Exemple #1
        private void Form1_Paint(object sender, PaintEventArgs e)
            Graphics g = this.CreateGraphics();

 protected override void Write(ClientProcessor psr, NWriter wtr)
 protected override void Write(NWriter wtr)
Exemple #4
        private async Task Push(DateTime Timestamp, string Message, string Function, bool CloseIfNoTabs)
                DateTime Now = DateTime.Now;

                if ((Now - this.tabIdTimestamp).TotalSeconds > 2 || this.tabIds is null || this.tabIds.Length == 0)
                    this.tabIds         = ClientEvents.GetTabIDsForLocation(this.resource, true, "SnifferId", this.snifferId);
                    this.tabIdTimestamp = Now;

                if (this.feedbackCheck && Message.StartsWith("{") && Message.EndsWith("}"))
                        object Parsed = JSON.Parse(Message);
                        if (Parsed is IDictionary <string, object> Obj &&
                            Obj.TryGetValue("data", out object Temp) &&
                            Temp is IDictionary <string, object> Obj2 &&
                            Obj2.TryGetValue("timestamp", out object Timestamp2) &&
                            Obj2.TryGetValue("message", out object Message2) &&
                            (this.outgoing?.ContainsKey(this.ToJson(Timestamp2, Message2)) ?? true))
                    catch (Exception)
                        // Ignore

                string Data = this.ToJson(XML.Encode(Timestamp), Message);

                this.outgoing?.Add(Data, true);

                int Tabs = await ClientEvents.PushEvent(this.tabIds, Function, Data, true, this.userVariable, this.privileges);

                if (CloseIfNoTabs && Tabs <= 0 && (Now - this.created).TotalSeconds >= 5)
                    await this.Close();
            catch (Exception ex)
Exemple #5
        // Affiche le nom du joueur qui doit faire effectuer son tour ainsi que ses objectifs
        public void Tour()
            nbreobjok.Text = listeJoueur[jEnCours].nbreObjOk.ToString();

            act = Action.Indefinie;
            MessageBox.Show("C'est à " + listeJoueur[jEnCours].nom + " de jouer.");

            if (listeJoueur[jEnCours].main.Count() >= 1)
                Obj1.Text = listeJoueur[jEnCours].main[0].objectif;
            if (listeJoueur[jEnCours].main.Count() >= 2)
                Obj2.Text = listeJoueur[jEnCours].main[1].objectif;
            if (listeJoueur[jEnCours].main.Count() >= 3)
                Obj3.Text = listeJoueur[jEnCours].main[2].objectif;
            if (listeJoueur[jEnCours].main.Count() >= 4)
                Obj4.Text = listeJoueur[jEnCours].main[3].objectif;
            if (listeJoueur[jEnCours].main.Count() >= 5)
                Obj5.Text = listeJoueur[jEnCours].main[4].objectif;

            estomacJaune.Text = listeJoueur[jEnCours].nbreBambouJaune.ToString();
            estomacRose.Text  = listeJoueur[jEnCours].nbreBambouRose.ToString();
            estomacVert.Text  = listeJoueur[jEnCours].nbreBambouVert.ToString();
Exemple #6
        public void Issue199()
            using (var memStream = new MemoryStream())
                SerializationContext.Default.GetSerializer <Obj1>().Pack(memStream, new Obj1
                    Id    = "1",
                    Items = new List <string> {
                        "a", "b"

                memStream.Seek(0, SeekOrigin.Begin);

                var serializer2 = SerializationContext.Default.GetSerializer <Obj2>();

                // this call throws
                Obj2 obj = serializer2.Unpack(memStream);
Exemple #7
        private void MouseCtrl(object sender, System.Windows.Forms.MouseEventArgs e)
            //while (ClientRectangle.Contains(PointToClient(MousePosition)))

            mouse_x = Control.MousePosition.X - this.Location.X - 8;
            mouse_y = Control.MousePosition.Y - this.Location.Y - 30;

            Graphics g     = this.CreateGraphics();
            int      wheel = e.Delta;
            Task     task1 = Task.Run(() =>
                Obj1.DataCheck(Obj1.isInsideSmth(mouse_x, mouse_y), wheel);
                Obj2.DataCheck(Obj2.isInsideSmth(mouse_x, mouse_y), wheel);
            Task task2 = Task.Run(() =>
                Obj1.Paint_MouseHover(Obj1.isInsideSmth(mouse_x, mouse_y), g, k);
                Obj2.Paint_MouseHover(Obj2.isInsideSmth(mouse_x, mouse_y), g, k);




            k = 0;
 public Obj2Wrapper(Obj2 obj)
     this._obj = obj;
Exemple #9
        public Bambouseraie(ArrayList joueurs, int nbrej)
            baseDessin = zoneJardin.CreateGraphics();

