DropTable.Add(x.Key, x.Value));
                GearPack(0.5f, 1).ToList().ForEach(x => tmob.DropTable[x.Key] = x.Value);


            case "SMALL KING":
                tmob = new Object.Monster("SMALL KING", 16, 300, 7, 44, 30, 44)
                    WalkSpeed   = 650,
                    RespawnTime = 720000,
                    AggroRange  = 9,
                    Race        = Object.E_Race.Demon,
                    DropTable   = new Dictionary <string, float>()
                        { "FLEURET", 15f },
                        { "EPEE", 15f },
                        { "MACE", 15f },
                        { "HEADGEAR", 15f },
                        { "g:1d100+100", 100 },
                PotionPack(70, 0.5f, true).ToList().ForEach(x => tmob.DropTable.Add(x.Key, x.Value));
                SpellbookPack(2f, 1).ToList().ForEach(x => tmob.DropTable[x.Key] = x.Value);
                SpellbookPack(1f, 2).ToList().ForEach(x => tmob.DropTable[x.Key] = x.Value);
                tmob.DropTable["BOOK OF THUNDER CROSS"] = 5f;
                tmob.DropTable["BOOK OF FLAME ROUND"]   = 5f;
                GearPack(5f, 1).ToList().ForEach(x => tmob.DropTable.Add(x.Key, x.Value));

            case "ZOMBIE":
                tmob = new Object.Monster("ZOMBIE", 3, 50, 11, 30, 8, 33)
                    WalkSpeed  = 1550,
                    AggroRange = 6,
                    Race       = Object.E_Race.Undead,
                    DropTable  = new Dictionary <string, float>()
                        { "SUIT", 0.1f },
                        { "SMALL AXE", 1f },
                        { "CAP", 0.5f },
                        { "SMALL SHIELD", 0.5f },
                        { "g:3d10+15", 25 },
                PotionPack(3, 0.2f).ToList().ForEach(x => tmob.DropTable.Add(x.Key, x.Value));
                SpellbookPack(0.2f, 1).ToList().ForEach(x => tmob.DropTable.Add(x.Key, x.Value));
                SpellbookPack(0.2f, 2).ToList().ForEach(x => tmob.DropTable.Add(x.Key, x.Value));
                GearPack(0.2f, 1).ToList().ForEach(x => tmob.DropTable[x.Key] = x.Value);

            case "SKELETON":
                tmob = new Object.Monster("SKELETON", 1, 100, 5, 30, 15, 32)
                    WalkSpeed  = 1050,
                    AggroRange = 8,
                    Race       = Object.E_Race.Undead,
                    DropTable  = new Dictionary <string, float>()
                        { "SMALL AXE", 0.5f },
                        { "CAP", 0.5f },
                        { "SMALL SHIELD", 0.5f },
                        { "g:4d10+15", 25 },
                PotionPack(4, 0.2f).ToList().ForEach(x => tmob.DropTable.Add(x.Key, x.Value));
                SpellbookPack(0.2f, 1).ToList().ForEach(x => tmob.DropTable.Add(x.Key, x.Value));
                SpellbookPack(0.2f, 2).ToList().ForEach(x => tmob.DropTable.Add(x.Key, x.Value));
                GearPack(0.3f, 1).ToList().ForEach(x => tmob.DropTable[x.Key] = x.Value);

            case "SKELETON RED":
                tmob = new Object.Monster("SKELETON", 1, 120, 10, 30, 22, 42)
                    WalkSpeed  = 1050,
                    AggroRange = 8,
                    Race       = Object.E_Race.Undead,
                    Color      = Player.E_Color.Red,
                    DropTable  = new Dictionary <string, float>()
                        { "SABER", 0.5f },
                        { "RAPIER", 0.5f },
                        { "SMALL AXE", 1f },
                        { "CAP", 0.5f },
                        { "EPEE", 0.1f },
                        { "ROUND SHIELD", 0.5f },
                        { "g:5d10+15", 25 },
                PotionPack(4, 0.2f).ToList().ForEach(x => tmob.DropTable[x.Key]    = x.Value);
                SpellbookPack(0.2f, 1).ToList().ForEach(x => tmob.DropTable[x.Key] = x.Value);
                SpellbookPack(0.2f, 2).ToList().ForEach(x => tmob.DropTable[x.Key] = x.Value);

            case "SKELETON GREEN":
                tmob = new Object.Monster("SKELETON", 1, 120, 12, 38, 29, 78)
                    WalkSpeed  = 1050,
                    AggroRange = 8,
                    Race       = Object.E_Race.Undead,
                    Color      = Player.E_Color.Green,
                    DropTable  = new Dictionary <string, float>()
                        { "SABER", 0.5f },
                        { "RAPIER", 0.5f },
                        { "SMALL AXE", 1f },
                        { "CAP", 0.5f },
                        { "EPEE", 0.1f },
                        { "ROUND SHIELD", 0.5f },
                        { "g:6d10+15", 25 },
                PotionPack(4, 0.2f).ToList().ForEach(x => tmob.DropTable[x.Key]    = x.Value);
                SpellbookPack(0.2f, 1).ToList().ForEach(x => tmob.DropTable[x.Key] = x.Value);
                SpellbookPack(0.2f, 2).ToList().ForEach(x => tmob.DropTable[x.Key] = x.Value);

