static async Task Main(string[] args)
            var oauthAccessMethod = new OauthAccessMethod("Slack app client ID", "Slack app client secret", "temp auth code")
                RedirectUri = "Slack app authorized redirect URL"

            var webClient = await SlackWebClientFactory.CreateWebClient("userId", oauthAccessMethod);

            var connectionResponse = await webClient.CallApiMethod <ConnectResponse>(new RtmConnectMethod());

            var slackClient = new SlackRtmClient();

            if (connectionResponse.Ok)
                await slackClient.Connect(connectionResponse.Url);

                slackClient.BindEvent <ReactionAddedEvent>(ReactionAddedCallback);
                slackClient.BindEvent <ReactionRemovedEvent>(ReactionRemovedCallback);

                Console.WriteLine("User connected");

        public static async Task <SlackWebClient> CreateWebClient(string userId, OauthAccessMethod method)
            var response = await new SlackWebClient().CallApiMethod <OauthAccessResponse>(method);

            if (response.Ok)
                return(new SlackWebClient(new SlackUser(response.AccessToken, userId, response.TeamId)));

Exemple #3
        static async Task Main(string[] args)
            var tempAuthCode      = "Temporary authorization code given by Slack when a user authorizes your app";
            var oauthAccessMethod = new OauthAccessMethod("Slack app client ID", "Slack app client secret", tempAuthCode)
                RedirectUri = "Slack app authorized redirect URL"
            var slackClient = await AuthorizeClient(oauthAccessMethod);

            await TestAuth(slackClient);

Exemple #4
 /// <summary>
 /// Exchange the temporary code for the user's secret token.
 /// </summary>
 /// <param name="oauthAccessMethod">OAuth access method options.</param>
 /// <returns>Client that will allow taking authorized actions on behalf of the user.</returns>
 private static async Task <SlackWebClient> AuthorizeClient(OauthAccessMethod oauthAccessMethod)
     return(await SlackWebClientFactory.CreateWebClient("userId", oauthAccessMethod));