            #region Initialisation du tableau contenant les parcelles
            nbreParcelle    = zoneJardin.Height / tailleParcelle;
            tableauParcelle = new Parcelle[nbreParcelle, nbreParcelle];
            int xParcelle = 0;
            int yParcelle = 0;
            int ligne     = 0;
            int colonne   = 0;

            for (xParcelle = 0; xParcelle < zoneJardin.Height; xParcelle += (tailleParcelle + 1))
                for (yParcelle = 0; yParcelle < zoneJardin.Height; yParcelle += (tailleParcelle + 1))
                    tableauParcelle[ligne, colonne] = new Parcelle(ligne, colonne, xParcelle, yParcelle, tailleParcelle);
                ligne = 0;

            #region Initialisation affichage objectif

            #region Intialisation de la pioche
            int maxPioche = nbrej * 6 + 10;
            piocheP = new List <Carte>();
            Random rand = new Random();
            for (int i = 0; i < maxPioche; i++)
                pioche.Add(new Carte(rand.Next(1, 4)));

            #region Initialisation du tableau des joueurs
            nbrejoueur  = nbrej;
            listeJoueur = (Joueur[])joueurs.ToArray(typeof(Joueur));

            #region Définition de l'étang
            tableauParcelle[4, 4].etang     = true;
            tableauParcelle[4, 4].irriguee  = true;
            tableauParcelle[4, 4].jardinier = true;
            tableauParcelle[4, 4].panda     = true;
            tableauParcelle[4, 4].choixCouleur(Color.Blue);

            #region Initialisation des pinceaux
            contour                   = new Pen(Color.Black);
            police                    = new Font("Arial", 20);
            formatTexte               = new StringFormat();
            formatTexte.Alignment     = StringAlignment.Center;
            formatTexte.LineAlignment = StringAlignment.Center;

            #region Définition des images
            string dossierimg = "C:/Users/Alice/Documents/Visual Studio 2013/Projects/Takenoko/TakenokoVisuel/img/";
            jardinier = new Acteur(dossierimg + "jardinier.png", tableauParcelle[4, 4].dimension.X, tableauParcelle[4, 4].dimension.Y, tableauParcelle[4, 4], tailleInformation);
            int xpanda = tableauParcelle[4, 4].dimension.X + tailleParcelle - tailleInformation;
            panda = new Acteur(dossierimg + "panda.png", xpanda, tableauParcelle[4, 4].dimension.Y, tableauParcelle[4, 4], tailleInformation);
        public static FractalGraph CalcNewton(double rCenter, double iCenter, double rDelta, Complex R,
                                              ILambdaExpression f, ScriptNode fDef, Variables Variables, SKColor[] Palette,
                                              int Width, int Height, ScriptNode Node, FractalZoomScript FractalZoomScript,
                                              object State)
            byte[]  reds;
            byte[]  greens;
            byte[]  blues;
            double  RRe = R.Real;
            double  RIm = R.Imaginary;
            double  r0, i0, r1, i1;
            double  dr, di;
            double  r, i;
            double  aspect;
            int     x, y;
            int     n, N;
            SKColor cl;
            Complex z;

            N      = Palette.Length;
            reds   = new byte[N];
            greens = new byte[N];
            blues  = new byte[N];

            for (x = 0; x < N; x++)
                cl        = Palette[x];
                reds[x]   = cl.Red;
                greens[x] = cl.Green;
                blues[x]  = cl.Blue;

            Variables v = new Variables();


            if (!(f is IDifferentiable Differentiable) ||
                !(Differentiable.Differentiate(Differentiable.DefaultVariableName, v) is ILambdaExpression fPrim))
                throw new ScriptRuntimeException("Lambda expression not differentiable.", Node);

            int    size = Width * Height * 4;
            double Conv = 1e-10;
            double Div  = 1e10;

            byte[] rgb = new byte[size];