            case "SKELETON BLUE":
                tmob = new Object.Monster("SKELETON", 1, 130, 12, 44, 31, 107)
                    WalkSpeed  = 1050,
                    AggroRange = 8,
                    Race       = Object.E_Race.Undead,
                    Color      = Player.E_Color.Blue,
                    DropTable  = new Dictionary <string, float>()
                        { "CAP", 0.5f },
                        { "EPEE", 0.1f },
                        { "ROUND SHIELD", 0.5f },
                        { "g:7d10+15", 25 },
                PotionPack(5, 0.3f).ToList().ForEach(x => tmob.DropTable.Add(x.Key, x.Value));
                SpellbookPack(0.2f, 1).ToList().ForEach(x => tmob.DropTable.Add(x.Key, x.Value));
                SpellbookPack(0.3f, 2).ToList().ForEach(x => tmob.DropTable.Add(x.Key, x.Value));

            case "LARGE SKEL":
                tmob = new Object.Monster("LARGE SKEL", 2, 170, 15, 51, 44, 251)
                    WalkSpeed  = 1050,
                    AggroRange = 8,
                    Race       = Object.E_Race.Undead,
                    DropTable  = new Dictionary <string, float>()
                        { "CAP", 0.5f },
                        { "EPEE", 0.1f },
                        { "SHORT STAFF", 0.6f },
                        { "SHORT SPEAR", 0.6f },
                        { "g:9d10+20", 25 },
                PotionPack(10, 0.5f, true).ToList().ForEach(x => tmob.DropTable.Add(x.Key, x.Value));
                SpellbookPack(0.3f, 1).ToList().ForEach(x => tmob.DropTable.Add(x.Key, x.Value));
                SpellbookPack(0.3f, 2).ToList().ForEach(x => tmob.DropTable.Add(x.Key, x.Value));

            case "GENERAL SKEL":
                tmob = new Object.Monster("GENERAL SKEL", 25, 350, 33, 67, 59, 1408)
                    WalkSpeed  = 950,
                    AggroRange = 9,
                    Race       = Object.E_Race.Undead,
                    DropTable  = new Dictionary <string, float>()
                        { "CAP", 5f },
                        { "EPEE", 5f },
                        { "CAPE", 2f },
                        { "SHORT STAFF", 6f },
                        { "SHORT SPEAR", 6f },
                        { "g:3d100+100", 25 },
                PotionPack(70, 1f, true).ToList().ForEach(x => tmob.DropTable.Add(x.Key, x.Value));
                SpellbookPack(15f, 1).ToList().ForEach(x => tmob.DropTable.Add(x.Key, x.Value));
                SpellbookPack(15f, 2).ToList().ForEach(x => tmob.DropTable.Add(x.Key, x.Value));
                SpellbookPack(3f, 3).ToList().ForEach(x => tmob.DropTable[x.Key] = x.Value);

             *                  new LootPackEntry(0.2, typeof(script.item.FireShotBook), "15d10+225", 1, 1, 1),
             * new LootPackEntry(0.2, typeof(script.item.AssassinBook), "15d10+225", 1, 1, 1),
             * new LootPackEntry(0.5, typeof(script.item.LongStaff), "15d10+225", 1, 1, 1),
             * new LootPackEntry(0.5, typeof(script.item.Harpoon), "15d10+225", 1, 1, 1),
             * new LootPackEntry(1.0, typeof(script.item.DemonDeathBook), "15d10+225", 1, 1, 1),
             * new LootPackEntry(1.5, typeof(script.item.ToughLeather), "15d10+225", 1, 1, 1),
             * new LootPackEntry(1.5, typeof(script.item.LargeShield), "15d10+225", 1, 1, 1),
             * new LootPackEntry(15.0, typeof(script.item.Gold), "5d10+80", 40, 1, 1),*/
            case "STONE":
                tmob = new Object.Monster("STONE", 6, 350, 69, 100, 83, 681)
                    WalkSpeed  = 1950,
                    AggroRange = 8,
                    Race       = Object.E_Race.Magical,
                    DropTable  = new Dictionary <string, float>()
                        { "g:9d10+50", 25 },
                PotionPack(10, 0.5f, true).ToList().ForEach(x => tmob.DropTable.Add(x.Key, x.Value));
                SpellbookPack(0.3f, 2).ToList().ForEach(x => tmob.DropTable.Add(x.Key, x.Value));
                SpellbookPack(0.3f, 3).ToList().ForEach(x => tmob.DropTable[x.Key] = x.Value);
                GearPack(0.2f, 2).ToList().ForEach(x => tmob.DropTable[x.Key]      = x.Value);

            case "STONE RED":
                tmob = new Object.Monster("STONE", 6, 430, 73, 105, 89, 744)
                    WalkSpeed  = 1950,
                    AggroRange = 8,
                    Color      = Player.E_Color.Red,
                    Race       = Object.E_Race.Magical,
                    DropTable  = new Dictionary <string, float>()
                        { "g:9d10+50", 35 },
                PotionPack(15, 0.5f, true).ToList().ForEach(x => tmob.DropTable.Add(x.Key, x.Value));
                SpellbookPack(0.3f, 2).ToList().ForEach(x => tmob.DropTable.Add(x.Key, x.Value));
                SpellbookPack(0.4f, 3).ToList().ForEach(x => tmob.DropTable[x.Key] = x.Value);
                GearPack(0.3f, 2).ToList().ForEach(x => tmob.DropTable[x.Key]      = x.Value);