            Complex[]  Row;
            Complex[]  Row2;
            Complex[]  Row3;
            int[]      Offset;
            IElement[] P = new IElement[1];
            int        j, c, x2;
            IElement   Obj, Obj2;
            double     Mod;

            rDelta *= 0.5;
            r0      = rCenter - rDelta;
            r1      = rCenter + rDelta;

            aspect = ((double)Width) / Height;

            i0 = iCenter - rDelta / aspect;
            i1 = iCenter + rDelta / aspect;

            dr = (r1 - r0) / Width;
            di = (i1 - i0) / Height;

            for (y = 0, i = i0; y < Height; y++, i += di)
                Row    = new Complex[Width];
                Offset = new int[Width];

                c = Width;
                for (x = 0, x2 = y * Width * 4, r = r0; x < Width; x++, r += dr, x2 += 4)
                    Row[x]    = new Complex(r, i);
                    Offset[x] = x2;

                n = 0;
                while (n < N && c > 0)
                    P[0] = Expression.Encapsulate(Row);
                    Obj  = f.Evaluate(P, v);
                    Obj2 = fPrim.Evaluate(P, v);
                    Row2 = Obj.AssociatedObjectValue as Complex[];
                    Row3 = Obj2.AssociatedObjectValue as Complex[];

                    if (Row2 == null || Row3 == null)
                        throw new ScriptRuntimeException("Lambda expression (and its first derivative) must be able to accept complex vectors, " +
                                                         "and return complex vectors of equal length. Type returned: " +
                                                         Obj.GetType().FullName + " and " + Obj2.GetType().FullName, Node);
                    else if (Row2.Length != c || Row3.Length != c)
                        throw new ScriptRuntimeException("Lambda expression (and its first derivative) must be able to accept complex vectors, " +
                                                         "and return complex vectors of equal length. Length returned: " +
                                                         Row2.Length.ToString() + " and " + Row3.Length.ToString() +
                                                         ". Expected: " + c.ToString(), Node);

                    for (x = x2 = 0; x < c; x++)
                        j       = Offset[x];
                        z       = R * Row2[x] / Row3[x];
                        Row[x] -= z;

                        Mod = z.Magnitude;

                        if (Mod > Conv && Mod < Div)
                            if (x != x2)
                                Offset[x2] = j;

                            if (n >= N)
                                rgb[j++] = 0;
                                rgb[j++] = 0;
                                rgb[j++] = 0;
                                rgb[j++] = blues[n];
                                rgb[j++] = greens[n];
                                rgb[j++] = reds[n];

                            rgb[j++] = 255;

                    if (x2 < x)
                        Array.Resize <Complex>(ref Row, x2);
                        Array.Resize <int>(ref Offset, x2);
                        c = x2;

            using (SKData Data = SKData.Create(new MemoryStream(rgb)))
                SKImage Bitmap = SKImage.FromPixelData(new SKImageInfo(Width, Height, SKColorType.Bgra8888), Data, Width * 4);
                return(new FractalGraph(Bitmap, r0, i0, r1, i1, rDelta * 2, true, Node, FractalZoomScript, State));
Exemple #11
        public static FractalGraph CalcNewton(double rCenter, double iCenter, double rDelta, Complex R,
                                              ILambdaExpression f, ScriptNode fDef, Variables Variables, int N, int Width, int Height,
                                              ScriptNode Node, FractalZoomScript FractalZoomScript, object State)
            double        RRe             = R.Real;
            double        RIm             = R.Imaginary;
            List <double> AttractorsR     = new List <double>();
            List <double> AttractorsI     = new List <double>();
            List <int>    AttractorColors = new List <int>();

            double[] AttractorsR2 = new double[0];
            double[] AttractorsI2 = new double[0];
            int[]    AttractorsColors2 = new int[0];
            double   r0, i0, r1, i1;
            double   dr, di;
            double   r, i;
            double   zr, zi;
            double   aspect;
            int      x, y, b, c, d;
            int      NrAttractors = 0;
            int      n;
            int      index;

            Variables v = new Variables();


            if (!(f is IDifferentiable Differentiable) ||
                !(Differentiable.Differentiate(Differentiable.DefaultVariableName, v) is ILambdaExpression fPrim))
                throw new ScriptRuntimeException("Lambda expression not differentiable.", Node);

            int    size  = Width * Height * 4;
            double Conv  = 1e-10;
            double Div   = 1e10;
            double Conv2 = Conv * 2;

            byte[] rgb = new byte[size];

            Complex[]  Row;
            Complex[]  Row2;
            Complex[]  Row3;
            int[]      Offset;
            IElement[] P = new IElement[1];
            int        j, x2;
            IElement   Obj, Obj2;
            double     Mod;
            Complex    z;

            rDelta *= 0.5;
            r0      = rCenter - rDelta;
            r1      = rCenter + rDelta;

            aspect = ((double)Width) / Height;

            i0 = iCenter - rDelta / aspect;
            i1 = iCenter + rDelta / aspect;

            dr = (r1 - r0) / Width;
            di = (i1 - i0) / Height;

            for (y = 0, i = i0, index = 0; y < Height; y++, i += di)
                Row    = new Complex[Width];
                Offset = new int[Width];

                c = Width;
                for (x = 0, x2 = y * Width * 4, r = r0; x < Width; x++, r += dr, x2 += 4)
                    Row[x]    = new Complex(r, i);
                    Offset[x] = x2;

                n = 0;
                while (n < N && c > 0)
                    P[0] = Expression.Encapsulate(Row);
                    Obj  = f.Evaluate(P, v);
                    Obj2 = fPrim.Evaluate(P, v);
                    Row2 = Obj.AssociatedObjectValue as Complex[];
                    Row3 = Obj2.AssociatedObjectValue as Complex[];

                    if (Row2 == null || Row3 == null)
                        throw new ScriptRuntimeException("Lambda expression (and its first derivative) must be able to accept complex vectors, " +
                                                         "and return complex vectors of equal length. Type returned: " +
                                                         Obj.GetType().FullName + " and " + Obj2.GetType().FullName, Node);
                    else if (Row2.Length != c || Row3.Length != c)
                        throw new ScriptRuntimeException("Lambda expression (and its first derivative) must be able to accept complex vectors, " +
                                                         "and return complex vectors of equal length. Length returned: " +
                                                         Row2.Length.ToString() + " and " + Row3.Length.ToString() +
                                                         ". Expected: " + c.ToString(), Node);

                    for (x = x2 = 0; x < c; x++)
                        j       = Offset[x];
                        z       = R * Row2[x] / Row3[x];
                        Row[x] -= z;

                        Mod = z.Magnitude;

                        if (Mod > Conv && Mod < Div)
                            if (x != x2)
                                Offset[x2] = j;

                            if (n >= N)
                                rgb[j++] = 0;
                                rgb[j++] = 0;
                                rgb[j++] = 0;
                                zr = z.Real;
                                zi = z.Imaginary;

                                for (b = 0; b < NrAttractors; b++)
                                    if (Math.Abs(AttractorsR2[b] - zr) < Conv2 &&
                                        Math.Abs(AttractorsI2[b] - zi) < Conv2)

                                if (b == NrAttractors)

                                    int p1 = ~((b % 6) + 1);
                                    int p2 = ((b / 6) % 7);

                                    int Red   = (p1 & 1) != 0 ? 255 : 0;
                                    int Green = (p1 & 2) != 0 ? 255 : 0;
                                    int Blue  = (p1 & 4) != 0 ? 255 : 0;

                                    if ((p2 & 1) != 0)
                                        Red >>= 1;

                                    if ((p2 & 2) != 0)
                                        Green >>= 1;

                                    if ((p2 & 4) != 0)
                                        Blue >>= 1;

                                    Blue <<= 8;
                                    Blue  |= Green;
                                    Blue <<= 8;
                                    Blue  |= Red;


                                    AttractorsR2      = AttractorsR.ToArray();
                                    AttractorsI2      = AttractorsI.ToArray();
                                    AttractorsColors2 = AttractorColors.ToArray();


                                b = AttractorColors[b];

                                d            = (byte)b;
                                rgb[index++] = (byte)((d * (N - n + 1)) / N);
                                b          >>= 8;
                                d            = (byte)b;
                                rgb[index++] = (byte)((d * (N - n + 1)) / N);
                                b          >>= 8;
                                d            = (byte)b;
                                rgb[index++] = (byte)((d * (N - n + 1)) / N);

                            rgb[j++] = 255;

                    if (x2 < x)
                        Array.Resize <Complex>(ref Row, x2);
                        Array.Resize <int>(ref Offset, x2);
                        c = x2;

            using (SKData Data = SKData.Create(new MemoryStream(rgb)))
                SKImage Bitmap = SKImage.FromPixelData(new SKImageInfo(Width, Height, SKColorType.Bgra8888), Data, Width * 4);
                return(new FractalGraph(Bitmap, r0, i0, r1, i1, rDelta * 2, true, Node, FractalZoomScript, State));
Exemple #12
 public override string ToString()
     return(string.Format("Obj1:{0} Obj2:{1} Status:{2}", Obj1.ToString() ?? string.Empty, Obj2.ToString() ?? string.Empty, Status)
            .Replace("\0", ""));
        public static FractalGraph CalcHalley(double rCenter, double iCenter, double rDelta, Complex R,
                                              ILambdaExpression f, ScriptNode fDef, Variables Variables, SKColor[] Palette, int Width, int Height,
                                              ScriptNode Node, FractalZoomScript FractalZoomScript, object State)
            byte[]  reds;
            byte[]  greens;
            byte[]  blues;
            double  RRe = R.Real;
            double  RIm = R.Imaginary;
            double  r0, i0, r1, i1;
            double  dr, di;
            double  r, i;
            double  aspect;
            int     x, y;
            int     n, N;
            SKColor cl;

            N      = Palette.Length;
            reds   = new byte[N];
            greens = new byte[N];
            blues  = new byte[N];

            for (x = 0; x < N; x++)
                cl        = Palette[x];
                reds[x]   = cl.Red;
                greens[x] = cl.Green;
                blues[x]  = cl.Blue;

            Variables v = new Variables();


            string ParameterName;

            if (!(f is IDifferentiable Differentiable) ||
                !(Differentiable.Differentiate(ParameterName = Differentiable.DefaultVariableName, v) is ILambdaExpression fPrim))
                throw new ScriptRuntimeException("Lambda expression not differentiable.", Node);

            if (!(fPrim is IDifferentiable Differentiable2) ||
                !(Differentiable2.Differentiate(ParameterName, v) is ILambdaExpression fBis))
                throw new ScriptRuntimeException("Lambda expression not twice differentiable.", Node);

            int    size = Width * Height * 4;
            double Conv = 1e-10;
            double Div  = 1e10;

            byte[] rgb = new byte[size];

            Complex[]  Row;
            Complex[]  Row2;
            Complex[]  Row3;
            Complex[]  Row4;
            int[]      Offset;
            IElement[] P = new IElement[1];
            int        j, c, x2;
            IElement   Obj, Obj2, Obj3;
            double     Mod;
            Complex    z, z2, z3;
            Complex    R2 = R * 2;

            rDelta *= 0.5;
            r0      = rCenter - rDelta;
            r1      = rCenter + rDelta;

            aspect = ((double)Width) / Height;

            i0 = iCenter - rDelta / aspect;
            i1 = iCenter + rDelta / aspect;

            dr = (r1 - r0) / Width;
            di = (i1 - i0) / Height;

            for (y = 0, i = i0; y < Height; y++, i += di)
                Row    = new Complex[Width];
                Offset = new int[Width];

                c = Width;
                for (x = 0, x2 = y * Width * 4, r = r0; x < Width; x++, r += dr, x2 += 4)
                    Row[x]    = new Complex(r, i);
                    Offset[x] = x2;

                n = 0;
                while (n < N && c > 0)
                    P[0] = Expression.Encapsulate(Row);
                    Obj  = f.Evaluate(P, v);
                    Obj2 = fPrim.Evaluate(P, v);
                    Obj3 = fBis.Evaluate(P, v);
                    Row2 = Obj.AssociatedObjectValue as Complex[];
                    Row3 = Obj2.AssociatedObjectValue as Complex[];
                    Row4 = Obj3.AssociatedObjectValue as Complex[];

                    if (Row2 is null || Row3 is null || Row4 is null)
                        throw new ScriptRuntimeException("Lambda expression (and its first and second derivative) must be able to accept complex vectors, " +
                                                         "and return complex vectors of equal length. Type returned: " +
                                                         Obj.GetType().FullName + ", " + Obj2.GetType().FullName + " and " + Obj3.GetType().FullName,
Exemple #14
    public void InicializarCofre()
        Random.seed = (int)System.DateTime.Now.Ticks;
            numero1 = Random.value;
        } while (numero1 < 0.00 || numero1 > 0.47);
        numero1 *= 100;
        numero1  = (int)numero1;
            numero2 = Random.value;
        } while (numero2 < 0.00 || numero2 > 0.47);
        numero2 *= 100;
        numero2  = (int)numero2;
            numero3 = Random.value;
        } while (numero3 < 0.00 || numero3 > 0.47);
        numero3 *= 100;
        numero3  = (int)numero3;
        Debug.Log(numero1 + " " + numero2 + " " + numero3);

        Obj1.GetComponent <Image>().sprite = Resources.Load <Sprite>("Sprites/" + numero1.ToString());
        Obj1.GetComponent <ObjetoId>().id  = (int)numero1;
        switch (PersonajeIdPorObjeto((int)numero1))
        case 1:
            Per1.GetComponent <Image>().sprite = Resources.Load <Sprite>("Sprites/" + "princesa");

        case 2:
            Per1.GetComponent <Image>().sprite = Resources.Load <Sprite>("Sprites/" + "mago");

        case 3:
            Per1.GetComponent <Image>().sprite = Resources.Load <Sprite>("Sprites/" + "caballero");

        case 4:
            Per1.GetComponent <Image>().sprite = Resources.Load <Sprite>("Sprites/" + "herrero");

        case 5:
            Per1.GetComponent <Image>().sprite = Resources.Load <Sprite>("Sprites/" + "vacio");

        Obj2.GetComponent <Image>().sprite = Resources.Load <Sprite>("Sprites/" + numero2.ToString());
        Obj2.GetComponent <ObjetoId>().id  = (int)numero2;
        switch (PersonajeIdPorObjeto((int)numero2))
        case 1:
            Per2.GetComponent <Image>().sprite = Resources.Load <Sprite>("Sprites/" + "princesa");

        case 2:
            Per2.GetComponent <Image>().sprite = Resources.Load <Sprite>("Sprites/" + "mago");

        case 3:
            Per2.GetComponent <Image>().sprite = Resources.Load <Sprite>("Sprites/" + "caballero");

        case 4:
            Per2.GetComponent <Image>().sprite = Resources.Load <Sprite>("Sprites/" + "herrero");

        case 5:
            Per2.GetComponent <Image>().sprite = Resources.Load <Sprite>("Sprites/" + "vacio");

        Obj3.GetComponent <Image>().sprite = Resources.Load <Sprite>("Sprites/" + numero3.ToString());
        Obj3.GetComponent <ObjetoId>().id  = (int)numero3;
        switch (PersonajeIdPorObjeto((int)numero3))
        case 1:
            Per3.GetComponent <Image>().sprite = Resources.Load <Sprite>("Sprites/" + "princesa");

        case 2:
            Per3.GetComponent <Image>().sprite = Resources.Load <Sprite>("Sprites/" + "mago");

        case 3:
            Per3.GetComponent <Image>().sprite = Resources.Load <Sprite>("Sprites/" + "caballero");

        case 4:
            Per3.GetComponent <Image>().sprite = Resources.Load <Sprite>("Sprites/" + "herrero");

        case 5:
            Per3.GetComponent <Image>().sprite = Resources.Load <Sprite>("Sprites/" + "vacio");
        public static FractalGraph CalcNewtonSmooth(double rCenter, double iCenter, double rDelta, Complex R,
                                                    ILambdaExpression f, ScriptNode fDef, Variables Variables, SKColor[] Palette, int Width, int Height,
                                                    ScriptNode Node, FractalZoomScript FractalZoomScript, object State)
            double RRe = R.Real;
            double RIm = R.Imaginary;
            double r0, i0, r1, i1;
            double dr, di;
            double r, i;
            double aspect;
            int    x, y;
            int    n, N;

            N = Palette.Length;

            if (Width <= 2 || Height <= 2)
                throw new ScriptRuntimeException("Width and Height has to be greater than 2.", Node);

            Variables v = new Variables();


            if (!(f is IDifferentiable Differentiable) ||
                !(Differentiable.Differentiate(Differentiable.DefaultVariableName, v) is ILambdaExpression fPrim))
                throw new ScriptRuntimeException("Lambda expression not differentiable.", Node);

            int    Size = Width * Height;
            double Conv = 1e-10;
            double Div  = 1e10;

            double[] ColorIndex = new double[Size];
            int      Index      = 0;

            Complex[]  Row;
            Complex[]  Row2;
            Complex[]  Row3;
            int[]      Offset;
            IElement[] P = new IElement[1];
            int        j, c, x2;
            IElement   Obj, Obj2;
            double     Mod;
            Complex    z;

            rDelta *= 0.5;
            r0      = rCenter - rDelta;
            r1      = rCenter + rDelta;

            aspect = ((double)Width) / Height;

            i0 = iCenter - rDelta / aspect;
            i1 = iCenter + rDelta / aspect;

            dr = (r1 - r0) / Width;
            di = (i1 - i0) / Height;

            for (y = 0, i = i0; y < Height; y++, i += di)
                Row    = new Complex[Width];
                Offset = new int[Width];

                c = Width;
                for (x = 0, x2 = y * Width, r = r0; x < Width; x++, r += dr, x2++)
                    Row[x]    = new Complex(r, i);
                    Offset[x] = x2;

                n = 0;
                while (n < N && c > 0)
                    P[0] = Expression.Encapsulate(Row);
                    Obj  = f.Evaluate(P, v);
                    Obj2 = fPrim.Evaluate(P, v);
                    Row2 = Obj.AssociatedObjectValue as Complex[];
                    Row3 = Obj2.AssociatedObjectValue as Complex[];

                    if (Row2 == null || Row3 == null)
                        throw new ScriptRuntimeException("Lambda expression (and its first derivative) must be able to accept complex vectors, " +
                                                         "and return complex vectors of equal length. Type returned: " +
                                                         Obj.GetType().FullName + " and " + Obj2.GetType().FullName, Node);
                    else if (Row2.Length != c || Row3.Length != c)
                        throw new ScriptRuntimeException("Lambda expression (and its first derivative) must be able to accept complex vectors, " +
                                                         "and return complex vectors of equal length. Length returned: " +
                                                         Row2.Length.ToString() + " and " + Row3.Length.ToString() +
                                                         ". Expected: " + c.ToString(), Node);

                    for (x = x2 = 0; x < c; x++)
                        j       = Offset[x];
                        z       = R * Row2[x] / Row3[x];
                        Row[x] -= z;

                        Mod = z.Magnitude;

                        if (Mod > Conv && Mod < Div)
                            if (x != x2)
                                Offset[x2] = j;

                            if (n >= N)
                                ColorIndex[Index++] = N;
                                ColorIndex[j++] = n;

                    if (x2 < x)
                        Array.Resize <Complex>(ref Row, x2);
                        Array.Resize <int>(ref Offset, x2);
                        c = x2;

            Node.Expression.Preview(new GraphBitmap(FractalGraph.ToBitmap(ColorIndex, Width, Height, Palette)));

            double[] Boundary = FractalGraph.FindBoundaries(ColorIndex, Width, Height);
            FractalGraph.Smooth(ColorIndex, Boundary, Width, Height, N, Palette, Node, Variables);

            return(new FractalGraph(FractalGraph.ToBitmap(ColorIndex, Width, Height, Palette),
                                    r0, i0, r1, i1, rDelta * 2, true, Node, FractalZoomScript, State));
Exemple #16
 public Facade()
     this.obj1 = new Obj1();
     this.obj2 = new Obj2();
Exemple #17
    /// <summary>
    /// Spawna un Obj2 sulla posizione dello spawner
    /// </summary>
    public void SpawnObj2()
        Obj2 obj = (manager.GetFirstAvaiableObject <Obj2>() as Obj2);

        public static FractalGraph CalcNewtonSmooth(double rCenter, double iCenter, double rDelta, Complex R,
                                                    ILambdaExpression f, ScriptNode fDef, Variables Variables, SKColor[] Palette, int Width, int Height,
                                                    ScriptNode Node, FractalZoomScript FractalZoomScript, object State)
            double RRe = R.Real;
            double RIm = R.Imaginary;
            double r0, i0, r1, i1;
            double dr, di;
            double r, i;
            double aspect;
            int    x, y;
            int    n, N;

            N = Palette.Length;

            if (Width <= 2 || Height <= 2)
                throw new ScriptRuntimeException("Width and Height has to be greater than 2.", Node);

            Variables v = new Variables();


            if (!(f is IDifferentiable Differentiable) ||
                !(Differentiable.Differentiate(Differentiable.DefaultVariableName, v) is ILambdaExpression fPrim))
                throw new ScriptRuntimeException("Lambda expression not differentiable.", Node);

            int    Size = Width * Height;
            double Conv = 1e-10;
            double Div  = 1e10;

            double[] ColorIndex = new double[Size];
            int      Index      = 0;

            Complex[]  Row;
            Complex[]  Row2;
            Complex[]  Row3;
            int[]      Offset;
            IElement[] P = new IElement[1];
            int        j, c, x2;
            IElement   Obj, Obj2;
            double     Mod;
            Complex    z;

            rDelta *= 0.5;
            r0      = rCenter - rDelta;
            r1      = rCenter + rDelta;

            aspect = ((double)Width) / Height;

            i0 = iCenter - rDelta / aspect;
            i1 = iCenter + rDelta / aspect;

            dr = (r1 - r0) / Width;
            di = (i1 - i0) / Height;

            for (y = 0, i = i0; y < Height; y++, i += di)
                Row    = new Complex[Width];
                Offset = new int[Width];

                c = Width;
                for (x = 0, x2 = y * Width, r = r0; x < Width; x++, r += dr, x2++)
                    Row[x]    = new Complex(r, i);
                    Offset[x] = x2;

                n = 0;
                while (n < N && c > 0)
                    P[0] = Expression.Encapsulate(Row);
                    Obj  = f.Evaluate(P, v);
                    Obj2 = fPrim.Evaluate(P, v);
                    Row2 = Obj.AssociatedObjectValue as Complex[];
                    Row3 = Obj2.AssociatedObjectValue as Complex[];

                    if (Row2 is null || Row3 is null)
                        throw new ScriptRuntimeException("Lambda expression (and its first derivative) must be able to accept complex vectors, " +
                                                         "and return complex vectors of equal length. Type returned: " +
                                                         Obj.GetType().FullName + " and " + Obj2.GetType().FullName, Node);
        public static FractalGraph CalcNewton(double rCenter, double iCenter, double rDelta, Complex R,
                                              ILambdaExpression f, ScriptNode fDef, Variables Variables, int N, int Width, int Height,
                                              ScriptNode Node, FractalZoomScript FractalZoomScript, object State)
            double        RRe             = R.Real;
            double        RIm             = R.Imaginary;
            List <double> AttractorsR     = new List <double>();
            List <double> AttractorsI     = new List <double>();
            List <int>    AttractorColors = new List <int>();

            double[] AttractorsR2 = new double[0];
            double[] AttractorsI2 = new double[0];
            int[]    AttractorsColors2 = new int[0];
            double   r0, i0, r1, i1;
            double   dr, di;
            double   r, i;
            double   zr, zi;
            double   aspect;
            int      x, y, b, c, d;
            int      NrAttractors = 0;
            int      n;
            int      index;

            Variables v = new Variables();


            if (!(f is IDifferentiable Differentiable) ||
                !(Differentiable.Differentiate(Differentiable.DefaultVariableName, v) is ILambdaExpression fPrim))
                throw new ScriptRuntimeException("Lambda expression not differentiable.", Node);

            int    size  = Width * Height * 4;
            double Conv  = 1e-10;
            double Div   = 1e10;
            double Conv2 = Conv * 2;

            byte[] rgb = new byte[size];

            Complex[]  Row;
            Complex[]  Row2;
            Complex[]  Row3;
            int[]      Offset;
            IElement[] P = new IElement[1];
            int        j, x2;
            IElement   Obj, Obj2;
            double     Mod;
            Complex    z;

            rDelta *= 0.5;
            r0      = rCenter - rDelta;
            r1      = rCenter + rDelta;

            aspect = ((double)Width) / Height;

            i0 = iCenter - rDelta / aspect;
            i1 = iCenter + rDelta / aspect;

            dr = (r1 - r0) / Width;
            di = (i1 - i0) / Height;

            for (y = 0, i = i0, index = 0; y < Height; y++, i += di)
                Row    = new Complex[Width];
                Offset = new int[Width];

                c = Width;
                for (x = 0, x2 = y * Width * 4, r = r0; x < Width; x++, r += dr, x2 += 4)
                    Row[x]    = new Complex(r, i);
                    Offset[x] = x2;

                n = 0;
                while (n < N && c > 0)
                    P[0] = Expression.Encapsulate(Row);
                    Obj  = f.Evaluate(P, v);
                    Obj2 = fPrim.Evaluate(P, v);
                    Row2 = Obj.AssociatedObjectValue as Complex[];
                    Row3 = Obj2.AssociatedObjectValue as Complex[];

                    if (Row2 is null || Row3 is null)
                        throw new ScriptRuntimeException("Lambda expression (and its first derivative) must be able to accept complex vectors, " +
                                                         "and return complex vectors of equal length. Type returned: " +
                                                         Obj.GetType().FullName + " and " + Obj2.GetType().FullName, Node);